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G'night all.


Must pop into the opticians tomorrow as I've had a call to say my new specs have arrived, new (BT) router arrived two days early and the package claims  that 'I fit most letterboxes' - odd then that it doesn't fit our standard size letterbox!

Major Tesco shop completed duly enjoying the good Doctor's additional discount week.


However the major event of the day was the arrival of a  large sturdy cardboard box from Belgium for laddo with the contents proclaimed on large letters (in English) as BEER - 24 bottles of different varieties of the stuff and nigh impossible to lift.  That's his private supply for nearly a month and will save him having to carry too much home when he returns from his upcoming trip to Belgium in a couple of weeks time.  (also probably safer and cheaper than having bottles break in his suitcase as happened on a previous expedition).


G'night all

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Evening all.  Back from the clubrooms after a good slide show of photos from the early 60's around Wakefield and the area between Donny and York together with runabouts on the Scarborough to Whitby line.     Did some measuring up on Green Ayre in preparation for some work on Wednesday.  Apart from that it's gone as planned.  I've now got the old seat belt off the rear seat backrest.  That has only taken 4 different sizes of sockets and a Torx screwdriver plus 2 pairs of pliers to achieve so far.  Off to Donny in the morning for the 'new to me' part and then all the fun of rebuilding the seat.

Hope that the Chemo goes well Mal and that you get a decent nights sleep Jock.


Goodnight all.



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Evening all,

Thank you as usual for the kind and supportive comments which never fail to lift my spirits. Slightly better day, blood tests done, M&S vouchers spent (and some!) - took a leaf out of Grandadbob's book and hit the wine section! Parcel sent to eBay buyer and a few other chores means I'm completely cream crackered now!

Thanks to Stewart and Dick for the updates on Debs, let's hope that her lovely avatar is soon showing again!

Lurker, Joanna the minimalist has now got me regulated on the newspaper front, I used to have stacks you could sit on. I read the Dailys on my iPad now! Good luck with hosting mother in law this coming week - you realise she will be with you on Halloween?

DD, using WD40 for simple tasks in the home has got me in trouble several times as Joanna simply hates the smell.

Dave(TG), more lovely pictures including some delightful Autumn colours and added to that, the news that 'Is' appears to be still coping well with the chemo side-effects. She is obviously a remarkable lady.

AndyID, your post would suggest that these servos are worth looking at, rather than paying much more for Peco ones for instance. Is there much work involved to convert them if you intend sticking with DC and electro frog points, and if so, what sort of switching would you recommend? It's hard to believe that they cost just over £1.50 each!

Mal, well done on clearing the first hurdle - I recall coming home, after my first visit, with a five A4 page document showing all the possible side effects. I hope that you are as lucky as me in that very few of them have caused me a great deal of trouble. As a matter of interest, did the specialist nurses also have a dialogue with Gabe? Please keep us posted on your progress, you've got a host of digital friends 'rooting' for you both on here!

John(CB), you exhibit the sort of loyalty to your car dealer, that I tried to engender in my clients. As a principle it works very well, and when we hosted open days or launch parties, it was like having a family of several hundred to a party, such was the friendship we managed to build!

What is thought of as the toughest day of the week is almost over, and as well as hoping that our ailing contingent continue to improve as the week proceeds, our thoughts turn to the preparations that must be going on in the West Country for the forthcoming 'welding'!

Kind regards,


G'night Pete! G'night owls!

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AndyID, your post would suggest that these servos are worth looking at, rather than paying much more for Peco ones for instance. Is there much work involved to convert them if you intend sticking with DC and electro frog points, and if so, what sort of switching would you recommend? It's hard to believe that they cost just over £1.50 each!


Here you go Jock! http://www.rmweb.co.uk/community/index.php?/topic/96929-no-stall-servo-point-motor-servo-hack/


Servos are great for driving points and signals, but they have some limitations/issues that should be understood to avoid disappointment when applied in a model railway environment. I started a blog on RMWEB to go into that in more detail, but there didn't seem to be too much interest :)

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Thanks Andy,

Apologies for typing this, but the reason I'm still awake is the current problem I have balancing constipation from my medication with the amount of laxative required. The system is threatening an explosion at any moment, hence the lack of sleep!

Every cloud as they say..........., I've visited the link you posted, and from there I went to your blog! Certainly food for thought, and a true money saving idea.

Odd as it may seem, I still like the thought of a 'Modratec' wire in tube rank of levers controlling the points. Bl**dy expensive though - I like the look of it but I'm not sure I'll ever be able to afford it. I have several aged Peco point motors that still actuate but how long for I can't be sure.

Thank you so much for your prompt and useful reply,

Kind regards,


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  • RMweb Premium



Down in Kairdiff it's overcast, miserable and cold! Please send us some of your weather :yes: :yes:





Dave, I would have done so gladly had it not turned to rain.  There's Welsh weather for you!


Getting to Tyseley.  We had the choice of:

Change at 1. Crewe, 2. Birmingham New Street then walk to 3. Birmingham Moor Street


Change at 1. Smethwick Galton Bridge.


I had not heard of different level railways until we started modelling so changing trains on Saturday from Arriva Trains Wales to London Midland with tickets stamped "Smethwick Galton Bridge L.L." was a bit of a novelty albeit a rather energetic one, up and down two levels of stairs over the two footbridges, especially as we went to the wrong platform level the first time - following directions from the arrivals monitor which got it wrong!  By the time we returned for the homeward leg we had it sorted!


16:03 Plarform 3 through train



16:06 and our train due in one minute, the sun now shining brightly beyond the bridge.


Map showing the two levels:  https://www.google.co.uk/maps/@52.5019824,-1.9806827,81m/data=!3m1!1e3


Now time to bid you all good night and nos da.


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  • RMweb Premium

Morning all. Mal, fingers crossed indeed that your chemo will work out successfully and that side effects, inevitable as they may be, will be bearable.


Weather forecast for the tiny hours of the morning seem more agreeable than yesterday, which should make driving easier. We shall see!


Do make the best of your day, everyone…

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Disturbingly hot day here, so I'm sitting in front of the air-con vent.


Found some steel offcuts on ebay just the right size for my coupling rods, so the large amount of hacksawing is no longer needed, my arm is grateful. From the same ebay seller I found a length of aluminium that is the right size for the typical 16mm scale buffer+hook coupling that the likes of Brandbright sell. Also put together a materials list for the 16mm scale loco that I have plans for; surprisingly large list for such a small loco, but I'll see what I've got stock of which will reduce the list down a bit, I hope.


Can hear thunder in the distance, looks like an afternoon storm is coming; hopefully it cools the place down, and doesn't just increase the humidity.

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Morning all. I think I'm getting used to the earlier starts thanks to the clock change. A warm dry morning for a change and the possibility of a hot day.


Hopefully it will be an earlier finish than yesterday but I think that might be a wish too far.


Have a good day everyone

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Morning all,

Got up for a 'P' at 5.25am and lots of pain in the pelvis, so I'm currently walking it off having taken a shot of morphine. Very frustrating as I thought the radiotherapy was meant to stop that - perhaps I will need further pinpoint treatment! It will certainly be first topic on the agenda when I see my oncologist on Thursday. Seems I'm always moaning about something but it does hurt, and us chaps aren't renowned for coping with pain.

I noticed a rating from Flávio from a short while ago, hope all is well with our resident 'Dottore'.

I'm going to try to get a couple more hours sleep before seeing to Archie's morning needs, although the 'bin men' are due around 7am and the 'dustcart' tends not to be the quietest of vehicles!

Hopefully lurk again later, once I've seen what is rostered for today!

Kind regards,


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  • RMweb Gold

Good morning all,

Jock - I don't think what you say on here can in any way be classed as moaning - more just reporting on an ongoing situation to your online friends.  :friends: Carry on reporting!   :yes:

A very mild start to the day at 11oC. Forecast is for cloud with some brighter intervals, more cloud and then some rain.

One or two domestic tasks on the agenda today then I hope to get back to the new layout. :locomotive:

Have a good one,


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Good morning one and all and especially the ailing


Andyram, you are a kindred spirit when it comes to getting Christmas shopping over and done.  I have one present to buy.  It involves going into the Body Shop*, which is not altogether comfortable for a mere male.  They offer box sets of the particular fragrance which the lady likes but I prefer to give a little more thought to it and go for pick'n'mix, having the resultant selection presented elegantly in a basket with clear film cover and a bow.  I may apply myself to the task on Friday when I have an early appointment at the surgery and another excuse for a Wetherspoons breakfast.


On that score, the latest scare about what we eat is like water off a duck's back to me.   Already I have two conditions which mean that I can eat anything except what I like and, as we all know, it is much easier to give advice than to take it.  I had already picked up the bit about processed meat in the book written by my oncologist and it's too cold to live on salad.


I now know why one of my local bus routes is as unpunctual as it is.  Yesterday I took the more scenic route back from the supermarket, a frequency of 12 minutes scoring over the 30 minute interval of the direct route.  The bus arrived a minute or so early. The driver sat at the wheel until departure time, then alighted from the bus, lit a fag and puffed on it for a couple of minutes before returning to the bus.  No impression was made on the lateness before the end of my journey.  Later, postie delivered a cheque which I decided to pay into the bank pdq.  The plan was to stride briskly - yes, really - to the bank but as luck would have it a late running bus appeared as I reached the stop.  Same route, different driver.


Finally for today - cue sights of relief -  Mike Stationmaster appears to know the answer to yesterday's brain teaser.  The part of Q in Spectre and that of Sonny in Suffragette are both played by Ben Whishaw.


TTFN, Chris  


* Not to be confused with repair facilities offered by garages

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More wire strangling on the new club layout last night. I am going back to finish this today. Then I may play trains for a bit ..it all needs a thorough test!


I hope everyone with ailments has as little pain as possible today.

Hopefully we may have an input from some of our missing contributors today.



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If anyone is planning to travel on the A55 EXPRESSWAY (!!!) it would be best to check current traffic reports first.

About three times a week it seems to get blocked solid anywhere from about Colwyn Bay westbound.

Main cause is roadworks but traffic accidents add to the bedlam.

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  • RMweb Gold

Morning from a misty Redhill.


Trains up creek this morning due to a broken down train at Faygate. Both the Vic and our LBag service come up e Arun valley . They are still stuck th Horsham side of the problem so we are on the Thameslink service. Luckily we made a quick decision to go stand where the doors stop so we have seats. Via Elephant and Castle and Northern line for me now.


Yesterday there were signs long problems and slip a failed train in the Redhill area but luckily they had both cleared by home time.


Just a little modelling time last night and this morning altering a stock tray for the American N scale.

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Disturbingly hot day here, so I'm sitting in front of the air-con vent.


Found some steel offcuts on ebay just the right size for my coupling rods, so the large amount of hacksawing is no longer needed, my arm is grateful. From the same ebay seller I found a length of aluminium that is the right size for the typical 16mm scale buffer+hook coupling that the likes of Brandbright sell. Also put together a materials list for the 16mm scale loco that I have plans for; surprisingly large list for such a small loco, but I'll see what I've got stock of which will reduce the list down a bit, I hope.


Can hear thunder in the distance, looks like an afternoon storm is coming; hopefully it cools the place down, and doesn't just increase the humidity.


Amazing to find that stuff on eBay!

16mm is HUGE to me! (in model train terms  :nono: )

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Overcast in brizzol this morning



Just heading off to temple meads to get on my training train, supposedly going all the way to chester and back with it but i think we'll turn back at shrewsbury as the day is too long if we do the whole trip


Should a good if somewhat long day

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Definitely is nicer to be driving in sunshine! Less slippery than yesterday too, except a few shadowy places or near fields, parklands or bodies of water.


Could be I'll be setting up a new RMweb blog in a while dedicated not so much to a layout concept (as always, whenever I might end up building one) but to a theme I haven't covered before. Watch this space...

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Overcast in brizzol this morning



Just heading off to temple meads to get on my training train, supposedly going all the way to chester and back with it but i think we'll turn back at shrewsbury as the day is too long if we do the whole trip


Should a good if somewhat long day

You must be staying at the Premier Inn. Not one of Bristol's finest views!

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