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Funnily enough I felt guilty the other day. I was reading the paper, having an extra cup of coffee and thinking about doing the things that I enjoy doing and when I want to do them. I thought, this is not right, not fair, I shouldn't be able to do this and feel so good about it. That has happened a few times recently.



In your profession I would say that you've damned well earned the right to some time for yourself.

Aditi too.

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Funnily enough I felt guilty the other day. I was reading the paper, having an extra cup of coffee and thinking about doing the things that I enjoy doing and when I want to do them. I thought, this is not right, not fair, I shouldn't be able to do this and feel so good about it. That has happened a few times recently.


Me too. I actually felt guilty. It wore off, though. 

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  • RMweb Gold

Morning all,


Ah Pete, the delectable GS instrument dash - I worked my way through several of them as they all went to the great scrapyard in the sky in the end but they were superb machines apart from their reluctance to cold start and the ease with which you could flood the engine in such circumstances.  When the last one went off for scrap I recovered the instrument panel and it might still be lurking somewhere in the shed.  They were followed by a BX which I bought from the HQ of a hotel group - by strange coincidence they were located in a country house near Windsor which had been the Western's training school for restaurant car chefs and was also a place they used for internal interviews for the management training scheme, so I've been there twice.  The BX was followed by a XZ which in turn was replaced by a rather hot Peugeot 309 - which from underneath was exactly the same as the ZX as it used the same floor pan etc.


Today I am informed that we have haircutting (mine) but herself is currently resting and no doubt plotting the angle of attack and the course over which she will wiled the scissors.  I somehow think welding might be better ;)


Have a good day one & all especially if you have something special planned.

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  • RMweb Premium

Morning, form a persisting down island.


ChrisF, as many of our customers at Trackshack realise, postage from Fraggle Rock usually beats UK service.  This is because of the fortuitous arrival of our mail plane into the postal hub in the west midlands as it opens - our mail is the first sorted and sent on it's way before the rest even arrives there!


Was hoping to have our first lunch in the 'waiting room' today with John and his Mrs, but the weather has scuppered that - they are coming to do an inspection though!  Stand by your beds....

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Morning, form a persisting down island.


Was hoping to have our first lunch in the 'waiting room' today with John and his Mrs, but the weather has scuppered that - they are coming to do an inspection though!  Stand by your beds....

 The sun has been shining here for the last hour, so it may be on its way to you.

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  • RMweb Gold

Ohh, BX's.  My BiL had a 16v version, it was indecently quick for what it was, I think this was the same engine as the Peugeot Mi16?  It didn't half handle, as there was no body roll due to the hydraulic suspension.

Quite right. 160 bhp was enough to frighten a few m'laddoes in Astras and Golfs. And it wasn't a target for police. Recall coming up the M40 behind a Porsche, and when he saw plod parked on a plod-pod he headed into the middle lane. I creamed on and no-one was bothered.


Dreary and wet. Sherry was singing with her Choral Engineers yesterday at Paignton library, and so I met her and we went to Brixham for lunch.


Despite her protests she now has a Retina iMac, the new 21.5 " version. Brilliant.


US F1 second free practice flooded out so no running, and they say 200 mph winds are due to hit Mexico. This points to an interesting race.


Hope your weekend goes well.

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  • RMweb Gold

I suppose it is too early for Aditi to decide how she is feeling about retirement. It will sink in at some point, probably when she is doing something she enjoys that is totally disconnected with her old work. She will realise that she is 'free' to do that whenever she wants without the thought of work lingering in the background (or more often than not, large in the foreground).

Funnily enough I felt guilty the other day. I was reading the paper, having an extra cup of coffee and thinking about doing the things that I enjoy doing and when I want to do them. I thought, this is not right, not fair, I shouldn't be able to do this and feel so good about it. That has happened a few times recently.

Enjoy your weekend whatever you are up to.

I don't think Aditi will feel guilty about not being at work. She is concerned about what will happen to former colleagues following the inspection. Aditi has been so busy at work for the last few years that she has had very little time to do anything fun that she wants to. She hasn't been swimming for ages. Fortunately her garden has survived with little maintenance! I am sure her discussions with Matthew will keep her intellectual processes ticking over! She was pleased to hear that Matthew will be cited as a co-author on a paper one of his Chinese friends was submitting to a journal. He helped with the English but she said his contribution was more than that so insisted on crediting him.

One of the nice things now that Matthew has a phone again is that we get little messages about something interesting. He is in Rotterdam today eating Surinamese food. He doesn't want to be Facebook friends with his aged parents but we get plenty of food and culture posts via Whatsapp. Aditi sent him a photo taken at her leaving do. She is in the middle of her colleagues. It looks like something from a Hobbit film, she is so much shorter than her colleagues( who don't look like goblins, dwarfs or orcs).

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  • RMweb Gold

Quite right. 160 bhp was enough to frighten a few m'laddoes in Astras and Golfs.

I had an Astra GTE 16v once upon a time. The problem with it was that boy racers always wanted to overtake it even if they could barely manage it. When they had they would usually slow down. I replaced it with a Renault Scenic. I am sure nobody ever bragged about overtaking it!


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  • RMweb Gold

We used to have a Volvo 850 T5. 245bhp...


Julie used to enjoy waiting at the lights next to a boy racer and slipping into sport mode just before rocketing off...

My present Freelander is very slightly faster from stationary than my previous Freelander but "Sports" mode is a still a Land Rover attempt at humour!
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Ohh, BX's.  My BiL had a 16v version, it was indecently quick for what it was, I think this was the same engine as the Peugeot Mi16?  It didn't half handle, as there was no body roll due to the hydraulic suspension.

Afternoon Neil,

Ah, the Citroën BX 16V, following on from the indecently quick 8V GTi. Citroën took the twin-cam 16V cylinder head used on the Peugeot 205 Turbo GP.B rally car, and grafted it on to a strengthened version of the alloy block XU9 1905cc 8V engine. It originally produced 160bhp, and it made the car go very quickly indeed for the day, and the handling was exceptional. Some were tuned well beyond this, and it was quicker overall than the sister company Peugeot's 405Mi16 only by dint of handling, although the market place would appear to have preferred the latter, possibly because it was less 'quirky'. I can recall one of the adverts that Citroën produced, showing Pininfarina's Ferrari design engineer driving to work in a BX 16V through the twisty Italian lanes!

The last one I sold was an immaculate low mileage white one, garaged all its life and serviced annually by us. We acquired it at the garage in Holland on Sea in around 2002 when the local owner, a retired London businessman, passed away. After servicing, and preparing it for sale, I took it for a thrash across the Holland marshes to Frinton and back (to warm it up and clear it out pre MO T test you will understand!) and I have to say that the handling was a revelation! The hydraulic suspension kept it level through bends, and the power brakes were certainly very effective. When I returned, I suggested we didn't put it on sale on our used car display, but test the market on the Internet (we didn't have our own site in those days). The interest was fantastic from all over the UK and it was won by a bid from an enthusiast in Kent, and all I can say is that we, and the widow of the previous owner, were more than happy with the result!!

More memories eh? This thread does kick-start the mind so often!

Kind regards,


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  • RMweb Gold

I have just been reading about a plan to shorten the Remembrance Sunday parade at the Cenotaph.  It was meant to shorten the time that Her Majesty and elderly veterans had to stand around in the cold.


It was scuppered because a certain political party objected to all the opposition party leaders being required to lay their commemorative wreaths at the same time, rather than individually.


My suggestion:


Wreath laid by HM the Queen, on behalf of a grateful nation.


March past by serving military personnel and veterans


Wreaths laid by all the politicos, individually of course, when every one else has passed the Cenotaph.


They could then truly say 'We're behind you lads (and lasses)!


What a bunch of, what the military would call, self serving REMFs

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So would the psychologists and educationists I worked with. Given that a very small percentage of people have mental illnesses which cause them to act in anti-social ways the majority learn it.

Sometime ago I worked with a 16 year old non mainstream child, who on the death of a certain black World leader announced in front of others, 'The n*****s dead'. I and others were so shocked that a teen like this could come out with something so outrageously offensive. That can only be learned behaviour.

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  • RMweb Gold

Hair duly cut, beard trimmed - then a proper job breakfast as a reward for being 'a good boy'.


My BX was a straightforward version (unlike the GS Pallas tribe) but it went very well having led a  previously gentle life and the handling was top notch - just right as I regard bends as 'interesting'  rather than a need to apply brakes).  


Earlier this week a BMW came up behind me on the A4155 after leaving the 30 zone at Shiplake but when we went through the dips & bends at what Google Maps calls 'Hampstead Hill'  he disappeared from my mirror and never reappeared by the time I turned off by 'The Flowing Spring'  - of course he might not have been trying.  But as I kept up with a Porsche 911 through the same area a week earlier maybe people either don't know the road or a not keen at going round corners  (but I think the Porsche driver was not over enamoured to find a Peugeot 407SW staying with him).


Strangely on a speed awareness course that stretch of road was used as one where you had to judge your speed on one of the test exercises.

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My first car was a Mark2 Cortina 1600 (no, not the E...) - loved it. Suffered from usual Ford faults of the time, not wanting to start in the wet, and rust.


Sherry's new iMac sounds the biz, Ian. Surprised you didn't persuade her to go for the 27"!


Does this rugby world cup seem never-ending? Have decided to back the underdogs - Boks and Pumas - then Pumas in the final... Beer in. Hope yours is, too.


Meeting Gabe in the Jazz Bar after the game.


Have an enjoyable weekend whatever you're up to



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  • RMweb Premium

Afternoon/Evening All


Not been around much recently, as I've been so busy with other things that life's little enjoyments like RMWeb have had to take a back seat.


I'm probably many pages back from catching up now, and as time is again tight, I'll not be able to do so.  If anything really important, either good or bad, has happened, please let me know.


Part of the lack of presence is because the surgeon has cleared my to drive, travel on the bus, and generally ramp up the activity over the next six weeks to a normal level.  I'm getting around on one crutch, and will be progressing to a stick in a few days.   To celebrate, I took a bus to town yesterday, and today took the car (not mine, as it's STILL awaiting parts from France which Peugeot have promised were shipped to the repairer, but didn't turn up, and they are now saying another couple of weeks).  Anybody got any suggestions as to how I could get them to believe that I'd really like to have one of their cars on the road, and to help, hows about getting a back wing to the repair shop?  Jock, I think that you had involvement with Peugeot in the past, and if so, was their supply of body panels as diabolical as my experience?


Must go, as tea's ready.


Regards to All


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Afternoon/Evening All


Not been around much recently, as I've been so busy with other things that life's little enjoyments like RMWeb have had to take a back seat.


I'm probably many pages back from catching up now, and as time is again tight, I'll not be able to do so.  If anything really important, either good or bad, has happened, please let me know.


Part of the lack of presence is because the surgeon has cleared my to drive, travel on the bus, and generally ramp up the activity over the next six weeks to a normal level.  I'm getting around on one crutch, and will be progressing to a stick in a few days.   To celebrate, I took a bus to town yesterday, and today took the car (not mine, as it's STILL awaiting parts from France which Peugeot have promised were shipped to the repairer, but didn't turn up, and they are now saying another couple of weeks).  Anybody got any suggestions as to how I could get them to believe that I'd really like to have one of their cars on the road, and to help, hows about getting a back wing to the repair shop?  Jock, I think that you had involvement with Peugeot in the past, and if so, was their supply of body panels as diabolical as my experience?


Must go, as tea's ready.


Regards to All


Evening Stewart,

Glad to hear you've got a modicum of freedom back!

I'm afraid it was Renault and Citroën at my dealerships, although both Citroën and Peugeot are owned by PSA, and share lots of common running parts, the bodies are not interchangeable. I've just spoken to my old body-shop manager and he can't recall any significant problem with Citroën body parts. I suspect the body shop are spinning you a line, you could put an e-mail in to Peugeot parts at Coventry (contact address should be on their web-site) with an exact description of the offending part, model and age of car. It is just possible that the body shop are actually waiting for a pattern part to increase their profit margin. At Citroën, the dealers had a system whereby they could search any part through the network, and if located, it could be uplifted by the overnight delivery truck and delivered to us! Don't know if Peugeot do the same. The car isn't that old is it?

Best of luck my friend, and try not to overdo things,

Kind regards,


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cricket umpired ( nice easy games), lunch eaten, watched a bit of rugby - noted that the All Blacks all wore the same black boots/// that way the ref can't spot who stood on someone....



My sister has a VW Polo. Its bright red and has a 1.9TDi engine in it. When she gets flashed at by BMWs on the A1 to get out of the way they soon learn that her unmarked roller skate can go very quickly if required.


A colleague when I worked at JET had me scouring the country for a Citroen DS (it was bigger than the normal DS and he called it a President) - he found one and loved it to bits!


I was allowed to drive a Bentley from Leeds to Newcastle as our boss at the time was on the board of Vickers and let us use his Bentley as a "pool car" - he preferred his jag. Nice to drive and I didn't have to pay for the petrol!


Hopefully Debs can get back to the collies soon!


Enjoy the rest of Saturday,


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Afternoon all. I hope your Saturday has gone well. My start to half term has been mixed. I spent last night writing up reports on the work issue. There are still more to do!

Sleep was broken in the early hours as Amber arrived in our room to announce she had wet the bed. Somehow she did not manage to wake her mother so I was up changing her. We were then up early again for her ballet class. A lack of numbers meant she was back in the previous class today. It definitely justified my comments from last week - she certainly learnt less today.

Sarah was off watching her Forest today. With Derby away I opted to take Amber out for the day. After dropping Sarah off we went to the Great Central for the day. Sadly it was not the most successful visit. On the way we got stuck behind a gentleman who probably did not have a driving license. Driving at 25mph on a 50mph road, with no way of passing him we crawled all the way from Hathern to Loughborough and mussed the 12 noon train. With a long wait for the next steam service we tried the cafe only to find it packed. With the rain heavy we made a brief gift shop visit so Amber could spend the money she had saved through the week. Then it was back in the car for a quick drive over to Quorn. We managed lunch in the Butler Hendersons cafe before catching the train back to Loughborough and then completing the round trip via Leicester. The weather was foul, but Amber enjoyed herself. The Jinty 47406 was our motive power with the Black 5 also in service. No sign of the two 0-4-0's running the Mountsorrell branch trains though!

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  • RMweb Gold

Evening Stewart,

Glad to hear you've got a modicum of freedom back!

I'm afraid it was Renault and Citroën at my dealerships, although both Citroën and Peugeot are owned by PSA, and share lots of common running parts, the bodies are not interchangeable. I've just spoken to my old body-shop manager and he can't recall any significant problem with Citroën body parts. I suspect the body shop are spinning you a line, you could put an e-mail in to Peugeot parts at Coventry (contact address should be on their web-site) with an exact description of the offending part, model and age of car. It is just possible that the body shop are actually waiting for a pattern part to increase their profit margin. At Citroën, the dealers had a system whereby they could search any part through the network, and if located, it could be uplifted by the overnight delivery truck and delivered to us! Don't know if Peugeot do the same. The car isn't that old is it?

Best of luck my friend, and try not to overdo things,

Kind regards,


As I understand things Peugeot seem to have something similar Jock - they definitely have a dealer wide network for vehicles which any dealer can access and although my need has fortunately been very limited there never seems to have been any problem getting spares.


The only problem I have encountered - both with a Citroen main dealer (long defunct and not surprisingly in my view) and Peugeot is that the service departments seems to be regarded as the bit which makes the profit and their mark up on parts is high while the standard of workmanship seems not as good as independents.  It was why I moved my servicing away from a main dealer to an independent (fully Citroen trained and accredited) with the GS and I have now done the same with the 407 after flakey service from the garage where I bought it.


According to the independent local garage I now use the worst people for spares are Fiat but they regard Peugeot as pretty good - they buy spares through a trade factor.  I had a woman reverse into my 407 saloon in a car park which meant a new rear bumper plus minor bodywork and they (a local bodyshop with an excellent reputation locally) had the car for barely a week.

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As Killybegs suggested, the sun did arrive at lunchtime, as the temperature dropped about five degrees!  The was a cold front passing over.


John was impressed with the station, waiting room or whatever it is.  We took some prints to a local shop to be framed to go in there after lunch, and the proprietor said he had seen a good one on facebook....turned out to be ours.  We have gone viral on the island!

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Evening all from Estuary-Land. Bit of a tiring day today as both places I visited involved a fair bit of walking but I found a few bargains at the toy fair and the Chelmsford show was worth the visit. On the subject of fast cars, not a car but a coach. A friend of mine who is sadly no longer with us drove coaches for a small company, the boss of this company prefered AEC's over any other make. Pride of place went to an almost new AEC Reliance with an AH760 engine (almost 13 litres) and a 6 speed gearbox, and boy could that move. My friend said it was easily capable of doing 100 mph though I took that with a pinch of salt, although I had travelled on it at a recorded 80 mph (this was before the 70 mph limit). Even at those speeds there was still the idiots who would sit right behind the coach flashing their lights to pass. My friends 'trick' in such circumstances was as he pulling over was to pull out the cold start button, the equivelent of the choke on a petrol engine. This resulted in a lot of 'clag', enough to put a class 37 to shame, on one occasion it was a white Mercedes sports car left with an oily mark along the side.

Edited by PhilJ W
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As I understand things Peugeot seem to have something similar Jock - they definitely have a dealer wide network for vehicles which any dealer can access and although my need has fortunately been very limited there never seems to have been any problem getting spares.


The only problem I have encountered - both with a Citroen main dealer (long defunct and not surprisingly in my view) and Peugeot is that the service departments seems to be regarded as the bit which makes the profit and their mark up on parts is high while the standard of workmanship seems not as good as independents.  It was why I moved my servicing away from a main dealer to an independent (fully Citroen trained and accredited) with the GS and I have now done the same with the 407 after flakey service from the garage where I bought it.


According to the independent local garage I now use the worst people for spares are Fiat but they regard Peugeot as pretty good - they buy spares through a trade factor.  I had a woman reverse into my 407 saloon in a car park which meant a new rear bumper plus minor bodywork and they (a local bodyshop with an excellent reputation locally) had the car for barely a week.


If plastic bumpers are not too badly damaged then it is likely that they will be repaired. Some body shops can do this, but there are several mobile guys who they can call in. Unfortunately my son's GF's SEAT Ibiza back bumper was too badly damaged (she left it in a multi-storey, but no CCTV; so they've bought a pattern bumper and some distant relative is going to fit it.



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