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  • RMweb Gold

Obergrumpenfuhrer away....Hippos will play


The PH and I have just returned from our local (200m away) hostelry.


He is now watching 'Walker: Texas Ranger'. (Starring Mr Wooden aka Chuck Norris)


After I have checked the latest happenings on RM web. I shall retire for the night.


Tomorrow is an early start as Elsa needs her booster inoculations at 0930.


One is led to believe that such a time is still the middle of the night.


PS.  went over to Modeller's Mecca (it is east of the hippodrome) this morning and collected my Bachmann lined maroon Hawksworth autocoach.  Lucy told me she only had three left in stock, and they only arrived on Wednesday!  It does seem to pay to pre order such delights.

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  • RMweb Premium

Evening from Estuary-Land. Great news Dave and Is and I hope things go well for you. Did anyone try the test I posted here a few days ago, the Cognitive Function test? no one mentioned having done so but it does take about 15 minutes. I've put it on my Facebook page and I recommend anyone over 50 to take the test. Goodnight all.

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Morning all,

Had quite a good day in that I managed to summon up the energy, aided by a larger than normal shot of morphine, to strip and cut the very long and damp weed patch. I have simply been too ill to cope with it since my pain returned weeks ago. In addition, I was cheered up to receive appointments for a CT scan (to locate the precise location of the pain in my pelvis) on 9th of December, and a Pre-Op consultation for the operation to repair my hernia on the 30th of this month!

Cheered even more to read Dave(TG)'s news - what a soldier 'Is' must be, long may it last.

Ian(OD), belated Happy birthday greetings, and many more of them! Means I'm 4months older than you, being a July 1947 baby. Hope you and Sherry had an enjoyable day.

Dom, I hope your dinner brought back memories of the happy times for Elise. I'm sure you did your best to dispel any sadness.

Baz, George Butterworth was indeed another sad loss in 1916 at only 31. No headstone, only his name on the Thiepval Cemetery memorial as his platoon buried him where he fell to a snipers bullet, and the ground was so terribly churned up by the artillery barrage of the next few days that his remains were never identified! He died before he could be awarded the MC that he'd won a couple of days earlier, and they don't award them posthumously like the VC so he didn't get it!

Mike(60860), also a sad loss was W N Hodgson, I had read 'Before Action' several times in one of my books of poetry from WW1, but I've never heard the musical setting so I'll have to see what YouTube will throw up - will I find your version? I wonder if the fact that he published his work under a pen name impacted on his popularity? He was awarded an MC.

Both those men were obviously brave soldiers, and I believe the more so because both of them could have used their position to land a non-combatant role had they wished!

On the subject of Rebus, I fully agree about the books being far better than the TV version, although I do feel that Ken Stott is very close to how I pictured the character in my 'mind's eye'! Joanna is also a great fan and I bet you can guess who gets to read a new Rankin book first.

Mal, I've read all there is available on Owen I think, and his time with Sassoon at Craiglockhart was possibly the most important period of his life, certainly as far as his poetry goes. Sad to think that men with 'she'll shock' earlier in the war were shot or subjected to 'electric convulsive shock therapy'. I can't be sure whether the two poets got to Craiglockhart because of their position, or whether it points to enlightenment amongst the top brass as the war progressed.

Ian(Abel), have a safe drive with Jemma, very sensible to break it up with an overnight! I'm delighted that Jemma appears to be getting the medical attention she requires - let's hope it leads to a quick recovery.

Pete(trisonic), as a Hemingway fan, I too am very jealous! I'd would love to do that journey although it's only a dream now. I've got a beautifully illustrated book of Michael Palin's TV series on Ernest, and he does the trip in pictures - awesome. Drove a T-top Camaro my late brother had while visiting him in Boston. Although fairly old, it had a recently installed 475 cu.inch V8 under the bonnet, pumping out more than 500bhp! Stripped the rear tyres in no time.

Rick,, your post amazed me, that we could know people in common when we live so far apart! Rather than prattle on here, I'll try to PM you tomorrow. Hope your recovery is progressing.

Deb's, thanks to you also, not just for cheering me with your avatar as usual, but by showing you are on the mend if you're considering a trip to the Eastleigh show! Very well done.

Best wishes to all in a recuperative state, and wishes too to Andy(ram), who runs his local show this weekend, putting lots of effort in despite his busy life!

Kind regards,


G'night Pete! G'night fellow insomniacs !

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  • RMweb Premium

Morning all! One more shift and then a weekend off. Dinner last night was good and I think in a positive memory of MiL.


As for the accident on Line 3 I reported yesterday, news from later that day mentioned the motorist involved had died on the spot, with the police having reason to believe he mistook a traffic light and turned right into the tram's path, although the light for right-turners was probably red. Kind of sobering what awful consequences one moment of confusion may have, and I also need to say that right now, I don't want to be in the place of the poor colleague who was driving that turn…


Screen grabs from a local news portal may give an idea of the severity…







Edited by 1216 025
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Morning all. A bit later than planned thanks to having to reboot the computer after updates and having had no email access for the last 2 days (talktalk).


I still feel bushed even after a good nights sleep so another coffee is called for.


Jock - Excellent news about the appointments.


Have a good day everyone.

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  • RMweb Premium

Morning all. Shopping to be uertaken, then...more weathering!


Good to see appointments being set for Is and Jock.


Herself off for a swim, youngest Herbert busy kicking doors (accidentally I must say) so no chance of a lie in.


Dom, that accident just shows cars are no match for an argument with a tram.


Tea to be drunk so TTFN.



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Good morning one and all


Sister Phillippa was not too displeased with me at the diabetes clinic. There has been a modest weight gain but this was to be expected given my other treatment.   Later I shall dust off some cookbooks and seek inspiration for meals that are both tasty and good for me.  What part of Utopia do you come from, they cry.


Robert, my TV reception is by set top aerial.  I should not need anything more elaborate given that I am only about 10 miles from the transmitter and can't be doing with this satellite lark.


Jock, my 2005 diary seems to be in too safe a place for me to find it.  The search will continue.


Today there is laundry to process and more fodder to be bought.  Tomorrow I plan to go to Tolworth Showtrain.


Best wishes to all



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Morning All,


It is another rather grey morning in this part of the world.  Still, it is Friday, and I have a plentiful supply of coffee!


Nasty accident that one Dominik - You really have to keep your wits about you in a lot of Cities, but it is rare that a lapse of concentration has such dire consequences. 


Chris, It is strange that you are having problems with your TV if the transmitter is so near.  Assuming that nothing has changed in the immediate vicinity (new buildings, reduced transmitter power and so on) then the suspicion would have to fall on the set top box.  Of course, even with such a small distance to the transmitter - an outside aerial will always give a better signal - but I agree, you shouldn't need anything more elaborate.


Have a good day everyone...

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Morning guys..and gals.  Great news for you Dave and a very belated happy birthday to Ian for yesterday.  Glad to hear you have Sherry trained already.  I tried that once with Jackie and am still paying my penance.  Tea has to be brought in bed every morning, but at least I have lived to tell the tale.


Loved that drive from Miami to Key West.  Took the long straight road across the Everglades and then headed south over the numerous bridges as we hopped from one island to another.  There must have been a bikers convention or rally that weekend as the road was full of leather clad bikers on their Harley's.  Felt like I was an extra in Easy Rider....


One of life's great drives....


Had the radio on the other day and heard that one road in Wokingham was blocked with a serious accident.  I'd heard the name of the specific place before, but didn't really know where it was. Having Googled it this morning I found it was within a few hundred yards of where we live.  


One day I'll wake up.....:-)


Edit:  Having checked the map, re the Everglades and Miami, I confused myself.  We were staying in St Petersburg so had flown to Tampa to stay with friends. On the way back, we drove south and then headed across the Everglades down to Key West and then flew home from Miami.

Edited by gordon s
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  • RMweb Gold

Morning from a sunny Surrey.

You have a good day too Debs.

As my other half is working from home thus morning we drove down to the sorting office and collected my 02 before dropping it back in the car then me walking to the station whilst she took the still boxed 02 home.

Hoping for a POETS day today so I can get an earlier train to Peterborough where she will meet me. The layout that was loaded into the car last night.

A short drive to Spalding to set up for our penultimate show this year.

Edited by roundhouse
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Gordon S - yes that's a great drive down yo the Keys seeing all the old railroad bridges although it's no doubt changed since our last visit in 98. Will be Doing the drive across Florida to Naples and Fort Myers for the first time since then in a few weeks time and an evening trip on the Seminole Gulf dinner train across the Caloosahatchee River

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Good news folks....the cancerous areas on Is have shrunk with the chemo....we have a date for the mastectomy in mid December, then radiotherapy in January. Bone spots stable or being reduced by Demosamab.


Off to the pub





Great news. Celebrations definitely in order for Is.

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  • RMweb Gold

Morning all.

Quite mild and calm at the moment. The wet and windy weather is forecast to arrive here nearer lunchtime.

Nothing too exciting planned for today, some shopping perhaps. A package from the IoM could arrive this morning.


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After all the hysteria over Abigail I’ve been checking the reports/forecasts. The unnamed (unless you know better) storm (which still has some “tropical” characteristics) arriving over Saturday/Sunday will probably affect more people adversely.


Best, Pete.

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  • RMweb Gold

Good morning all,

After last night's rain the sky is blue at the moment but squally showers forecast followed by a bright and blustery afternoon.

Grandchildren were on form last night until Joe started tormenting Gemma (again) and all hell broke loose (she is small but feisty and as an aspiring gymnast very fit and strong) That did it as Nicki (like me) stands no nonsense so they were taken home early and I suspect sanctions will be applied.

Tea has been taken to The Boss who so far has not imparted to me her plans for the day. Whatever they are I doubt that they will coincide with mine.

Chris - I won't see you at Tolworth as I'm going on Sunday.

Have a good one,


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morning all,cold and wet here,and that's just inside the garage.....4th trip to the doctors with daisy and finally sorted,amazing what the right antibiotics can do in just a few hours,caused me and the missis a week of sleepless nights....glad your appointmants are coming through jock,hopefully itll make things a bit better and nice to see debs on the mend,tea drunk and ramp swept,bring it on.....have a good day all.

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After all the hysteria over Abigail I’ve been checking the reports/forecasts. The unnamed (unless you know better) storm (which still has some “tropical” characteristics) arriving over Saturday/Sunday will probably affect more people adversely.


Best, Pete.


Doomed. we're all doomed!



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I can't even imagine how you both must have felt when given that news.

If I were there the drinks would be on me.


The issue has obviously been on our minds throughout chemo BoD but reaching the end of that stage forced us to focus on what comes next and consider whether the treatment had been successful. Is couldn't eat anything at all yesterday with the nerves of waiting to see the consultant, it was therefore with great relief that 3 of us went to the pub last night and enjoyed a slap up meal. Yes, we only have 'responding to treatment' to hang on to at the moment but then that is the best that we could have hoped for.



Edited by Torr Giffard LSWR 1951-71
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  • RMweb Premium

Morning all from a very damp village.  


Jock, I di hope that they get to the bottom of what's causing the pain if you pardon the pun.


Dave (TG) that's great news.


Dom, that's nasty and not an easy thing for people to deal with.


As for others I hope that your various treatments etc. continue well.


I've got to take my car to the garage to have the handbrake adjusted today and then hopefully some layout work this afternoon. The evening is club night so more modelling. 


All the best to everyone.



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