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  • RMweb Gold

Good morning all,

Another dry day with sunny periods forecast.

Shopping on the agenda to start with but I don't mind as beer and wine stocks are very dangerously low. I wonder if Sainsbury's also sell hard hats? After that the gardening word has been mentioned again so I'll have to find a way of kicking that into touch.

Have a good one,


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  • RMweb Premium

Morning all from a misty village just south of Leeds.   Last night I watched that lovely video posted by Shortliner of the pipes at Culloden.   As I started playing it Gavin the cat arrived and investigated the laptop.  He must have thought that one of his cousins was being strangled. 

Today should be a good day with much getting done.  Beth is off with a friend to see Riff Pilchard at Sheffield and they are staying over.   Darling daughter is due to arrive for lunch which should be good. 


Jock, hope that the consultation goes well and that you get some relief from the pain.

To everyone else I wish you all the best.



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WOW, channel 4 Grand Designs tonight was only finished filming THIS MONTH! Shock horror most of these programmes I have seen about 10 times over the years. Praise be to someone. Well done channel 4.

 The current series is usually bang up to date. It's the older series on More4 that are replayed endlessly.


PS Glorious sunny morning. Yesterday the sea mist didn't clear until mid afternoon, leaving the grass too wet to cut. Hoping for better luck today.

Edited by Killybegs
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  • RMweb Gold

dull day in crewe, no better on the train through stoke either, hopefully derby will be a bit brighter


got a day instructing outdoors so i'm hoping the rain holds off or we will be doing a lot of work in the engine room!

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  • RMweb Gold

Morning all


Another sunny day forecast, but the wind is increasingly keeping temperatures down. 17 today is ok, but could be better.


Having been busy much of yesterday I am rather behind, but one or two references bear a response.


Mention of Lee Ritenour by Trisonic caught me off-guard - he's squarely in my musical corner. More jazz-funk than rock.


Our GSD Freya would make an impressive yowling howl if Deb had bagpipe music on. But she did the same to Miles Davis.


Kathryn Tickell is another of Deb's favourites. That surname was, maybe is, carried by a jockey. There was a story that he had a nice girlfriend called Tess. - but they had to part as their names were incompatible.....


The Tannahills come in the same category, too, Chris F. No, they didn't meet Tess, AFAIK.


My late friend Michael had a Revox A77. Bought it from an avant-garde discount retailer caled Cave in Richmond about 1970. Retail Price Maintenance seemed to be something he hadn't heard of! A friend who worked for BBC Radio at the time was dead jealous - the Beeb was forced to make do with Ferrographs! At a hifi show at Heathrow Michael and I visited the Revox room. A punter was heard to ask whether the demonstrator chappie prefered 3.75 or 7.5 ips (inches per second). The reply was "15, actually"! My Nakamichi CR3E sits looking a little forlorn. MP3 and streaming music via wifi have changed the way we listen today.


I found some very cheap LED 'bulbs' on ebay, not much more than £1 each. Mine are mains GU10 fitting, but I do wonder if Gordon's 104 might be cheaper than he fears.


Cleaner Alison here today. I know she didn't see her chap last night, so her energy levels may be better than some times. I will be out of her way doing more sanding and painting of shutters.


Hope your week beginning to wind down gently.

I bought a few cheap GU 10s unbreanded and they didnt lastl ong.


However the Phillips ones off Amazon which werent a lot more have lasted some time and give a very pleasant warm light.

Edited by roundhouse
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Seeing BarryO talking of fatchy pog reminded me of a humorous incident many years ago.

Coming back from Calais to Dover one afternoon, I was on watch with another quartermaster, Maurice.. 2 Swedish girls were shown onto the bridge for a bridge visit. There was some fog about and Maurice always spelt F-O-G instead of saying it because saying the word fog brings bad luck. He was talking about the f o g and the girls were slightly unsure. One of them asked him "why do you spell the word fog. Maurice misunderstood the question and with the girls accent and thought that she had asked "how do you spell the word f**k". Maurice proceeded to tell,

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Morning all, another bright blue sky over Borough Market Junction and the start of another financial year for the company. This means we start year end work. Actually it had already started but now it's in earnest.


Best wishes to Jock for his oncology appointment this morning.


Happy Hippo's comments about his ears still being at 800ft reminded me of Elder Lurker, about 3/4  of an hour after landing from his first flight (aged 3) in Portugal. "My ears have just landed".


One of my colleagues' sons is a student in Leeds and is apparently attempting the Otley Run tonight. That bought back (very hazy) memories. I was most amused to find it had its own Wikipedia entry. But not surprised that the pubs included had changed in the nearly 30 years since I was foolish enough to consider a double digit pub crawl an achievable aim for a Friday night....

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  • RMweb Premium

Morning all from Estuary-Land. Spider season is upon us again, this morning I swatted one of those annoying tiny (about 3mm) flies. As it lay on the window-sill injured an even smaller spider shot out of a corner and grabbed it, spider 1 fly 0. I found a much larger spider in the kitchen sink this morning that required rescuing, after which it scuttled away under the kitchen units. Have a good day all, be back later.

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Morning all from (again) a sunny Scottish HQ!


Just clocked out briefly from work to watch Union of South Africa heading south towards Tweedbank. I've taken a video which I'd hoped to upload to YouTube and link in this post, but YouTube won't let me upload from my phone over 4G, only over wifi, so it'll have to wait until I'm on wifi.


FMQs in half an hour, so will pop the earphones on for that just in case anything relevant comes up around our policies (it's possible). Had the blackberry next to me all last night in case there was any urgent briefing request.


On the bright side, it's Thursday, which means the weekend's approaching. Not used to these 5 day working weeks!!

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Morning all from Estuary-Land. Spider season is upon us again, this morning I swatted one of those annoying tiny (about 3mm) flies. As it lay on the window-sill injured an even smaller spider shot out of a corner and grabbed it, spider 1 fly 0. I found a much larger spider in the kitchen sink this morning that required rescuing, after which it scuttled away under the kitchen units. Have a good day all, be back later.

Suffering with an invasion of tiny "noseeum" flies ( the ones like moving dots about 0.5mm across) - they provide fun when the little bu99ers fly in front of the computer screen, and I clap my hands!

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Morning all, another bright blue sky over Borough Market Junction and the start of another financial year for the company. This means we start year end work. Actually it had already started but now it's in earnest.


One of my colleagues' sons is a student in Leeds and is apparently attempting the Otley Run tonight. That bought back (very hazy) memories. I was most amused to find it had its own Wikipedia entry. But not surprised that the pubs included had changed in the nearly 30 years since I was foolish enough to consider a double digit pub crawl an achievable aim for a Friday night....

Brings back more hazy memories of the "King Street Run" in Cambridge - several of the pubs that were on the list are regrettably no more - probably a good thing!

Edited by shortliner
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  • RMweb Premium

' Morning all from red dragon land.

Still summer.  :mosking:


Calan, now there's a band I love and includes piper Patrick Rimes: http://www.folkwales.org.uk/Magazine/Sept%202013/images/1208-Calan_07.png

They may be performing near you soon as I notice a few familiar ER territories on the list:  http://www.calan-band.com/#!concerts/cnnz


Nearly lunchtime so I'll bid you a good afternoon.

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  • RMweb Gold

Morning all. (Oh no it isn't)


Hoping Jock's checkup is going to plan.


I have just returned from my daily walk. What a beautiful day it is. Not a cloud in the sky and not far off as warm as its been all year. Ideal for a stroll through woods and across fields with the dog. Now for a coffee and a quiet read.

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As I've already mentioned, I am by no means a lover of the tune "Amazing Grace", no matter how or by whom it is performed.

I heard a particularly poor effort by a young woman in the "Yellow Carvel" in Edinburgh in the Seventies. Tam White, a regular performer there, wisely did not offer to accompany her on guitar. When she had finished to a relieved smattering of applause, my drinking buddy motioned her over. "That was hellish, dolly!" he opined.

Cruel, but true...

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  • RMweb Gold

Morning all from (again) a sunny Scottish HQ!Just clocked out briefly from work to watch Union of South Africa heading south towards Tweedbank.

Sadly, I don't think it will get too far. The national rail site is reporting no trains running on the line due to a signalling fault.

They didn't last too long did they?

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Sadly, I don't think it will get too far. The national rail site is reporting no trains running on the line due to a signalling fault.

They didn't last too long did they?

They should have made it past there before the failure. National Rail times the incident at 1236 on the website, they should have reached Galashiels at 1203, terminating at Tweedbank at 1214. The return journey's due to leave Tweedbank at 1438, getting back to Waverley at 1602. They're predicting the incident to last until 1500 so they might just strike lucky.

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BIN day, but not for me, the Mrs will have to do the honors!


Long Island getting cooler in the face of an advancing frontal system and potential severe weather, still a toss up as to whether (weather>?!?!) the storm will be a hurricane level.


Ahh, the 3.25, 7.5, 15ips. debate in reference to Revox et al. Not really having any NEED for anything better than 3.25, I was still drawn to record at 7.5 "because I could", and I briefly considered being totally nuts and buying the B77 rather than the A77 because it looked so much sexier AND had the ability to record at 15ips! Cooler heads prevailed :jester:


Looking forward to getting home tonight, being gone 4 days a week, every week, beginning to get "old". At least after next week I'll be back on a "every other week" schedule for a while.


14 and cloudy driving to the dungeon, high of 18 and remaining cloudy for the forecast.


Tally ho...

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  • RMweb Premium

Morning all.


In brief - difficult to keep pace in the available time.  Generic greetings and all that even if it seems a trifle disingenuous.


Bagpipes - we are blessed with a pipe-busker outside the Palace of Attendance most days.  He used to be there from midday but some tacit negotiations mean he is now only there after 5pm allowing the many office staff whose desks are within earshot some sort of peace.  There's only so many times you can appreciate "Amazing Grace" after all, though he's not bad.


Little in the genre of music is as stirring as the massed pipes and drums on parade or of a lone piper somewhere.  I once had a wait at Crianlarich from the up Oban into the up London sleeper and was treated to an hour's solo performance from somewhere in the distant hills beyond visual range.  Just enough to drift in on the still evening air without being intrusive.


In other news I'm quite a fan of Linda Ronstadt and Mark Germino among others.  


This, duetting with Ann Savoy, is filed under "haunting, painfully beautiful".  Superbly understated in my humble opinion.

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Afternoon all.


Sort of recovered from yesterday, when we interred Mum's ashes. She died a decade ago and she has been under my sister's bed all this time. Then on to the East Kent Ploughing Match, where my sister had a spell covering the Riding for Disabled Association stand. I spent dome time watching the steam ploughing demonstration; the old lady at my end was a 1876 Fowler and they were using a balanced plough. Home via Nick to collect some door handles for my Cambrian Railways brake van and do some work on his scenery.


Now out to the garage to freshen up the Höchstädt scenery, then up to London for a Diocesan meeting.



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