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Morning all from red dragon land where it's been wet and windy.

More fiddly modelling till the brain died.  Boy, the amount of concentration it needs.  It never looks that bad before I start.  Still, it is great if it works out - even that disaster I had the other day - I used it as was to save more messing around and it's turned out alright in the end, up till now anyway.


But for now, it's time to bid you all good night and nos da.

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Morning all,

Tired after another poor night's sleep, but happy that I'm to get some attention soon which should help. Now abed with the IPad and caught up with the posts. Like several ERs have mentioned, I'm now suffering from French atrocity overload and Joanna who agrees, switched to of all things A&E!!

Wonder if any of our older experienced members can advise on a little problem I've got - in my father's old tool chest, I've come across an LMS petrol lamp which is in a really filthy state, and missing the front pane of glass which looks as if it would have been flat and c. 2mm thick like the two side panes, as it slides in and out of a slot which couldn't be done with a 'bull's eye bulge. It is square based with a slot on the bottom which looks like it's for mounting. The curved top is actually a hinged lid with a looped handle on it and allows the fuel tank to be removed, complete with integral ceramic wick holder, presumably for re-filling and trimming. The back has two looped wire handles as well as a latch for the lid. It is absolutely filthy so I can't read a date anywhere, although 'LMS' is clearly stamped, and there is a little brass plate saying petroleum only. Anyone got an idea what it would have been used for as loco and guards van lamps would have lenses.Is it likely to be a porter's or shunter's lamp? No wonder the lamps were locked in galvanised steel lamp rooms as it looks like a mini bomb! I'll try to get it cleaned up tomorrow and post a batch of photos as soon as I can. I am responsible to the family for disposing of these items!

Ian(OD), great news about Chrissy, those of you that knew her must be relieved but it brings the horror to your doorstep for a time. That was a touching story about the old friends. I note that the French newspapers are mainly citing excess speed as the cause of the TGV de-railment.

DD, glad to read that you are still above water! Unfortunately, No2 grandson from Clacton chose this week to go climbing (as part of an experienced team) in Snowdonia. Naturally all the normal routes are closed in the bad weather, especially as someone was blown off the mountain recently. Apparently sorrows have been well and truly drowned in their lodgings and various hostelries, although they could have stayed at home and done that for much less!

Dave(TG), where have all the pretty coloured leaves gone?

Tony_S, many thanks for the advice on Windows10 which I shall certainly keep in mind. When I switched to infinity a couple of years ago, I retained the start up discs, so if the worst does happen I can re-install all my wireless peripherals. Thank you also for the tip on the garage door, although another alternative is an inner partition at the extremity of the small space I have available. Like the idea of a mouse proof seal though - I lost several items of clothing to their nest building over the years including a Giacomo Agostini Swiss made ski jacket from when we were both hired by Yamaha, and a pit lane jacket emblazoned with the Dan Gurney 'All American Racers' badging and 'Gurney Eagle Weslake' on the back. (I was given this at Spa)! Irreplaceable!!!

Mal, Joanna and I will be thinking of you later today when they pipe in your next dose of chemo. Fingers crossed that you continue to handle the side effects.

Simon, sorry to hear about the leak - don't whatever you do try re-pointing during the forecast weather - being up ladders and high winds just don't mix. (Edit : same goes for you Jamie!).

Geoff, belated greetings for a very HAPPY BIRTHDAY and many more of them. It must have been lovely to hear from your son so far away, and such good news about his work! Have you not considered Skype contact from time to time. We regularly use Face Time on my iPad Air to talk to our brood that live in London and Epping and it's lovely to see them whilst we chat.

Bill(bbishop), sadly he may need some comforting ere long, as my cancer is stage four, and my care palliative. I have however now lasted double the original prognosis, and I'm not going to throw in the towel for a while yet! I have been working on the family, planning the 'end of life' protocol with them to soften the blow when it comes. The new apartment, which should be ready to occupy in January, is on the river near to the South access to the Rotherhithe tunnel which I'm told is an 'up and coming area'! The positions of Treasurer and Trustee are obviously important to the charity and it really is very decent of you to give up your time and expertise to allow the counsellors more freedom and time to do their job.

Neil(NHN), I'm afraid that I find the American locomotives, whether steam or diseasal, very ugly when compared to ours! I know that access to working parts for servicing is often cited as the reason, but when I hold the image of that steam loco next to images of say Mr Stanier's Princess, or Mr Collett's Castle, there simply is no comparison IMHO! (That should set something rolling!!).

Duncan, I guess you are suffering the consequences of being indispensable! I truly hope the company compensate you adequately. Any news yet of the possible changes in that respect that you mentioned a couple of months ago?

Well into the day that lots of people don't like, so once again I wish our commuters a stress free journey later. And the usual hopes for continuing improvement in our ailing members. I've got a feeling that Stewart is suffering a bit of a post op downer at the moment and I just wish we had a digital way of hugging him, and bringing him out of it - any ideas?

Hope your week starts well,

Kind regards,


G'night Pete! G'night Owls!

PS, any sign of that bright light yet Andy?

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Good morning one and all


Mal's post yesterday prompted me to check the multiplex website.  As a result I attended the 12.20 showing of 'The Lady in the Van' and enjoyed it.  Many were the well-known faces with small but important parts whose names I could not recall until the credits rolled but even I recognised James Corden being a market trader instead of a chat show host.  Lunch was late and comprised plaice fillets and oven chips slung in the oven with apple strudel to follow, initiated while ITV3 was showing a Marple remake to which I paid little heed.


This morning I must visit the bank to pay in another remittance from ERNIE and to query something that came by e-mail.  I have printed it out because all efforts to forward it to the bank's address for scam e-mails did not work.  It tells me that my Barclaycard statement is now on line, overlooking the fundamental fact that I do not have a Barclaycard.  I spy thieving ###### ...


There are signs that news coverage is beginning to regain its sense of proportion.  I have just heard on the radio that Cynthia Payne has died, aged 82.  Had this occurred two days ago we would never have known.  Hang on a minute: James Naughtie is in Paris, so we're not done yet.  Nick Robinson is the London anchor this morning and has just croaked that he will be speaking to the PM later.  Will his voice hold out?  Stay tuned for tomorrow's griping instalment.


With the usual best wishes to the ailing




Edit - I've been censored!  How can a word beginning with B which indicates incomplete parentage be profane?

Edited by chrisf
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Morning All,


It looks like a relatively clear morning after a somewhat blustery weekend.


Unfortunately, I have a two day team building event to attend.  Oh what fun that will be - not.


Have a good day everyone...

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  • RMweb Premium

Morning all. Looking gloomy outside, so coffee needs to be consumed. Two halves on Line 11 beginning just past noon are my agenda today.


Weather forecast predicts falling night temperatures and possibility of frost and a few traces of snow by the second half of the week. Eew! Seriously, unsteady weather like that which we're having isn't what I need…


Unfortunately, I have a two day team building event to attend.  Oh what fun that will be - not.


There's a positive attitude there… :jester:

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Unfortunately, I have a two day team building event to attend.  Oh what fun that will be - not.



Now, now! That's entirely the wrong attitude. Don't you realize a lot of management consultants' jobs depend on these events?

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Hello from China,


Not so much an 'early riser' as its 14.30 here and I just had breakfast!


It's a grey, overcast day with horrible haze, not sure if it's weather related or ruddy pollution.


Out of interest the interweb is quite restricted here and without a VPN you can't even log on to RMweb.....it must be the subversive nature of the site.

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  • RMweb Gold

Hello from China,

Not so much an 'early riser' as its 14.30 here and I just had breakfast!

It's a grey, overcast day with horrible haze, not sure if it's weather related or ruddy pollution.

Out of interest the interweb is quite restricted here and without a VPN you can't even log on to RMweb.....it must be the subversive nature of the site.

Must be all the criticisms of the models made over there!


Well, no bad comments from me about my Kernow 02 and Hornby S15 as they ran rather well on th layout yesterday and no doubt got a few chuckles / frowns from viewers of an 02 alongside a Big Boy under th coaling tower.


A soggy morning her in Surrey and trains delayed apparently by a slow running freight train according to the station announcement but an among thing happened in at they put our train in front of both the Vic and Bedford trains. Don't ever recall that happening before as ours stop sat intermediate stations as far as Purley.


A night in to tidy up after unloading last night and if I get time I will start renumbering and weathering my 02

Edited by roundhouse
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Morning All,


It looks like a relatively clear morning after a somewhat blustery weekend.


Unfortunately, I have a two day team building event to attend.  Oh what fun that will be - not.


Have a good day everyone...


Would that involve abseiling?


Good morning all. I also got censored on another part of the forum. The word that can be written sh1t does not get past the censor. but the past participle (or at least the one I use) does!.



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  • RMweb Premium

Morning all from the wind swept north west highlands of Leeds.


Good job I don't work in Barrow any more as the A65 has a bit of flooding here, there and everywhere. Just hope that those affected by it are OK.


Team building = waste of time unless it's fun. Best day I had was at a clay pigeon shoot then blind fold driving course. You need to trust your team. If it involves climbing trees it is not for me!


Hope everyone with medical appointments today gain calm and peace from them.


Tea to be drunk so bye for now.



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  • RMweb Premium

Morning all from a now dry and fairly bright village.   The final leaves seem to have come off the trees but we haven't had any more rain overnight that I'm aware of.  


Baz I'll have to have a look and see where the A65 is flooded, I drove a good bit of it on Saturday with no problems.


NHN, loved the New Haven locos.   Though I'm a confirmed fan of the beautiful products of Samuel Johnson from Derby and the best livery ever to adorn a loco (Duck for cover from incoming from the south west).  I have always liked American locos.  Those NH steamers look good.


Anyway, breakfast is now consumed.  The curtains that got soaked Saturday night are now in the washer and I'm preparing for a charity committee meeting.  Hopefully I'll get the plywood that I need sorted in the garage this afternoon before an evening doing final things at the clubrooms.


Regards to all and hope that your day goes well.



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A blustery morning and a lot colder again. We have lost a lot more dunes to the sea this week, where there was a gentle slope down to the beach there is now a 12 foot cliff.


There appears to be no let up in the BBC coverage of events in France, they really seem to be wallowing in it. I imagine the terrorist organisation involved must be delighted by the coverage their actions are getting.


The range is working properly again, so I must cancel the electrician. We turned the heating on for the first time this winter on Friday which means motorised valves springing into action. The electrician thought it was likely to be a sticking valve that caused the problem and turning the heating on (just for one day!) seems to have done the trick.


Hope the week goes well for you.

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There appears to be no let up in the BBC coverage of events in France, they really seem to be wallowing in it. I imagine the terrorist organisation involved must be delighted by the coverage their actions are getting.




Very much agree with that John.




I regret that I may be the soab that bu66ered the thread on this.

Edited by edcayton
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I expect it's just me that is totally confused by the media coverage of the Paris attack.

It seems that a 'fact' is not really a fact, just speculation.

This morning I'm told that the 'eighth' terrorist is now on the run after being released by police.

Yesterday I understood he had been shot dead or had been arrested in Morocco.

We were told that two crazies with explosives were unable to gain access to the football ground.

Did they have tickets?

The 'coverage' this morning differed very little from yesterday.

Whatever the truth of this affair, I think the reports should be a little more sensitive to the worry and loss suffered by those impacted by this mayhem.

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DD, glad to read that you are still above water! Unfortunately, No2 grandson from Clacton chose this week to go climbing (as part of an experienced team) in Snowdonia. Naturally all the normal routes are closed in the bad weather, especially as someone was blown off the mountain recently. Apparently sorrows have been well and truly drowned in their lodgings and various hostelries, although they could have stayed at home and done that for much less!



Thanks, Jock.

Yes, folk regularly come to Snowdonia to fall off the mountains.

Even professional climbers seem to choose strange weather conditions to scale the highest mountain in England and Wales.

Worse, maybe, are the number of folk in sneakers and T shirts wandering about waiting for the accident.

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  • RMweb Gold

Good morning all,

Cloudy and breezy after the rain last night - there may be some more showers today.

Not much to report except that I will shortly be plugging in the soldering iron and crawling about under the layout. I still haven't got a hard hat    :banghead: so there may be blood, burns  blisters.

Have a good one,


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Any info on the loco Neil?



Ian's supposition was correct.  The 2-8-2 is a Broadway Limited Imports heavy Mikado, and the RS11 is Atlas.  The livery of the RS11 is a little cheeky - they were built and painted, but never ran in this livery, as there was 'some doubt' about the order to ALCo.  As in, someone said verbally to build them, but the paperwork was never done!  I think the batch went to the D&H.


Jamie - they are both New York Central locos - New Haven were much nicer! Well, colourful in the McGinnis era, and they have my initials on the side.....





I should of course be at work, however I have been up since 2am off and on, with the trots...ugh.  TMI  :sarcastichand:

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  • RMweb Premium

Morning all from Estuary-Land. At least the news on BBC has found other items to report now but if you blink you might miss them. I don't seem to suffer from the 'censor' as others do though at times I can use language that would make a trooper blush. Lets have a little experiment, William I was known as William the Bastard and Mrs. Slocum refered to her cat as her '######'. Well that settles that, its set to edit out American swear words rather than British it seems. A well known Anglo-Saxon word for testicles in common use this side of the pond is virtually unknown on the other side of the pond, someone in California had it on his car licence plate much to the amusement of British visitors.

Edited by PhilJ W
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Not much to report except that I will shortly be plugging in the soldering iron and crawling about under the layout. I still haven't got a hard hat    :banghead: so there may be blood, burns  blisters.

Have a good one,



Have you considered seeking professional help to deal with this self-harming, Bob?

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Morning all, a quick visit as year end is not letting up. Best wishes to those who are ailing or who have medical appointments.


I saw a floor plan of the new office to which we move in a couple of weeks time. There will be no view over Borough Market Junction for me. In fact the windows are all taken by offices, the best of which (north facing with a view of the river, maybe)) are reserved for the great and the good. I wonder if they realise they have a railway line right outside their window? Those of us who will be denizens of the open plan will have to do whatever light filters through the offices.


Onwards and upwards!

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