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  • RMweb Gold

Windoze laptop doing an update - it's been checking for half an hour - will it be finished by the end of the weekend?


Not just Windows devices! Aditi hadn't used her Mac for a couple of weeks and it had loads of updates. However I noticed that the El Capitan operating system now works with MS Office 2016 so while I could remember the passwords I did that upgrade as well. I may do my Mac Mini if I can be bothered soon!
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Rather damp here as well, though not as wet as the forecast had suggested.  I made some unusual soup for lunch.  Last night, on my way home from the Derwent Railway Society AGM, I called in at Tesco for a few items, and ended up buying some bags of cabbage and broccoli, and also some spinach, each reduced to the sum of 1p!  An onion added and some stock cubes, and a very delicious soup followed, for the total cost of about 20 to 30p.

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Not just Windows devices! Aditi hadn't used her Mac for a couple of weeks and it had loads of updates. However I noticed that the El Capitan operating system now works with MS Office 2016 so while I could remember the passwords I did that upgrade as well. I may do my Mac Mini if I can be bothered soon!

Mavericks is still working fine with all extraneous programs - it’s still being updated (mostly “security” stuff) but Safari (to 9.0.1) with Mavericks updated a week or so ago.


I’m still going to wait.


Best, Pete.

Edited by trisonic
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...building a 16mm scale live steamer... might start a thread on 'ere, I'm sure there's a few who'd find it all interesting.



I'd be interested, Lisa - just give us a link when the time comes.

Here you go then: Building a 16mm Scale Live Steam Loco.


Ever tried finding an old post in this thread? Just about need a Sherpa.

Edited by LisaP4
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  • RMweb Gold

Busy show here in Spalding although all a bit cramped with less than three foot behind the layout so we are getting in the way of others behind us. Me sitting with my other half in the car for a break. Raining hard aswell.


My 02 still on the tolling Road and the newly purchased S15 has had a good run in. Both very nice models.


Tonight it looks like beers in Boston so hopefully plenty of Bateman ales.

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  • RMweb Gold

Rather damp here as well, though not as wet as the forecast had suggested. I made some unusual soup for lunch. Last night, on my way home from the Derwent Railway Society AGM, I called in at Tesco for a few items, and ended up buying some bags of cabbage and broccoli, and also some spinach, each reduced to the sum of 1p! An onion added and some stock cubes, and a very delicious soup followed, for the total cost of about 20 to 30p.

We had a nice soup for lunch. Can't remember what the name of it was but it came from an Elizabeth David recipe book that Aditi bought when she was a teenager. We had carrots, onions and potatoes in the fridge and chicken stock in the freezer so that became soup. Homemade (via bread machine) wholemeal loaf is a lot smaller now too! The freezer needs defrosting so I can see a few more "what can we make with this"meals appearing.

Edited by Tony_S
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  • RMweb Premium

El Capitan is running completely fine on all machines here – if it's any relief for you, Pete.


Felt quite off colour for most of today, probably because it's become cooler by several degrees and has been windy all day. We did go out and buy me a windbreaker for our North Sea vacation which commences next Wednesday. Dinner will be either turkey ragout with mushrooms and rice or pea soup with sausage, with the other dish then being our menu for tomorrow!


I'll definitely catch as much rest as I can, as while tram driving is a lot of fun, having to stay focused and alert for several hours on end isn't something to be underestimated – and might certainly be part of a possible response to anyone who, perhaps out of personal frustration with public transport, might go claiming they could do this job so much better.


I also think certain motorists who through reckless driving might have caused a dangerous situation involving a tram should be sentenced to spending a day (or a couple) driving one under supervision so as to get an idea of just how differently rail vehicles handle, even under most favourable conditions.

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I also think certain motorists who through reckless driving might have caused a dangerous situation involving a tram should be sentenced to spending a day (or a couple) driving one under supervision so as to get an idea of just how differently rail vehicles handle, even under most favourable conditions.


I'd be no good at it - I couldn't get the hang of the steering wheel.

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  • RMweb Premium

Evening all from Estuary-Land. Went to open my e-bay account this morning and as soon as I went to click on something in my watch list it came up 'Your watch list is empty'. Just as well I was not bidding on anything but annoying nevertheless. I checked it this evening and it was still showing the same message, however I clicked on the notifications and items on my watch list showed on there, I then clicked on an item and it stated that it was on my watch list, the 'watch list' was highlighted so I clicked on that and it restored my watch list. I'm a bit wary of parafin heaters, many years ago the flat where I was living had a very cramped bathroom which was over an open passageway and with no central heating was absolutely freezing in winter. The only heating was by one of those upright Valor parafin heaters. I was drying myself after having a bath when I dropped the towel, bending down to pick it up my bare backside came in contact with the heater, ouch! I had to ask my dad to treat my 'wounds', when he stopped laughing that is. I've still got the scars but thankfully it wasn't something else that got burned. Jamie, nice to hear that you have a cheese 'emporium'. Does it do cheeses of all nationalities or does it limit itself to more local produce? I have discovered a particular French cheese that I do like, 'Tomme' which has a light creamy texture, goes well with a salad and a glass of beer.

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  • RMweb Gold

All credit to Andyram!


The Weston show was very pleasant.


Well signed from the A50,  a nice selection of layouts, friendly and talkative operators and lots of cake.


Tea was sensibly served in mugs, not pathetic little cups.


I shall have to go next year.

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  • RMweb Premium

Evening all from Estuary-Land. Went to open my e-bay account this morning and as soon as I went to click on something in my watch list it came up 'Your watch list is empty'. Just as well I was not bidding on anything but annoying nevertheless. I checked it this evening and it was still showing the same message, however I clicked on the notifications and items on my watch list showed on there, I then clicked on an item and it stated that it was on my watch list, the 'watch list' was highlighted so I clicked on that and it restored my watch list. I'm a bit wary of parafin heaters, many years ago the flat where I was living had a very cramped bathroom which was over an open passageway and with no central heating was absolutely freezing in winter. The only heating was by one of those upright Valor parafin heaters. I was drying myself after having a bath when I dropped the towel, bending down to pick it up my bare backside came in contact with the heater, ouch! I had to ask my dad to treat my 'wounds', when he stopped laughing that is. I've still got the scars but thankfully it wasn't something else that got burned. Jamie, nice to hear that you have a cheese 'emporium'. Does it do cheeses of all nationalities or does it limit itself to more local produce? I have discovered a particular French cheese that I do like, 'Tomme' which has a light creamy texture, goes well with a salad and a glass of beer.

Hi Phil


yes the cheese emporium sells cheeses from all over Britain and several from Europe, many natural from raw milk.  No waxed ones.  It's in a development called 'The Courtyard, of to the left of the A65 between Long Preston and Settle just before you go under the railway.   The guy who runs it, grew up in Appleby and went to France for an apprenticeship in cheese making and maturing.  When I asked him for some for Christmas I was told that it was far too early but I brought some home for consumption.



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... Jamie, nice to hear that you have a cheese 'emporium'. Does it do cheeses of all nationalities or does it limit itself to more local produce? I have discovered a particular French cheese that I do like, 'Tomme' which has a light creamy texture, goes well with a salad and a glass of beer.


I was a little puzzled by your description of Tomme cheese, Phil; the only Tomme I've tried, on Liz's recommendation, had the texture of a granite cobblestone. Actually, as I found when I had a look at Wikipedia, the name covers a range of cheeses from Switzerland and the French Alps. The one you enjoyed sounds much nicer than the kind I suffered!


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Evening all. We live in grim times. I hope that Ian's friend of a friend is OK.


Up early, cycled to my charity in Deptford to obtain some information, to Ian Allen at Waterloo to order three Schuco lorries, train to Surbiton then cycled to Tolworth just as the heavens opened.


Decentish exhibition. Rather too much of that which cannot be mentioned. Chatted to our Chris in front of a South Welsh layout, did a relief spell on the South Western Circle stand, bought a couple of books and a Freightman wagon and left at close of play, by which time the rain had stopped. A couple of pints in the Surbiton 'Spoons withj a friend, two trains and a short cycle home.


I need to e-mail my fellow trustees with this morning's information, then to bed with a hot drink.



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  • RMweb Premium

Catching up with everything.


The Parisiennes are in my thoughts. I wonder what the wider/longer term issues will be? But one of my personal ideals is not to discuss religion or politics with friends. As it's here on ER, where we are all friends, I won't go any further.


And if it couldn't get any worse in France, there's been a high-speed train crash.


NB junior is back home for a few days after 8 weeks away at Uni. Her journey yesterday was constant stream of text messages updating her progress and connections from Colchester-Liverpool St - Euston-Manchester-Bolton-home with the less than ideal weather conditions. It was a bit of a rush across the city to catch the train at Euston, but managed with about 10 minutes to spare. However, the inbound service to London was delayed, eventually resulting in a late arrival in Manchester for the onward connection to Bolton for her final train. Normally, our local service is hourly frequency, so she was looking at nearly a full hour waiting for the last part of her journey in the glamorous surroundings of Bolton station, but an "anomaly" in the timetable around the peak time, results in an extra service that meant she was home only 30 minutes behind schedule. Not bad for a 8-week wait.....


We've (Junior and me) had an afternoon queuing in traffic shopping and taking in a ice hockey match. Our "normal" team of the Blackburn Hawks don't have a game this weekend, so we went to see the Blackburn Eagles who play in the league below. A spartan crowd, but good atmosphere to watch them win 7-3 with quite an entertaining game.


Whilst shopping, I purchased a new laptop for general (work/modelling/home) use and I now have a HP Pavilion 2-in-1 to configure this evening. It'll be straight to Windows 10 when I power it up later. I have a quiet few days away soon, so to keep me occupied, there'll be a push to finally sort out my very disjointed photo collection that exists in multiple copies on two computers, two external hard drives and numerous CD's.


No doubt, off to the modelling shed as the new laptop upgrades to W10.




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But one of my personal ideals is not to discuss religion or politics with friends.



Quite right too Mick. There is a common misconception in this part of the world that everyone holds very similar views on these topics. Unfortunately, I don't share many of those views, and I frequently find I have to bite my tongue or make an excuse to leave the room. If I actually said what I was thinking it would lead to considerable angst :)


(and you're never quite sure who might be "packing heat", even if they are gentlemen of the cloth) 

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El Capitan is running completely fine on all machines here – if it's any relief for you, Pete.


I was going to do it on the Apple upload page and then I read their reviews!!!!

What’s the smallest amount of ram on your machines Dom?


Best, Pete.

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Gosh, it never rains but it pours in France. Poor devils; a TGV (test train) crash near Strasbourg killed 10 today.


It has been confirmed that 2 of the Paris attackers were registered in Greece as Syrian refugees (also mentioned on BBC “front page”). This is unfortunate as it confirms what some of the security sources over here have been speculating about how the vast movement of people (from more than Syria) has been arranged. However insane IS is they have some brilliant operational skills, alas.


Best, Pete.

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  • RMweb Premium

Evening Morning all from Estuary-Land. I realise that I caused confusion about the cheese, its full name is 'Tomme des Pyrenees' not realising that there was an Alpine version. In fact it could almost be regarded as a British cheese as the region it comes from is Aquitaine and it has been around since the 12th century when Aquitaine was English territory. In fact its quite similar to a Lancashire or a Cheshire cheese but softer and milder. Getting late now so goodnight all.

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Morning all,

Thoughts have obviously been with the families and friends of those poor people who lost their life in the atrocity in Paris last night! As Mick(NB) suggested, I'll go no further! I will moan like mad about the pillock who was letting off lots of fireworks nearby as soon as dusk fell, although I suppose it could have been a wedding or a special celebration he says grudgingly! Thought we'd finished with them until New Year's Eve.

AndyB, hope both the leg and arm feel better soon. Thanks for the comments on cooking - Joanna and I often tussle over who has the sticky dark part of the crumble topping where the fruit juice has tried to bubble out! I'd quite forgotten about your cooking course with M. Blanc, which must have been an awesome experience! I wouldn't like to take the top room at 'Le Manoir' though - a superior suite with breakfast, dinner and a day's cooking lesson costs the princely sum of £1817.00 per head!

Ian(OD), don't know if you've heard anything yet - we really hope that 'Chrissy' was nowhere near the carnage in Paris.

Mike(SM), hope 'laddo' as you call him, made it back safely with his friends. I sympathise with your comments as our children also seem not to have completely left home! I suppose we should consider it a compliment that they still turn to us for help or advice?

R.I.P. Warren Mitchell, it is rather sad that he was always type cast as the 'Alf Garnett' type character because he was a fine actor who gave a lot of people a lot of pleasure. I always thought it ironic when he was thought of as a Conservative bigoted racist and anti-Semitic when in real life he was a socialist with a Jewish background! (Sorry if the mention of such politics/religion offends anyone!) I suppose 89 amounts to a fair innings!

Neil(NHN), many thanks for the update on the heater, it sounds like a really hi-tech device. I will consider it when I have time to contrast the total expense, including running costs of it and the alternatives. I guess it would be a good idea to measure the volume of the space I'm to heat first? Nice to see a Spotted Woodpecker in your garden, we occasionally get one of the Green variety (aka Yaffle) in our garden as there are a couple of pairs that nest regularly in the nearby graveyard. Hope Jayne was in good form at lunch, is she coping at the moment?

Bill(bbishop), sounds like you had a very busy but fulfilling day! Is it possible that we might know the charity concerned - my son is in the act of buying a new flat near Deptford? Must have been pleasant to spend some time with Chris at the Tolworth exhibition, he certainly appears to be an interesting character if his posts are anything to go by. I'm going to see if you appear in the inevitable YouTube video!

Mick(NB), glad 'Junior' finally got home safely, it must have been lovely to spend time with her after such a gap! Have you got experience of Windows10? I've just backed up all my data from Windows 7 onto a portable hard drive, and hope to take the free update to W10 this week. Is there anything I should look out for? Thought of you and the good lady tonight, remembering your holiday visiting the Incan ruins, as I watched a programme on the Mayan civilisation which bore similarities to the Incan one in Peru, but was based mainly in Guatemala.

Quite a good evening, watching the F1 qualifying and then a surprise visit from grandson and partner (they had a baby sitter for a short time) so I stretched the hoisin duck noodles that I'd been preparing to accommodate them. Simply a matter of a couple more spring onions and a mild chilli thinly sliced and tossed in the wok before adding to the hoisin sauce I'd prepared earlier then more thread noodles in another wok (yes I've got more than one!) and spreading the sauce and shredded duck leg meat further! It all disappeared quickly with some mini naans from the freezer quickly grilled - the clean plates being the best compliment a cook could have! They were going to have a takeaway, but I know things are tight at the moment. It was lovely to see the lass who was thus eating out for the first time after having a caesarean delivery a couple of weeks ago! Whilst here, he tipped me off about a programme on Dave Gilmour's life and music which is now in the Sky+ box! I've got that and the Grand Prix to look forward to tomorrow. I hope that all of our members who are in the path of the predicted terrible weather have taken precautions and stay safe. The usual wishes to those who are unwell too, hope Sunday is good for you all,

Kind regards,


G'night Pete! G'night Late Bedders!

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