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  • RMweb Gold

Good morning all,

Forecast is for a dry day with cloud and possibly some sunshine.

Absolutely knackered at the moment because late yesterday afternoon boiler man phoned to say that he could start this morning instead of Wednesday.  This meant hurriedly moving furniture etc as floorboards will have to be lifted in at least 3 rooms because apart from re-siting the boiler our ancient gravity fed system is being converted to fully pumped. Old layout has been dismantled apart from the track which so far is proving rather difficult to unstick. I may give up on that.

I did manage to fit in watching a bit of the GP and most of France v Ireland. A great game and obviously the lads in green have noticed that I am now supporting them!

Now about to take tea to The Boss who probably won't appreciate getting up early on a non work day.

Have a good one,


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Morning All,


It is a nice clear morning here, if a little on the cold side.  The weekend went well, but not 100% according to plan.  I had a fence post to change between us and our neighbour - which I expected to be a fairly quick job.  Unfortunately, the quick job turned into an eight hour marathon as much more was rotten than I originally thought.  It turns out (from talking to my neighbour) that the fence has been there longer than she has, and that's 42 years!  I am in some ways reluctant to replace it, because I know that any new fence will be impregnated pine, rather than the hard wood that the current fence is built from.  However, on the other hand, if I keep replacing pieces then eventually it is going to be like Trigger's broom!


Anyway, job two was going to be the winter tyres on the car, but I never got around to that.  Mercedes very kindly shredded the honeysuckle clippings that I had to take down in order to reach one of the rotten posts, so that saved a lot of time and we managed to finish before dark.  The only slightly annoying thing was that I got stung on the cheek by some sort of insect that was obviously minding its own business in the honeysuckle - so I spent most of yesterday looking like a hamster.  Thankfully, it has improved this morning.


For the sky gazers, there is quite an interesting constellation at the moment.  It is possible to see Mars, Jupiter, Venus and the Moon all close together in the early hours.


Have a good day everyone...

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  • RMweb Gold

Even before the recent changes, investment in Premium Bonds has given a better return than the National Lottery of late. 

Apart from one year mine have given better returns even than my savings accounts.

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  • RMweb Gold

Morning all.

It didn't seem too cold when I went out in the garden earlier with Robbie. I have been told it will be warm enough to put some washing on the line.

Otherwise a quiet day. Aditi will be off soon. She has some meetings today with all of the staff she manages. She, like the staff is not happy that someone senior is insisting on these interviews a week before inspection. Also IT are "migrating" all the department's data to a new server this weekend and staff won't have access for a few days. Just what they needed!


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  • RMweb Premium

Just checked Debs' FB page - short new post seems to imply that she's having an op all she's written is "NBM - TTFN"  so hope all goes well there.

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Anyone remember how we used to play “British Bulldog” in the playgrounds of schools in the fifties? 



Yes! We played it in the scouts. One large scout started in the middle and had to stop one person getting past him. Those two then did the same as the rabble tried to make the next pass and so on until the winner was the last person was left standing.

Edited by Killybegs
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morning all,cool  and dark as I set off this morning,jacks got a cold and daisys teething so its been a restless night for me and the missis,jacks enjoying school and is doing well so I have been told so that's something that's going the right direction at the moment !! looks like another busy week here,first one on the list for me is a poorly xc70 with more electrical faults than you can shake a stick at.....oh goody.....sometimes I realy would like to go back to mending proper cars with points and carbs.........must be getting old....have agood day all and all the best to those o us that are a little under the weather.

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a poorly xc70 with more electrical faults than you can shake a stick at.....oh goody.....sometimes I realy would like to go back to mending proper cars with points and carbs.........must be getting old....


I reckon I must be getting old too.  Unnecessary complexity drives me up the wall.


I realise that we have made quantum leaps with technology over the past few years, but we seem to have lost the ability to keep things simple.

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  • RMweb Premium

Morning All


Finally got to the end of the new posts since last evening, and must first offer an apology to Simon that I didn't acknowledge his good news about his prognosis after the lump removal.  Put it down to the effects of a combination of tiredness and old age.


Rick - hope the knee gets better quickly, and that you are able to resume attendance soon.  I sympathise that your mobility is restricted for the moment - modelling while sitting down may be an option?  If not, is daytime TV over there any better than here?  No. thought not.  We seem to have one channel which specialises in Australian and New Zealand "documentary/reality" shows about animal rescues, police chases, customs searches and the like - most of them being about five years or more out of date.  Perhaps your TV reciprocates with repeats of old episodes of Big Brother and Come Dine With Me!


Ian - maybe next time you're in the area we can finally meet up for that beer. 


Chris - hope all is well with your checkup.  Don't go mad spending all your winnings on six pints.  30747's got a holding of bonds, but we've never had a letter with a Lytham postmark in all the years we've had them.  Her late uncle didn't get a letter either, when he won, as his win was so big that they sent somebody to his house to present him with his cheque for £250k.


Martin, couldn;t agree more about cars that one could fix with a few well chosen spanners, a modicum of knowledge and about a dozen standard bits.  No degrees in electronics to worry about.


Gordon S - if you're reading this, how's Archie's recovery progressing - there's lots of us here who would like to know.


Anybody got any updates on Tex of this parish?


As to me, I'm planning to have a walk on my own.  Possibly a little further today, up to the shops and back - maybe later this week a short trip to town.  Wow, this slow recovery, but the long term results will be worth it, and I do wonder how people used to get by before surgery of this level was invented.


Regards to All



ps - is anybody else having problems with slow responses on this site from time to time?

Edited by 45156
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Yes! We played it in the scouts. One large scout started in the middle and had to stop one person getting past him. Those two then did the same as the rabble tried to make the next pass and so on until the winner was the last person was left standing.....

..... who then became the next dog.


Vertical, stiff as a board, off to get provisions for the boys.



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  • RMweb Premium

Oh yes, we also played British Bulldogs in the Boys Brigade, and it was a pretty rough affair, which resulted in more than one bloody nose, cuts and bruises, and on one occasion a sprained ankle, and that's only the injuries that I remember from this distance.  Another rough game was mat ball, which was like a combination of rugby and British Bulldogs, where the  "goals" were a gym mat at each end of the hall, and the only real rule was that you had to get the ball touched down onto the mat to score, and almost anything went for the opposition to stop this.

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  • RMweb Premium



Rick - hope the knee gets better quickly, and that you are able to resume attendance soon.  I sympathise that your mobility is restricted for the moment - modelling while sitting down may be an option?  If not, is daytime TV over there any better than here?  No. thought not.  We seem to have one channel which specialises in Australian and New Zealand "documentary/reality" shows about animal rescues, police chases, customs searches and the like - most of them being about five years or more out of date.  Perhaps your TV reciprocates with repeats of old episodes of Big Brother and Come Dine With Me!



ps - is anybody else having problems with slow responses on this site from time to time?


Yes.  Yes.  And yes.


X-rays done and examined.  Nothing untoward found in the solids.  No fluid (which I had thought there might be) and no lesions.  Soft-tissue swelling apparent around the patella, unknown cause.  I have an ultrasound booked for Thursday and am hoping very much that it doesn't detect a pregnancy in the swelling!  Now signed off until further notice :( and am not allowed to place weight on the joint for non-essential purposes.  Walking around the house is OK apparently.


Daytime TV on all of the many free-to-air channels is tediously boring.  Many are advertorials.  You watch what might be a cheap drama only to find the "actors" suddenly start promoting what ever product is funding this half hour of junk.  Re-runs on old UK shows would be positively welcomed!  Luckily I have some Fox etches to fit and other indoor jobs I can attend to but that is not the realm of ERs ;)


The site has been intermittently slower than a geriatric snail with a zimmer frame.  Possibly even slower than all-stations via the Heart of Wales route!  Suggests it's a server-based issue as it's being experienced around the planet.

Edited by Gwiwer
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  • RMweb Premium

Yes! We played it in the scouts. One large scout started in the middle and had to stop one person getting past him. Those two then did the same as the rabble tried to make the next pass and so on until the winner was the last person was left standing.

Same here. Another game at cubs and scouts was to get all the furniture in the church hall, stack it higgledy-piggledy to form a barrier across the hall. Then 1 person would sit on one side with the rest of the troop on the other. The lights would be turned off and, in the dark, people would have to climb silently over the furniture and see if they could "get" the lone watcher. This was great practice for our First Aid badges, too. 


British Bulldog is still played in local playgrounds but it does seem to be more a game of tag these days. Very popular with the 10 year olds and used by the teachers as a sanction if 

they misbehave in class. 



Edit: typo.

Edited by AndyB
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Morning all, a grey haze over Borough Market Junction and hints of blue beneath it.


Great pictures of the moorlands Dave. I hope that chemo 5 goes well, and that the side effects are not too debilitating.


Fairly quiet weekend, although I did cook a curry on Friday night which went down reasonably well. yesterday involved a walk to Foots Cray Meadows with Younger Lurker.


I played British Bulldog in the 70s. The version played in Singapore was rougher than the version in England as being tagged involved being wrestled to the ground on to the hard dirt playground. My chest was covered in scratches and scars for years! But otherwise it sounds very similar to what was described above - one person in the middle to start with. Not sure if Elder Lurker played it at break time in Junior school, but then he was allowed to play football every break time, whereas we were forbidden apart from in the summer when the field was available. Note that this interdict only extended to having a football. At times we played football with a stone, the torso of a redundant Action man and a bouncy ball (which was the only time I have seen someone get on the end of his own cross and score....)

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At school camp, we used to have a seriously dangerous version of 'everybody try to kill someone' organised by the Masters.

This involved half the camp being outside a perimeter and half defending - at night.

Injuries abounded.

One tactic was a concerted rush which guaranteed that a few would get through.

A painful defence to this was to stick a leg out when half a dozen would injure themselves at once.

Didn't do the leg much good either.

This had the added consequence of revenge being sought days after the event.

The rules? - 0

Doesn't seem to be played much these days.


Internet has just returned for a visit but no idea for how long.

Haven't read back yet.

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  • RMweb Premium

Morning all from Estuary-Land. Just taken over an hour to catch up on ER's since last night. Sorry to hear about your knee Rick, I was worried in case you had been bitten by something nasty. There was a thread a little while ago about some of the things in Australia that can give you a nasty bite. Weather is set fair for the week if a bit colder for the rest of the week according to the forecasters but a snippet on last nights long range forecast said that central/southern Germany should expect heavy snow mid week so winters a-coming.

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  • RMweb Gold

Apart from one year mine have given better returns even than my savings accounts.

I'd posted a bit more that that but it seems to have been wiped out by using one of those emotithings on the iPad keyboard.

What I had posted was so important I can't remember what it was now.


Hope all goes well for Is and Debs.

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I'd posted a bit more that that but it seems to have been wiped out by using one of those emotithings on the iPad keyboard.



Wouldn't take a lot to wipe out my savings.

However, the Government have generously offered to put an extra £25 in my pension envelope if I give them £25K.

I may have the figures wrong but that was the gist of it.

Difficult to resist.

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  • RMweb Gold

Morning all,


Well I've just been through all the posts since last night and ticked boxes as appropriate but none seem to have 'taken' - probably something to do with the server as Rick has postulated as the site has been deadly slow/completely unmoving over the past couple of days.


I'm hoping that Debs problem isn't anything serious as she's had more than her share already this year - fingers are firmly crossed for her. 


I think I shall attend the local 'Branch Users Group' meeting with GWR this evening - I suspect it is going to be a less than cheerful experience but regrettably the principal target (Crossrail) is unlikely to be represented and the GWR reps might well have similar feelings to those of their passengers who will be objecting somewhat vociferously to the end of through trains to the capital and the generally worse, and slower, service, to London (in poorer quality less comfortable trains) that Crossrail looks increasingly certain to dump on us.  Should be fun so I really ought not to miss it ;)


Have a  good day one & all.  And now I wonder if this post will 'take'


And now the 'ticks' seem to have returned to working order - very strange.

Edited by The Stationmaster
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  • RMweb Premium

Just a quick update and the rant I Had about the Barclaycard call centre 2 weeks ago.   Havng been told that it was impossible to send an 'interim' statement by the girl in Mumbai, Poonam or wherever i was.   On Saturday an interim statemen appeared in the post.  How the imposible has happenned I don't know bu it has arrived.


Rick, hope that the knee does subside and that no progeny come forth from it.

Dave, hope that the Chemo goes well for Is.

Mal, Likewise.


Now off to movea car lod of stuff to Wakefield.



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  • RMweb Gold

Morning all from Estuary-Land. Just taken over an hour to catch up on ER's since last night. Sorry to hear about your knee Rick, I was worried in case you had been bitten by something nasty. There was a thread a little while ago about some of the things in Australia that can give you a nasty bite. Weather is set fair for the week if a bit colder for the rest of the week according to the forecasters but a snippet on last nights long range forecast said that central/southern Germany should expect heavy snow mid week so winters a-coming.


Probably picked a good time to have my boiler renewed then.

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