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  • RMweb Premium

I agree - it has always seemed like a cockwomblefest to me.  I'm no brainiac, but I think I have common sense and a sense of proportion, and know my abilities and limits. Whereas.....


I would comment on the performance of a previous Manx contestant but as he has recently passed away I will withhold due to common decency.

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Simon - I am a big Apprentice fan too and have started a thread elsewhere on here if you want to join us.


Today has been busy and there is more to come at work with a visit from a LEA advisor who I will have to deal with. It could be a long day. Tonight has been spent checking data and marking the children's writing assessments. I really know how to live it up.


Best wishes to you all.

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Hump day certainly gave me the hump. A long frustrating day followed by 2 callouts on my way home and traffic holdups meant that I got home a lot later than planned.


I've managed to catch up on todays ER posts and a couple of other threads, but, preparing reports means that I haven't caught up on all the ones I follow.


Night all

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  • RMweb Premium

An interesting thought Ed I have been offered Statins and Metaformin this week but I am not keen yet it would appear if I took the prescription I would be entitled to free prescriptions thereafter instead of the £? a month the certificate costs.

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  • RMweb Gold

I agree - it has always seemed like a cockwomblefest to me.  I'm no brainiac, but I think I have common sense and a sense of proportion, and know my abilities and limits. Whereas.....



I suppose I shouldn't really comment as I have never watched a whole Apprentice programme, just trailers and the occasional last minutes recorded in front of something else, however I think that limited exposure has been enough. I don't watch TV to be irritated.
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Pete the bike is tiny - zoom in and you can see a kickstarter too - I recon it's a CRF110F after looking at the US Honda website. The Duke Hypermotard has the cam belt covers on that side, and has a headlight.

Neil, I have officially lost interest  - that’s not a recent photo either - I think it’s from 2013. We’ll never know for certain (or care).


Best, Pete.

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An interesting thought Ed I have been offered Statins and Metaformin this week but I am not keen yet it would appear if I took the prescription I would be entitled to free prescriptions thereafter instead of the £? a month the certificate costs.

I wouldn’t dismiss “Statins” out of hand, Mick. They’ve saved many lives since they were introduced - dig deeper!


Makes a change for me to give you advice, anyway......


G’night all you guys on the East side of the Atlantic!


Best, Pete.

Edited by trisonic
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Evening all,

Really very tired tonight, as last night's sleep was interrupted to say the least! I've really been cheered by the bulletins about our 'lady of the collies' however, and would like to say a big thank you to all those Facebook members who have kept us up to date!

Dick(Smiffy), look on the bright side, your day can only get better. Hopefully a good portion of the French version of Cottage/Shepherd's Pie will cheer you up.

Baz, I'm very sorry to hear about the change in umpiring rules which look like they are going to change your life completely - good luck with whatever you decide to do next.

Dave(TG), glad to read that 'Is' appears to be getting through the chemo stages so well - is she finding the side effects much of a nuisance? We continue to keep her in our thoughts, and the PM offer stands!

Mal, more good news from an ER - really pleased that your surgeon was happy with you, and I hope his influence draws some action from oncology. I always feel that the sooner the better has to be the rule with chemo treatment.

Duncan, I sincerely hope you aren't overdoing work again?

I've just got to get to sleep now, and will be looking in late morning as I'm taking Joanna to an Opthalmology appointment at Clacton Hospital first thing.

Hope Thursday brings you all good things, kind regards,


G'night Pete! G'night all!

Edited by Jock67B
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  • RMweb Premium

Pete I am not dismissing them out of hand, the 1 in 3 chance of serious heart problems in the next 10 years which has been predicted for me ensures they will be thought about. I must admit that I thought a cholesterol level of 5 was within safe limits. The metaformin lets you eat what you want supposedly but too many sugary items are ruining my teeth anyway not to mention my waste waist line. 



Away to feed the tiger legged monkey frogs and then to my bed. Good night all.

Edited by skipepsi
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  • RMweb Gold

An interesting thought Ed I have been offered Statins and Metaformin this week but I am not keen yet it would appear if I took the prescription I would be entitled to free prescriptions thereafter instead of the £? a month the certificate costs.

Aditi didn't really want to start taking Metformin as she was convinced she could control her diabetes with diet alone. The diabetic nurse persuaded her that she clearly needed some medication. Treatment started before any of the problems associated with diabetes developed. She takes other diabetic medications as well now rather than a higher dose of Metformin. She also has statins but 4 times the dose I have! Edited by Tony_S
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  • RMweb Premium

We were up and out early this morning to give Polly a spin down at West Shore to check the axle pump was working properly.  It was an absolutely gorgeous day, the warm sun counteracting the chilly north easterly but it was so cold first thing, it was winter woollies and bobble hat on today.  Things to look at include the kinked rubber connecting tube between tender and loco and the hand pump in the tender.  Two others came down to run their locos as well - both Pollys!  While they carried on for a few more laps of the track, we packed away and nipped off to the cafe to enjoy blue sea and sky over a cuppa.  Just as well I had a magazine in the bag to keep me occupied (interesting article on the Southern - Alton - where we spent our holiday last year) while Ray stood in the queue inside.




Ah, well, the end of another day so night night and nos da.

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Just in from a Saskatchewan-BC flight. Virtually cloudless all the way over the mountains - superb views and we were able to identify locations all the way across. And, even from 40,000 feet, Canadian freight trains are huge!

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 look forward to an update on AndyID's 'Heath Robinson' looking contraption. It is certainly going to be interesting to see the sort of products it is capable of producing. To think it would have been considered 'science fiction' until recently


Here you go Jock.




The plastic sleepers and chairs were printed on an older model 3D printer. The newer printer will (I hope) be a bit more consistent.


There is no magic here. All I'm trying to do is point out that a compromise might not be such a bad thing.




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Evening all,

Really very tired tonight, as last night's sleep was interrupted to say the least! I've really been cheered by the bulletins about our 'lady of the collies' however, and would like to say a big thank you to all those Facebook members who have kept us up to date!

Dick(Smiffy), look on the bright side, your day can only get better. Hopefully a good portion of the French version of Cottage/Shepherd's Pie will cheer you up.

Baz, I'm very sorry to hear about the change in umpiring rules which look like they are going to change your life completely - good luck with whatever you decide to do next.

Dave(TG), glad to read that 'Is' appears to be getting through the chemo stages so well - is she finding the side effects much of a nuisance? We continue to keep her in our thoughts, and the PM offer stands!

Mal, more good news from an ER - really pleased that your surgeon was happy with you, and I hope his influence draws some action from oncology. I always feel that the sooner the better has to be the rule with chemo treatment.

Duncan, I sincerely hope you aren't overdoing work again?

I've just got to get to sleep now, and will be looking in late morning as I'm taking Joanna to an Opthalmology appointment at Clacton Hospital first thing.

Hope Thursday brings you all good things, kind regards,


G'night Pete! G'night all!


Mornin' Jock,


The side effects are pretty much limited to tiredness. Our policy throughout has been 'open book' where we've updated everyone as to 'where she is at' as progress happens, that way the chemo or condition has never been 'the elephant in the room', conversation wise. Yes, one or two friends have found it more difficult than others but that was likely anyway. We've continually felt it to be the right approach for us. She is stoic, sensible and realistic and we share the same views on making the best of our time together....not much choice with a 22 year age gap.


This approach could benefit one or two who have similar experiences, in terms of what to expect and being able to maintain a reasonably normal routine.





Edited by Torr Giffard LSWR 1951-71
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  • RMweb Gold

Good morning all.

Stupidly early riser this morning as I've been awake since 3.00am.

Seems to be dry outside and the forecast is for a cloudy day with some showers and possibly a little sunshine.


BR day plus 3: Old boiler was duly removed yesterday and although he does weightlifting in his spare time my help was needed to lift the thing off the wall. It is a heavy old beast.  We needed an electric heater on for a couple of hours yesterday but not at the moment as it seems quite mild. More pipes and cables have been run and the pump has been moved from its position beneath the floor under my armchair in the lounge (No - I don't know why it was put there) to the airing cupboard. Exterior wall drilling entertainment was put off until today as I think he needs to pick up some new bits on his way here.


I did manage to do some work on the layout. A couple of locos kept derailing and it took me a while to realise that I hadn't joined a section of track properly even though I thought I'd double checked it. Not sure I'll get a chance today as domestic stuff and shopping may get in the way.

Have a good one,


Edited by grandadbob
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  • RMweb Gold

Morning, can't comment on the weather other than its not raining as its pitch black outside. I will have another 40 winks and report back later

In the meantime enjoy your day




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Morning All,


Another wet start to the day here.  According to the radio, the snow has stayed at a higher level today - it is snowing, but only above 400m.  Down here in the valley it is raining.


There isn't a lot else to report, so have a good day everyone!

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Good morning one and all, after a goodish night's sleep induced by Horlicks which seems to work better than Ovaltine and a bang on the head


I'm glad that prescriptions are free for the over 60s.  Today I must collect an item which the pharmacist has to order.  It is expensive - £135 per dose, I think he said - so as ever I must be on my guard for footpads and ne'er-do-wells as I leave his premises.  I am already in the statins and metformin club.  My 88 year old neighbour does not like metformin.  If she were not the lady that she is she would tell me that it makes her fart.  There was an ambulance outside her house yesterday.  I do hope she is OK.


There are two more things for me to do in town.  I must go again to the bank and get a human to move some money into my current account so that I can pay for my Christmas/New Year holiday in Switzerland.  I should have done this before Tuesday but I was waiting for the invoice when the travel agent sent me an e-mail to tell me that I already had it!  The new billing system has confused better men than me, or so I hope.  After that it would be a good idea to buy a magazine containing an article on the Basel tram network, if only to show Flavio when we next meet so that he can find all the mistakes.


When I get home after all that wheeling and dealing I hope to find gone the blue sports car that its empty headed blonde driver has placed outside my house again.   One day we must meet so that I may explain to her patiently the elements of parking in this street.  At least she did not deposit a mound of earth.


Heard on the radio yesterday: "He knew her all her life.  They were lifelong friends."  Was that an unscripted remark?


Best wishes to all



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