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  • RMweb Gold

Morning all from the soggy bottom of the boring borough. Dull wet miserable. But enough about me.

My blood is usually measured in IBUs. (beer geeks will get it) Very tired and now suffering with a full blown cold/fluish thing. My dad was never one for this wimpy limpy man flu crap. Its a cold, not the fecking plague. (or words to that effect) Time to suck it up and get on with the day. However, Mr Lurker may hear my coughing from high above Borough Market.


Working from home again as the arsebadgers I'm supposed to spend the next 6-18 months with still can't find a bloody pen to sign off the work. Oh well, that means I've got the time to do some sloooooooooow smokin' on the old BBQ. Just started up a pork shoulder with mesquite wood chips. The meat has been rubbed and left for 24 hours in my spicy maple rub.


Managed to get a bit of work done on the layout over the weekend. This one module has taken far too much time. My next trick will be to start manufacturing the 1000+ trees that will be needed for the rest of it.




Going to need another pack of Solid Water, and find someone that stocks Evergreen plastic as I need to make some decent concrete footings for the bridge bents. I figure another 12 hours or so and this corner will be complete. (finally)


Thumbs and hearts liberally sprinkled amongst the previous posts. May everyone have a great day and week.


edit: ducking autocorrupt.

Must check my IBU levels after Saturday night!


4D models for Evergreen?

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  • RMweb Premium

Morning all from Estuary-Land. I visited the 'driving standards' thread last night and it seems to be drifting back into safer territory, supermarket car parks/parking, all contributors are able to park their cars perfectly every time apparently. :whistle:  On the subject of over tightened wheel nuts, when I had a set of new tyres fitted a few months ago I noticed that the fitter set a torque setting on his air wrench, probably due to the alloy wheels that are fitted to most cars nowadays which can be damaged by 'over torqued' wheel nuts. I must confess to smiling when people talk of laxatives but a few days ago I certainly had no need of them, I shouldn't over indulge with blue cheese as much as I do. Commiserations and congratulations where necessary and I hope you all have a good day all.

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roundhouse, on 05 Oct 2015 - 09:48, said:

Must check my IBU levels after Saturday night!


4D models for Evergreen?

Thanks Ian, keep forgetting them. Used to use the Engine Shed in Rochester for that sort of stuff. Don't fancy mail order from Hatton's just for £4 worth of plastic square tube. 

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  • RMweb Gold

Morning all


The Indian Summer is but a memory as it is a thoroughly wet day. Despite that I have accepted an invitation to join Alison in the customary hour's walk after lunch. I know it does me good, and she sets a fair pace for someone a bit shorter and a few pounds heavier than me. The 16 years difference in age no doubt compensates.


The boring saga of the upstairs shutters rumbles on. My Scotsman last week managed to strip 19 of the 24 panels, and yesterday I started on the final 5. Some couple of years ago I had bought a delta sander with other attachments, several of which seemed likely to strip chemically-loosened coatings. So it proved, and progress was initially swift. But after 5 mins the motor dropped to half speed and emitted a lot of ozone. Sigh. Back on the scrapers then!


I rang the farrier the day after Sherry left, so almost a month ago, but have heard nothing. Most unusual so a further message left on his voicemail today. The girls' feet are not looking good.


Hope Chrisf survives the investigation. Trisonic Pete always thumps the tub about how important - nay, fundamental - exams in that region are, but there does seem to be a price to pay in comfort and dignity.


I hope others continue their return to improved health and comfort.


May your week be serene.

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  • RMweb Gold

Dare one ask how much the fare was?




Fixed price of £46.00  (£23.00 each) pre- booked with Addison Lee. Their normal fare would be £61.75. Steve uses them all the time and has an account so gets a discount. It was the same fare from Wembley a couple of weeks ago. Personally I think it was worth it for the comfort as I can't stand the crush in the Tube even though it took a while . Driver sends a text when he's 15 minutes away and you can then track his progress on GPS.

We only use them for the journey home as the trains are not so crowded when going.

I dread to think what a black cab would have charged - possibly getting on for double that.

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  • RMweb Gold

Fixed price of £46.00  (£23.00 each) pre- booked with Addison Lee. Their normal fare would be £61.75. Steve uses them all the time and has an account so gets a discount. It was the same fare from Wembley a couple of weeks ago. Personally I think it was worth it for the comfort as I can't stand the crush in the Tube even though it took a while . Driver sends a text when he's 15 minutes away and you can then track his progress on GPS.

We only use them for the journey home as the trains are not so crowded when going.

I dread to think what a black cab would have charged - possibly getting on for double that.

All about price versus value, which you have clearly understood. The chance to have a few drinks and then both relax on the way home makes the whole event much more enjoyable, I'm sure. Ask any man who gets his sober wife to drive home after an evening out!
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And Bob wasn't run over by an almost sober and very tired cyclist, when crossing the River Lea Navigation. After a long soak, I'm counting the cost of my jaunt; the knees know they have done 50 miles and a slightly tight thigh muscle. Today is fettling the layout and working on a Cambrian Railways brake van.



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Actually you’re right, Ian, re: Colonoscopy about the discomfort (the day before) - not so sure about my dignity as I lost that a long time ago. The alternative, however, is far, far worse.


This is the latest track from the Hurricane Center for the remnants of “Joaquin”. These guys are the experts on large storms:





Best, Pete.

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  • RMweb Gold

Morning, first post for a week or so as I have been away in Cyprus sorting out affairs for my mother in law and more importantly dealing with the scumbag that is my brother in law. There is light at the end of the tunnel I am pleased to say. His activities have been truly stopped, we had a very nice lady Cypriot solicitor who has done a brilliant job for us. So hopefully we can now move on with one less problem to deal with.


Congratulations and commiserations as appropriate before I attempt to catch up.


Enjoy your day



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  • RMweb Premium

Thanks for that Pete. It looks as if its heading for the bay of Biscay, I hope to attend an outdoor event on Sunday so fingers crossed, its either going to be wet or cold according to the long term forecast.

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Yep, nothing is cast in stone, Phil. The HC seem to be the most consistent in their rune casting! Yesterday they had it aimed somewhat at Eire.............


It will be nothing like it was a few days ago wind wise . If it went to the far north most would hardly notice it in the Isles.


Cheers, Pete.

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Well, we had record breaking cold last Winter but the forecast for the forthcoming Winter looks milder - which ties in with a colder Europe. There obviously isn’t enough cold weather to make everyone cold at the same time!


Best, Pete.

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Well, we had record breaking cold last Winter but the forecast for the forthcoming Winter looks milder - which ties in with a colder Europe. There obviously isn’t enough cold weather to make everyone cold at the same time!


Best, Pete.

Must be those "cut backs!"

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Afternoon all,

Did manage to get off to sleep again, but thanks for the offer anyway Andy. Thanks too for all the kind wishes, hopefully won't be necessary for much longer.

Chris, will be thinking of you today. Must say that your mention of 'Max Boyce' was a blast from the past - used to enjoy his 'rugby club' sense of humour years ago, but he seems to have slipped under the radar of late.

John(CB), sorry to hear of your issue with the wheel - as Stewart said, almost certainly a result of over zealous use of the pneumatic wrench. Like Ed, I always slackened the bolts with a special socket, using a long metal tube to exert more leverage, and then re-tightened with a torque wrench. Both now hang redundant in the garage since I have been ill, and I use SiL or grandson for the job! I absolutely insisted on final tightening to manufacturers torque setting at my own garage! Hope you get it sorted soon.

Ed, glad you got to see the Vulcan flying at Old Warden, I felt privileged to do the same at Clacton. Never ceases to amaze me how the Shuttleworth pilots throw those ancient airframes through their aerobatic manoeuvres, despite their age.

Alan, it's really good to read that you appear to have resolved the Cyprus problem. Funny how some people show their true colours after a death in the family!

Grey and miserable here with a bit of shopping to come, and we will collect Freddie from school to give him tea while his parents attend a meeting. Grandson Matthew is recovering at an encouraging rate, but it is too early to tell whether he will ever be able to go back to the building trade, or whether he will need to retrain. The whole family, and many of his friends, have collaborated to ensure that they won't suffer financially meanwhile, which makes us very proud.

Hope your week has started well,

Kind regards,


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  • RMweb Premium

Afternoon all. Had to wait for a while at the doc's but am back home now. His recommendation was to sign me off work till Sunday so as to avoid any safety implications. I think this is a wise move, though I do miss being on rails already! What a change this is in relation to how I'd been feeling during the last months at school…

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  • RMweb Gold

I've had problems getting the wheel off for punctures on a couple of occasions and had to call for breakdown assistance.  I didn't have any trouble undoing the nuts but the wheels refused to budge. Both guys who came said this was common with alloy wheels. One of them lay down and proceeded to kick it off. The other used a rubber mallet. ((I now carry one in the boot)

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Morning from Long Island


Went to see "The Martian" on Saturday evening. I'd recommend it for anyone who likes sci-fi, and felt it was one of the best in a long time. Not read the book yet, but Trevor and Alec(Jemmas' boyfriend) have and highly recommend the book, and that the film does the book justice.


Little to report from yesterday, a delightful brunch at home with Mrs, Trevor, Jemma and her boyfriend Alec. Homemade (by me) waffles, maple syrup and fresh fruit. After that a brief walk then preparation for trip back here to LI.


This morning provides a definite "carpe diem" reminder, as I opened the work email and found one of our "family" died over the weekend. Young guy in his 40's with two small girls. *

I don't know the details but I do know Paul was young, fit and in apparently good health, a shock to everyone, and a reminder/wake-up call again to the frailty of existence <sigh>


On Long Island, ZERO signs of the doom that was forecast just four days ago, as Joaquin took a severe right turn out to the Atlantic sparing the east coast of pretty much any issues, save a high tide warning for today with tides as much as 9+ ft. above normal, so coastal watches in effect.


Lovely 11c sunny with a light breeze on the way to the prison basement today, forecast for cloudy and a high of 19


*Per the above notation, please, please "carpe diem" if you possibly can, and hug everyone you care about. :friends:

Edited by Ian Abel
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  • RMweb Gold

Waffles /  pancakes for breakfast. Miss them already.


Just had an ex work colleague on the phone asking for help re his new Mac he purchased at Gatwick on his way out to mainland Europe and needs a hand with it. His brother died whilst he was away. Coincidentally I was just thinking of our friend who passed away a few months ago. We miss him a lot on our trips away doing shows as he would normally be in the back seat in the asleep. Our Barrow trip this weekend will be the first one without him.

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  • RMweb Gold

My Scenic had the wheels wouldn't come off problem too. The bolts removed but the wheel wouldn't come off. As I was going to do much driving in France and Switzerland (and even the neighbours couldn't remove the wheels so it wasn't me being feeble) I asked the Renault main dealer to remove and re fit the wheels before we went. They did but said it shouldn't be a problem again it was just the first time. My Scenic was the first one they had found but they said it was not at all rare on the Espace. They were correct it wasn't a problem  afterwards 



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  • RMweb Gold

No mention of the storm on the Met office severe weather warning page so fingers crossed it misses us and hopefully doesnt cause others any majour issues.

According to Carole this morning there will be high pressure moving in from the south east later in the week which ties in with the Met Office forecast for us which shows the wind moving round to the south east/ east south east and which probably also accounts for the current view that the tale end of the hurricane will go north of the British Isles.  But it can all change, very quickly.


Anyway it changed at just the right times today - logs were tipped at c.11.20 by which time the rain had as good as stopped and were duly barrowed to the woodshed & porch and stowed by c.12.00 with no rain at all during the shifting phase.  So all squared up by 12.05. shopping complete by 12.50, rain chucking down by 14.00.

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On a brighter note, I found this picture over the weekend;


34016 Bodmin, May 1989




Also, took a brief look in at the "driving standards"...whoa, I left there in a hurry! :jester:  :O

Edited by Ian Abel
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  • RMweb Premium

Afternoon campers. Hi-de-Hi! 


Haven't checked in for a few days so I suspect I may have missed a page or two! Collective best wishes to each of you. 


Point motors and mimic diagram have now been added to the layout. Not without the odd glitch, but working far better than I'd imagined. Got to think about semaphore signals soon whilst the layout is in a pickle!


If I make it to the Farnham show this weekend it'll be on the Sunday - have a wedding to attend. Like two other people on here, if my memory serves?


Hope you're all well - or as well as can be. Best. Andy 

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Went to see "The Martian" on Saturday evening. I'd recommend it for anyone who likes sci-fi, and felt it was one of the best in a long time. Not read the book yet, but Trevor and Alec(Jemmas' boyfriend) have and highly recommend the book, and that the film does the book justice.


Yep, we saw The Martian yesterday evening in 3D and concur with everything Ian has said. A wonderful film - could have had 20 mins shaved off though... I know the 3D thing is a love/hate thing, but it worked for us in this movie - and for The Walk trailer. Apparently some viewers at the preview screening of The Walk suffered severe vertigo. Certainly made me sit back.


Carpe diem, too, Ian, well said :friends:



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