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Morning all, nothing to see here, the whelkmen are all abed and likely to stay there as they celebrate the Festival of the Blessed Counterpane, in memory of Saint Linda of Mitcham who once chased the devil out of her garden by flapping the bedding she was pinning to the line at it. Accounts state that the devil had appeared in the form of her neighbour's Yorkshire terrier.


Good thoughts towards those in strife, especially Is, I hope that all goes well and she can be rid of all this as soon as possible. And be careful Jock, a short period of rest might be called for... and bests to Debs.


Big weekend ended yesterday with dinner with Dan & family, marking his actual 40th. The party on Saturday was wonderful, about 20 people there I had taught, and I had some very pleasant conversations with some of them.


Today I make my first Governor's Visit at the junior school. Looking forward to it, but I'm already behind with the reading - so coffee and paperwork calls.


Have a good day, everyone, seize the day, look it in the eye and tell it to do what you want!

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Morning all!


Sunshining here between the clouds.


Jock, hope you're feeling reasonably ok



 The first day of our final week before half term has been ticked off and it was another busy day

Cripes!, Andy, our half terms were last week - but I've always thought the autumn term here was far too long


Probably to get away quickly before all the Scottish fans could get to him.

Now officlal - we wuz robbed! The Scottish fans should at least have come away with the goalposts!


....the radiotherapy may or may not be done depending on the results of a CT scan Jock but the mastectomy and pinning/plating of her femur will, possibly all by Christmas.


She just wants it to be over with now.



Very best wishes to Is, Dave, I can well understand that, and wish her well. I'm still waiting for my chemo to start (but feel back to normal now after the op).


Hope your days go to plan



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Morning all from a sunny village.  Beth left early to go to Physio  and I actually got back to sleep and it was 8.48 before I rose, so  abit late on parade this morning.  A peaceful breakfast has been consumed and various electronic media caught up with.   M=Now it's time to wash up before she get home.  My main task this morning is to sort pictures for a talk that I'm giving tonight.  I managed to lose the previous version whilst transferring files between laptops and so I've nearly finished reducing 1400 pictures to 200 for the talk.  I'm down to 235 now and in the difficult area where each picture tells part of the story.   It will be fun.     Then this afternoon hopefully finish the light units and then give the talk this evening.

Glad to hear that Debs is recovering  and Jock I hope that things improve. ,  Also pleased that Is's chemo seems to be going well fingers crossed that things are shrinking. To everyone else "have a good one" as they say.



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The Scottish fans should at least have come away with the goalposts!


It's rugby we are talking here, not football.

And don't forget what the Scottish Ruby Union said in a letter to all clubs some time ago.


'The referee is always right, even when he's wrong'

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Morning all. There is a grey haze over Borough Market Junction where a quick glance out of the window tells me they have been active ballasting the new lines.


The flu jab is an interesting one - I've possibly once had flu in my whole life and have never felt the need for a jab. But they have now extended the flu jab in our area to year 2 and younger children so Younger Lurker is eligible for one to be administered at school by nasal spray. Normally we are on side with jabs - I never believed all the negative press about autism and the MMR jab. And the sensible view prevailed when the research that led to the conclusion was shown to be so much bunkum. I still hold this view despite the subsequent diagnosis of younger Lurker. Nevertheless it had negative effects on the uptake on the MMR jab.


On the other hand we've always been careful with jabs, especially with school administered ones, because Mrs Lurker had a very unfortunate episode with a double dose of rubella vaccine when she was a teenager - we had tests done on elder Lurker to make sure that it seemed safe for him to have MMR.


Flu jabs - I'm less convinced for children because of the jab's lack of specificity. And the experimental dole out is having some funny side effects - the boy at Younger Lurker's school who has next to no immunity has had his administered separately at one of the London hospitals because they cannot risk him catching the liv virus from a class mate. and a friend of Mrs Lurker who is undergoing chemo at present (and has suffered the worst of side effects) has a daughter of the age to have a jab. The oncologist feels it is unnecessary for the daughter but she will be in a classroom full of children who will have had the "jab".


Mrs Lurker will discuss it all at an appointment next week (scheduled health check for YL) and if she decides to proceed, he'll have it administered while she is present.


Anyway, onwards and upwards, it's Tuesday you know!

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Speaking from experience, Bob, my tip is to give up and use a chisel and mallet.

I've never managed to do this without ruining the track.

Might not save the track as a whole, but could save the rail then handlay or just get new trackbases (sleepers + chairs strips); it they're available for the rail.
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Might not save the track as a whole, but could save the rail then handlay or just get new trackbases (sleepers + chairs strips); it they're available for the rail.


It's possible, Lisa, but track is not so expensive that it outweighs the time needed in such an undertaking.

Getting the rail off is no problem but the chairs are the first thing to go.

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Morning all!


Sunshining here between the clouds.


Jock, hope you're feeling reasonably ok


Cripes!, Andy, our half terms were last week - but I've always thought the autumn term here was far too long


Now officlal - we wuz robbed! The Scottish fans should at least have come away with the goalposts!



Very best wishes to Is, Dave, I can well understand that, and wish her well. I'm still waiting for my chemo to start (but feel back to normal now after the op).


Hope your days go to plan




.....hope it goes as well for you as it has for Is, Mal....compared with a few others whom we know, she has got away lightly.





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Good morning all. I am now feeling rather stupid, having got my US bridges mixed up yesterday. My first thoughts were correct, the Tacoma Narrows bridge (Galloping Gertie) is nowhere near New York, but I got it mixed up with the Verrazano Narrows bridge in Ian's photo of NY at night.


As to the rugby, I don't think the problem was the Ref's wrong decision so much as his behaviour afterwards, Extraordinary!



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Morning All


Sun is peeping through the clouds here - occasionally.


Good to see that we're all here, and that Debs is progressing, though she doesn't seem to be updating her FB page now, but I know from experience how gutting it is when you get one piece of news on getting home, then a test gives a less than favourable result, and you're stuck in hospital for another couple of days ......


Jock, sorry to hear that "the bug" has struck, and of course with an impaired immune system, it will hit a bit harder than it would otherwise.  Hope it doesn't jeopardise any other treatments that you're having.


Dave - Let's hope that the proposed treatment plan is on target, but I'm sure you will keep us up to speed.


Mal - good to know that you feel OK inside, but I'm sure that you'll be hearing from Oncology soon with your chemo dates.  It's dreadful when you are waiting for things to progress, and you do get a feeling that you are not in the loop - in reality you are, and I'm sure that you are getting the priority that you need.


Everybody else, generic greetings.


As for me, the bug is not getting better or worse, just lurking there, but 30747 is suffering still.  I managed a one crutch walk to the shops this morning, and it only took about fifteen minutes, which is a massive forward step.  I may try a walking stick instead of a crutch soon to see how I'm progressing - and I am also managing short distances indoors without any support at all.


Good to see Cathcart Circle back with us, after settling into the new job.  


Back later


Regards to All


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Might not save the track as a whole, but could save the rail then handlay or just get new trackbases (sleepers + chairs strips); it they're available for the rail.


It's Setrack Lisa so I'm only trying to save the points for some sidings. I'm afraid my skills (or lack thereof) do not run to building my own track. I have progressed to using Streamline & Flexi for the main part of the new layout but even then I've cheated with some Rad 3  & 4 setrack curves.

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Speaking from experience, Bob, my tip is to give up and use a chisel and mallet.

I've never managed to do this without ruining the track.


Did I ever show you my track laying toolkit?



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Morning all from Estuary-Land. Sun is now shining so time to make the most of it and leave the car on the drive today. I see that Debs has given a 'like' to a pic on my Facebook home page so hopefully she'll be back before long. Jock, I seem to have the flu like symptoms too, fortunately its not to bad  and hopefully I can get rid of it soon. Back too the subject of the million pound house, I looked up the details such as the floor plan on the estate agents web site. The layout of the rooms is not very convenient, the kitchen and dining room for example are on opposite corners of the house, as far from each other as possible, mind you the entire ground floor of my house would fit into the 'kitchen/breakfast room' of that house. I think I'll give this one a miss. :jester: Mind you if I did win the lottery I'd be looking for a similar type of property, probably a bit further east around Jock's neck of the woods as my sister lives at Kirby Cross. 

I find a masonry bolster most suitable for the final adjustments on my track.

4" or 6"?

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Morning all,


Ah, tracklaying and the school of carefully applied lump hammer (sorry, I normally use a small ball pein hammer most of the time but a good thump on recalcitrant areas is occasionally helpful  - GordonS will be having kittens reading this).


Flu jabs seem to take different folk different ways - last year I had a persistent rather nasty cold (possibly a mild sort of flu?) for months after being jabbed, this year no ill effects so far.  But particularly nasty for Jock with a weakened immune system so i hope things get better soon.


I'm told that today we are going out - to a local NT property which has a very nice garden and a truly delectable veg garden although that will now be in full autumnal mode no doubt.  I'm sure we won't plan to have lunch in the converted cowshed cafe as the change to 'professional'  (well using paid staff instead of volunteers) has seen the quality of what they offer drop like a stone while anything taht is worth having seems to sell out within a few minutes.  But we'll be going for the garden anyway and sunshine is forecast (and beginning to appear).


Have a good day one & all

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If you win the lottery, it's best to spend on the railway, not the house IMHO, a modest house and a good railway is better than a modest railway and a good house, though both might be better.


I've mentioned my friend Mike's 7.25" garden railway before, which is a good example of what I'm saying



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Afternoon all from a sunny Scottish HQ.


Today is passing reasonably quickly so far, so I can't complain (well, I can, but I won't).


I'd love a house where I had room for a proper model railway... the GF, as I've mentioned before, has promised me if we ever buy a place together I can have a garden railway, and I'm holding out for a small outbuilding for an indoor layout too (connecting to the outside world presumably through a sealable hatch to discourage any wildlife from visiting)! Very little chance of me winning the lottery, though, as I'm rarely going to play now that they've changed the odds so dramatically.


Caught up on Sunday's Downton Abbey last night before watching the new series of Fargo, and to my surprise, Fargo was the less bloody. I've seen less blood in a horror movie than in Sunday's Downton.


Hope Jock and Debs are on the mend, and everyone else is as well as can be expected.

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Ah, tracklaying and the school of carefully applied lump hammer (sorry, I normally use a small ball pein hammer most of the time but a good thump on recalcitrant areas is occasionally helpful - GordonS will be having kittens reading this).


I think Gordon tends to apply his 3 wood when something doesn't quite fit.

He needs the lump hammer for other topics here.

Edited by BoD
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' Aftern00n all, from red dragon land.
Still grey but at least the sun has made an effort today.

Morning all. Another day closer to the weekend. I just wish it would hurry up and get there. A long day today with lots of driving and not a great deal of work.
Have a good day everyone

Hey, hold on a minute there, Duncan! A few years down the line and you'll be trying to slow it all down. The weekend will have been and gone before you know it and don't I just know it!  Where's t'summer gone, by the way?
Jock, hope you're feeling better soon. Bugs! Horrible things!  :bad:  [There! That'll  make you feel better!]  :D  Take it easy, ay?
Baz, hope the flu jab effect wears off soon - it took so long to go after my jab I ended up thinking it was due to something else! Maybe not, then. Guess you'd better take it easy, too.

Good morning one and all
My inspiration must be in a lost property office this morning.  It strikes at odd times.  One is bound to be in the supermarket this morning to supplement the shopping list that I WILL take with me this time!  The last visit was accomplished without either the list or one of the coupons that would have given me extra loyalty points had I remembered to take them with me.  As a result I must have something other than cornflakes before I go out.  There is enough bread for two slices of toast.  One will be topped by a smear of the whisky flavoured marmalade bought at the Swanage Railway last year.  The other will be crowned by fluffy scrambled eggs, thankfully bearing no resemblance to those sold in an internationally reviled restaurant chain where the taste and consistency resemble all too closely the expanded polystyrene container in which they are dispensed.
It's all go here ...

Can't say I go a bundle on whisky flavoured anything, but I did find a very nice rhubarb and ginger jam in Morrisns last week.  :nyam:


I've got to the end of the page, now with (at least, if you stop posting till I get there) 2 more pages to get through.

Hope the afternoon/morning (etc)  goes well for everyone.

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' Aftern00n all, from red dragon land.

Still grey but at least the sun has made an effort today.




Hey, hold on a minute there, Duncan! A few years down the line and you'll be trying to slow it all down. The weekend will have been and gone before you know it and don't I just know it!  Where's t'summer gone, by the way?


Jock, hope you're feeling better soon. Bugs! Horrible things!  :bad:  [There! That'll  make you feel better!]  :D  Take it easy, ay?

Baz, hope the flu jab effect wears off soon - it took so long to go after my jab I ended up thinking it was due to something else! Maybe not, then. Guess you'd better take it easy, too.




Can't say I go a bundle on whisky flavoured anything, but I did find a very nice rhubarb and ginger jam in Morrisns last week.  :nyam:


I've got to the end of the page, now with (at least, if you stop posting till I get there) 2 more pages to get through.

Hope the afternoon/morning (etc)  goes well for everyone.

Thanks for the kind comment and accurate colour emoticon. Personally, I'm very partial to Whisky flavoured Whisky, especially certain of the single malt varieties. Sadly, many of these are becoming priced out of my reach!

Enjoy the rest of your day,

Kind regards,


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Afternoon all


A dreary overcast here, and we did have a some drizzle earlier. A very soppy orange cat is on my lap, rubbing his face under my chin with a lot of purring as I type.


No ill effects from the flu-jab so far. Some folk report stiffness in the injected arm, but as I was lumping 20kg bags of feed around earlier without discomfort I may have not suffered that - yet.


I have to see my urologist this afternoon. I hope he's happy with progress. Things are not perfect, but the remaining issue is so trivial I hope he just lets me live with it!


Commiserations to Jock, who seems to get the rough end of every health-deal going. Your fortitude on here remains astonishing.


Glad others are on the up. The chemo patients do not have much fun, but as said every person responds slightly differently - and the results can be so worthwhile.


Hope your week on target.

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