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Was there anything that Dr Johnson did like?

I wonder how he would have found Warley.




......or shopping malls.


I think we might find him checking out the literary standards on the book stands...

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Wow, have you seen that Rail exclusive 24? :O  :O  :O  :O

No but I did see a Rapido NHN loco on their stand and it was far too clean!


Back from Warley off to see the doctors tomorrow. Not a well bunny but happy that it seems we got most things right in the demo area at the show.


Time for a nice sleep!



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.....the ultimate in non-vapourware....no publicity....no press....no frothing....no waiting....no broken promises and superb accuracy. The first RTR P4 loco also available in OO and EM....


....the Rail Exclusive Sulzer type 2 launched this weekend...





Edited by Torr Giffard LSWR 1951-71
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Evening all from a village that despite the best efforts of the gales is still north of Ikea.   Had a good 2nd day at Warley and put faces to several names from here.  Had a good chat with ChrisF.   We got the lorry loaded by 6.30 with the two layouts from the club plus our demo stuff.   A very windy journey home in a high sided vehicle.  Tinsley viaduct was 'interesting'. At one point I was down to 30 mph before I felt safe.   We got back to the club about 8.40. Got unloaded then I dropped the lorry off and got a taxi home.  The lorry was even more lively between Wakefield and Leeds when it was empty.  Got home for 10pm.   All in all a good weekend.




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But now I digress...interrupted by Monty Don at Kew talking about Sir Joseph Paxton and glass houses (BBC 2 The Secret History of the British Garden) and these giant leaves I saw with Mum in October.



Polly, your lilypad photo reminds me of a splendid trip I took to the Izu peninsula where there is a combined alligator and tropical (lilypad) park. (Kew, take note!) Quite a combination! 

Railsquid can probably advise, but I believe there is / was a popular train service with observation car from Tokyo. Quite a picturesque journey, I'm told.

My info is some 15-20 years old, however. 

We drove rather than taking the train as we were going on to Nara and Kyoto. 

The Kawazu Seven Bridges loop was and interesting feature of said road trip (not quite replicated by Jubilee Way in Dover) with a rather beautiful inn at the bottom (not remotely replicated in Dover). 

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Evening all,

Got a dozen items posted on eBay today as I had free listing, it does take some time to edit the photographs, check what similar items are selling for athen write the 'blurb' - had to explain to Joanna 'why it takes so long'! Bit tired after a quick tidy up late morning as we had surprise visitors at lunch-time, but a pleasant chat and waved them off in time for the start of the GP. I had that on the big TV, and the Davis Cup on the iPad! Well done Andy and team!

Sherry, lovely images of children playing with interesting things that teach them skills whilst giving them fun - and no need to plug in or use a screen! I was really pleased to hear that you haven't suffered any abuse (yet) on your visit - I considered a 'Movember' effort myself but not for too long! Safe journey back to the South West, hopefully the weather will have improved! We are, by the way, thinking of the 'old man' with his current discomfort.

Dave(TG), you certainly showed tremendous organisational ability when circumstances forced so many changes to your trip itinerary. Hope you got your just reward at Tarporley with trouble free running on Mostyn. I know that area well from racing bikes at Oulton Park over the years. I think you might need a rest on Monday!

Mal, I might just try your suggestion for a 'dietary requirement', and if all else fails, fill the hip flask. Hope you are feeling well at the moment?

Ian(OD), we are sorry to hear of your set-back, it must be extremely uncomfortable, and doubly annoying when it should have been avoidable with care. No doubt Flávio will have a view on it! As I mentioned in my post to Sherry above, we are thinking of you and hope it clears up soon.

Warren(BoD), I'm with you on the dislike of the 'mammon fest' that is Christmas shopping. We have been quite lucky this year, acquiring most of what we need on line.

John(CB), that was a brilliant link, I found the application of archaeological techniques to the kitchen cupboard very humourous indeed. Not that I need to do that, as Joanna is somewhat paranoid about sticking to 'use by' dates and I am more likely to reach for an item which is no longer there when she forgets to tell me she has thrown it out! She even threw out some turmeric root which the spice vendor in Dubai assured me would last for years.

AndyB, many thanks for the links, the advice on an oven thermometer is very sound - I bought one some years ago as my double oven gas range is getting on in years. I've managed to clip the thermometer inside the glass panel of the door to the lower oven, where it can be read without opening the door.

Polly, thanks for the Warley pics. I'm off to CQ when I finish here!

Baz, sorry to hear that you're illness has worsened, probably not helped by two days of talking and the journey home. A real trouper, you carried on to the end and no doubt demystified the weathering process for many visitors to the show. Hope the medics can get you sorted as soon as possible.

Jamie, pleased to hear that you are home safely, if a trifle shaken - I recommend my usual medicine for such circumstances! You must be truly exhausted like Dave(TG), Ian(RH) and Baz to name but a few. I hope we get a post soon from Mick(NB) to tell us he has landed safely. You all deserve a proper rest tomorrow.

It was kind of Mike(SM) and Polly to give us reasonably early bulletins.

Good luck to our band of commuters in the morning, and best wishes to Ian, Baz and anyone else that is suffering at the moment,

Kind regards,


G'night Pete!, G'night all! (Can't believe how quickly that has come round again tonight!!).

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  • RMweb Premium

 Jock don't worry about living beyond your diagnosis my grandfather was told 6 months in 1965 and lived another 20 years he was a cantankerous old man by then but there you go! Forget positive mental attitude he was bloody minded.



Good Night All.

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Good morning one and all


Warley is a tiring place.  From opening time to chucking out I hardly stopped!  When I did it was often to talk to fellow inmates, so thank you Mick Newbryford, Jamie 92208 and Baz BarryO among many others for giving me the time of day.  I tried to make a list of those expected to be there but inevitably it was incomplete and I did not spot all who were on it.  Fun trying though!


Getting there was not without its fun.  Breakfast at Rothersthorpe was OK if a tad pricey but no more so than anywhere else on the motorway.  It meant that for the rest of the day I could subsist on four granary rolls, each with a slice of roast turkey breast and Tesco pickle.  Joy at finding that the long stretch of 50 mph speed limit between Junctions 16 and 19 had gone at last was swiftly tempered by the illuminated overhead gantries proclaiming an 'incident' between Junctions 17 and 18.  This turned out to be three newly incomplete cars, an ambulance and a policeman with a broom swiftly brushing away bits of glass, bodywork and the like.  I returned via the A45/M45 and there encountered unexpected road works which I believe are called 'improvements'.


Today I shall start reading my Warley shopping.  Oh yes, and make a rescheduled fodder run.  Through inefficient stocktaking I found that I am down to my last banana.


Best wishes to the ailing and to all.



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  • RMweb Gold

Morning all.


Jock, whatever gave you the impression that I don't enjoy going Christmas shopping?

Well at least it's done for another year.


I do notice though, that according to the clutter of e-mails I received this morning today is called Cyber Monday.


Have a good day.

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Morning all,


It is a thoroughly revolting morning here - cold, dark, blowing a howling gale and chucking it down with rain!


Good to hear that so many had fun at Warley.  I keep meaning to get over to the UK for it one year, but up until now it hasn't worked out.


The weekend was fairly quiet.  We visited Mainz Christmas market on Saturday, but didn't make it to Wiesbaden as planned yesterday because of the weather.  I am hoping for a relatively quiet week in the office, because last week was really busy.  However, to be honest I think it is going to be more of the same.


Oh well - time for a coffee.


Have a good day everyone...

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Morning all. A scheduled later start than normal thanks to being very local today.


Judging from the posts Warley was a success with many enjoying it although very tiring.


Dom - It looks like the weather made for an interesting shift.


Have a good day everyone

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  • RMweb Gold

Good morning all,

Looks like it's been raining and lots more is promised.

Glad that those who went to Warley seem to have had a good time.

A great and hectic weekend was enjoyed here which meant that I didn't get around to posting yesterday although I managed to catch up before I went to bed. Saturday night's "bash" went off well with family and friends . We also had the pleasure of meeting Abbie's boyfriend and a very nice polite young chap he turned out to be. 

Last week you may remember that Joe was unwell. By Saturday he was OK and whilst out shopping with his Dad in Tesco  "a herd" (as Steve put it) of young ladies came running over to see how he was and to say that they missed him. It seems that the lad is very popular with the girls.

Son Steve stayed overnight so yesterday "we" (ie he) got around to installing Windows 10 on this laptop. Glad he was here to do it because there was a bit of an issue getting the WiFi connection with my printer but it didn't take him too long. (I'd probably still be trying (and failing) to do it this morning) He also customised it and turned of all the stuff that MS want to collect and other stuff that I don't want or need.

So far so good and everything seems to working OK.

Not sure what "our"  plans are for today except the railway will get some attention as it hasn't even been looked at for a couple of days.

Have a good one,


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  • RMweb Gold

After a great weekend at The NEC, it's back to th normal grind with numerous problems on the railways around here.

Over running engineering works Redhil to Tonbridge has also meant hat some of the RHTT services cant run.


Heard that the athameslinktha core rough central London has problems. Signalling problems at Redhill.


The train before ours cancelled and ours delayed makes a great start to the working week. At least ours is running but it's a lot busier than normal.


Very wet here.


Tonight's task is to get the rest of the layout out of the car as it started to rain very hard not long after getting home.



This week is going to be quite beery with a tap take over in the Rake in Borough Market by the Big Hug Brewery then meeting up with a friend from Canada and another from Cumbria for a brewery and pub crawl round London. Hopefully Andrew C and Mrs C can join us on Saturday

Edited by roundhouse
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Mawnin' awl. Earl Grey needed, and strong one! Now on my second block of remaining holiday till 10 December, so I guess I can at last catch up with a few things.


Photos of yesterday:





First half with 1114 "Georg Agricola" at Connewitz Station…





…and a cab view at one turn ahead of me during the following layover there.





Weather was already worsening during the first round of my second half, for which I had 1102 "Gotthold Ephraim Lessing".


Wind seems to have calmed down this morning, however.


Enjoy your day, folks…

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Early up, so greetings.


Wetter than an otter's pocket in Carshalton-sur-Mer.


I'm on my own at the moment, as Julie went over to babysit Henry & Laurence last night and slept over. I'll be picking her up about lunchtime. Shopping to do...


Seeing all the transport woes I am so pleased that I am retired and most days going out is a matter of choice. Driving to take Julie to Morden yesterday was beset by cockwombles in industrial quantities. A favourite of mine has always been the confused driver who pulls out in front and then stops dead. Good for a laugh that one. Also not indicating on roundabouts and driving without lights...


A bacon sandwich calls, so best wishes to all.

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