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  • RMweb Gold

I think there may have been some historical tension between the computer centre where I worked and the expense check people in the town hall. Our head of centre was summoned to attend a training session as he had authorised a claim form that a colleague had completed in dark blue ink not black. He returned it with a note saying he was too busy to attend, his staff were too busy to attend and enclosed a permanent marker for their use to ink over the claim form.

Edited by Tony_S
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Well, the meal last night went very well with eldest son, his partner and our grand-daughter. His roast potatoes are almost as good as mine.


We're travelling to London tomorrow for my father's funeral on Wednesday; orders of service printed (we're only expecting 8 or 9), eulogy written and practised. Seems strange to be saying goodbye to someone you've known for 15 years when it should be four times that. Anyway, will not be taking my MacBook so will be away from internet and email until Friday.


Yes thanks, Jock, am feeling pretty good - this is my drug-free week, with 3rd chemo iv next Monday; next week I'll just feel knackered.


So, hope you all have a good week, see you on Poets day.



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  • RMweb Premium

Evening all from Estuary-Land. On the subject of Saxons and Angles they were both part of a wider group of peoples hence Anglo-Saxon, the difference was largely political in that they were separate kingdoms but language and culture were almost identical. As I discovered when doing my family history, there was a lot more movement of people and goods across the river Thames than through the hinterland. The biggest influence is of course London, I was born in Romford and raised in the local area and it is still in Essex as far as I am concerned not in East London as even the media claim today.

Edited by PhilJ W
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I had no idea that current county borderlines and names were “settled” by ancient people...............you live and you learn. :drag:


Freaking Angles! East Saxons Rool, er, OK!


09:30 into Waterloo late today by twenty minutes...


Best, Pete.


The Normans did it based on older tradition



Edited by Coombe Barton
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Evening all.  Ian Abel, I've got the same prototype on my workbench, except mine is in O gauge: worth noting that some had S______ numbers and others had B______ numbers.  Sorry, camera on the blink.


So that is Monday out of the way, just the next six days to get through.


Something that mildly interests me is how the English dioceses came about.  Until 1874, what are now St Albans and Chelmsford dioceses were part of Rochester.  Obviously strong links across the River Thames.



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  • RMweb Gold

When the Saxons defeated the Danes at the battle of Benfleet, the Danish warriors had to walk back to York as the Saxons used their boats to take the captured women, children and loot to sell in Rochester.

Edited by Tony_S
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I went out today to play in the regular twice-a-week "over-60 retired guys" soccer game. Got there to find all 4 pitches closed because of the weather - including the two all-weather pitches! Temperature had been about minus 5 overnight, but we've played on them in much colder weather in the past. It wasn't too bad for me - I only live about 6 km away - but there's guys come from 40 km away to play. And it's not as if you can just to ahead and play. Get caught doing that and you lose your field permit.


Oh well - weather forecast is for rain for the rest of the week, so we should get to play on Thursday.

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  • RMweb Gold

Evening all


ISTR there was a film called Catch 22, in which if you claimed you had gone insane due to the state of the conflict in which you were engaged, you were unable to be discharged, because the knowledge that you had gone insane could not be held by the insane. Or something like that.


Today I rang the Consultant's secretary about 11 - Mondays start slowly in France for workers - and advised her that I had an infection. She promised to contact the Consultant and let me know. 4 hours later I rang again. Still haven't heard, she said. Miraculously 10 minutes later she rang back - and offered a prescription faxed to my nearest chemist. Brill. But here comes the Catch 22. Before I can actually take the antibiotics, Consultant wants a urine sample. These can only be conducted early in the day, so the lab gets the sample fresh. So I have the tablets but may not take them until breakfast, by which time I will have provided the sample. Oh, well.


Sherry is safely back in Torbay, and her family home has sold today, so she is now worth a bit more, too! And you thought I married her for her cooking skills!


Goodnight all.

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Evening all.  Ian Abel, I've got the same prototype on my workbench, except mine is in O gauge: worth noting that some had S______ numbers and others had B______ numbers.  Sorry, camera on the blink.


So that is Monday out of the way, just the next six days to get through.


Something that mildly interests me is how the English dioceses came about.  Until 1874, what are now St Albans and Chelmsford dioceses were part of Rochester.  Obviously strong links across the River Thames.



Bill thanks for that. There's something about that in the sparse notes Ratio provide. Sadly I'm very ill-educated on the numbering/timeframe sorts of things and would probably just slap on any old number, I suppose it is worth a little research :) I've a second one to make also as I always feel you need a minimum of a pair of these kits to stand a chance of actually getting one/them right! :jester:



Sitting right now at MSP airport, had the Mrs drop me off early so she can avoid the weather and traffic. Been here about 45 minutes with another 1:45 to go before departure. The snow has just started to pick up so it was a good decision. Of course that will likely mean that it'll be really carp time we're supposed to depart and given they're already running the de-icing pads at full tilt, I'm sure we'll be a typical 45 minutes late after we've been cycled through the de-icing.


Jemma got the all clear from the doc and is driving as we speak back to Billings, also hopefully missing any real weather as she is headed pretty much north/northwest and the weather is coming up from the south-west. He did book her for a second follow-up Christmas week (she'll be in town then) and also check in with an allergist as some of the crud (not sure what else to call it) they removed has indications that its the result of allergies.


Sleep well everyone,

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Something that mildly interests me is how the English dioceses came about.  Until 1874, what are now St Albans and Chelmsford dioceses were part of Rochester.  Obviously strong links across the River Thames.






See the Wikipedia entry for the Diocese of Rochester which says "The current diocesan boundaries roughly match its pre-19th century extent. On 1 January 1846 parishes in Hertfordshire from the dioceses of Lincoln and of London and Essex (from London diocese) were added to Rochester, while all West Kent parishes except those in the Rochester Deanery were transferred to the Diocese of Canterbury."


It also has a pointer to an on-line copy of The Dioceses of England: An Outline History.  As usual, Commissions always take a few tries to get things right.  :dontknow:



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  • RMweb Premium

Sorry, didn't post last night as catching up from being away at the NEC for the weekend. Not a bad journey up the M6 considering the weather.

Thanks to all the ER's and RMwebbers that stopped by to have a chat.


Show closed at 5pm and thanks to Barry O, a car park pass came my way, which meant I could be loaded and on my way by 5.30. Home for 7.30pm and large (medicinal) beverage consumed.


A fairly full day at work nearly didn't start as I awoke at 8 with a hideously sore throat and little vocal command, not good for my job, but I decided to give it a go and by 9am with the help of some Day Nurse capsules, I was feeling a bit better.

A quick break in the afternoon for a visit to the dentist to have a temporary crown fixed with a permanent one (the old one was kn*ckered). Then back on the road with a half-numbed mouth.....


Anyway, that's me done until Sunday as tomorrow teatime will see me on one of Michael O'Leary's finest 737's to join Mrs and Junior NB in Portugal for a few days. I delayed my outbound trip so I could go to the NEC!


Apparently, it's 18-19deg C for the next few days out there.


I won't be ER at all, as we get up when we get up to do not much.


There will be some work done, as my annual tax return is due, but that'll be accomplished poolside with suitable refreshments.

I also need to sort out my ever expanding photo collection now located on my new PC (Don't worry, two full backups are staying at home). I gave up trying to install Windows 10 on it and gave it to wife's work IT guy to install it, along with other suitable office type programs and AV software.


Our Niece is house (and cat)-sitting and bringing her Jack Russell to stay. Our two cats and the dog aren't the best of friends.... but they will tolerate each other


Have a good week folks.




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Evening all.........


.....Sherry is safely back in Torbay, and her family home has sold today, so she is now worth a bit more, too! And you thought I married her for her cooking skills!


Goodnight all.

When I was 18, an elderly spinster with whom I was discussing my mother's despair over my lack of domestic skills (she actually said it would affect my marriage prospects!) assured me that potential boyfriends weren't bothered about that sort of thing.


As to my mother's pronouncement, I've been married twice - so far!!

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  • RMweb Gold

Greetings from south west Florida, it's all back to normal here after the thanksgiving weekend it is very quiet and only 3 others at the swimming pool!

I did have the misfortune to be at the pool on Saturday trying to read a book whilst one lady in the pool whose volume control had got stuck on high treated me to the delights of the American language whilst she conversed with a friend.


Holy crap


Your kidding get out of here


That's awesome


Good job etc etc


At which point I put my headphones on to drown the conversation out!


The weather at home seems to have been unpleasant according to my youngest who had to endure a 27 hour power cut, no telly and iPad and phone not able to be charged!

How the young take power for granted!


Hope everyone has a great Tuesday



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Pages are taking so long to load that become bored.............yeah, I know that I have a problem ........


Spotty rain tomorrow (how does one catch a falling rain drop to check), a little more on Wednesday. Mild again by the weekend. Still running an eight inch rain deficit.


The storm that Ian is about to get (foot of snow in Minneapolis expected) will go to our north and then head where? You can guess.....


Later, Pete.

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  • RMweb Gold

The weather at home seems to have been unpleasant according to my youngest who had to endure a 27 hour power cut, no telly and iPad and phone not able to be charged!

How the young take power for granted!

Hope everyone has a great Tuesday


Matthew has a friend whose parents don't have Internet or mobile phones. He said they seem to live in the 1950s. I explained he probably meant the 1980s.

Aditi's Mum tells nice stories about her life as a young person in India. I shall have to ask about whether they had electricity in 1940s Lahore. They certainly had their own buffalo for milk.

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  • RMweb Gold

Pages are taking so long to load that become bored.............yeah, I know that I have a problem ........


Spotty rain tomorrow (how does one catch a falling rain drop to check), a little more on Wednesday. Mild again by the weekend. Still running an eight inch rain deficit.


The storm that Ian is about to get (foot of snow in Minneapolis expected) will go to our north and then head where? You can guess.....


Later, Pete.

The BBC inform us that the full list of storm names chosen for selection are: Abigail, Barney, Clodagh, Desmond, Eva, Frank, Gertrude, Henry, Imogen, Jake, Katie, Lawrence, Mary, Nigel, Orla, Phil, Rhonda, Steve, Tegan, Vernon and Wendy.

So will Ian's storm end up as Desmond or Eva perhaps?

Edited by Tony_S
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  • RMweb Gold


Sherry is safely back in Torbay, and her family home has sold today, so she is now worth a bit more, too! And you thought I married her for her cooking skills!


Goodnight all.

Perhaps you could tactfully suggest a small 7.25" gauge line around your grounds.  A small  0-2-0t (note the French style axle arrangement) Decauville would probably fit the bill quite nicely.


Alternatively, if you've not got the space, you can arrange to have it sent to my house, and I will not only find the space for you, but will erect the line and run it on your behalf.

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