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Early Risers.


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Expected 80f today in New York. The "cold" front that blew through (and pushed Hurricane Earl out to the east of Long Island) has left the air cool and dry this morning at 49f - we haven't seen such a low since May, I think. It's Labor Day weekend so everywhere will be closed on Monday (except the shops, natch).


We need rain sorely.


Best, Pete.

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  • RMweb Premium

He was born in Mainz I believe.


He was the only driver to ever win the Formula One drivers championship posthumously.


Yes, that's what I read as well. By the way, I think it's amazing how they did without wings for that long, considering the speeds which F1 cars are capable of :blink: .

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  • RMweb Premium

We need new housephone(s)

I thought easy choice, no problem.... then I looked in the Argos catalogue. Forty or so pages of the ruddy things. Aaarrrghh.


Indeed BOD - and of course, the more they do, the harder they are to operate with menu driven this, sim card add on that, and what have you - some are so complicated that for the first few weeks you sre sat with the phone in one hand, and the user guide in the other, just to ring for a takeaway. Also, there is the constant problem (and this is true of just about all techno stuff nowadays) that you might just set something wrongly by mistake, and then not know what you've done, and have to live with that mis-setting for all time - that happened to me with a phone which had a couple of additional features, and for months it called me back after the call with the time and duration of the call that I'd just made!


There are some simple phones in there, it just takes a bit of rooting round to find them - normally the dearer they are, the harder they are to use - also if you just want a simple phone, and aren't too worried about walking round and talking, then most of the corded phones are pretty feature free. Indeed, every home should have a corded phone either in use or in reserve, as cordless phones are useless in a power cut, as are mobiles that are discharged, and it could be a life saver if an emergency call needs to be made while the electric is off!

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  • RMweb Gold

I know you like having a few guitars but that is taking it too far.


:D :rolleyes:


Phil - I had a look at the thread about the show, but I didn't see the photos of the social event - are they on a thread on here?


It's on YMR forum.

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  • RMweb Premium

It's on YMR forum.

Ah - that's why I can't see it, as getting to join YMR is harder than getting into the Masons - it's never open to new members (at least it hasn't any time I've been there to try to register)

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While there really is no "right" age for passing away, it's especially tragic if it happens at this young age :( . A sad irony that this should happen the same day Jochen Rindt died forty years ago.


Absolutely - it was a terrible accident.

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  • RMweb Gold

Ah - that's why I can't see it, as getting to join YMR is harder than getting into the Masons - it's never open to new members (at least it hasn't any time I've been there to try to register)


YMR don't even reply to polite emails about whether or not the membership open season is in a week, month or year or has to be done at the middle of the night when web traffic is light. If they are going to restrict members perhaps they shouldn't have such a tempting front page! I don't know about joining the Masons but I was once rescued by them after I was locked in a school in Upminster I was working in when everyone else went home on a Friday evening.



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  • RMweb Gold

Morning All




Then after the movie had ended, Mrs 45156 let the dog out for a piddle, and there was an anguished shout from the kitchen, as the dog decided to bring in a little friend to keep her company in the night - a baby hedgehog which she carried in most gently in her mouth, and deposited it in her basket. Mrs 45156 managed to get it back out with a bit of oral encouragement from me, and the dog then spent the next half hour rooting round her basket looking for her new found company. We finally managed to get the dog to come upstairs to her normal sleeping quarters, and she sulked for most of the night, then this morning, started the search again. She's been a bit agitato about something in the garden for nights, and now we know what - oddly, she's never shown any inclination at all to trying to mother anything - although she has been a mum on a couple of occasions when she was a lot younger - but we thought that at ten, and having been spayed, that her maternal days were over.


I'll call back later to see who's doing what.




Hedgehog fleas are more common on dogs than dog fleas are apparently!



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Morning All,


It is as clear as a bell here this morning. I was treated to a beautiful sunrise on my way to work and now that it has got light, there is a silvery grey sky. It looks like it is going to be a nice day today!


It will be rather a long day for me though - I have to put in a few extra hours this week to cover me for next week when I have got rather a lot on. I don't want to run my overtime account down too much - you never know when you might need it.


Have a good day everyone...

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Good morning everybody :D

Meet Don Bradley Consulting Services.

I am negotiating a contract with my current firm to be contracted as a Consultant.

Negotiations are at a very early stage but at present it means that I am on line for the next couple of weeks at least. So I withdraw my "with immediate effect" Good byes.

Congratulations Jam on a successful show. I am sorry that the attendance was poorer than before, but it did mean that you were under less pressure and you could relax a bit.

Very "iffy" weather, but not too bad. For the momernt the skys have cleared and although

the sun looks as if it may come out, a max of only 17 is expected.

Happy 'back to school' to all those to whom it applies.

I hope you all have a good week ahead.

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  • RMweb Premium

Morning All


Great to see Don is still with us. You can't keep a good man down.


Weather here is a bit neutral but forecast is for heavy rain and string winds later, so perhaps today being housebound will be an advantage. I've finally worked out a way of getting down stairs with my walking aids but have not managed to get a corresponding upward method - so hopefully if I do need to get downstairs before Mrs 45156 gets home, I can do so.


Not a lot happening today, so I'll check back later.



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Morning all. biggrin.gif


Glad to see you'll be around for a while yet, Don. You must be rivalling Frank Sinatra for the number of comebacks....wink.gif


Returned safely from the wild depths of Cornwall. Managed to savour a few pints of the local bitter and admire the local talent. Still haven't met the elusive DD. Perhaps he's one of those cyber characters that doesn't really exist.


Could he have been the real Fat Controller from the first version of RMWeb?


Still have "Mind the Doors" going round my head from Geoff's underground module.


Final question for those associated with the railways. Why do they allow children in Quiet Carriages? Had a couple of screaming Tarquins for four and half hours on the way back from Redruth.


Bloomin' posh families with their weekend homes in the West Country....

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  • RMweb Premium

Could he have been the real Fat Controller from the first version of RMWeb?


Bloomin' posh families with their weekend homes in the West Country....


Oh yes, I remember FC on the first RMWeb - did we ever find out his or her true identity, or was he The Stig of the model railway world?


And I think most natives of Cornwall and Devon would agree with that sentiment, Gordon

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Oh yes, I remember FC on the first RMWeb - did we ever find out his or her true identity, or was he The Stig of the model railway world?


You'll have to wait until my autobiography comes out :lol:


(Only joking - I don't remember FC, but then I wasn't around much on the first RMweb)

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