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  • RMweb Gold

The other “odd” thing I liked about Essex, when I lived there, is that in the mornings driving into London the Sun is at your back, coming home the reverse.

I live to the west of NYC and the Sun in my eyes is a bane, particularly in winter.


South Weald is quite high too.


Best, Pete.

I really like Essex. I don't think we will move now we are retired.

Though if Matthew is off somewhere for years doing a PhD we will visit whatever exotic locations he settles in. Current favourites are UCLA, Singapore and Hong Kong.

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I really like Essex. I don't think we will move now we are retired.

Though if Matthew is off somewhere for years doing a PhD we will visit whatever exotic locations he settles in. Current favourites are UCLA, Singapore and Hong Kong.

It's said that men cannot multi task. Matthew will multi abode!

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  • RMweb Gold

It's said that men cannot multi task. Matthew will multi abode!

I think he will only settle in one at a time. As he can spend a term studying away from Utrecht next year he can see if he really likes the place top of his list (whatever that is by then), he hasn't been to California, has only been to the airport in Hong Kong but has spent a week in Singapore.


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  • RMweb Premium

Whatever may be decided by those who determine the "Regions" for assorted purposes, Essex can't be in East Anglia as it was the Kingdom of the East Saxons, whereas East Anglia was settled by the Angles, who also settled much of the Midlands (Mercia), and most of Eastern/NE England with parts of East Scotland (Northumbria). So the highest point in East Anglia is Beacon Hill, Norfolk at 338ft.


Windy here, with rain due later. I hate winter already.


Have a good day,


Pete, ex medieval archaeologist and pedant by appointment.

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  • RMweb Premium

That's dreadful!

Her employers have a duty of care which may be helpful to mention in any communication.

Best wishes for a happier outcome.


May I just second that, Peter. It sounds rather outrageous to me to treat staff like that and essentially punish them for having been harmed in the line of duty indeed.

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Greetings all.


There's now no view but the new office seems to be working properly.


I have noted the strength of the wind on London Bridge Street and assume it is exacerbated by the Shard.


Chislehurst Caves was reasonably interesting - the guide was fairly entertaining and Younger Lurker seemed to enjoy it. For me the best bit was when we surrendered our Hurricane lamps and the guide scooted off to play some tympani, all to replicate the darkness and noise of the blitz, during which the caves were used as a shelter. There was no light because candlelight could be glimpsed from the airshafts. The noise was astonishing and it was pointed out that it wasn't totally realistic as there was no shaking and dust falls. Rock afficionados will be pleased to learn that many greats played there in the 60s and 70s - Stones, Zeppelin, Hendrix et al. The tour itself lasts about an hour - and the price was I thought reasonable at £6 for adults and £4 for children.


I also did the Christmas Majestic Run. The in-laws are coming and the wine stores need to topped up.


Have a good day all

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  • RMweb Gold

Wind strength here was sufficient to make Robbie's ears "stream like banners in the wind" just like Piglet. Also strong enough to lift the rather heavy dustbin lids too.

Now that it is winter we have esturial views again.


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  • RMweb Premium

No but I did see a Rapido NHN loco on their stand and it was far too clean!


Back from Warley off to see the doctors tomorrow. Not a well bunny but happy that it seems we got most things right in the demo area at the show.


Time for a nice sleep!




Found the Heljan stand at Warley and their poster for the forthcoming [end 2016...] Night Owl (47xx)  :wub:  ...and the price!  Er...well...   :crazy:    Got my piggy bank ready...just need lots of pennies to put in it, though.   :laugh:  But they were BIG engines.  :D 



Baz.  Great to see you Saturday - our locos may never look clean again!  But don't forget.  Do what the doc says and take it easy.  Yeah, right, he says.   :jester:



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Afternoon all. My current mood is stabby. As in ready to eviscerate a certain cockwombling arsebuiscuit douchebucket of a project manager. Up at stupid o clock after very little sleep. Schlep 0.5km  in the hurricane force drizzle to the station. Queue up for the ticket machine behind someone who still hasn't come to terms with the discovery of fire yet, never mind any sort of technology. Late train fortunately as I would have missed it otherwise. Lost more time all the way into CHX unfortunately. Circle line up to its usual 14 minute wait on a 6 minute service. Nearly run down at Liverpool St by a 2 wheeled s**t stabbing thunderc**t who was trying to unfold his ####### Brompton bike on the escalator and promptly lost control of the thing. I calmly pondered the physical possibility of him being able to unfold his bike while it was rectally inserted. Finally arrive at work to find someone has squatted in my assigned desk. After shooing him out I look around for the rest of my "team". Nobody about. The client's project manager wanders by and is surprised to see me as we are all supposed to be working from our corporate office today. Bloody news to me. Call my PM. Oh we're working remotely from home today. I sent you a text Friday night. Did he . 90 minutes for a 60 minute commute and I could have stayed in fecking bed for another 2 hours. Needless to say a Wetherspoon's breakfast avec le pint was enjoyed while I sauntered to Cannon St.


Ian(roundyroundy) Still not sure on Wednesday, but we both have the milk thistle on standby for Saturday. Any crawl route decided on as of yet?


Have a good day all. I shall be spending the afternoon with the Dummies guide to Voodoo, a small doll wearing a business suit, and a box of sharp drawing pins.

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Storm Diana is my guess at the name of the next storm.

Blustery here in sunny Teignmouth where we have cloud cover but it seems quite bright.

It's been a strange weekend, both of us off but couldnt go anywhere as my wife was assaulted at work last week. If I write nothing serious it means no broken bones but plenty of lacerations and mental scarring. Lots of broken sleep at night because of it and she has had to rest every day. On top of her severe fibro it wasn't needed. 5 days sick pay only and some of that used already means that forthcoming time off to recover will be costly. In these instances I think companies should ensure that staff assaulted at work are not out of pocket. Hospital MIU and GP have been attended and consulted with. I have just got her a physio appt for her knee. We wil wait and see what happens. Local management seem particularly unsympathetic and I am wondering whether sending photos of wounds and a precis of the assault to the CEO would result in better sympathy regarding financial loss. Of course part of the blame is with staffing issues/cuts etc.

Apart from the fact that any assault is serious surly this is an industrial injury.

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  • RMweb Gold


Still not sure on Wednesday, but we both have the milk thistle on standby for Saturday. Any crawl route decided on as of yet?

Yep - commuting isnt much fun these days. Only one person on in the ticket office this morning but luckily our ticket runs out Saturday night and might try to get a new one that morning.

I will get in touch with the Cumbria contingent to see if he has any particular ones in mind. I think a trip to Mother Kellys might be a good place to start but will confirm.

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After a late start thanks to working locally, I've ended up with an early finish on a Monday. I won't be putting money on it happening on Friday though.


Several types of cockwomble were sighted today. Standing in the middle of a busy road with clothing that meant he was not seen, buggy shoved out from behind parked cars, cyclist who decided that I should wait even when he SPAD'd and a sudden change of lanes (2) without indicating.


LE - It sounds like there is no support from management for those who are assaulted at work. The employer has a duty of care and even if Mrs LE isn't a union member, they should take it on. Writing to the CEO and the Head of HR using a tracked method of delivery is probably a good idea as well.

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I had no idea that current county borderlines and names were “settled” by ancient people...............you live and you learn. :drag:


Freaking Angles! East Saxons Rool, er, OK!


09:30 into Waterloo late today by twenty minutes...


Best, Pete.

Edited by trisonic
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  • RMweb Gold

AndrewC: Your situation this morning must have been very* frustrating and you have my sympathy but......


..... I didn't half have a good chuckle at your description of it.




* other levels of frustration are available

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AndrewC: Your situation this morning must have been very* frustrating and you have my sympathy but......


..... I didn't half have a good chuckle at your description of it.




* other levels of frustration are available

I've found the best way to counteract massive frustration is to vent my spleen and laugh at the same time.


Ian, I would have done the ticket on Friday but I was off last week so didn't have an existing weekly travelcard to renew. Had to wait until Sunday when our bloody station was closed and the machines switched off. Had no choice but to do it this morning. Also the machine forgot to spit out the receipt so now I will have to jump through flaming hoops of bureaucracy to get my travel expensed paid.


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Andrew, next time, for heavens sake, don't hold back, tell us what you really think :O  :jester:

Distressing, but I worry that my PM may be very VERY closely related to yours <sigh>


Had a relaxing Sunday, assembled the BR/SR 12' plywood box van - just needs transfers added;




then dinner and some board games with Mrs and the kids.


Today is going to be rather "odd".

As it was Thanksgiving weekend I changed my travel plans to leave here today at 5:30PM, instead of Sunday, so I could be home all weekend, also Jemma is scheduled to see the doc for her post-op checkup at 1PM and if he gives the green light (fully expected as she is having no issues) she then intends to drive to Billings right after that.

One small problem for the above, we've a winter storm coming in, that was due to get here late afternoon, BUT, it's already started snowing. At present just off-and-on flurries but already an inch on the ground, stopped for now, but is likely to both hamper her progress getting out of here although once about 90 miles north, should be clear of the weather. For me, both getting to the airport may be a challenge as I don't want the Mrs driving there and back if the weather worsens by the time I have to leave (will take a taxi instead) AND of course the potential for flight delays...


Oh well, we'll see how it all progresses!


Have a good start to the week if you can.

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Afternoon all. My current mood is stabby. As in ready to eviscerate a certain cockwombling arsebuiscuit douchebucket of a project manager. Up at stupid o clock after very little sleep. Schlep 0.5km  in the hurricane force drizzle to the station. Queue up for the ticket machine behind someone who still hasn't come to terms with the discovery of fire yet, never mind any sort of technology. Late train fortunately as I would have missed it otherwise. Lost more time all the way into CHX unfortunately. Circle line up to its usual 14 minute wait on a 6 minute service. Nearly run down at Liverpool St by a 2 wheeled s**t stabbing thunderc**t who was trying to unfold his ####### Brompton bike on the escalator and promptly lost control of the thing. I calmly pondered the physical possibility of him being able to unfold his bike while it was rectally inserted. Finally arrive at work to find someone has squatted in my assigned desk. After shooing him out I look around for the rest of my "team". Nobody about. The client's project manager wanders by and is surprised to see me as we are all supposed to be working from our corporate office today. Bloody news to me. Call my PM. Oh we're working remotely from home today. I sent you a text Friday night. Did he ######. 90 minutes for a 60 minute commute and I could have stayed in fecking bed for another 2 hours. Needless to say a Wetherspoon's breakfast avec le pint was enjoyed while I sauntered to Cannon St.



Have a good day all. I shall be spending the afternoon with the Dummies guide to Voodoo, a small doll wearing a business suit, and a box of sharp drawing pins.

Can I suggest a search on Ebay for "Hat pins" They are longer, there are thousands available, and they are SO MUCH MORE effective !

Edited by shortliner
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  • RMweb Gold

I've found the best way to counteract massive frustration is to vent my spleen and laugh at the same time.


Ian, I would have done the ticket on Friday but I was off last week so didn't have an existing weekly travelcard to renew. Had to wait until Sunday when our bloody station was closed and the machines switched off. Had no choice but to do it this morning. Also the machine forgot to spit out the receipt so now I will have to jump through flaming hoops of bureaucracy to get my travel expensed paid.


I was once queried about my mileage readings as they didn't indicate enough difference to account for going home (which wasn't claimable anyway). I just returned the claim stating I had gone home, the car hadn't. There were stupid rules, only persons or sufficient status were allowed to fly, even if flying was cheaper. For journeys outside the Borough train rather than car was required otherwise you had to write an essay stating why a car had been used (as if I and colleague could carry six PCS, monitors, printer and a server in a suitcase).


Edited by Tony_S
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  • RMweb Gold

Slapped wrist from the doctor - now on steroids, eye drops and a return visit has been scheduled.


So I have to "take it easy" this week..yeh right!



I'm glad he/she did slap your wrists - you definitely had the look on Saturday that indicated treatment and medicine were required asap.  Hope it works soonest.

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lightengine, on 30 Nov 2015 - 15:48, said:

I'd personally be pleased to take on board the use of s**t stabbing thunderc**t if AndrewC could possibly inform me of its best use.

I think you already have the perfect candidate for use of that description. The oxygen thief that assaulted your good lady. I thought I'd heard every type of profanity until I started using Twitter. The censored ones I use on here are quite mild in comparison.

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