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Early Risers.


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Evening all. Very late on parade today so only a whirlwind catch up. The usual round of congrats and commiserations. Reading the problems that others suffer on here certainly helps to put my day in perspective. The day has been complete carp, but things could be worse.

The morning started with delays on the way to work. I often go in early to get things done, and take breakfast in with me. An innocent trip to the local superstore to pick up some breakfast was held up after being caught up in a fire drill evacuation. In the end I had to resort to a take out from the local branch of Subway.

Today saw a tricky professional issue. Not going to post details on here as it is a sensitive matter. However it led to a day of long and difficult meetings. Ultimately it took up all of my allotted management non contact time, and the allotted teacher planning time. I am now well behind.

I was so fed up when I got home that I could not bring myself to catch up on much. In fact I ended up doing a couple of layout building jobs in a bid to de-stress. I had promised to do the taxi run to pick Sarah up from her mum's. This took up a good chunk of the evening. On route I decided to stop off at McDonalds for some food. There were very few people serving. Those that were took several orders at once in a bid to reduce the queue. All well and good until the person serving me decided to complete the orders for all the people before me, then started on three orders given after mine whilst I stood there like a lemon. When I challenged him he asked me if I had ordered, and then if I could remember what I ordered. I had only been waiting 20 minutes for it, and he still managed to get it wrong!

I got home late so just finished watching The Apprentice on catch up. Meanwhile the old cat is off her food again.

Oh well, like I said...it could be worse!

Andy, sorry to hear that you had such a sh**ty day - I regret that the higher the responsibility you achieve in your work, the more likely such days will occur. When I was MD of several companies, such days occurred from time to time, when the world seemed to conspire against you, but in fairness, I was paid to have the 'Buck' stop at my desk! Tomorrow can only be better - positive attitude.....

Kind regards,


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With regard to the statin debate. .I'm on 80mg Atorvastatin and apart from the odd muscle cramps seem to be O.K. I've asked the doc if it can be reduced, but  he advised against it.


Line 6 gear? some people swear by it. . .others hate it. . . .I know nothing . . .I play bass or "Koostik"


Goodnight everyone . . . Sweet dreams.



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 (Pete, 'trisonic') now living in New York State.



Oh no! Major fox paw Jock. Pete's in Nu Joisey.


(The smart Alec or wise guy response to anyone who says they come from NJ is to ask them "Which exit?)

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Did you have to 'clean out' the chairs before threading on to the rails?


Hi Jock,


Not really -  I just push a single sided razor-blade into the chairs to break any stray threads that might happen to bridge the gap. Other than a spray of camouflage brown, the prints are as they come off the printer.


I'm still refining the chair design. The current version actually tilts the rails in - just like the real thing - except I really want them to be vertical. Once I get that sorted out I should be able to finish the various chairs needed for the points.


The whole business has taken a huge amount of time and turned into something of an obsession, but I enjoy it, and it keeps me out of the pubs!




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  • RMweb Premium

Morning all! Line 16 beckons today, which can be a handful during the morning peak due to short turnaround times at the termini. Time to make those rails glow, huh? :jester:


Dom - thanks for the trams. Keith and I will be in Leipzig on 6 and 7 April; you've been warned!


Duly noted! Shall I drop you a notice once I know when and where I'll be working those days?

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Morning all. Another disturbed nights sleep so more coffee again. It also looks like I'm going to have to work tomorrow which will mean not going to Peterborough.


alfsboy - Welcome to the madhouse that is ER.


Have a good day everyone

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Good morning one and all, with warmest thoughts for those who have had distressing news


So the holiday in Switzerland is now paid for.  I managed to work the machine in the bank that moves money from one account to another all on my own, albeit reassured by the proximity of a nice human being standing by to help.  Later in the day I learned of timetable changes to the French component of the journey which must have meant some rapid riffling through timetables at Ffestiniog Travel.  Fortunately they are a resourceful bunch and we now have a transfer from Paris Nord to Paris Est, close enough together to walk it, instead of the nightmare taxi ride from Nord to Lyon.  The downside is that we reach Interlaken later in the evening but at least we still do the whole trek in one day.  The homeward run on 2nd January is also affected, entailing an earlier rise and one more change.  I for one am thankful that it isn't the morning after New Years Eve.


I booked a concert ticket on line yesterday too.  This is for the Calan gig in London in November.  I am insufficiently pretentious to describe it as a recital, even though the venue is a former church.  So I imagine, are the band.  The booking process is quite easy until you miss out a step.  It tells you that you have done this but after you have corrected the mistake you then have to enter the card number and other information all over again.  This is irritating and I confess to having shouted at the laptop in frustration.   Adage of the day: a bad workman blames his tools.


I forgot again to jot down matters arising from the posts of others but there is one.  Andyram: I do not visit McDonalds because I prefer food.   I did break this rule once, at Telford, because I was desperate for a wee.  Please forgive me.



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Morning All,


First of all, welcome to alfsboy.


It is a rather dreary morning in this part of the world, but at least it isn't raining.


Today looks as if it is going to be a relatively quiet, meeting free day - but those are generally the ones that turn out to be busy!  Oh well - I guess I will see what the day brings.


Have a good one everybody...

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  • RMweb Premium

Morning all.


Her indoors off swimming so I am partaking in a mug of tea before going shopping.


Drama in the household law last night as eldest Herbert's trains back from Hull were cancelled due to a fatality. He ended up being taxied back to Leeds and her indoors went to collect him.


I shall be scoring next year as it means I will be retiring at the top of my umpiring ambitions. Scoring means I still get out and about and can have the second best seat in the house!


Have a great Friday.


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  • RMweb Premium

Morning all from a dark village though there is a little light appearing through the gloom.   Off to the clubrooms again this morning to dismantle the bits of the layout that are still up then bring some more back home.  Then I better get some domestic chores done as our neighbour and his delightful 4 year old daughter are coming for tea.  Then back to the clubrooms for some more modelling.  


Andyram I empathise about McD's but avoid the place like the plague.  Funnily enough the worst bigmac that I ever had was in the place that it all began, San Bernadino, when I was rather tired after a long flight.


As to the discussion regarding guitars I can only look on in awe.  I would love to be able to play electric guitar but that ambition has remained as a dream.


regards to all.



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  • RMweb Gold

Good morning all,

Dry cool start and will probably be cloudy all day with the chance of a little rain and even less sunshine.


BR day plus 4:  Gas and water connections have all been made. He had a bit of job drilling the exterior wall again and still has to do the hole for the condensate pipe. I do like his attitude though because whenever there's a bit of a snag (quite a few in this house) all he says is "Hmmm - that's interesting"   :scratchhead: and quietly proceeds to find a way round it. All the firms who've quoted me in the past have just come up with a very long list of snags reasons why they should charge me extortionate amounts of money for doing the job. Today should see completion of the installation and we should be up and running this afternoon.

After that there is the small matter of putting all furniture etc back and getting on with life watching Rugby and playing with some trains.

I suspect Bill's prediction may well be right but I'm still hoping that Ireland can overcome Argentina on Sunday.


Have a good one,


Edited by grandadbob
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  • RMweb Gold

Morning from a drizzly Surrey and now London.


Very dark when we left home and still not fully light in London.


Went round ex work collegues last night to set up his shiny new top of the range iMac. Think we used up his monthly data alowance installing updates and office 365 as the itnernet  slowed down to a crawl. He couldnt remember what his data limit was though.


Had to leave him with a few things still to sort out such as the printer drivers as there is no disc slot to load from the disc that came with the printer so it has to be downloaded.


This morning I managed to start the final stock tray for Dobris whihc will now haqve soem time to set whilst we head to Scotland. This weekend we will travel the borders line.


In the meantime its another day iin the office but it is looking more like a POETS day reading one of the directors email about going to aq bar

Edited by roundhouse
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Mornin' all,


Damp overcast and dull in The Moorlands this morning for the short anticlockwise.


A little more time to spend on my current 4mm wagon project.....a scratchbuild of 2 x Grazebrook bromine tanks....



Picture scan by kind permission of David Ratcliffe


....tack soldered solebars...checking for alignment...



Now music by Sia.....California dreamin.....wonderful!


Feathered ones provided for


Enjoy what you do



Edited by Torr Giffard LSWR 1951-71
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Lucy and the grandchildren are now safely back in Scotland, so I actually have time to sit down at the laptop. We were blessed with glorious weather for the four days they were here, so, in addition to building sandcastles, rescuing stranded starfish, entertaining themselves in Killybeg's new adventure/play area and going to see the 'super' trawlers, they went swimming in the sea every day. And no wet suits, they toughen them up in Scotland!


It looks like the fine weather is due to continue into next week, so we might get out on the bikes this weekend. In the meantime, there's a lot of washing and tidying up to be done.

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Morning all from the ye olde boring borough. Really not a smeg of a lot to report. Work is slow again while my next project is stall still. No idea when it will get under way. Spent the last 2 days wandering around the Excel Centre attending a product form and developer conference. My feet are still killing me.


The good old Canadian $2 bill. As previously mentioned, rarely seen in Western Canada, with one strange exception. The race track. Under gaming rules the minimum bet on horse racing was $2. With my uncle being an owner we spent quite a bit of time at the tracks in Calgary and Edmonton. If you saw a $2 anywhere else you assumed that person had been to the races. The other oddity is/was the 50 cent piece. Again, very rare in circulation but back in the early 80s there would be a flood of them every summer during the Calgary Stampede. The reason being most of the carnival games were $0.50 to play. Get change from a booth from a $5 and you'd end up with a pocket full of 50 cent coins instead of $1 bills and change. The idea was obviously to encourage spending.


That's about it from here. To all those fighting the good fight against illness and a world full of cockwombles, keep it up. Have a great weekend.


BTW the collective noun for a group of cockwombles is a 'shite'. As in, I was working with a shite of cockwombles on my last project.



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Morning all. It's grey and gloomy over Borough Market Junction too, though looking less threatening than earlier.


I managed to leave home this morning just as the Ocado delivery arrived, much to my secret relief. Although the delivery is much better than the chore of trudging around the shops, the unpacking is now a chore I dread!


I've never been to Minnesota or to Idaho, although my sister did a year of her degree in Minneapolis many years ago (which is why I know about the loon). Not speaking to each other for a year did our relationship (which had been fractious in the past) the world of good. The company I worked for decided years ago to open an ethanol processing plant in Idaho, using potatoes. It was not a success, and we literally handed the keys of the plant back to the landowner.


I am another in the "avoid MaccyDs like the plague" club. It feels like we're ganging up you Andy. But just think of it as us passing on the accumulated wisdom of years....whether you want to hear it or not ;)



And with that I shall go for a quick scout around the site.


Have a good day all

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Morning. I'm not usually with it of late at this time to remember about early risers.


awake as got a laptop to fix and backup and an MOT to book, oh what fun!


First though off to post a birthday card for my grandfather who turns 95 Monday, and grab a cuppa in the cafe nearby to warm up I suspect as it feels bloomin' freezin'!

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