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  • RMweb Gold

I can understand a robust response if the callers have a track record of annoying the elderly neighbours. The LDS missionaries and seventh day adventists seem to have given up and the JW callers seem to have been on a "how to be pleasant" course. I didn't like the ones round the tube stations in London recently masquerading as a mental health information group.


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  • RMweb Gold

Lost my internet connection then forgot to comment!

I think Tony S's remark: "Not available in your country" referred to the message one sees on trying to view the video in post #108033

He perhaps meant to say: "Not available in our country".

Confused? It happens to us all at our age!

I was just repeating the comment the video stated. Using "Your Country" is probably better than saying "only viewable in the USA" for some reason.
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  • RMweb Premium

Clearly my new bride is lost for words. A diary event if ever there was one!


I admire a man that likes to live dangerously. Especially if he has common sense enough to live in another country from potential danger!  :)


Cold callers:

I resent them - mostly because they disturb very elderly folk in the village who can barely make it to the front door.



DD best just ignore them then.  ;)   :jester:


(Now running for cover!)

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  • RMweb Gold

I don't let Robbie roam the hallway until after the postman has been as I don't want Robbie leaving tooth marks in the post. However at other times he will reach the door before I do. 18kg of dog hitting the front door at whatever speed he can get up to over about 7 yards is a precursor to asking callers to wait a moment while I put the dog in the lounge.

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  • RMweb Gold

G'day all,


A joint visit to Dracula's daughter this morning as Mrs Stationmaster was in for her diabetes tests so we went in together.  As she had to be weighed she said that I ought to also have a  go on the scales - clearly they are excellent scales as I was a tad more than 2 kg lighter on these than I was on the chiropractor's scales a couple of weeks back.  We then went to the tea shop and had a cuppa and a  teacake - further weighing now off the agenda as there is homemade soup for lunch and lamb shank for dinner this evening.


Duly did a (smallish) Waitrose shop so it was a taxi back up the hill so I'm not sure what that means for tomorrow and whether or not we can avoid the black friday carnage (such as it might be here)?


Have a  good day one & all.

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Cold callers:

I resent them - mostly because they disturb very elderly folk in the village who can barely make it to the front door.

Also the cruelty of the way the 'evangelists' of whatever faith sometimes drag their young kids around with them.

(ERs will never believe it but I'm forcefully rude to some of them).

I was one of those kids, mum was (probably still is, haven't spoken to her in years) a JW. Think how those kids feel when they get dragged to a classmate's house to preach at them. Tends to result in getting shunned by others at school; not that the JW's care, they don't like their kids to associate with anyone outside the church anyway.

Of course they hit up the elderly regularly, preach to someone in their later years, promise them about eternal life, and hopefully get a donation to the church in their will.


On one occasion I opened the front door and shouted 'Clear Off' to the 50 person choir assembled opposite.

I had been warned by 'phone of the arrival of some JWs in the village!

Although I regret my mistake, the expressions on the faces of the well meaning choir were priceless as they shuffled away.

I'd probably do that anyway, I don't see the difference in pushing your beliefs on someone by talk or by song.


I was just repeating the comment the video stated. Using "Your Country" is probably better than saying "only viewable in the USA" for some reason.

It'll likely be the same phrase regardless of the source country, which simplifies many things including translation to other languages (I got it too btw).
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  • RMweb Gold

Actually Robbie is useful as he sounds off before the doorbell is pressed so couriers cant do a leave on the step and run delivery.

Our replacement passports were delivered this morning. We used the online application method, and it only took a week and a day from making our application to receipt of the new passports. We renewed them early as our old ones would have only had a few months on them when we go on a cruise next year. Although the ship isn't going anywhere outside the EU it seems a six months plus expiry date is necessary as a condition of boarding or something. Perhaps they expect delays!

Aditi has been keen to book another weekend in Paris, but didn't want to book without a passport. In the past I have heard about significant delays in the process.



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  • RMweb Premium

Happy Thanksgiving to our ERs in the US of A.


And ' afternoon all from red dragon land, not that you can see much of it - a couple of miles, maybe.  It's a bit wet.


I've been trying out the new dishwasher.  By 'trying out' I mean trying different ways to load it to get things to fit in together!  Not as clever as the previous one.  It cleans alright, is quiet enough (compared with the previous one), and has a much shorter timer for general use (an hour instead of 2) but oh for a better loading system!


Better get lunch on.


Hope everything goes to plan for you, today.

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  • RMweb Gold

Try this link for the Espresso ad .


Real men have bean to espresso machines!


Only joking. The espresso machine is used by Aditi. I drink weakish tea with milk!

Edited by Tony_S
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  • RMweb Gold

I admire a man that likes to live dangerously. Especially if he has common sense enough to live in another country from potential danger!  :)


I was dicing with danger earlier when Aditi looked at her new passport and asked if she really looked like "that". So I told the truth, " only when you are cross".


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  • RMweb Gold

I was dicing with danger earlier when Aditi looked at her new passport and asked if she really looked like "that". So I told the truth, " only when you are cross".


The Obergrumpenfuhrer's passport is due for replacement next year.


I shall remember your tactful and diplomatic reply.


Fortunately I have taken the hippocritic oath, so I am bound to tell the truth unless it has the potential to seriously damage my well being.

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  • RMweb Gold

Afternoon all. Just seen Aldi's spoof of the John Lewis ad, much funnier than the original in my opinion. Other than that not much happening in a rather grey village today.

Stay safe all.

The John Lewis ad was made in cooperation with Help the Aged, and was meant to highlight the fact that many elderly folk are alone at Christmas.


I don't think it was meant to be funny.


However, I'm not a killjoy or a misery and I found the Aldi parody the perfect antidote to feeling guilty about those less fortunate than myself.


Now if they could only do better prices for telescopic sights than Schmidt and Bender..............


As an aside, I'm still awaiting the Hitler parody about cockwombles :jester:

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  • RMweb Gold

I told Matthew that his Mum looked unusually severe in her latest passport photo. He said that would be perfect for Malaysia. He said the sign stated "No smiling, no talking" at immigration. This wasn't at the airport. He was entering from Singapore.

The immigration officials at St Petersburg look quite grim, though the police were quite jolly once you had left the immigration area.

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  • RMweb Gold

I hadn't seen either Christmas ad but as they are now worthy of ER discussion I thought I would have a look on the interwebs. The John Lewis tune was originally an Oasis (former northern beat combo, m'lud) song. It was alleged they wouldn't allow a Smurfs version of Wonderwall. John Lewis must have been more persuasive. Though having heard various cover versions of songs how would (if the story were true ) the Oasis songwriters have stopped the Smurfs?

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  • RMweb Premium

Whatever happened to 2nd post?

I think I may have found out.

It merged with 1st post which is now delivered around mid-afternoon each day, filling the gap left by the aforementioned 2nd post. 


Outraged of Tunbridge Wells. 

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  • RMweb Gold

Whatever happened to 2nd post?

I think I may have found out.

It merged with 1st post which is now delivered around mid-afternoon each day, filling the gap left by the aforementioned 2nd post.




Outraged of Tunbridge Wells.

We seem to get important post (stuff from the IoM, etc) delivered by a man in a little red van quite early and routine stuff at any time up to early afternoon by a pedestrian postie.


Edited by Tony_S
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  • RMweb Gold

I hadn't seen either Christmas ad but as they are now worthy of ER discussion I thought I would have a look on the interwebs. The John Lewis tune was originally an Oasis (former northern beat combo, m'lud) song. It was alleged they wouldn't allow a Smurfs version of Wonderwall. John Lewis must have been more persuasive. Though having heard various cover versions of songs how would (if the story were true ) the Oasis songwriters have stopped the Smurfs?

If you wan to see music parodies go on You tube and look for Alvin and the Chipmunk covers of various tunes.




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Whatever happened to 2nd post?

I think I may have found out.

It merged with 1st post which is now delivered around mid-afternoon each day, filling the gap left by the aforementioned 2nd post. 




Outraged of Tunbridge Wells. 

If I remember correctly my 2nd post always arrived before my 1st and only post does these days
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  • RMweb Premium

I note that NASA's Curiosity lander found a mouse on Mars


Being the suspicious type and, in the past disappointed, when all I got was the Dalai Lama appearing on a latte, I went to the trouble of hacking into Curiosity's on-board camera.


No surprise really but the so-called boffins have been party to a huge cover up!  


Taking control of the landers' camera, whilst keeping a Chrome tab open to place subversive, liberal pacifist comments on the Daily Fail website, I adjusted the settings, panned out a bit, re-focused and found the actual scene... 





This is obviously part of a major conspiracy - after all, what did they do with Tweety Pie? We need to know! 



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  • RMweb Gold

Energy company incompetence final (I hope) part.


Following Jock's suggestion,  I e-mailed the company's managing director.  I received an e-mail from the executive office yesterday informing me someone would look into my issues.  Today someone from the same office phoned and the issues have been solved to my satisfaction.


Apparently there are flaws in their processes and they have stopped merging any further accounts until this has ben rectified. 


Thanks Jock and others who offered suggestions.


Thinking back now, I seem to recall DD suggesting to someone else a similar approach to a problem with a different company a good while ago.

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  • RMweb Gold

I note that NASA's Curiosity lander found a mouse on Mars



You forget that mice are merely the protrusion into our dimension of hyper-intelligent pan-dimensional beings who ordered the building of the super computer known as Earth. 

It's quite possible that they had Mars built as a backup.

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  • RMweb Premium

You forget that mice are merely the protrusion into our dimension of hyper-intelligent pan-dimensional beings who ordered the building of the super computer known as Earth. 

It's quite possible that they had Mars built as a backup.


That's not the only thing I forgot. When I re-set the password on Curiosity's on-board camera I forgot to write it down; NASA are ever-so miffed.  :ireful:

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