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  • RMweb Gold

My feet hurt. I thought we were just going for a wander down to the river but it turned into a walk to and round Notre Dame. Then back towards the hotel via a bar. I don't recall ever being in a "happy hour" drinking situation before, though it seems to be four hours here.

I did look up Mike's (stationmaster) restaurant but we are not near there and it seems to have closed!

Aditi has enjoyed today and is appreciative of all the birthday wishes from ERs.

Matthew reached Brussels eventually. Some sort of problem on Dutch railways meant he had to travel via Amsterdam making his journey an hour longer.

We are off to the Louvre tomorrow.

Edited by Tony_S
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  • RMweb Gold

It is really quite mild here still. In a couple of weeks we will be off to a Land Rover on/off road experience in Luton. I suspect it will be muddy rather than snowy. It won't be in my car though!

Aditi's car has a set of winter tyres waiting to be fitted but it is too warm still. Now she is retired I suspect if we do have a cold spell she will suggest we go in the Freelander.



Be interested to hear what the "experience" is like Tony as son Steve bought a Discovery Sport earlier in the year and Land Rover phoned him today to see when he'd like to go to Luton.

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The Obergrumpenfuhrer (Quae semper est rectus) has said that Caligula's horse was Senator, it was Julius Caesar's horse that was Broncitus.


No kidding? Well, that's the last time I rely on that Suetonius when I want to make a daft pun. I'll dash off and edit Wikipedia on the matter before someone else beats me to it. I will, of course, acknowledge my sources; thank the Obergrumpenfuhrer for me!

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  • RMweb Gold

Be interested to hear what the "experience" is like Tony as son Steve bought a Discovery Sport earlier in the year and Land Rover phoned him today to see when he'd like to go to Luton.

Will do. I have a Freelander but they don't have any of those so a Discovery Sport was the nearest equivalent.
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No kidding? Well, that's the last time I rely on that Suetonius when I want to make a daft pun. I'll dash off and edit Wikipedia on the matter before someone else beats me to it. I will, of course, acknowledge my sources; thank the Obergrumpenfuhrer for me!

Okay guys, I've had a quick peek at I, Claudius by Robert Graves. He has Caligula's horse as Incitatus. It is a work of fiction, but I'm inclined to trust it.



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Okay guys, I've had a quick peek at I, Claudius by Robert Graves. He has Caligula's horse as Incitatus. It is a work of fiction, but I'm inclined to trust it.




Thanks, Bill. Now somebody's taken it seriously, I can stop trying to be funny.

According to Suetonius, Caligula did say that he intended to make his horse, Incitatus, a Senator then Consul. In Graves's novel, Caligula actually does this. AFAIK, there never was a nag named Broncitus; this was a JOKE derived from Roundhouse's typo. Apparently, Julius Caesar's favourite horse was an oddity in having what appeared to be toes rather than single hooves. I don't know what its name was.

And I don't care...

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  • RMweb Gold

Good to hear you're enjoying Paris - I'm afraid that tired legs and feet seem to be a symptom of a day exploring there as there is a great temptation to keep walking.


Sorry to see Le Durer has gone - presumably he's retired to his house in the country  (where he used to make his firewater - distilled from some fruit that grew in the orchard and amazing stuff).


Anyway g'night all and will keep a lookout for them as are going at Wycrail tomorrow.

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sixoh8sixoh, on 06 Nov 2015 - 15:46, said:




'I had a meeting at the dockside building this morning (after a latish meeting last night at the Parliament with a Minister and an MSP)'



I have just had a sudden vision of  Mike as a form of kilted Sir Humphrey Appleby.


After such a trauma, I think I should heed Grandadbob's advice and take some liquid painkiller.


I'm not sure whether it should be a glass of malt, red wine, or half a bucket of cider.


Best take all three to be on the safe side.


As it's after the watershed...


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Morning all,

Just about caught up after a busy day prevented me from looking in earlier! There was a lot more ordnance going off tonight than last night so I guess a lot of the private parties postponed due to the rain. Archie performed very well again, but I suspect tomorrow night will be the big test.

I hope Aditi is enjoying her birthday treat - no doubt Tony is doing his best to ensure that she is. Tony, if you think your feet are sore now, wait till you've walked round the Louvre! I would heartily endorse Mike(SM)'s restaurant recommendation, 'Le Durer', having told my daughter and son in law to go there when they visited in September but sadly they found it closed!! I'm sure that as seasoned travellers, you've discovered some reasonable places to eat because, just like London, there are some traps for the unwary. Enjoy it to the full and hopefully the weather will be kind for your sight seeing walks.

Dave(TG), I hope that the scan showed that the chemo that 'Is' has endured, is working to contain the tumours. Presumably they will use it to target the operations. We both hope that she gets those as soon as possible.

Pete(trisonic), that is very cheering news about your knee, although the procedure sounds a bit horrific. It really is good that you don't yet need an operation! It's probably all down to wear and tear from working the 'loud pedal'?

Wow Jim(big jim), I expect you'll badly need a rest after next week's travels, starting with the epic trip South. Hope the weather at Silloth is kind to you, only time I've been there is to ride on the old airfield race circuit early in the seventies - believe it's closed now!

Chris(chrisf), I hope the oncologist said what you wanted to hear today!

Mike(SM), you've probably read what I said to Tony and Aditi about 'Le Durer' restaurant which I had recommended to my daughter In September - more than a little embarrassing! A sad loss as I ate one of the finest steaks I've ever eaten there, albeit some time ago. As to bus passes, a good reason for my not bothering at the moment, is the location of the nearest bus stop to our house. The team of clowns that built our cul-de-sac failed to put any pedestrian exit at the closed end. They bought a long strip of what was old railway land, along with lots of 'garden ends' of the bungalows along the main road but didn't think to negotiate an egress at the end nearest the town. It is a fairly long street up a steepish hill, and we live in the turning circle at the end. The nearest bus stop is in the main road, in line with our house, but to get to it we have to walk all the way to the bottom of the hill, and then up the corresponding hill on the main road - almost a third of the distance to town but 50% of the walk in the wrong direction! I'll wait till we make our inevitable downsizing move before applying.

John(KB), your post mentioning the fishing fleet and gulls took me back to the short time I lived in Dunbar just South of Edinburgh in the seventies. The fleet was obviously smaller than that at Killybegs, but it was always worth visiting to buy fresh fish from the several friends we'd made amongst the crews - I've yet to buy fish (strictly illegal of course as it was all supposed to go to market at Eyemouth before sale - EU rules!!) which was that fresh, or indeed that cheap. I loved to go straight home and cook some for a treat. I can't possibly emulate that here in Clacton! You had to be a regular, and it paid to have a pint or two with the lads in the Harbour pub, after they were paid off on Friday evening! There was a large voluble nesting colony of Kittiwakes (known as Sh*ttywakes locally because of the way they 'christened' our cars!) on the castle rock by the harbour and they went absolutely mad when the fleet landed. They would swoop down as the fishermen cleaned and 'headed' your fish, catching the scraps before they hit the water! More memories brought to life, thank you.

Ian(RH), very sorry to hear of your ferry woes - particularly galling as you'd made such good time to reach the dock! Pleased you found a good watering hole however. Fingers crossed the layout performs for you now.

Duncan, I'm glad that the 'E' in poet's happened for you today - perhaps you will manage to relax with some modelling before going back to do it all again next week.

Enjoy 'Wycrail' and any other shows being visited by our members this weekend, it would be lovely to meet up with some of the digital friends we've made on here. With my usual best wishes to those recuperating or fighting illness, I'm off to attempt to get to sleep. Hopefully tomorrow will be more restful, although with son Stuart coming to stay over tomorrow night, I'm rostered for Cottage Pie cooking duties as he will be starving after a day's work according to mum! Several beers will doubtless be consumed.

Kind regards,


G'night Pete! G'night All!

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  • RMweb Premium


A fetching tartan, our clan's is a nice red one, but the kilt no longer fits, so I settle for wearing the tie on occasions!

Kind regards,



Our tartans can be viewed here: http://trurocornwall.net although I don't own any more than a tie in the Cornish National plaid.  I've been threatened with a kilt and would cheerfully wear one, and the full accompanying kit, at a suitable occasion.  The cost against the number of suitable occasions don't balance comfortably in my accounts and I don't trust the Cornish gales to behave.  It only takes one piskie-led gust of wind to embarrass .....   :O ;)


But since it is after the watershed .........



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The time of this post is one of the reasons I've been unable to keep up. Can't remember the last night I slept beyond 03:00.


Anyway, had a bit of a read through, so time to wish everyone a happy weekend and be good!

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  • RMweb Premium

Morning all. Weekend off – next one as well, by a happy coincidence! – and I suppose I have earned the right for a bit of lazing out. Next week's shifts will be fairly humane, too, including Wednesday with only a 3-hour seminar and Thursday with a 2-hour one ahead of driving.


Now off for some coffee. Have a good one, everyone…

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  • RMweb Gold

Good morning all,

Damp here in the land of Sutt and more rain is forecast for most of the day.

I was up at 5.00 (earlyish for a Saturday) as my back is giving me grief after yesterday's exertions and I'm trying to loosen up before the visit to High Wycombe. Looking forward to the show as I think it's one of the better ones (of those that I've visited)

Have a good one,


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Good morning one and all


Another quickie this morning as I am bound over the hills and far away to Wycrail.


Jock:  it was as you hoped.  Professor Oncologist tells me that my PSA level is down from over 800 to a mere 1.8.  He is content to see me again in May.  I wish comparable good news for all concerned.


Something which may amuse: a white van was parked inconveniently for the bus stop when I set out on the fodder run yesterday.  It was emblazoned "Diaper Poultry".  Does anyone else have visions of chickens in nappies?



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  • RMweb Gold

Not sure what the numbers mean but that sounds like good news Chris. Glad to hear it.

We have a firm of butcher's round here called Gelder. They make a big thing on the side of their vans of 'Gelder's pies'. They don't actually say what is in the pies.


Mrs BoD and daughter have headed off to London for the weekend to see some show or other and do some shopping.

Now, what shall I do......


Have a good weekend.

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Early rain here in sunny Teignmouth. Windy nearby and we are quite sheltered here, maybe the seafront is much worse.

Radiator painting for me this morning. Nasally invasive paint and it requires the heating on for 2 hours afterwards and ventilation. So hopefully it wont be too mild.

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The time of this post is one of the reasons I've been unable to keep up. Can't remember the last night I slept beyond 03:00.

Anyway, had a bit of a read through, so time to wish everyone a happy weekend and be good!

Luckily Gwiwers post immediately before your post wasnt any more revealing otherwise you may have needed more sleep! Phew!

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