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Bit late this evening, spent more time than expected on Facebook. The reason for that is the MD of Oxford Diecast was giving a summary of whats in the planning/design/prototype stages. Some very interesting new models in the pipeline, far to many to list here even if I could remember them all. If your on Facebook look up the 'Oxford diecast collectors' group.

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Evening all.  Royal Mail delivered my motor insurance renewal paperwork earlier in the week.  So today I went onto the website and put in some dummy data.  Different name, my other e-mail address, postcode for the next road, same car. 


So what do you think the result was?


The dummy premium was £2 higher than the real one.  So either the software was very clever, or Liverpool Victoria are not ripping me off.


Received a couple of unpleasant phone calls today, from a company pushing a healthcare product.  Telephone Preference Service have been informed.


Have a good weekend.  I'm rooting for Australia tomorrow, never thought I'd type that.  Now I'm expecting "Likes" from Polly and Richard and hate mail from the rest of you; ok, maybe not from Dom who is wondering why we are het up by funny shaped balls.



Edited by bbishop
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  • RMweb Premium

That was a long day, expected a peaceful shift where things go to plan (roughly, plans always change on the railway!) and it was up until the last bit. I ended up doing 13 hours (ok'd by control) but it meant a right time departure was achieved and I'm going to sleep well tonight! Exhibition tomorrow, Night all!



Edited by Steadfast
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Evening all,

Debs,truly hope you have a great time at the Wigan show - lovely to see you getting back to something approaching normal. Looks like there will be quite a few RMwebbers there.

Dom, glad to hear that no lasting damage was done, hope you get back to work soonest. How is Elise doing health wise now?

Sherry, I have to say that when you do something, you certainly do it well! Hopefully the damage is superficial and a touch of makeup will cover the evidence by the welding day. Great news about the neighbour, as you obviously love the place otherwise.

Mike(60860), I assume you tried the 'Canmore' or 'Scran' resources within RCAHMS? I personally found them rather awkward to navigate when looking for items on Hurlford shed. I am told that the University of Glasgow hold quite an archive, and I also found that posting a question within the 'Railways of Scotland' area of the forum index produced some useful help. Does the Google Earth picture of the remaining piers of the river Oich viaduct show enough detail to get scale dimensions of the cross section of the piers at least? It might be possible to extrapolate an approximation of the dimensions of the whole structure from these if any old images are available.

Ian(railsquid), little Leo is certainly growing apace. Didn't realise you intended to raise him as a warlock!

Grandadbob, we bought an Argos black-out blind to go behind the curtains in our six foot wide bedroom window. What a piece of carp in terms of both quality and instructions. Surprisingly, by measuring three times, and cutting once, I got it to fit first time and it seemed to do the job. My joy was short lived however when after little over a week, the central tube (much like a large cardboard toilet roll former) that it is wound on to, took on a pronounced sag in the middle, which meant that the flimsy 'chain' for operating it couldn't cope! Hasn't been used since so a real waste of money - I suppose you get what you pay for?

Geoff, sorry to hear that Kath has joined our list of ailing digital friends - hope for a speedy recovery. I have to admit that the lassies seem to be better than us chaps when it comes to bearing such illness!

Stewart, thanks as usual for the kind words. Your memory serves you well as I was told at the beginning of this particular palliative chemo treatment, that the average time that people withstand the side effects is 7 - 8 months and I'm now on my 29th cycle! My liver profile went a bit haywire after the first month, but a pause for a month sorted that out, and apart from the thyroid function needing control by yet another pill, my body has coped really well with the help of all the Medes to combat nausea etc. Hard to believe if you knew how badly I've abused it all these years. Joanna puts it down to me being cantankerous and single minded - not sure if she's joking. I hope you've learned your lesson about trying to do too much too soon. You risk extending the recovery time so please do take care and 'listen to your body!

Tony, I often sip Indian Tonic water if I feel nauseous but I recall that WW1 pilots preferred a stiff brandy after each sortie - it was supposed to help with both nausea and the 'trots' caused by breathing droplets of castor oil from the engines total loss lubricating system in flight. I often wondered if it was actually for the nerves?

Flávio, delivering wise council as ever, but I think it's time to apply your fine powers of reasoning to the quandary over this job offer. Whatever the reward that is offered, It looks like it would ruin your home life - just think of that horrendous commute when the weather gets really bad and of course the hours spent travelling would eat into the time available for your modelling/cooking hobbies. It also occurs to me that your dogs are an important part of your life, and have only just become adjusted to the fact that they are loved. Obviously only you can put all the elements in order of importance and make an informed decision and I wish you luck whatever you choose to do.

Duncan, I hope you aren't over-doing the work at the moment?

Time to finish the nightcap and lay down the head in case I have another painful awakening like that in the early hours of this morning. Meanwhile, best wishes to all for the weekend (especially the lucky bu**ers attending shows!) - Have at least got the rugby to amuse me as well as both World and British Superbike race meetings.

Kind regards,


G'night all!

PS earworm still Pink Floyd's 'Wish You Were Here' since our discussion on here a couple of days ago - thanks Pete(trisonic)!

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Just got back from an evening modelling at the club. I did get some soldering done and Beth has returned safely from her concert. I've now got a task for tomorrow. I have to find the entrance to the parallel universe in my modelling room as a particular piece of etched brass that I lost 6 months ago and found this week vanished again this morning. the piece it was with has turned up but the riveted disc I need is nowhere to be found. The presence of a mini black hole is strongly suspected. Knowing my luck when I do find the trap door I won't be able to find the piece of bras in there for all the odd socks that have gone missing over the years.


Goodnight all.



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  • RMweb Gold

There I was, thinking it was just a British problem, but nay!


Today Vermont, USA seemed to be inhabited by a number of cockwombles.


And, incredibly, they were all driving either an Audi or a pick up truck.


We leave VT tomorrow and head for the coast.


Goodbye Ludlow, hello Plymouth.


One could think we were driving from Shropshire to Devon.


Isn't the petrol cheap though?

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That was a long day, expected a peaceful shift where things go to plan (roughly, plans always change on the railway!) and it was up until the last bit. I ended up doing 13 hours (ok'd by control) but it meant a right time departure was achieved and I'm going to sleep well tonight! Exhibition tomorrow, Night all!


Jo, it's always lovely to here from people that currently work on the system, and there are a surprisingly large number on RMweb, as well as all the retired members on ERs and other threads, who did various jobs on the system over the years. I find 'big jim's' thread to be a fascinating insight into the current railway scene, even though I am an ardent steam era fan. His and Marcus' dialogue with several of the signalmen that help smooth their passage is very interesting. I wonder if you'd mind telling me where exactly you work - you may well have missed one of my posts which told about my Uncle Tom who was a signalman on the Glasgow to Stranraer 'port road' via Ayr, as opposed to the Carlisle - Dumfries - Stranraer version! He loved the peace and solitude of the more remote boxes, although he always seemed happy enough to have me with him occasionally. I found the whole shift fascinating, including tablet exchange events! With my father being a driver on the old G&SWR lines throughout the fifties, you can see where my fascination began. Don't worry if you don't want to divulge for any reason - I'm just nosey!

Kind regards,


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What I'm hoping for, is Debs to forget, and post pics of the Wigan show, here on ERs.


Talk about 'hoisted by one's own petard'


A glass of 'hard' cider (in the US, cider is the non alcoholic variant so I've discovered) then I'm off to bed.


Only 1945hrs and I am really tired.

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The outer circuit  finally glued down and thoroughly tested with various loco/train combinations. . .IT ALL WORKS!


Mal, good luck with the chemo. . . . . . Jock, good luck with the pain management. . . . Stewart, Leave the marathon running till next week.


The night has been capped, so . . 


Goodnight Everyone . . .Sleep well.



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There I was, thinking it was just a British problem, but nay!


Today Vermont, USA seemed to be inhabited by a number of cockwombles.


And, incredibly, they were all driving either an Audi or a pick up truck.


We leave VT tomorrow and head for the coast.


Goodbye Ludlow, hello Plymouth.


One could think we were driving from Shropshire to Devon.


Isn't the petrol cheap though?


That's nuthin'. Wait till you try driving in Idaho.

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Early good morning all,

This is (literally) a PITA, pacing slowly back and forth in the study so as not to awaken the boss, but awakened at 3.500am by the feeling someone had stuck a red hot stiletto (and not the interesting kind that comes with stockings etc. before the sniggers start!) into my pelvis adjacent to where the spine fits! I comfort myself, having taken a shot of Oramorph, that this pain is only temporary, and will be worth the discomfort eventually.

Bill, I'm afraid I have to disagree about the Scots attitude to an English match at the World Cup. Any ordinary game yes a defeat would be something to laugh at, but all of my family and friends agree that it would be wonderful, although wishful thinking, to have all four home nations in the semi finals. I feel much the same way about the European Cup soccer where it would be lovely to have four premiership teams 'lock out' the semis! My two most recent trips to watch the Calcutta Cup at Twickenham have put the football crowds to shame as lots of well lubricated 'brick outhouses' from both sets of supporters, spent several hours in the pubs before the match and, although there was a whole lot of verbal joshing going on, little or no animosity was displayed. I did read somewhere that at RU, the violence tends to stay on the pitch, unlike with the round ball discipline (or lack of it)! I suppose their are those who look on sport as a matter of life and death, rather than just a game!

Hope the day goes well for everyone whatever they support, I'm going to try lying down to get some sleep now,

Kind regards,


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  • RMweb Gold

Good luck with sleep Jock


Up early for call of nature thrn back yo beds but couldn't sleep so up at 04.30and decided to do a few more windows on the station building. Only a handful left to do now but time to get ready and head off for Folkestone in the thick fog plus the tunnel has bern closed due to migrants storming the French side, so we may hit heavy traffic towards Folkestone

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Good morning one and all


Rejoice!  The injection was accomplished without blood emerging and landing on my shirt.  I had selected a pale black one just in case.  Including the flu jab which Sister was expecting to give me, and about which I had not been notified, the job was done by 8.15.  On my way to 'Spoons for breakfast, prompted by its location next door but one to the bank, I saw a coach full of school pupils.  Now is it just me who recalls such creatures being known as Herberts?  I ask because that was the name of the coach company and it made me chuckle.  By the time I had been to the bank and supermarket and phoned the hospital about Monday's procedure it was 11 am.  Where do mornings go?


Much of what is happening in the big wide world does not interest me.  This includes the current outbreak of rugby football and related utterances of support.  Not far behind is a TV programme which ought to be called Strictly Come Prancing.  For completeness I should include the announcement by Hornby that a Peckett is to be made.  Yawn.  Far more important is deciding whether to catch Calan, a Welsh music ensemble mentioned in despatches, in Cambridge or London on their November tour.  I favour the latter for ease of reaching the venue but obtaining a ticket may be difficult.  Getting to Cambridge entails taking the car and finding somewhere to leave it during the concert.  Leave this one with me.


Today I plan to see 'The Martian' at the multiplex.  There is a 2D* screening at 10.30 and I do hope all the hype is worth it.


May your day be as good as circumstances permit




* - that's as opposed to 3D which is more expensive and needs special glasses.  Neither expression refers to pre-decimal currency.

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  • RMweb Premium

Morning all. Still achy this morning but I do seem to be better able to walk on the strained foot. FiL had even obtained a crutch for me yesterday when I felt I could barely put any weight on said foot at all, but as the pain there had developed only after two to three hours and after I'd walked some distance on my way home after the first A&E regime, I'll be careful for at least today and tomorrow. Still and all, I believe things are improving already. I even slept for about nine hours, having called it a night early yesterday!


Jock, Elise is fine again – thanks for asking! I guess such bugs just do their rounds in nurseries now and then and, unpleasant as they are, are something of a "part and parcel" item for this field of work. Of course, one might question the wisdom of parents who bring their kids there even when they know they're ill…


National holiday today, so all is quiet outside and a beautiful sunrise is in progress.


Enjoy what you do!

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Morning all. Another ER for me. I'm hoping to get finished early enough to go to the Croydon MRS show. If any others are attending I'll be easy to identify as I'll still be wearing my work clothes.


A quiet evening is planned catching up on todays posts and watching the Australia v England game.


Jock - I hope that the Oramorph kicked in reasonably quickly.


Have a good day everyone

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  • RMweb Gold

Good morning all,

Rather a dull start today and it is forecast to remain cloudy until this afternoon when hopefully the sun may shine. 


Hope the Oramorph is working and you've got back to sleep Jock. (In which case you won't see this until later.)



A quiet evening is planned catching up on todays posts and watching the Australia v England game.


Don't think it will be quiet here ( I tend to be quite vocal when watching England ) even though I'll be watching the game by myself as today's visitors are only here for the afternoon.

The Boss is now officially fed up with all the games being shown at the moment. My comment of "Now you know how I feel with all the rubbish you watch" didn't exactly endear me to her.

The burns on my hand don't seem too bad so I may get the soldering iron out again to carry on fitting droppers although I've opted for Scotch lock connectors underneath the layout. Bad enough cutting my head without mixing molten solder with the blood. :butcher:

Have a good one,


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Foggy all the way from crewe right over to the staffordshire moorlands on the way to derby this morning but cleared up by burton


Got a bit to do in work but hoping to be done fairly early so i can go and have a look at the mickleover show on the way home

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  • RMweb Premium

Morning all.

Woken by the man who disinfects the wheelie bins. Not a happy bunny as he was shouting, singing and chucking bins around with gay abandon.

Not sure what we are up to today. One of my friends from Barrow was here to watch the Rhinos win last night so he may call in. I do hope so!

I am concerned about the neighbour's over the road. In front of their house is a wide strip of grass owned by the council. It's for a tram route which was never built. The council guys cut the grass yesterday. At 5:30, having been in all day he gets his mower out and recuts the grass..... In the dark.

That is, in Barrow terms "not normal" or is it just me?

Have a great day everyone!



edited for spellung!

Edited by Barry O
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Up early on a Saturday! Dogs walked, breakfast consumed and Steph's sewing machine and other odd bits loaded in the car. Out of the door in the next couple of minutes, drop Steph off in Buncrana, then nip across the boarder to do a bit of sterling shopping. Looks a bit overcast (too dark to see earlier) but we have been promised it will clear later.


Am I brave enough to watch the Australia England game tonight? Mmmm, we shall have to wait and see.


Thoughts with those of you suffering today.

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  • RMweb Premium

Morning all, better get going for today's DEMU commitments at the local exhibition!

Jo, it's always lovely to here from people that currently work on the system, and there are a surprisingly large number on RMweb, as well as all the retired members on ERs and other threads, who did various jobs on the system over the years. I find 'big jim's' thread to be a fascinating insight into the current railway scene, even though I am an ardent steam era fan. His and Marcus' dialogue with several of the signalmen that help smooth their passage is very interesting. I wonder if you'd mind telling me where exactly you work - you may well have missed one of my posts which told about my Uncle Tom who was a signalman on the Glasgow to Stranraer 'port road' via Ayr, as opposed to the Carlisle - Dumfries - Stranraer version! He loved the peace and solitude of the more remote boxes, although he always seemed happy enough to have me with him occasionally. I found the whole shift fascinating, including tablet exchange events! With my father being a driver on the old G&SWR lines throughout the fifties, you can see where my fascination began. Don't worry if you don't want to divulge for any reason - I'm just nosey!

Kind regards,


Morning Jock, thanks for the interest, I'm a shunter for the big red team. Currently doing the Mendip quarries, and I've met a couple of people who are members on here so it's a small world! sometimes the solitude is a bit much, a quiet night shift can drag on but you just find ways of making the most of it!

The railway such a different place back then, but there's still a strong camaraderie with most people and the kettle is always on!



Edited by Steadfast
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