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Afternoon all,

Once again I must begin by thanking everyone for all the kind messages.

Tired, but happy Jock this afternoon - started well with an OK for another month of chemo, and my oncologist put together a plan to target the pain. Then we had a new addition to the family in the shape of a healthy (6lb 8oz) baby boy, who has yet to be named. Top this off with the wish to celebrate the wedding of two of the nicest people in my digital experience, and you will no doubt agree that Joanna and I have every reason to diminish the stock of 'bubbly'!

Polly, lovely shots as usual. How did you enjoy the unique smell of steam close-up? (Assuming that the loco was coal fired of course!)

John, meeting your namesake must have been interesting - Two_sugars is after all an unusual name!!

LisaP4, great news that you are now in a position to get the 16mm scale project underway. I for one, as a steam lover and old engineer, would love to follow a thread if you have time to start one. I'm certain it will be well received, especially if you post a link to it on here.

Ian(OD), I'm delighted that you managed time to post this morning, looking forward to the pictures as and when time allows. I'm just about to raise my first glass to you.

Stewart, just read your news, you must be very pleased to hear how skilled a job your surgeon made of the hip. Keep up the good work on the convalescence now.

Once again Debs cheered me with her avatar, it's good to see that the sense of humour is 'alive and well'!

Dom, more joy from you with the images of your licence.

It only remains to wish all our sufferers speedy recoveries, and I hope Simon's lad soon recovers from the trauma of losing his young friend - something you expect more when you reach my sort of age. Hope to be back later but I should have an early night as I have to meet the surgeon early tomorrow, to discuss a remedy for my hernia.

Kind regards,


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Afternoon all,

Once again I must begin by thanking everyone for all the kind messages.

Tired, but happy Jock this afternoon - started well with an OK for another month of chemo, and my oncologist put together a plan to target the pain. Then we had a new addition to the family in the shape of a healthy (6lb 8oz) baby boy, who has yet to be named. Top this off with the wish to celebrate the wedding of two of the nicest people in my digital experience, and you will no doubt agree that Joanna and I have every reason to diminish the stock of 'bubbly'!

Polly, lovely shots as usual. How did you enjoy the unique smell of steam close-up? (Assuming that the loco was coal fired of course!)

John, meeting your namesake must have been interesting - Two_sugars is after all an unusual name!!

LisaP4, great news that you are now in a position to get the 16mm scale project underway. I for one, as a steam lover and old engineer, would love to follow a thread if you have time to start one. I'm certain it will be well received, especially if you post a link to it on here.

Ian(OD), I'm delighted that you managed time to post this morning, looking forward to the pictures as and when time allows. I'm just about to raise my first glass to you.

Stewart, just read your news, you must be very pleased to hear how skilled a job your surgeon made of the hip. Keep up the good work on the convalescence now.

Once again Debs cheered me with her avatar, it's good to see that the sense of humour is 'alive and well'!

Dom, more joy from you with the images of your licence.

It only remains to wish all our sufferers speedy recoveries, and I hope Simon's lad soon recovers from the trauma of losing his young friend - something you expect more when you reach my sort of age. Hope to be back later but I should have an early night as I have to meet the surgeon early tomorrow, to discuss a remedy for my hernia.

Kind regards,


That's a fabulous dose of good news for you Jock.  Glad to hear about the chemo and the new addition to the family.  Hope that the pain settles down.



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Tired, but happy Jock this afternoon - started well with an OK for another month of chemo, and my oncologist put together a plan to target the pain. Then we had a new addition to the family in the shape of a healthy (6lb 8oz) baby boy, who has yet to be named. Top this off with the wish to celebrate the wedding of two of the nicest people in my digital experience, and you will no doubt agree that Joanna and I have every reason to diminish the stock of 'bubbly'!


That is two pieces of good news indeed, Jock, and may I just send my congratulations for the new "Little One" in particular! I just looked into our planning system and they booked me a day off for tomorrow, so I can raise a glass to you, Ian and Sherry without worries!

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Happy welding, Sherry & Ian, sorry I'm a bit late.


Jock, great news, too, hope things continue going well. My chemo is good so far, thanks all for your thoughts; will update towards the end of the first 3-week cycle.


Meantime, hope everyone's day is going well - had a wonderful walk in the watery late afternoon sun in Holyrood Park just before the dark.



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Congratulations Dom.

Here's wishing you success in your new career.


Just a friendly bit of advice though. If they do call you in to cover someone ........ go by tram it's safer than a bike.

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Greetings from the Gateway to The World, which is soggy on top at the moment. It's alleged to improve this afternoon but I wonder.


My shopping trip later may include the acquisition of a new green loco, assuming the stock has been delivered.


Happy Birthday to Jaimie.


Hopefully all welding processes are going to plan.


Have good day all.




Mine's green.  Arrived lunchtime.  Its real world counterpart took us to the West Somerset Railway earlier in the year and was on display at the Tyseley open day.  Magic!

Hope you were able to pick up yours.  :yes:



:good:  Wonderful pics. and location, Polly..........and like Sherry & Ian`s Nuptials; it`s definitely a case of Joie de vivre! :friends:


Thanks, Debs. It is a wonderful place with a very majestic backdrop formed of the mountains and slate quarry.

Great to see you back.  Looking forward to more of your posts.



I don't believe it!


This is ER's and Debs is being complimentary about pictures of...............gulp........railways and trains!


I need a lie down to recover...........


Er....I did take a massive gulp before I dared post...

Phew! I seem to have got away with it - this time, at least.


Quoting not working for me ,


DD said,


Not a complaint - i like to see them - but they get awfully low in this difficult terrain.


Yes they do , and I don't think I'd like to be a passenger .



The sky was full of it this afternoon, the noise seeming to rumble on loudly for ages.  I  eventually spotted a pair of jets way, way up but not quite in the clouds.  Unusual because I generally see them quite low down.


Enjoy your evening.  Off to do dinner now.

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Morning all


First, thanks for all the kind messages. We suspect we are RMweb's first marriage, in that Sherry is also a member, but of course she is only here because I was. Nevertheless she and I have found the warmth of this place, specially ERs, quite uplifting at times, and surely today is one of those.


Yesterday was indeed a social whirl, culminating in a pub dinner with my brothers, Sherry's witness Ann, and another couple from Sherry's Staffordshire days. The mix was so good we ocasionally found we were the only ones not involved in conversation!


Sherry is currently having the hairdresser add the final touches, and we leave at 10.30 for the event. The buttonholes and Sherry's posy have been delivered by the usual reliable florist. Sadly my cold is refusing to decamp, but at least early rain has given way to some sunshine. Pictures may prove possible!


Must be busy now, so many thanks again, and we will try to post as and when we can.


Sherry & Ian


Gosh! Nearly missed this. Very best wishes to you both.



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Evenin' all.


well what a nice day - good news from Jock, a happy birthday for Jamie, Debs back in the fold, and Dom passed to drive, congrats all round you folk.


Well I went for my train rides - by somewhat roundabout means and travelling (in 7 hours) on a total of 9 different trains of 6 different types, and a 'bus,  all to get from one end of a county to not quite the other end of the same county and back again via odd bits of two other counties enroute.  All went reasonably well apart from an incredibly optimistic 'bus timetable in Oxford, a brand new railway station which seems to have been staffed by far from careful selection from the surrounding villages (no doubt to the residents' relief in said villages), one bit of brand new railway and another bit I hadn't been over for 30 years.  Oddly enough the worst delay (an hour) of my entire day was a result of the misbehaviour of a train (emblazoned with the branding of some bearded bloke) nearly 200 miles north of the furthest point north which I reached.  I sincerely hope Baz's lad had a better day at the hands of VTEC than I did at secondhand from their shortcomings although it only led to my getting home 30 minutes later than planned, which was no problem (and the kettle was on the boil).


Anyway all a bit of fun and a rather different for a day out then nice to get back to lots of good ER news.


Have a good evening one & all

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Quoting not working for me ,


DD said,


Not a complaint - i like to see them - but they get awfully low in this difficult terrain.


Yes they do , and I don't think I'd like to be a passenger .



Reminds me of hiking in the Cairngorms about 50 years ago. Would they have been Buchaneers? Anyway, I'm pretty sure they saw us and thought they would try to scare the living-daylights out of us. They did too.

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An excellent day ruined by the journey home, again.


Is it me, or once the clocks go back and it starts to rain, does the ability to drive disappear from the majority of motorists?


Debs - Good to have you back


Jock - More good news. Just what we need to hear


Dom - Congratulations

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Good evening world.


Congrats to Ian and Charmaine, and great to see Debs back posting - I think about her so often.  Best wishes too, to Jock, Jamie, Mal, Stuart and everyone I should have mentioned, but have neglected to!


Polly, it's great fun isn't it!  I'm on the footplate for one of the Santa train days at Groudle this year, really looking forward to it.


Another busy day at work, doing some r/c fitting and sending out lots of trains I don't get to play with!


We're both off tomorrow so had a nice curry on the way home, at the new restaurant in Ramsey.  They do a starter I could live on.....

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Not a complaint - i like to see them - but they get awfully low in this difficult terrain.


Yes they do , and I don't think I'd like to be a passenger .



I talked to someone who had been a navigator on Tornados, then became a pilot. He said it was much scarier when you could actually see where you were going!


When I used to hillwalk in the Scottish Highlands (1960s/70s), it wasn't too unusual to see pairs of RAF aircraft pass by several hundred feet below. Made you think of anti-aircraft systems consisting of big stones. Incidentally, my brother-in-law claims to have seen a military aircraft fly under the bridge at Ballachulish. He's not well up on aircraft types, but from his description, it sounded like a Hercules!

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Afternoon all,


Polly, lovely shots as usual. How did you enjoy the unique smell of steam close-up? (Assuming that the loco was coal fired of course!)


Kind regards,



Smoke and steam were very close-up!  There was hardly a breath of wind so just got engulfed in it.  The difficult bit was seeing the signal posts ahead to pick up / drop off the token or locating the switches to activate/deactivate the driveway crossing.  All good fun.  Cough! Cough!  Splurt!



Good evening world.


Congrats to Ian and Charmaine, and great to see Debs back posting - I think about her so often.  Best wishes too, to Jock, Jamie, Mal, Stuart and everyone I should have mentioned, but have neglected to!


Polly, it's great fun isn't it!  I'm on the footplate for one of the Santa train days at Groudle this year, really looking forward to it.


Another busy day at work, doing some r/c fitting and sending out lots of trains I don't get to play with!


We're both off tomorrow so had a nice curry on the way home, at the new restaurant in Ramsey.  They do a starter I could live on.....


Oh. yeah! Wicked!  Sounds great!  You'll have to post some pics of that.


Weather permitting, West Shore are having a Mince Pie Day (with mince pies), Monday after Boxing Day but a few days before Christmas, there'll be a seasonal Joys of Life Railway running day.  Looking forward to both.

Edited by southern42
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Been busy all day, painting and decorating nearly done, various locos, coaches and vans have been fettled, signals bodged together, tea made and eaten then a bit  of time down in our Grade II listed clubrooms to take down the new layout.


Mike, I understand the East Coast Mainline had a 50% availability on stock - the owners then stepped in and got it up to 80% but it looks like the bearded one doesn't spend enough attention to his rolling stock (it saves money ) and we can wait until the new trains arrive in 2018!


Well done Jock, Dom and everyone else who have had a very positive day (by your reports on here). 


Sleep well ERs!



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Evening all. The central heating has been serviced, ready for Sunday's switch on. Heating on 1 November, off 29 February. What's wrong with an extra layer of clothing?


Having bought my paper this morning, I was stopped by a black gentleman. "Are you a Christian?" "Yes." "Have you been born again?" Uh,huh, I know where this conversation is going, and eight o'clock is a bit early for a philosophical discussion. So... "No, and I don't want to be!" Crossed the road, and a woman attempted to thrust Watch Tower into my hand. I'm all in favour of a Christian revival, but there is a time and place.


The next couple of days are busy. Tomorrow is church; give my dentist a replacement cheque (he drowned the original, don't ask me how); visit my charity's bank to discuss an "Inter-Governmental Agreement Declaration to confirm tax status under FATCA" (*); then to the charity itself to check the documentation of our new temporary administrator.


Then Saturday is cycle to Swanley for the narrow gauge show; then to Carshalton for the Wimbledon show; then to the South Bank for Bruckner 5; then home.


Good wishes to all, especially the welding party.




(*) what chance a charity, with a turn over of less than £50,00 is going to indulge in international money laundering? FATCA, incidentally, is in relation to chapter 4, subtitle A (sections 1471 through 1474) of the United States Internal Revenue Code of 1986. You all really wanted to know that, didn't you!

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Evening all. I hope the wedding has gone well, I am sure our two newly weds will be enjoying their celebrations today. I hope the weather was better than here in the Midlands. I drove through torrential rain this morning to get to the Severn Valley. At least the weather did brighten in the afternoon. Sadly not really a day for photography so I have nothing to post. Still an enjoyable day though. I spied Tornado out the back if the shed and Royal Scot in the yard. Erlestoke Manor did the Bridgnorth to Kidderminster run. Then it was straight across the platform to catch the next train, hauled by 4566. My mate and I left the train at Highley and gad lunch in the Ship Inn before walking over to the Engine House for a quick visit.

Erlestoke Manor took us back to Kidderminster and then return to Bridgnorth. The Ivatt 4 and Taw Valley were also out and about. An enjoyable day.

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 "Are you a Christian?" "Yes." "Have you been born again?" Uh,huh, I know where this conversation is going, and eight o'clock is a bit early for a philosophical discussion.



I have a sign on the front door that reads,




(I don't actually, but I have considered it :) )

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