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Suit yourself.


I heard the tune that I allow to be my Christmas earworm for the first time this evening - ELP's I Believe in Father Christmas - that's it now, season is over move on please.....humbug.

No, really it is. There are lots of people abusing the poppy for their own reasons at the moment, and this mythification is all part of that. That's quite important, as you will see if you look at how groups like Britain First are using the poppy appeal to spread disinformation and hatred.

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Morning all. Dozed off on the sofa early last night, which was followed by a good night's worth of regular sleep, if you will! Split shift today with more than four hours off in between parts, so I'll be having a haircut in the off duty period. First part will be on Line 16, second on Line 10, where I'll be returning to Wittenberger Straße Depot at the end.


Be back later…

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Good morning all,

Dry and mild at the moment but outbreaks of rain, some heavy, are promised.

Jock, I think your firework moron visited here about 12.30am. There is obviously a village missing its idiot.

The Boss has been taken to work and all I have to do today is wait for a parcel (not for me) so the railway room beckons. It's been quite a few days since I've done anything to the layout but it seems to be a bit of mess with tools, track and wire etc everywhere so I better tidy up first.

Children and grandchildren visiting later so there should be lots of noise & laughter,

Have a good one,


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Good morning one and all


The quiz was frustrating but closely fought with a gap of but two points in the final result.  I have to write a report for the LCGB bulletin and much of today will see me evaluating just how scathing I can be about the quizmaster.


TonyS and PhilJW, my use of the term 'boxshifter' was probably wrong to describe the good chap representing John Dutfield who has got me out of a hole more than once in the past.  Put the 50 lashes in the post.


How to describe my descent into folk?  Oh boy.  Here goes.  Exposure to it at university [uEA] between 1966 and 1969, variously one concert in the upper dining room with three of the Spinners, another with Tom Paxton, not being prepared to fork out for a Fairport concert in favour of a pub crawl, missionary work by the guy in the next room who worshipped Adge Cutler and the Wurzels.  Then nothing until I started work in Bedford in 1970.  A workmate was in a trio called Sons of Ale who ran a session in a now deceased pub.  There I found out about the folk club at the Angel, which I visited and liked.  A suggestion that they should have a raffle led to my running it and learning very quickly how and where to get hold of suitable LPs, first for prizes and later for sale.  Another workmate used to come back from holiday in August bubbling about Sidmouth festival.  Eventually, in 1975, I got there and have only missed two since.  Before that I had rediscovered the late Alex Atterson who ran the much missed Norwich festival at good old UEA.  In 1976 I bought a car, to the relief of some friends who were sick of carting me about to clubs and concerts, and visited some more festivals over the years.  I also had a shot at singing, choosing the sort of material that depended on the audience doing most of the work but eventually concluding that having to listen to the man who put the flaw into floor singer was unfair in those who had paid to come in.  Somewhere in all this I discovered that I had been at school with John Kirkpatrick and we had had the same music teacher.  The answer to your next question is that Mr Poole did not teach the squeeze box and John is self taught at the magnificence which he displays!!


Well done, Stewart, for recalling Mr Gladstone's Bag!  They played Bedford a few times and after one appearance I found myself writing it up for something called the Fluke Miller column in a long gone local rag.  The owner of the column was one Norman MacDonald and after a while he was happy to inject some publicity for the Angel club.  Sadly the latter's audience became more of a select gathering and there was club left at the end of the money.  I also did a few album reviews for Folk Review before it collapsed.  Returning to Mr Gladstone's Bag, I often wondered how they would have fared in a double bill with Hinge and Bracket.  We will never know.


Ask me to pick a favourite act and the answer must be Strawhead.  I stumbled across them at my first Sidmouth and got to know them well enough to have been summoned to their 10th, 20th, 25th and 30th birthday parties.  They came to the end of the road in 2012 and I regret this day that their end was a whimper and not a triumphant bang.  Their demise has led me to be even more aware of emerging music and musicians - though I cannot clam to have been first with the news of that Ashley Hutchings album.  It was an impulse purchase at Sidmouth, honest guv.


Finally, for now: have all our folkies declared themselves?  I do hope not, for there is so much to discuss.  Not today though!

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Morning All,


We have another extrememly mild morning here - with broken cloud.  Apparently, the cause of this unseasonably mild weather is warm air coming up from Spain.


There isn't a lot else to report, so I guess it is time for a cup of coffee!


Have a good day everyone...

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Another day off work.


I started losing my voice Saturday night and by yesterday morning I could hardly speak and swollen glands in my neck, so after the insults I had last time I went to work feeling unwell I texted by boss and another who is on a project I am working on that I would not be in and could they deal with the meeting I had in the morning. Needless to say those I was meeting had  turned up with no one to meet with them despite two of us were supposedly meeting them in the first place (maybe they were ill). A colleague phoned me to see where I was so I struggled to tell him what I had tried to arrange.


Not a good nights sleep (although no fireworks going off) but I feel slightly better this morning. However one more day off will hopefully help a speedier recovery.

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Her indoors off teaching. The need to pass Grade 5 music theory seems to appear like a bolt from the blue for some children.


Our regular trip to Robin Hoods Bay at Easter involves as hoc music making (the people who attend are all ex members of the Grimsby and Cleethorpes Youth Orchestra but play folk music at our get togethers). We have yet to see Martin McCarthy but he must have heard the music from his home in RHB.


Jock, I have to admit I am not a big fan of Joan Baez. Work is busy but lots of small jobs become a large one. 58 wagons to weather by Warley plus some coach mangling so..time to get the earning a crust going!

Have a great Tuesday.



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Hard to believe that some idiot nearby has been setting off fireworks around 9.30 last evening - why?

Possibly part of the celebrations for Diwali which is always around this time of year - main events will be tomorrow (11th)




Or it could just be an idiot with nothing better to do . . . . . .



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There I found out about the folk club at the Angel, which I visited and liked.   

I got there once, probably about1973/4 when I was driving Pete Twitchett to gigs, and he was booked to guest at the Angel.  Unfortunately, the car unreliable heap of rust ran a wheel bearing the day before, and he had to get the train from Croydon to Bedford instead, and I tagged along anyway and did a floor spot, and we all (Pete, Jenny and I) had to be put up with one of the organisers before getting the train back - Pete soon changed drivers after that.  He was, of course, the organiser of the Croydon club at that time. 


Morning All


As usual, Jock's post has said it all for us, so many thanks.  Sorry, I missed wishing Alan a pleasant trip.


Windy here this morning, but not too wet at the mo, so yesterday's postponed trip to town will happen today.  Shopping due later. 


Regards to All


Edited by 45156
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Morning all.

Looks overcast at the moment. Today's only task is to collect Robbie from the kennels. I suspect there will be a shopping list. I think Aditi has told MiL we will be visiting tomorrow for Diwali. There will not be fireworks. MiL disapproves on environmental grounds.


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Very Warm, very Wet but not so Windy this morning. At some point during the night I appear to have turned the alarm clock off. Fortunately the body clock was still working so there was only a minor panic and the dogs' walk was a little shorter.


If you think wine is expensive in the UK try buying a bottle of 'plonk' over here. Very little under 9 euros on the shelves. We try to come back from France with a year's supply. If we do run short at the end of the year, we nip across the border into the North. I suppose it's down to taxes, but it seems odd that you can buy a perfectly acceptable bottle of wine in a French supermarket for 2 euros but pay more than four times that over here for something not as good. I like that you can go into a small French village supermarket and have a huge selection of wines from which to choose. 


Is it too late to wish Andy a pleasant trip?


Anyway, forget about the weather, as winter started on 1st November (allegedly), it will be spring next!

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Now I know what all the clunking noises were just before 30747 want out, as I just went upstairs and found that the hoover has been moved upstairs, which I presume to mean that I should operate it. 


Also, very sad news on the shopping front - not - sprouts have been left off the order as out of stock. 

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Morning all....Woke early this morning thinking about Panorama and their report on computer hackers.  Some really frightening stuff.  The quickest way to bring down any country would be via it's banking system or cutting off their power supply infrastructure.  


I was stuck in JFK a few years back when the power supply to that area went down after a big power failure in Canada brought everything down like a set of dominoes.  No electricity and the world almost stopped....


Dishwasher is in and currently on first test for leaks.  So far so good.  Had a few pieces left over which took an age to track down.  The installations instructions were an A3 sheet with numerous drawings and you had to be Einstein to follow them.  I'm lucky enough to have an engineering background, worked in a drawing office and have an understanding of domestic appliances yet still had to study them intensely numerous times and eventually had to track down the left over components via exploded views on the Bosch spare parts web pages to find exactly where things went.  


God knows how those not blessed with some mechanical skills would cope.


Have a good day whatever life holds in store for you.  At least it's not raining....

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Morning all....Woke early this morning thinking about Panorama and their report on computer hackers.  Some really frightening stuff.  The quickest way to bring down any country would be via it's banking system or cutting off their power supply infrastructure.  


I was stuck in JFK a few years back when the power supply to that area went down after a big power failure in Canada brought everything down like a set of dominoes.  No electricity and the world almost stopped....


Dishwasher is in and currently on first test for leaks.  So far so good.  Had a few pieces left over which took an age to track down.  The installations instructions were an A3 sheet with numerous drawings and you had to be Einstein to follow them.  I'm lucky enough to have an engineering background, worked in a drawing office and have an understanding of domestic appliances yet still had to study them intensely numerous times and eventually had to track down the left over components via exploded views on the Bosch spare parts web pages to find exactly where things went.  


God knows how those not blessed with some mechanical skills would cope.


Have a good day whatever life holds in store for you.  At least it's not raining....


We had to have a new one a couple of years ago. Ours is built in, it was a nightmare getting the old one out and tricky getting the new one in without any kinks in the pipes. Leaks? No puddles appeared so I must have got something right (Currys won't fit built in units but they did take away the old one). We also had to get a direct replacement so that we could reuse the timber front panel.

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Morning all,


Interesting chat with my colleague yesterday. Think that we may soon be in a position to contemplate what the luminous entity is at the end of the tunnel. But definitely not counting avian beasts yet. 


Have a great day everyone. Andy

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Warm but not too warm day here today, so spent a couple of hours around dusk turning metal into swarf. I now have the jig finished for drilling the coupling rods, and the two retaining collars for the driving crankpins made. So this is all gradually nearing the point of being able to fit the coupling rods properly.


Got a message back from a steel supplier that they're quite willing to cut some 45mm steel rod into 15mm slices for me (though at a not-inconsiderable cost) and post them out, these will be for the 16mm scale loco's wheels; doing the cutting by hand was not at all appealing. Most of the other bits and pieces for that loco are also on their way, I just have to source a sodding great lump of bronze for the cylinders... either that or fabricate them.


Enjoy your day all.

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Before that I had rediscovered the late Alex Atterson who ran the much missed Norwich festival at good old UEA.  


....... have all our folkies declared themselves.


I have an LP of his somewhere signed 'Sorry for rabbiting on, Warren'

I'm enjoying the reminiscing going on here. It is bringing back some fond memories.


It's amazing how things happen too. I last saw Dick Gaughan, many, many years ago at the Durham City Folk Festival. For various reasons since then, I have fallen by the wayside as far as live folk goes. This year Mrs BoD and I were doing the touristy thing around Scotland and we stopped in Strathpeffer for a couple of nights. On the first night he was playing a concert at the Pavillion there.

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We had to have a new one a couple of years ago. Ours is built in, it was a nightmare getting the old one out and tricky getting the new one in without any kinks in the pipes. Leaks? No puddles appeared so I must have got something right (Currys won't fit built in units but they did take away the old one). We also had to get a direct replacement so that we could reuse the timber front panel.


This was the same, semi integrated.  Here's your starter for 10 this morning....:-)


Piece of cake... :scratchhead:



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Morning all from Estuary-Land. I agree with Gordon, those pictogram instructions are a nightmare, I can never comprehend them and even the chap who set up my new computer had difficulty in assembling my printer going by the instructions, we only found out where one component was attached when testing the printer when it deposited the finished test piece between the printer and the wall. Sometimes though even printed instructions in so called 'English' can be indeciphable. I have a Casio calculator at least 25 years old now that I was never able to make full use off for the same reason, the instructions are in what I can only describe as 'Japlish'. Another rant, I opened up my Facebook page this morning to find that someone had signed me up to a group called 'Armageddon 2055' who's only precept is that the world would end in 2055. :O I promptly 'unjoined' the group as well as clicking on the button to stop other people from putting me back into the group and for good measure 'unfriended' the person who entered me for the group. Thats enough of my rants, have a good day all.

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 I just have to source a sodding great lump of bronze for the cylinders... either that or fabricate them.



Fabrication is a cheaper if more fiddly and time consuming option.


But it will save you having to waste (reduce metal to swarf and dust) when you bore out the cylinder centres.  By the time you've finished less that 50% of the metal you bought will be remaining, the rest will be scrap!


My friend has a power hacksaw (belt as opposed to a reciprocating version), and he reckons it to be one of the finest investments he made in the tool purchase department.


What sort of stroke are you looking at with the cylinders?  and I presume this will be an outside framed loco?

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This was the same, semi integrated. Here's your starter for 10 this morning....:-)


Piece of cake... :scratchhead:



I did wonder why you had mystery bits until it was revealed as a semi integrated machine. I saw my Brother in Law get very frustrated with a dishwasher door fitting. Our dishwasher is freestanding but the present one needed a cupboard adjustment as the access hole to the plumbing wasn't big enough for the anti flood valve attached to the inlet hose. Edited by Tony_S
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