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Very late on parade, Steph is at home so I have been busy with 'tasks'.


Driving into town to do a little shopping, the sky was black (someone North of us was copping it) when the sun came out briefly so that the town, harbour and all the boats were all brightly illuminated against the dark background. The most amazing thing were the seagulls. There were thousands of them in the sky as the fleet are all in unloading their catches and the sun was catching them against the dark sky as well. Even if I had my camera with me, I couldn't have captured it as the light would have changed before I got out of the car.


Bob, I don't know what it is about sons and SiL's, they don't seem to be very good at DIY, whereas my daughter is a dab hand at it.


There was something else that I was going to comment on but it has gone right out of my head. Now there's a surprise.


Off to see how the soup is doing then I might even get in a bit of modelling.

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Meeting with coffee






Withering stare


I am currently a stone ornament in the garden


Hippo haiku.  You don't see that very often.


And happy birthday to Aditi while I remember.


Starchucks?  Once had a "coffee" therefrom bought for me.  It tasted like burned coffee beans in super-heated water; I've no idea where the milk was in the "latte".  I don't much care for their business methods either.  Never been in one again.

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Greetings from the grey world of Borough Market Junction.


Year end work continues to drag its heels.


A fireworks display is on the cards, weather permitting. I shall be meeting Mrs and Younger Lurker at the venue straight off the train, weather permitting. Elder Lurker thinks he's too cool for that sort of thing these days. His loss.


Tomorrow is a family party in Littleport so a lot of driving through the rain.


Sunday I shall be making a start on tidying up the leaf fall - putting the new brown bin that Bexley have charged me for to its intended use.


I trust Aditi has a good birthday. Paris is a great place, lots to see and do and eat and drink!


Enjoy your weekends

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Afternoon, busy morning doing the "jobs" as allocated, grey damp and dismal here. Had a nice lunch out yesterday at a place called the Bells of Peover near Knutsford which was very nice.


Apparently In the early months of 1944, when American soldiers were billeted at nearby Peover Hall, their commanders, General Eisenhower and General Patton, made plans for the D-Day invasion of Normandy over lunch there. This is the reason why the flag of the United States flies alongside the British.


Seems like saturday is going to be a damp squid for fireworks! Heavy rain  and gales due.


Enjoy whats left of the day



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Afternoon all. Tony, may I just second the happy birthday for Aditi!



In the tiny hours at Grünau-Nord with 2168 and 2060:





…and later at Paunsdorf-Nord with 2191 and 2055:




"Tracts" of two T4Ds should be handled with care as they can accelerate like the devil if you want them to. Note that is common practice to unfasten the rear view mirror on the second motor car in any Tatra formation, and stow it in the cab there.





Instrument panel with LED ribbon speedometer and OHLE current meter in the Multifunction Display. There's a spelling error somewhere in the lettering on the desk – can you spot it?






Pedals are pretty much like on a car with automatic transmission – brake left, power right.





As part of both tracts I had today, the second cars were T4Ds from the 2000 series, which had been given only a partial refurbishment originally. At present, these cars are no longer put in first position in any formation, and several – like 2055 here – do not have an ITCS onboard unit any longer. We call these cars "Phantoms."






Route view during the final moments of the turnaround.

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Busy morning with shopping first thing, then a visit to GP surgery for blood samples to be taken, prior to CT scan and haematologist appointment next Wednesday in Carlisle.  The nurse, who I knew as a fellow parent from primary school, was surprised that the blood sample request had been vague in what they were looking for, so she took samples "for the lot!".  I have to say that she was good, as I barely felt a thing.


Weather is constant rain today, so a relaxing afternoon in prospect and Mrs G has gone out for a violin lesson, so I am left in peace!  Some borrowed VHs videos of LSWR steam beckon.

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Morning All


Happy birthday to Aditi, and enjoy your Paris trip, even if it is a little delayed by Eurostar.


I've read all posts over the past few hours, as well as having a number of domestic tasks including winning two rounds against the washing maching, phone calls, and making the dinner - in the meantime, I've forgotten who has said what, so it just has to be a general purpose greeting to everybody.


Chucking it down with rain here - thanks for bringing the weather back with you Geoff.  And 30747 has gone to her painting group,  so I've taken the opportunity to catch up, and to put the heating on for a while.

<Rant mode on

Having seen yesterday's Watchdog, I despair of the pensions industry ever coming to terms with the burdens and workload of the new rules, and I again thank all that's holy for the fact that I left that business before the chaos started.  At least I could make promises and had the resource and computer capacity to fulfil them - that seems to be a thing of the past - as I know as I've now been caught up in an admin mess up for a few weeks - and HMRC are also pleading pressure of the new legislation for delays to the tax rebates. I really think that the Govenment has not given the industry and its own departments enough time, as the legislation to enable the budget changes  was only enacted in December 2104, for impementation in April 2015.  If anybody here is thinking about taking advantage of the new rules, please beware as not every pension provider is playing the game, and you might, like me, be forced to seek financial advice to get the deal that you're looking for, and even then, you may well be kept waiting, and waiting and waiting.

Rant mode off>


Regards to all


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Afternoon all from a grey Scottish HQ.


I had a meeting at the dockside building this morning (after a lateish meeting last night at the Parliament with a Minister and an MSP), so took the opportunity after the meeting to go for a swim (no, not in the dock). Then travelled up to HQ. Hoping to escape reasonably soon as (touch wood) all seems quiet here. (It's all gone quiet, said Roobarb... Too quiet, said Custard)


Off to the Botanic Gardens this evening for the Botanic Lights show this evening with a friend. I have Saturday to myself too as GF is currently on her way to Germany, so I may do the Parkrun in the morning and then I'm going to a talk by Mark Beaumont which is being hosted by Lord McConnell (former First Minister) in the late afternoon with a couple of other friends. I had the night to myself last night too, and did a bit of reading - something I've not had much time for of late. Got through about 150 pages of the crime novel I'm reading.


Hope everyone manages to POE (those who are still cursed by w**k).


And Happy Birthday Aditi!

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We are finally on the Red Funnel ferry to the Isle (checked the autocorrect this time) of Wight.


As per our usual transport jinx it's late due to a broken down car on an earlier sailing delaying disembarkation.


We were hoping to get on the 3pm sailing but it was full so a few hours sitting in the car watching the rain fall on the windscreen.

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Managed to get my new glasses today. Lummy aren't they expensive?


I have made a large pot of pease pudding. Lunch tomorrow shall comprise of a lump of stotty filled with cold bacon and pease pudding (forgot to buy the pickled cabbage to go with it ...doh!!)

Chish and fips for tea.


And some more modeling to complete.



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Afternoon all,


Bank not visited as yet - bit too soggy for the walk.  Confirmation of 'Patricia' booking received so I'll need to get the cheque in 'ere long as it just about balances the deposit I've paid to TH - bit daft when you think about it as the cheque covers the chiropractor and new specs so it's only making good money I've paid out but now I can pay it out again seems that what goes around comes around and all that.  And I've now discovered where Mrs Stationmaster 'hid' the cheque so I can at least actually pay it in at some time (into my account!).


Hope the weather hasn't been too bad in Paris.


Have a good evening one & all.

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Bob, I don't know what it is about sons and SiL's, they don't seem to be very good at DIY, whereas my daughter is a dab hand at it.



John, both of them (Steve & Steve) are reasonably competent for minor DIY however neither possess a decent tool kit. Son Steve actually phoned before I went to say he'd borrowed a drill from work so I got out of that one. However SiL Steve's problem was slightly bigger in that he wanted to make a fireplace opening bigger as the new fire would not fit. Nicki sensibly persuaded him to ask my advice before he attacked the thing with a sledge hammer.  Having ascertained that it was safe to proceed we removed the offending brickwork in a far gentler manner and the only damage done was (as I thought earlier) to my back and knee. I am now taking liquid painkiller which I'm sure will do the trick.

Looking forward to Wycrail tomorrow and hope to see one or two RMwebbers there.

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 sixoh8sixoh, on 06 Nov 2015 - 15:46, said:


'I had a meeting at the dockside building this morning (after a latish meeting last night at the Parliament with a Minister and an MSP)'



I have just had a sudden vision of  Mike as a form of kilted Sir Humphrey Appleby.


After such a trauma, I think I should heed Grandadbob's advice and take some liquid painkiller.


I'm not sure whether it should be a glass of malt, red wine, or half a bucket of cider.


Best take all three to be on the safe side.

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Many Happy Returns to Aditi! Enjoy Paris.......


All the best, Pete.

As we returned to the hotel a chap and a young lady (I assume it was his daughter or niece)got in the lift. The chap looked just like you, but I knew it wasn't as he sounded American rather than someone from Essex!
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