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When my clients heard the news they rushed in to say, "Do this before you leave" so thats what I have been doing. Nearly at the end, not that I want to get there! :lol:


It is so often the way! The last time that I was made redundant, I was fortunate enough to find a new job before D-Day. When I went in to see the big-boss about leaving I was treated to a lecture about all the things that needed to be done, and how I was important to the company, and blah, blah, blah.


I said, if I was that important why it was that I had been made redundant! There wasn't an awful lot he could say to that - although I obviously got a lot of corporate waffle!

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  • RMweb Gold

Morning all.


Gentle rain and rather warm here this morning.


I'm going to see the bank manager today for a chat. After that I'll be shopping, tidying the house and cooking. Somewhere among those tasks Robbie will require his walk.


Don, it sounds as if you could be back on consultancy rates if your clients want a few things doing!



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  • RMweb Premium

Morning All


Nice to see Don's still with us. Is it my imagination, or are we thin on the ground this morning?


Not a lot of commiseration needed today by the looks of what's been posted already today - thank goodness.


Nice morning here, but I need to be up and sat dowstairs quite early today, as the builder's due round to check some snagging of his work from earlier this year, and to price for a new downpipe as the bathroom drain is starting to corrode and is leaking. With the amount I've spent I should be due a free job from him.


I'm also looking at some of the layout threads in a new light instead of just lurking about in W&S.




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  • RMweb Gold

Morning All, as you can see I don't post very often but do read the forums and this one in particular!


Anyone notice this forum passed 8,000 entries yesterday:rolleyes:


Re redundancy this has happened to me in the past and sadly I have had to give the news to people over the years that they are being made redundant.

It is not a nice experience either way and these days it is an excepted event on peoples cvs, it sadly has become a part of life.


It can be a great opportunity though to do something completely different and once the emotion and anger has calmed down take stock of the situation and make some plans and look forwards and don't waste time dwelling on the past.. Easier said then done I appreciate.


I once informed a individual that they were being made redundant and he jumped of his chair and did a handstand in glee! One of the easier ones which I will never forget!


So keep the posts up as they make good reading on my blackberry as I hurtle around the UK and much better than the company stuff of which there is to much!

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  • RMweb Gold

Morning all, another horrible one as far as the weather's concerned. I feel so sorry for all of those people who are on holiday in the UK at the moment - although it was a long time ago I can well remember how hard it was to keep two small kids amused when it was pouring with rain and blowing a hooley and all they wanted to do was get on the beach with their buckets and spades.


Just having the first cuppa of the morning, not a lot planned for today. After feeling how good my American Strat is to noodle on, I'm in the middle of a major setup of my Mexican Strat - adjusting the neck, intonation, action etc. All learnt from the internet, what a superb education tool it is. Then a carrot and ginger cake will be made as I promised my wife she could try it - yep, she's been coming round bothering me again. Not sure how I feel about it at the moment, but she's going through yet another rough patch after some family bereavements so the least I can do is listen.



Have a good one all.


***BREAKING NEWS*** - I'm actually thinking about looking towards the window of maybe considering tidying up the modelling suite so I can progress one of the brass kits I have on the go.


No wonder it's pouring.


Edit - forgot to say sounds like you have a lot of transferable skills Don - hopefully you're in a stronger position than you realise. Fingers crossed.

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  • RMweb Gold

Oops post edited.


I suppose you could keep a rabbit in it - save feeding it and you just buy a new one when it eats it's way out.


Don't know if they like ginger though.

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Guest Max Stafford

Morning all. It seems we're all plodding on regardless so that's a good thing. Robert's observations about the weather seem to hold true in these parts too. The days are pleasantly warm and clear up here although there's now a cooler edge in the morning and evening. that's how I like it personally though.


Still enjoying my leave although it's mostly home jobs. I've had so many tasks waiting to be done over time, but rarely have the energy to do them when I'm on shift so this is a good catch-up. I would like to get a bit more modelling done whilst I'm off but I see it's a lovely morning so I'll need to get the fence painted today - making hay while the sun shines and all that! :rolleyes:


Anyway off to the park with Abi, back about twelve-ish when the fence timbers should be nice and warm. Oh, I've got a couple of parcels to wrap and send too!



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Nice to see Don's still with us. Is it my imagination, or are we thin on the ground this morning?


Yes - we do seem to be a little thin on the ground. Perhaps it is all the doom and gloom that is driving people away!


(Speaking as one of the doommongers!) :lol:

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  • RMweb Premium

Morning All, as you can see I don't post very often but do read the forums and this one in particular!


Anyone notice this forum passed 8,000 entries yesterday:rolleyes:


Hi shedman5 and welcome to the madness of the ERs thread - you're more than welcome. TBH, I didn't actually notice that we'd reached 8000, but it's sadly nice that Don's post was the 8000th entry.


I see that your location is West Lancs - where abouts are you - there's not that many Lancastrians on here who are active at present.


And now for the moan - builder promised to be here by "half ten at the very latest" so I got up and showered early - dressing and showering still takes me about 40 minutes - and guess what. Mrs 45156 has gone out, and he's still not here! :angry:


BTW I've had a look at some of the layout threads in a lot more detail - there's some da*n good modelling out there, isn't there?




I'm off - builder's just arrived

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  • RMweb Gold

I'm back from the financial chat which was OK. Matthew can explain it all to me if I have problems. After all he did get an AS in Economics. Mick's Matthew must also have been born as the after effects of Hurricane Andrew(I think it was that one) was blowing wind and rain over the UK in 1992. My wife went into hospital early in August 92 and by the time she came out in September that year it seemed like winter.


I think I'll take Robbie over to the park now. He had to make do with a run over the fields yesterday with Matthew. They didn't meet any other people or dogs (possibly due to the unexpected heavy rain shower) so I expect Robbie will be especially sociable today.





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  • RMweb Gold

Morning all!

Glad to see things seem more optimistic today. I tell you what, 2010 hasn't been the best year has it?!

Don, glad to see you back even if it is for one or two days. You must be popular if your clients have asked you specifically to do something for them!

Just had a driving lesson hence why I'm late on today. Went reasonably well and I'm feeling much more confident now. Will need to book theory test soon!

Had the useful variety of careless people (refrained from adding other language in there! wink.gif) today. One of which was a lorry travelling about 50 in a 40 limit going round a bend towards me with it's trailer skidding out blink.gif. Another prat, sorry, careless person who cut in front of me without indicating. And a person pulling out in front of me which I had to swerve to avoid. All in a days work!


I'm really going to have to pull my finger out to get this layout completed on time!! blink.gif

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  • RMweb Premium

Morning All, Late on parade today. Glad to hear there are no major disasters so far today. If Phil actually clears up his stuff tha may of course change! Now why was it I came into the office today? Oh yes I remember, someone wanted to "do lunch". Club house quality control visit seems to be in order then.




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  • RMweb Premium

Good News for RM Web, but possibly bad news for ERs


I've had so much encouragement and messages telling me to go for it, that I now have every intention of getting something started as soon as my pins will bear the weight - I've got the locos, I've got the baseboard, and I've got the ideas.


TBH having seen Jim S-W's attempt to recreate the entire Birmingham city centre, and Waverley West which is more like a trip back in a time machine than a layout, and also some of Jamie and Capn Kernow's work, and knowing that their advice is at the end of the 'tinternet, I'd be mad not to have a go! Anybod else that I've not mentioned, don't worry - I've been on so many layout threads that I'm getting light headed.


It could mean less drivel from me on here, though.



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The automatic system in my office for regulating lighting/ shutters and heating seems to have gone berserk.


All day long, it has been doing its own thing. The only way to get any peace and quiet is to have the shutters closed and the lights on!


This system is incredibly interesting...

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  • RMweb Premium

Stewart, have you seen Kylesku and the Mound?

Currently on page 3 of Layout topics.

Well worth a look

Indeed, Don, I've been in touch with Richard via his thread and on PM as I had some ideas about weathering his insulfish vans.


To be honest, there's so many good layouts on here in all eras and scales that I am spoiled for choice - it's like having a huge edition of Railay Modeller open all the time, but without the stuffiness - I have never come across a better bunch of people - in fact I had another PM of encouragement came in while I was typing this. Time to get on with my own effort, methinks.


It fascinates me to see how many people are making models of a railway rather than a model railway, if you get my meaning.


Now then, W&S is no place to talk about railways, real or model - let's get back to the normal nonsigence.

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  • RMweb Premium

The automatic system in my office for regulating lighting/ shutters and heating seems to have gone berserk.


All day long, it has been doing its own thing. The only way to get any peace and quiet is to have the shutters closed and the lights on!


This system is incredibly interesting...


Do you think it needs the DCC Chip reprogramming?


Seriously, these automated systems are more bother than they're worth - why not just shut the blinds when it's sunny, and switch on the air conditioning when it's hot, the heating when it's cold, and the lights when it's dark!

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Do you think it needs the DCC Chip reprogramming?


Highly likely!


Seriously, these automated systems are more bother than they're worth - why not just shut the blinds when it's sunny, and switch on the air conditioning when it's hot, the heating when it's cold, and the lights when it's dark!


Exactly - I wish we had air conditioning though. We have "night cooling" which sucks air in from the outside overnight. The trouble with that is that when it is really hot overnight (when you need the air conditioning!) it doesn't make a blind bit of difference.


Still, it is better than nothing. Although I would much prefer a standard light switch!

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