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Mornin' all,


Best regards to all with ailments


A repeat of the half light overcast monotone type daybreak in The Moorlands....head down calorie burn around the short anticlockwise just for the exercise. 


Back to the Barrowmore club room today to start moving Mostyn to Tarporley. All manner of testing/cleaning to be carried out....you'd be surprised how much dirt comes off just the loco wheels. I'll take the camera to give you an idea of the scale of the logistics involved with this layout.


Here are some previous exhibition images    http://www.barrowmoremrg.co.uk/mostyn_gallery.html


Feathered ones provided for


Enjoy what you do



Edited by Torr Giffard LSWR 1951-71
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Jock, Flavio may be en route to Warley.


Station Cat, No holiday diary?


Everyone, I've just e-mailed my MP (in the shadow cabinet) about the Syrian vote. She knows me through my role in the faith community.


But enough of politics and religion.



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Moaning all from the borough of boredom. I had hoped to avoid the shops today but alas I need some supplies to go with tonight's slow smoked pork shoulder bbq. Can't decide whether to go early and treat myself to breakfast, or go around 11 and pop in to the pie shop for proper pie & mash. (jellied eels are available but not my thing)


Jock, best of luck with your next round of chemo.


Polly, first post? second post? Not around here. We have mystery post. I'm convinced that Postman Pat randomly picks a day and a time, then delivers the whole week's worth in one shot. Never comes at the same time twice in a row. Since all our bills and statements are online, 90% of what we do get is junk and ends up in the shredder, recycled, unread.


Ian (roundhoose sp) and I are in competition to see who's commute is worse. A the moment Southern is slightly more crap than Southeastern. Both should be stripped of their franchises IMHO. That lot couldn't operate an OO scale Inglenook without fecking it up.


Right, time to fire up the bbq. Have a great day all.

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I suddenly realised that I forgot to dig out my Amtrak hard hats from the loft for setting up the layout as NEC halls are now classed as building sites!


Good grief! Wouldn't it be a lot more productive to spend the money educating people about potential dangers rather than whizzing away huge amounts of money enacting silly laws? And, are these "laws" even legal?

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  • RMweb Gold

Good grief! Wouldn't it be a lot more productive to spend the money educating people about potential dangers rather than whizzing away huge amounts of money enacting silly laws? And, are these "laws" even legal?



You dont actually need a hard hat but would have been nice to have had them on the layout. A friend was given them when he went on an industry trip to the USA some years ago.


I can see why NEC is classed as a site when they have large trade stands (sometimes virtually a whole temporary building) where hoisting is required etc. Its not NEC or the Warley club but the HSE these days. In simple terms without going too much in depth, once the rules are in place then even setting up layouts which are all low level structure (yes there are risks), then everyone has to comply.

Edited by roundhouse
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You dont actually need a hard hat but would have been nice to have had them on the layout. A friend was given them when he went on an industry trip to the USA some years ago.


I can see why NEC is classed as a site when they have large trade stands (sometimes virtually a whole temporary building) where hoisting is required etc. Its not NEC or the Warley club but the HSE these days. In simple terms without going too much in depth, once the rules are in place then even setting up layouts which are all low level structure (yes there are risks), then everyone has to comply.


I'm not arguing about the logic - that makes sense. But are these really legally enforceable rules, or just recommendations?

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Morning all


Jock, I hope your next round of chemo goes well. I'm just coming to the end of my second cycle - next week is drug-free - and energy levels are rising once more. Ian D, thinking of you, too. Your post re the 'scope had my legs firmly crossed. Good luck!


Yesterday, Gabe took me to an early screening of the new movie Bridge of Spies (about the Gary Powers spy-swap) - a real treat. If you're interested in this type of thing you should enjoy the movie. Mark Rylance appears to steal the movie without trying - what is it that he does or doesn't do to make his acting sooo convincing? Tom Hanks is good, too, but he's a modern-day everyman.


Really enjoyed your photos of the north coast, Dom. Hope the break was refreshing.


Our local paper had a short piece last week about a new railway book - From Steam to Diesel, through the lens of a Scottish Railwayman by A L Foley and Peter Ross. Archie Foley discovered a stack of negatives and has turned it into a book. (I have no financial interest or otherwise, just a keen observer.)


Amazed to see that Hornby's 2016 list is out in time for Warley (sorry, Deb).


Off to Sainsbury's later for food.


Hope your weekends are good.



Edited by Purley Oaks
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  • RMweb Gold

I'm not arguing about the logic - that makes sense. But are these really legally enforceable rules, or just recommendations?



When it comes to the Health and Safety Executive they are enforceable. Being in the construction industry we are all made aware of this on a regular basis.

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  • RMweb Premium

Morning All


Again, a lot to catch up on even after a few overnight hours since my last visit.


Pleased to see that Jock has been given the OK for more chemo - long may it continue.  You, sir, are a fighter.


Generic greetings to everybody else, as too much to cover here.


Not sure what I'm doing today as it will be dependant on the outcome of a few phone calls.


Back later.


Regards to All


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Morning all.

Warm for the time of year and a bit damp.

I don't think we will be shopping today, though I must confess I did do some online shopping much earlier this morning. My Hudl tablet was being naughty (battery problems getting to an irritating level, needing to delete stuff to make space for download updates etc so I have ordered a new Android tablet but from John Lewis instead of Tesco. I will collect it from Waitrose this weekend.

I don't think we are going to see MiL today,I suspect Aditi will pop over after she goes to Brentwood on Saturday (hair cut and grey highlights) or we will both go to Enfield on Sunday. MiL told us not to come today as planned. I don't know if she is planning to go out but she was told she could drive as soon as she was capable of doing an emergency stop. As her car is currently parked in an underground carpark I hope she doesn't test her ability in there!


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This arrived yesterday, by the way:




…being a back-to-back pair of üstra TW 2500 LRVs from Hanover. Still looking smart if you ask me, though having been first rolled out in 1997, they're already approaching 20 years of service.

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  • RMweb Premium

So if you're intending to wear the Amtrak hard hats in the 'construction site' phase of Warley, you will of course have checked that they're still in date? We had to have ours checked regularly. As they were usually ordered as a batch, they would in theory all go out of date at the same time, but they didn't all have the same date of manufacture. For the uninitiated, the plastic 'goes off' and becomes less resilient and more liable to crack after a few years (can't remember how many now).


The school Awards Evening was basically a 'speech day' type of event. Martyn's award was for Outstanding Achievement in IT in Year 10. His best friend came with us, not realising that he was invited anyway, along with all last year's Year 11, as he was due to collect his GCSE certificates. The guest speaker was a recent alumnus, contemporary with Martyn's big brother, who has recently qualified as a doctor and has chosen to specialise in Neuro-ophthalmology. He spoke well, and being only a few years older than the current Year 11, I think his words had more relevance than some old ex-military or colonial buffer droning on, like we used to get. We were going for a meal afterwards but the local Hungry Horse had shut the kitchen early so we went home and the lads had pizza from the freezer. 


I'll go out later, not sure yet whether to Eastleigh or the city. I don't need anything that might benefit from a Black Friday deal so will just buy necessities. Last year I got a good deal on two computers, so it was worth it. I must wrap up though, as my sore throat seems to be turning into a URTI.


Have a good day, and enjoy Warley if you're going or showing.



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  • RMweb Gold

Morning all,


Bill - I don't think Flavio is 'doing' Warley this year as it's a major trip for him.  Not sure about the good Doctor and pics, she said nothing last night so we'll have to wait and see and she is now working everyday until next Tuesday and currently doing a lot of overtime.

Agree with Ian re CDM and the enforcement authorities can be pretty hot although that might vary a bit from office to office depending on how many folk they have available, they have even shut  down sites in up the north east for what many would regard as minor infringements.


Anyway it's Friday, black or just plain soggy & grey, so I'm told that Waitrose is on the agenda - the only big question is where & when in order to find room on the roads and in the car park if we go locally.


Have a good day folks.  Now shall i enjoy myself by going off to spread frothing rumours on the Hornby 2015 thread - which is probably more a rope than a thread by now?

Edited by The Stationmaster
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Please forgive me for I have sinned.


I wasn't going to succumb to any Black Friday deals until I saw that Locomotion Models were selling a Railroad D49 Hunt Class DCC fitted for £35.00.


Seemed rude not to accept the offer.

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Morning all from Estuary-Land. As I was involved with H&S I find the need for hard hats at the NEC astonishing, more a case of backside covering or the easiest/cheapest option. Areas where hard hats are required should be marked out and its then up to the management to provide hard hats. If something untoward happened its still down to them anyway as several court cases have proved. Dick, when drilling tiles I have used masking tape to stop the drill slipping, sorry Bob but its much more 'grippy' on the drill bit than Selotape and easier to mark where you need to drill. Jock, your comments about car insurance reminded me of when I had to have some car repairs done after accidents. Both accidents were 100% the other drivers fault, the first was when someone had ran into the rear O/S quarter of the Anglia estate I had. The insurance company told me that I had to take it too their designated repairers in Barking, I was living in Romford at the time but they insisted. When I left the car to be repaired the tailgate was locked as normal. When I collected the car I found that the lock on the tailgate was busted, the cockwombles had forced it instead of using the key. About 6 or 7 years later a car shot out of a side turning straight into the side of my car meaning that the whole side of the car from the B post back had to be replaced. This time I simply took the car into a local body repair shop about ten minutes walk from home, not only did they do an excellent repair job it only took them half the time. The insurance company were a bit miffed when they got the bill as the company I used was one of the more expensive ones but I noticed several police cars in their workshop undergoing crash repairs which I thought was a good sign.

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Just back in after a morning constitutional over St Bees Golf Course. It was rather breezy and threatened rain, but it held off.


2nd post? We can dream! Our only post arrived yesterday at about 4.30 pm, with a less than cheerful postman. He is usually very cheerful, but had not had a good day!


New dishwashers? I recently asked Mrs G if she wanted a new one, but she said that she was happy with the old one, even though she had been married to it for 34 years!


Adding to hard hats at Warley, I had 15 years as a Health & Safety manager, and was continually having to debunk stupid ideas put forward by cockwombles in the name of H&S. The number of times people tried to convince me that what they were proposing was the law, only for me to explain, often with direct quotes from HSE documents, that they were talking through the wrong part of their anatomy! Anyway, hard hats or not, I hope that everyone enjoys Warley. I may get there one of these years!

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  • RMweb Premium

Hard hats for a railway exhibition?  Words fail me.




When you're a shortie like me, you need to protect your head from flying rucksacks.  :jester:


Er...hummm...just keep out of the way of mine....I'll get yer knees...  :D

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Morning all, and it appears to be Friday again. 


And a particularly splendid one at that. 

The morning started with my youngest getting his award for good behaviour. I was particularly pleased to see some familiar faces alongside him from other classes. For all the problems in the world the reality is that there is far more good in it, exemplified by these young people. Marvellous.


Got home and the office rang asking for my bank details. I take it that we are now "in funds". Which is nice.

Anyway, got to dash as I now appear to be being paid to come up with some work. 


Have a nice day everyone. Andy

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