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Jamie:  Are you going to wear your avatar top so that we'll all recognise you? 




...Bobble 'at...




And if you think I'm wearing yellow at the NEC, then forget that idea...............




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In the small wee hours of this morning I was listening to radio 5 Live. Aggie was on the programme and answering callers 'cleaning' problems. How to clean silver how to clean their toilets etc.

One guy asked if she knew how he could remove a melted plastic belt from his trousers. He said that he had been wearing the trousers and belt at a disco and the belt had melted onto the trouser fabric.

I cannot start to imagine how furiously one would have to dance to melt a plastic belt.


Fire in the disco!


Edited by bluebottle
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Evening/Morning all,

We had the first white frost of the year this morning, meaning that all the leaves will shortly fall off the apple trees - the Bosch leaf Hoover/mulched will be utilised but sadly, for the first time, it will be in the hands of No2 grandson as I've been banned from using it by my minders! Must remember to drain down the garden tap as well, it is fed by a copper pipe which is tee'd off the main in the loft, and runs down the back gable wall of the house. Just thought as I lie in bed with the iPad, the three vulnerable azaleas should have been put in to the cold greenhouse by now - oops! It was bl**dy cold wearing short sleeves to go in for my blood tests this morning but my regular lass who plays Dracula's daughter managed a couple of phials without pain!

Pete(pH), that is a lovely set of images from your locality, thanks for sharing them. I must comment on your Flickr site (link below signature!) as it is such a good resource for those modelling 60s steam. I noticed a couple of images from the area of my particular interest, Hurlford shed 67B. Is there any way to group the diverse images by location, as I had to trawl right through the lot to find them? I have to confess that it was fun looking through though! Would you mind if I saved the ones that matter to me for my own use, and if that is OK, can you kindly advise me how to copy just the images I mentioned, because I tried on another site and ended up with multiple copies of the complete gallery!!

Chris(chrisf), I have to agree with you on the Attenborough programme 'The Hunt' which gripped us last night with the most amazing wildlife filming. It is hard to believe that a creature as small as the Krill could possibly satisfy the appetite of a blue whale, but it is quite a mouthful at a time! (Anyone that missed it, it's free on BBC iPlayer for a further 28 days.). Sir David's infectious enthusiasm is undimmed despite his 89 years!

Dick(Smiffy), hope the nasty bug is beaten soon, but you really should seek medical attention as soon as possible in view of your history.

LisaP4, I've been looking in on your '16mm Loco' thread and truly admire the sheer guts, as well as knowledge and skill that you are applying to such a project, starting completely from scratch. Did you acquire your knowledge and skills from your father, or did you also study engineering?

Sherry, now you are really teasing us with the photographs - now you could print and frame the two events side by side!

Jamie, Warley sounds as if it is set to become another very busy weekend for you. I really hope it all goes well - will you be operating on more than one of the layouts? I hope you've left some free time to chat to a few RMwebbers as quite a number are talking of going to the show!

Neil(NHN), all of us TT fans will of course be familiar with the layout of Quarterbridge! It does seem strange that a lot of what happens around here is also logged as "all your fault"!

Ian(Abel), pardon me for pointing out that I don't see Jemma's health problem as 'a small nuisance' if it has such an impact on the career that she has worked so hard to achieve.

On the subject of photos of operations, you will all recall that a few short weeks ago, No1 grandson had open heart surgery to fit a metal replacement for his aortic valve. Possibly because of his age (26 is very young to have this done), the surgeon at Basildon Cardiac Unit asked his permission (sign here!) to film the procedure, as well as take photographs. I don't know if he requested a copy. Whilst on that topic, I can confirm that he has made a remarkable recovery and hopes to start work in a limited fashion soon after Christmas!

Pete(themole), a couple of lovely rabbit/hare shots, but it occurs to me that people like Baz might show an interest because of the superb weathering detail on both the wagons and the track.

AndyB, we are all rooting for you - what a wonderful Christmas present if it all falls in to place.

Today's excitement - two 66s on the RHTT again today! They are much quieter than the 57s under full acceleration past our garden. Can't tell you who they belong to as I only saw the rooves in passing above the fence from the house. If it's dry tomorrow, I must go down and try to look at the whole thing.

Could rant tonight, but life is too short - having absorbed the wonderful American idea of 'Black Friday', most of the companies I use on line (mainly, it must be said, for a computer phobic Joanna!), have seen fit to start already with 'Black Weeks'. I've had e-mails over the last few days from Cotton Traders, Lands End, Debenhams, IKEA, Argos, eBay, and many many more! Most went into the Trash folder as being organised, madam has already completed most of our gift shopping. The offers didn't look that much different from those offered throughout the year I MHO. I wondered if anyone else has had such a rash of advertising thrown at them!

As usual, I raise my glass to all those who are unwell or recovering and hope to tune in again tomorrow.

Kind regards,


G'night Pete! G'night all!

Jock, You're right re: Jemma/small nuisance, but I continue to be in awe of everyone on here including/especially yourself, who have very major medical issues to contend with and do so with such courage.

Wonderful to hear your grandson is doing so well.

Black Friday here (such a pity ANYONE else adopted it!!) has become something really stupid. What "may have" once been something of a good idea has morphed into a total abomination, and we're deluged with it for weeks now. Everyone proclaiming "why wait, Black Friday starts NOW!". Isn't that just called a "sale", and often as you pointed out, are pretty much a rehash of all the other offers throughout the year . <sigh> Oh well, I might occasionally buy something if I find it's what I want at the price I've decided to pay, but other than that I consider the whole Black Friday thing a joke anymore :(


That will make trips harder to do and hammer their tourism if something similar doesn't replace it.

Steve Sack, a well known LOCAL cartoonist with national coverage, offered this a couple of days back in our newspaper. I really do think it says it all as mostly what is happening here is a total knee-jerk reaction and a demand to close the borders and become completely isolationist, with fear-mongers running rampant!




Very quiet evening yesterday as we all had been up way too long. Jemma fast recovering from the anesthetic and amazingly had no significant pain even though they had prescribed opioid based pain-killers in case, but very tired, as were Mrs and me.

She's very appreciative of the support, especially as she has no clue - other than her dad mentioning the plights/enjoyments of this band of virtual friends - who everyone is. Who says social media is a bad thing.  :)


Slept in a bit this morning so started work a little later. Mrs has the week off and will go Thanksgiving food shopping later. Will be a mad house probably as it usually is for 2-3 days leading up to Thanksgiving. Jemma will wake "eventually" I'm sure, and continue to rest :jester:


One year I really DO want to try and make Warley - it sounds like a great event and it would be especially nice to meet a bunch or RMWeb/ER folks.


Temperatures improving slightly here with a balmy -1 and partly cloudy when I got the paper, expecting a high of 6 later.


Have a good day everyone.

Edited by Ian Abel
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On the basis that home grown terrorism is on the rise in many countries I am not sure quite what they will achieve when the borders are already as secure as they would ever be with thousands of miles of border with Mexico and Canada. The problem in Continental Europe is that there are no checks at all in the Shengen area which is very different to the UK and the USA.


I bought the Hornby Arnold N scale Brighton Belle in blue/ grey today for £99 in Hornbys Black Friday sale!


Otherwise I dont really bother with any sales in physical shops as cant be bothered with the crowds.

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I only barely made it round the Exhibition in Southend recently so I am not too sure how I would cope with the NEC now. Alexandra Palace is ok, I can look at the funny looking trains heading north from London as I travel there.


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I was in Tesco today and they had notices up about the arrangements for Black Friday shopping. I appreciated the reminder not to go shopping that day! Matthew did quite well last year in John Lewis, when he bought a suit (for all those unsuccessful interviews) and a nice Macbook.


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Apologies to Gordon S - Mr S Corn resurrected ERs when we moved to another version of RMweb.


Busy day sorting out tickets for the Warley Presentations and also sorting out Jamie's conundrum re transport to the Hotel - which happens to be the one I am staying at too. 


If Mick wears yellow then I can wear... weathered  :jester:


And I shall watch out for a hippo visit to the demo pens...


Pete - other famous musicians turn up at Warley - Jules Holland did once in dark glasses, long overcoat but his sun glasses gave the game away.


Enjoy the rest of Tuesday everyone/



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Polly, sorta like that, except in the case of driving flying a plane it's more "..can't see anything through the clouds, rain, snow, sleet, etc..."

Smoke is the ONE THING they hope they don't encounter having to "not see through"!  :O  They also prefer NOT seeing flames and a good fire burning right in front of them too  :jester:


She's home now, and apart from an expected brief intermission when her body decided it did NOT want something she ate sometime yesterday, she's doing fine.

Plenty of meds. and rest for the next 7-10 days. We ALL need some sleep too, it'll be an early night tonight for sure.


Thanks again to everyone for their kind words, whilst this is a small nuisance compared to what so many are having to deal with, it's heartening to have the support of everyone.


Neil, the oddity for me was that it's been a couple of years (thankfully) since we were in a post-op waiting room, last time was Trevors' appendectomy, and it seems it is now common practice to do this!

Every surgeon was trotting into the room armed with several photos to share with the unsuspecting family/friends. Quite alarming when you're not prepared for it :nono: Wasn't that much for us, not sure sinus cavities are that scary, but I'm happy to report I did NOT even attempt to eavesdrop on any of the others, lest I succumbed to the inevitable "technicolour yawn". The technology is amazing and the clarity of the images quite unbelievable, but do we really NEED to see that?


Nite, nite to everyone, you should all be headed for bed soon - except for the notable, NOT IN the UK/EUROPE, contingent, you know who you are :declare:


I knew you'd get the connection.   :jester:

Well done, chaps! (In posh Eenglish)

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In the spirit of the idiotic Black Friday....... Free to a good home. 1 bag of crap. That's right a bag of crap. Well really it's a rubble sack full of surplus wiring, connectors, Peco point motors, and electrical bits. Can't be arsed to separate it all or unsolder the 25 pin connectors. If someone in this neck of the woods is interested, great. Otherwise off to the tip. On a similar note, if anyone again knows of a good home for a surplus Wickes stable saw......

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Back for another visit just to see what's happened.


Shopping was due between 16.30 and 17.30 and again arrived on time - and NO substitutions again - excellent service, and I can see no reason to set foot in a supermarket ever again.


Trip to town was carp, with very late transport in both directions, and I was waiting for the mega-infrequent hospital bus, which sailed past the stop early, and without even checking if anybody was waiting.  Luckily he had to turn, and by the expedient of standing by the roadside and waving my arms about, I managed to get the vehicle to stop.


A quick cholesterol-fest in 'spoons was the high spot of the day.


Back tomorrow


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Also called at a Supermarket (they sell food and other stuff).

Not enough checkouts open for the crowds of shoppers.

After standing in the queue for ten minutes a fellow came and put a notice up saying this till is closing - use another one.

I advised him of his mistake and gave him his notice back to cheers from the queue.

Wasn't Prestatyn the first place to have a pile-it-high and sell-it-cheap supermarket years before Lidl/Aldi?


Edited by Purley Oaks
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Jamie:  Are you going to wear your avatar top so that we'll all recognise you? 




...Bobble 'at...



I wouldn't dare it's the matching lycra shorts and knobbly knees that I wouldn't dare have on show at a place where people of a delicate disposition might be encountered.



Edited by jamie92208
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Apart from the really big themes Early Risers shares with the Russian novel (Trains, Life and Death) I do enjoy following the 'sub themes': local weather, early closing in Wales or yet more commuting glitches in South London...

And I've just noticed another I'm going to contribute to: Big Shopping!


We went to IKEA today - its only 2 miles away - on the site of Derwenthaugh coke works. But I haven't been for about 4-5 years and had forgotten what a total experience it is.

I levered a reluctant wife into coming too - the mission was to sort out our hotch potch of decaying lighting, much of it left over since the last of the kids finally left home. I'd read an article on changing to LEDs, but wanted to drag poor wife into complicity.

We really enjoyed the jaunt - from playing the game of nominating who we thought deserved to be imprisoned in the various living rooms on show, to soft toys (Grandma being eaten by the Wolf), and even people-watching while eating Swedish meatballs and mash in the cafe - for under a tenner.


Apart from lighting, one item I needed was a replacement kitchen cabinet 'plinth' gap closer that had disintegrated after a dying dishwasher lapsed into incontinence.

'Discontinued' the guy told us, but it can be specially ordered from the old stock IKEA keeps in a warehouse in Sweden - I thought that nugget of info deserved to be better known.


I reckon IKEA has an extraordinary business going. It even eclipses Apple in delivering (often challenging) 'design for living' at rock bottom prices.




Ed: typos

Edited by runs as required
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I wouldn't dare it's the matching lycra shorts and knobbly knees that I wouldn't dare have on show at a place where people of a delicate disposition might be encountered.



I suggest you simply (!) disguise yourself as Rio Grande Southern boxcar #8311.
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IKEA: Swedish for partial board.


yes, but at least they tell you it is!


Tired tonight, very busy at work now, the big build for C.......as is in full swing


Best wishes to all that need them.


edit for the post coming out as gibberish for some reason!

Edited by New Haven Neil
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Really, the Daily Mail has plumbed more depths for gullible people.


The so-called “flying saucer” in the Nevada desert looks to me like one solar powered electricity generator..............the type that heats up a point of a central tower.

The “orbs” are reflections from the plane’s window or lens flares. 


Another massive D’oh!


Best, Pete.

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