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Was it June when the sprouts hit the stove Baz?


I had sprouts with Thanksgiving Day Turkey (amongst many other things). Last year Maria roasted them with garlic  - which was rather nice - this year I suggested she made them as my mother used to, boiling.


So I was handed a spoonful of pallid, limp things. Never tell an Italian to cook as your English mother did, is the answer....


Best, Pete.


Sprouts, boil briefly then toss in melted butter and nutmeg. Yummy.


Weather update. Windy. No, seriously. Mild, dry but overcast. The wind is verrry cold. Busy doing C*******s shopping on line. It's so much easier but I have to pretend to be doing something else if Steph pokes her head around the door.


I have a bit of a dilemma at the moment. The aged retired priest who lives across the road from us died a couple of days ago. Since he had his house built a few years ago he has been a real pain. When Steph went across the road to introduce herself he was offhand with her, in fact he was quite unpleasant. Another of our neighbours did the same and was told to leave his property immediately as he wanted nothing to do with her sort as she was living in sin. She and her partner have been together for fifteen years. One day he rang me up and summoned me to come and see him. Intrigued, I did so. Without any preliminaries he told me to cut down our hedge as it was spoiling his view of the sea and, if I didn't, he would get someone to do it.  I pointed out that even if I did cut it down, he would then have a better view of the hedge at the bottom of the garden and the bungalow beyond. Furthermore, if I came home and found it gone, I would see him in court. To which he replied that he could do what he wanted because he was a priest. We haven't spoken since. Now to the dilemma. Do I go to the wake? I am tempted not to but I think Steph will go.


Have a nice day.

Edited by Killybegs
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A pig just flew past. Despite being very, very rural, and thus not expecting the benefits that townies take for granted, I have just received a letter saying that the Commune is looking into provision of fibre optic broadband. Surveys will be under way shortly. My present system is via the telephone pole-route, and manages about 3.6 Mb on a really good day. If the new system comes in that might rise exponentially. Crikey.


Less thrilling is the real risk my trip to Blighty might be off. Cooper still hasn't been treated. The vet cleaned all the scabbing, told me to continue to clean the wound, come back Monday. Thanks. I leave on Wednesday. Even if the stitching has finally happened, Cooper will need to wear a collar, be looked after. Alison's bi-daily visits are not adequate to cover that, and she has a busy life anyway. Sherry suggested the vet doing the caring. He has given me a contact who might do the biz. We'll see.

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Do I go to the wake? I am tempted not to but I think Steph will go.


Have a nice day.

Either go to the funeral to ensure the stupid etc is well and truly buried, or organise a street party to celbrate his passing. You may not be short of guests.
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Good morning one and all


Lunch out yesterday was enjoyable.  Both diners had fish and chips with garden peas rather than the mushy ones on the menu.  This diner regards tartar sauce as the love child of Artex and wallpaper paste and asked, with some diffidence, if he might have ketchup instead.  A little pot arrived, far more seemly than the Heinz bottle so often provided.  At this point I will shhare with you a short verse by the great American poet Ogden Nash:


"When you shake and shake the bottle

First none will come and then a lot'll".


Later came some distressing news.  A good friend has been admitted to hospital.  It seems that he called the police and told them that he had a knife.  Thank goodness for two things: first, that he made the call, second, that the police responded.  The outcome could have been so much worse.  How long he will be in hospital and what happens next is anyone's guess.  No doubt more news will emerge as time goes on but his friends will be wondering what they can do, or could have done.


Let us hope for better news.



Chris, sorry to hear about your friend, but sounds like for now a good outcome. Hope for the best.

On the subject of tartar sauce - I think your comment does a grave injustice to Artex and wallpaper paste! :jester: Can't abide tartar sauce myself, good grief what sadist concocted that disaster! I do like malt vinegar with my fish and chips, unfortunately many places in the US serving fish and chips (AND trying to push that fare as authentic English style) don't even seem to know what that is. I avoid those like the plague and will only order/eat said meal at establishments that know how to serve it :)


 Do I go to the wake? I am tempted not to but I think Steph will go.


Have a nice day.

I'm with the sod that, not a chance camp.

Whilst it might be an incorrect stereotype, I thought it was traditional in your neck of the woods to attend pretty much every one of these if they were local folks, so maybe there's a precedent.

Frankly, if there's someone who is not even a friendly neighbor (happy we have none of those at the moment) and actually an officious/miserable bugger into the bargain, the last thing I'd do is waste my valuable time at said event! Even at the risk of being struck by lightning etc.



Good to hear from Debs and also that Sherry is not too much the worse for her experience. Sorry to hear Ian(OD) may be facing some issues regarding your trip mate.



POETS day here, for real, as I have to leave the cave dwelling by around 1PM to make JFK for my flight home.

Totally devoid of ANYTHING to report from here for yesterday - a void except for work, unless you'd like me to expound on the panic that is starting to set in as an ill prepared client ramps up to go live with a new ERP system at the beginning of the year! No, I thought not :)


6 here and sunny, headed for 9 as the high around the time I leave. At home it's -6 and might make 6 (wot it is here, now) for the high, but I'll not see that as I get in early evening.


POE if you are working and get the chance, otherwise the rest of you, make sure you do the shopping early before they all get crowded.

Edited by Ian Abel
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Weather update. Met Eireann has just issued a red alert for torrential rain for the next 36 hours and an orange one for storm force winds for the next 24 hours. Nothing like going out with a bang! This is the first red alert we have had for rain in the fifteen years we have been here. Should I be starting work on the Ark?

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I'm with the sod that, not a chance camp.

Whilst it might be an incorrect stereotype, I thought it was traditional in your neck of the woods to attend pretty much every one of these if they were local folks, so maybe there's a precedent.

Frankly, if there's someone who is not even a friendly neighbor (happy we have none of those at the moment) and actually an officious/miserable bugger into the bargain, the last thing I'd do is waste my valuable time at said event! Even at the risk of being struck by lightning etc.





You are correct about the precedent but, in view of the weather forecast, I'm a bit worried about the lightning!


Steph says she's going to take some flapjacks over. She's a good girl.

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You are correct about the precedent but, in view of the weather forecast, I'm a bit worried about the lightning!


Steph says she's going to take some flapjacks over. She's a good girl.

Given the circumstances I'd say she's a Saint, then again maybe she's just trying to provide a balance so you (and others) don't get zapped :)

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Weather update. Met Eireann has just issued a red alert for torrential rain for the next 36 hours and an orange one for storm force winds for the next 24 hours. Nothing like going out with a bang! This is the first red alert we have had for rain in the fifteen years we have been here. Should I be starting work on the Ark?


Could it be the gates of Hades opening to welcome a good and loyal servant?

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sprouts were on last January - they need a good simmer. More bought this morning...for next year.....


finished my face improvement tablets. Feeling better already.


Customer has been and collected some more weathered stock and I now have some of LGs coaches here as well for potential sale NOT weathering.


Good to hear from Debs and I hope that everyone who has been missing recently (and not so recently) can call in in the run up to Christmas.



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finished my face improvement tablets. Feeling better already.



Have you any spare I can think of several people wo are in dire need of a packet of them.   One lady in our church is so sour faced that someone asked if my wife could stand in front of the sourpuss in question so she didn't have to look at her.



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The Forth Road Bridge has now been closed until New Year. That's going to cause absolute chaos in the Central Belt. There were 11 mile tailbacks this morning around the Kincardine Bridge. I may have to change my route to Glasgow over the next few weeks as I usually head up the M9, but that's going to be far busier with people taking the Kincardine Bridge instead of the Forth Road Bridge.

You’re not kidding. My favorite 2nd cousin lives a short way over the bridge, she’s a big cheese in the RBS - you might even have met her. I was told that there was an 11 mile tailback on the alternative route this am...


Gun laws over here are strange as they depend on the relevant State. It would actually be easier for someone here in New Jersey to fly to Brussels (avoiding Sprouts) and buy an AK47....

Unless you’re a Cop or in the Justice Division you may not carry any kind of gun outside the house unless you are going directly to and from the Range/Hunt. Concealed carry is a strict no-no.

Bloody Pennsylvania is the exact opposite and they almost make you carry one (a pistol that is).

Mind you carrying a carton of Cigarettes across the state line from Pennsylvania to New Jersey is still an offense.


Best, Pete.


STOP PRESS: The deceased male gunman turns out to have pledged allegiance to IS. So perhaps we can just have sympathy for the victim’s families now. Even more saddening it turns out that their neighbors were so concerned about racial profiling that they did not call the local Police with their worries about them.

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Weather update. Met Eireann has just issued a red alert for torrential rain for the next 36 hours and an orange one for storm force winds for the next 24 hours. Nothing like going out with a bang! This is the first red alert we have had for rain in the fifteen years we have been here. Should I be starting work on the Ark?

If you get the ark built, please sail it round to West Cumbria and pick me up!  We have an amber alert here as well for rain, and that is after two areas north of us were flooded last night and the Cumbrian Coast line was disrupted by two landslips at Aspatria and Wigton.


I notice that the winds are likely to be the highest of the autumn so far, but no mention of a name for this storm - probably because it wont be affecting the muppets in London who decide these things (and possibly because they would run out of names very quickly at the current rate).  The wind is definitely getting up just now (and no, I haven't been on the sprouts yet!)

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Just thought I would pass on a warning to fellow ERs about the Coca-Cola Festive Truck touring the country at the moment. Yesterday afternoon and evening it was at a superstore on the north Cardiff junction of the M4 and managed to cause a total gridlock




My daughter, driving from the west on the M4 had her journey time extended by over an hour. She ended going one junction further along the motorway and then cutting across Cardiff.


So if this truck is coming your way avoid the area!






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' Afternoon all from red dragon land.
Forecast? Sunny all day.  :laugh:
Went to town to post some mail and pick up some bread in case we get weather trapped and the boatyard to tie down the cockpit-cabin cover more securely and check rigging and boat cradle.  By the time we got back it was dark, wet and windy again.
Tomorrow's forecast around here speak of winds gusting up to 67+ knots.  Boatyard staff are on standby.
A couple of views from the boatyard.
The other side of the fence, camera shoved through the bars.
By now the wind was moaning and rigging was clanking, the wind getting worse in the short time we were there. 
Quite a noisy place when the wind's howling.

Edited by southern42
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:bye: Good morning E.R`s.....Wishing a lovely day for you all. :tender:


Debs. and the Collies.


:bye: Good afternoon Debs.  Great to see you posting.  :tender:

All the best to you and the Collies

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