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After discussions on here about cockwombles, I thought that I'd post this. Please forgive any grammatical Latin errors, I had to use a search engine translation service.


Higher classification - gallus Womble

Lower classifications - auriga gallus Womble (driver cock womble)


Further classifications:


auriga gallus Womble semper impatiens (driver cock womble always impatient)


auriga gallus Womble agitet nebula luminaria in pluviam (driver cock womble dirves with fog lights on in the rain)


auriga gallus Womble sursum impellit misted fenestras(driver cock womble drives with misted up windows)


auriga gallus Womble non debet habere licentiam (driver cock womble shouldn't have a license)


auriga gallus Womble non sequitur via signum (driver cock womble doesn't follow the highway code)


auriga gallus Womble secat obviae tres vicos motorway (driver cock womble cuts across three lanes of the motorway)

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  • RMweb Gold

It just started snowing  :O


Really more like rain with some big snowflakes mixed in.

The prettiest snow falling I ever saw was in Banff, Alberta. It didn't look like any snowfall I had seen anywhere else.
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Update on Sandy.


She went to work today feeling OK. But they wouldn't let her do a thing - the kids are doing things that need sewing completion so she sat at her sewing machine all day.


She's having a ball.


Sounds like the start of an upbeat C&W lyric!

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  • RMweb Gold

Western region train, not Southern, !  It is to be a southern region layout. Vapourware currently,  but gathering stock while I can, as in it's available and I have some funds.  I have a decent amount now, odd how the third rail thing has gripped me, but I am still struggling with the thought of scrapping my half build US layout.

If you do decide to scrap it and concentrate on the Southern you'll have to change your avatar to New Forest Neil.

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The prettiest snow falling I ever saw was in Banff, Alberta. It didn't look like any snowfall I had seen anywhere else.


Probably because it was cold enough for the snow to be very dry and powdery. I don't ever remember seeing snow like that in Scotland. It is sometimes like that here, but we are only at 2000 feet, so that does not happen very often.


I have a snow blower/thrower that goes on the power-takeoff on the back of the tractor, but the snow here is usually a bit too wet for it to work properly. The paddles tend to compress the snow into a solid block of ice inside the chute!

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  • RMweb Gold

Neil I realise where you work  - I even have a long range photo of the place (not that you can pick out the building - but maybe if you know exactly where to look ... hmm) but I did wonder if you might be going for the 'concessions only' 'Bucklebury Grange' which the big H across the sea have recently been advertising - or has your employer also got hold of some I wonder?  I have some nefarious reasons for taking a particular interest in that one.


AnywayI think I shall call it an RMweb day and depart with thoughts about what to do tomorrow on a day without the usual visit to Waitrose.  I do however have a nice cheque to pay in which might tempt me townwards and i must fuel the car before trekking off to High Wycombe on Saturday.


G'night all. 

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Morning all,

Survived the fireworks with surprisingly little trouble from Archie. He didn't seem that troubled this year (he normally perceives them as a threat to his territory and gets very angry at them!) Perhaps the bad weather put a dampener on things? It's sad for the well organised proper displays, but I expect the 'back garden' ones will simply have been postponed!

Geoff (Ohmisterporter), Stewart remarked that you'd gone awol and guessed correctly that you'd gone for a break! I'm sad that the weather was so unkind to you. I haven't yet applied for a bus pass myself, although I obviously qualify. The service around here is complete carp, shared between two companies, and a lot of the driving is very uncomfortable for me. This isn't helped by the abysmal road surface!

Duncan, strange how many of the driver types you listed can be found driving around Clacton, Holland, and Frinton-on-Sea, as well as Walton-on-the-Naze! It gets worse when it snows, they don't clear their lights, or sweep off the rooves, let alone clean the windows properly. Are you having a Poet's day today?

John(CB), that is lovely news about Sandy's reception at work - they obviously hold her in high esteem!

Tomorrow my chores start, other than sorting out the dog's requirement first thing, with a trip to the lady who bathes and trims Archie fortnightly. Our son Stuart is coming to stay overnight on Saturday night, so he can have a play with his new great nephew on Sunday. He is going to back up my Windows7 PC in the study, and load Windows10 while he's here, so a trip to the shops is called for to ensure we can satisfy his appetite.

Hope the 'E' comes to pass for those who desire it, and we approach the weekend with good news from all those who have been poorly! Thinking of Mal on his trip to London, and hoping he doesn't tire himself too much. Best wishes to everyone else,

Kind regards,


G'night Pete! G'night all!

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mention of the Toon on a weekend reminds me of one girl, on a night of minus temperatures, who had booked -and paid for- her return from Newcastle, who 'phoned to be picked up from A&E at the RVI. .While waiting for her, I commented on the state of undress, and drunken distress, of most of there "clients" to the Sister-in Charge, , , ,She was of the opinion that the small amount of blood in the alcohol stream acted as an anti-freeze.


Goodnight Everyone . . . .Sleep well.



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Morning all. Just off to bed.


Had an interesting day today. Had to go over to Bermondsey to pick up H from school and take him home. I went by train, and at the station found that my train was cancelled, but the previous train was running so late that I could still catch it... I arrived early - I was supposed to pick him up at 4pm after French club, but the club was cancelled, so I took him home, where I was subjected to 2 hours of a 5 year-old on Dinosaurs. He's an absolute fanatic anyway, and he'd been on a school journey to Andy's Dinosaur World today. We established that a velociraptor could beat just about anything in a race, and the T Rex could take anything in a fight except for a fire breathing dragon. Which he has got a toy of. We also decided that baby dinosaurs are rubbish at just about anything. Only a quick cuddle with Lol before I rushed off - central London gets silly on November 5th.


Popped in to see Daisy and Rose on the way back, and got a big-hug reception. Showed D how to do silent reading and heard about her trip to KidZania ( http://london.kidzania.com/en-uk/) - which looks like a fabulous place. Daisy wants to go back and do the activities she missed this time. Rose just wanted to do Row Your Boat.


Julie was out at a co-op meeting this evening. She's finding it a bit of a trial at the moment, due to the selfish activities and outright stupidity of a couple of the members. I don't know why they don't just show them the door, but then I'm quite direct like that.


So that was my day. I received some of the new Humbrol paintbrushes with the sculpted handles - http://www.humbrol.com/uk-en/shop/brushes-airbrush/detail-brush-pack.html- and ordered a spray booth for use with the airbrush. 


Bad news - return of The Goat, so I'm on the tablets and with any luck it will be gone tomorrow, when I've some serious woodwork to do for Julie.


Have a good day, all, especially those in medical strife, I hope it all becomes less distressing.


Now to try for some sleep.

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Morning all. Dark outside and I haven't bothered to find out what the weather's doing.


It certainly feels like a lots of coffee day.


Jock - POETS day will be happening today but where I'm working will probably mean getting home at the same time as usual thanks to traffic.


Have a good day everyone

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Good morning one and all


I must not tarry for this morning I must see Professor Oncologist at 11 am [plus or minus VAT] once I have topped up the fodder at Tesco.  The cold is beginning to subside, helped on its way by copious glugs of a linctus with a name I forget but which evokes a back street hotel in Wakefield.  Tomorrow I plan to amble cross country to Wycrail - perhaps a cuppa, Mike Stationmaster? - and on Sunday make the trek to somewhere near the marshes of Rainham for East London Finescale.   With all this gadding the difficult soldering task languishes, oxidising by the minute..  As if that were not enough, another project has the business end of a very small drill broken off and completely filling a very small hole such that it will not come out and make way for the designated wire handle.  Things can only get better - can't they?


May all your things get better



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  • RMweb Gold


It will certainly be a different birthday for her, popping over to Paris. We will be off after an early breakfast.

Hope everyone else has a good day too.


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Morning All,


A very Happy Birthday to Aditi - and I believe a belated Happy Birthday to Dom.  I missed it on the day, but unless I am mistaken it was 31. October.


The little guy celebrated his 12th Birthday yesterday.  Actually, he isn't all that little any more having shot up quite a lot of late - it is frightening how time flies!


The weather here this morning is reasonably clear, with broken cloud (around 3-4 Oktas) and it is quite mild.  There were signs of it having rained overnight - but that could have been due to fog overnight which lifted.


Have a good day everyone...

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