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Contrary to what you might expect, I actually prefer the uilleann pipes. Davy Spillane plays them beautifully.


We were at a concert once where the musician said it was a bit like playing an intensive care setup. He also said ten fingers is not quite enough.

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Mmm, pipes.  As Dad was a Scot, then  have to admit to liking that version, and rather shamefacedly as a born Geordie, I don't like the Northumbrian version - they don't skirl like proper pipes!


I should have been clearer about my 'daughter', sorry.  She's an ex work colleague, MA in social work/probation, and doesn't have a Father of her own - she 'adopted' me when we first worked together, and she worked out she was born 9 months after Debs and I married!  I think the world of her, she is so dedicated to her work, and good at it unlike many others I have experience of!  We meet up often for meals, all the 'old' team too, but Charlie is the apple of my eye.  If she was my daughter I would be very proud, as it is I value her friendship very highly.  Oddly when I was in HR I used to do her mum's HR stuff as she is the lead manager for elderly care on the rock, so we were friendly before I met Charlie, and indeed didn't make the connection for some time.  Small world, our rock.

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Dad had a Grundig 2-track, and it had auto reverse! I learned a lot about electronics fixing the thing. It was bl00dy heavy too.


My brothers and I drilled a hole in the floor so we could put the microphone under a couch and bug the living-room from the cellar. Mum's bridge night was a favorite particularly as some of the ladies were prone to a spot of wind.


"More tea Vicar?"

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Having my now customary early evening as I am still fading around 8.30.  Still it gives me a chance to catch up a bit, and after my comment about how quiet it was, two more pages appeared.


Jock - I know exactly what you mean about being discharged from hospital, and the feeling of vulnerability, and I did have it in this case, particularly with the short discharge time on this occasion.  Last time I was in 11 days, and just could not wait to get out, even though my hip was non weight bearing.


Oh and on the question of pipes, I'm not that keen on them in most cases, though I do get a lump in my throat hearing a lament played by a single piper from a distance.  In fact, my youngest brother was married in Scotland, and my nephew who is a master piper did a lone piper spot at the back of the hotel where he marched slowly up and down the sea wall playing The Dark Island with the Isle of Aran in the background as the sun went down.  That was poignant, and went down very well with the hotel guests who were dining at the time, and resulted in his getting some work at the hotel subsequently.


Nighty night all


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Generic greetings, commiserations and best wishes over the previous few pages. I've "speed read" them and clicked a few likes etc as required.


Busy few days behind and ahead. Both work and play.


Test 8 of 10 today and it doesn't help when the candidate approaches a mini roundabout a bit too quickly whilst being asked to turn right. What should've been a 270 degree turn worked out about 330 with 60 degree correction, unfortunately placing him close to oncoming traffic........... There are times when I feel like using the term c*ckwomble, but they are paying me after all.................. And it isn't as if he doesn't know about mini roundabouts - there's one at the end of the lane where he lives and we've been through it twice per lesson, as well as the other 12 within 3-4 miles of his house. (Where's the facepalm smiley when you need one?)


Better news on the golf front, SiL and myself are now the club mixed doubles champions having won 5 out of 5 in the mini league. Then back to work driving this evening.


The final two tests tomorrow of this group - one of them is the twin brother of today and it's not unknown for twins to make the same mistake. I once had a pair that failed on the same bit of road, with the same error, two hours apart. As I was sworn to secrecy of the result of the first one, I couldn't pass on any words of wisdom to prevent a second fail (double facepalm needed)


Then my car retires from active service tomorrow afternoon - it'll clock up 75000 miles tomorrow - taking it to the garage to have the dual controls removed and swapped over into the new steed. That'll be ready Friday lunchtime , with work booked for later Friday afternoon. Friday morning will be spent checking that the relevant insurance details are changed over for my new car and old car passing onto Mrs NB. Mrs NB's current car is off to pastures new as a private sale, so that needs a serious clean out as well.


Friday night is off to some friends to jointly celebrate "freedom" as all our kids have gone to Uni in the past couple of weeks. There may be a hangover Saturday morning. Cousin's wedding in the Peak District on Saturday - there may be another hangover Sunday, Wigan Ex on Sunday afternoon, with ice hockey Sunday evening.






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Evening all.


just spent the evening down at the Club - wires being strangled on our new layout (Chapel en le Frith) which is going to our show at the end of the month.. panic has not quite set in...yet!


My old man was a miner but wanted to take part in what he could see would be a bit of a do - ie the Second World War. He joined the RAF VR pre war - he travelled all over the place as a Wireless Operator/Air Gunner then as a Wireless Operator/navigator and finally Wireless Operator/ Parachute Dispatcher. He could have stayed on as a Flying Officer but didn't which meant he missed the Berlin Airlift. He would relate certain incidents which he was involved in but he was always a bit coy about mates who didn't come back.


Have a great evening and I hope you all sleep well.




PS My current earworm is Shine on you crazy diamond....nuff said

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Account from a Burns' Supper:


"The haggis was piped in by The Black Watch, and piped out by Shanks of Barrhead."

I read the r n in Burns as an m. :jester:

Jock mentioning the 'hard sell' from the solar power people reminded me that I had a visit from these people a few months ago, they quoted a cost of £4000 installed, I done some quick maths and told them that if I'm still around in 32 years I doubt that I will be living in my present address. They were very hard to get rid of and I ended up shutting the door in the salesman's face.

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Polly's driver's truck has been tried out on ground level (Joys of Life) and raised track (West Shore ) and gives a stable ride.  Hopefully, it will soon be coupled up to the loco, but not this weekend .  That belongs to Camel Quay which is up and being checked out.  Looking forward to getting my hands on the controller again.  :locomotive:


That's it for now.

' Night all.  Nos da.

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Evening all,

Nearly over the hump now, and I've got an early start in the morning for my monthly oncology consultation, so I'll try to look in again tomorrow night! Saw Matthew at home this afternoon and he looks remarkably well - choked up again when I told him about all the kind comments about him on here!

Richard, hope the onward flight from Keflavik went well. Joanna and I flew to Senegal for a Club Med holiday in a 757 and it didn't seem particularly noisy. It was some years ago, and in fairness it was brand new. I wonder if the seating position makes a difference as we were 'up front' as the plane was chartered from Monarch at Luton! Hope you and Mrs HH enjoy your break.

John(KB), thanks for the information on Malcolm's work - Awesome is the word that springs to mind!

Geoff, good news on the inhaler front - nice to hear of Doctors showing common sense.

LE, I would agree about the marching pipe band overkill having been to several 'gatherings'. It is the lone piper, playing laments that gets to Joanna and I.

Pete(pH), Dave(Danemouth) and others, some lovely wartime tales there - I suspect that quite a lot of such exploits happened without the knowledge of the top brass!

Jamie, I can fully appreciate the emotional effect at your lad's passing out parade, as well as the effect the piper had at Stewart's brother's wedding. My uncle Jack was a guards officer and often played us records of just a single piper, to accompany the stories about the ones that always led them fearlessly into battle at such hot spots as Monté Cassino in WW2. It is easy to see why even the battle hardened German soldiers dubbed them 'the ladies from hell' as the sound of the pipes struck fear into their hearts!

We had a single piper walk in front of the hearse at my father's funeral, playing the MacCrimmon's Lament amongst others. As the old rogue was an atheist, we played him in to the crematorium with Wagner's 'Siegfried's Funeral March' (He was always 'Siegfried' to me!) and the piper, who had known him for years, played melancholy music to end the non religious ceremony. Now perhaps you can see why the pipe music is truly part of me - felt in the guts, not the heart (a phrase of my great grandfather').

Mick(NB), sounds like you are going to have a very busy weekend indeed, hope all the timings work to plan. Congratulations on your doubles championship - 2015 appears to have been a very good year for you Golf wise!

Sleep well folks, and keep recuperating invalids,

Kind regards,


G'night all!

Edited by Jock67B
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My earliest memory of pipes was as a small boy, about 6 or 7, on a day trip to Edinburgh for the Tattoo. I found it all very tiring until later, as the light began to fade, a spotlight picked out a lone piper on the battlement playing what I now know to be a lament. . A coach trip from Easington to Edinburgh and back in one day!


I agree about Amazing Grace played by a pipe band. . .Especially in the Menen Gate on a remembrance Sunday.


Our Sec.Mod. School had a Ferrogragh tape machine. . (made in South Shields), and was used for "cultural productions". . . . Billy Elliot eat yer heart out . . the girls did the dancing to various classical and or jazz pieces, and the boys looked after the sound recording and lighting rigs. . .What Health and Safety?


Goodnight Everyone . . .Sleep well. . .



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Morning all. Another day closer to the weekend.


Plenty of coffee being consumed ready for a tiring day. I just hope that the results are worth the effort of today.


Jock - I hope the outcome from the Oncologist is favourable. You certainly deserve it to be.


Have a good day everyone

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Morning All,


It is another nice morning in this part of the world.  It looks like there is going to be a very nice sunrise too.  Definitely a time of mists and mellow fruitfulness.


Traffic was fairly heavy on the motorway this morning, and compounded by a fender-bender on the road through the forest.


Fingers crossed for today, Jock.  Hope it goes well!


Have a good day everyone...

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Good morning one and all




This is a piper that I shot in August, 11 days before the Glorious 12th.   He is 12 years old, his name is Arthur Coates and he is extremely good!  He is supposed to be upright.


It is reassuring to learn that we have so many culture lovers in this place.  I rather like bagpipes of all types and if played well I can get quite enthusiastic about them.  The Highland type is [are?] a useful rock instrument.   Do you remember the version of "I Love How You Love Me" by Paul and Barry Ryan?  Or where you first heard the version of "Amazing Grace"  by the Royal Scots Dragoon Guards?  The latter was released as a single after Alan 'Fluff' Freeman played it to death on Radio 2 and as so often he was right for it topped our charts for six weeks and still brings tears to my eyes.  Are you still trying to forget "Mull of Kintyre"?  I am still trying to remember a clever parody of it, "Dunstable Downs".  A few more names for you to like are Ross Ainslie and Jarlath Henderson, Shooglenifty, Blowzabella and the Peatbog Faeries.  Other snippets for today are the reminder that Kathryn Tickell received the OBE in the Queen's Birthday Honours, that Davy Spillane played on "Riverdance" and that no-one so far has mentioned the Tannahill Weavers, who did as much as any band to raise the non-Tattoo profile of the Scottish pipes.


Other news: I learned quite a lot about the Wrexham, Mold and Connah's Quay Railway last night from a talk by Geoff Kent.  On the way I stopped off at The Stables and bought a ticket for a concert by 4square, a talented young band who do not play the bagpipes.   Today will be a good day to go for my blood test before the blood sugar level gets too high and I collect a rebuke from my diabetes nurse.  Tomorrow I have an injection at 8 am which will ensure among other things that I get hot flushes for the next month.



Edited by chrisf
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Morning from a another sunny morning in Surrey.


A visit to mums last night meant little time at home to play with various Windows both PC and model form.


The big laptop now running nicely with Windows 7 but with over 300 updates it had only done half of them overnight. Once all updates are installed it will then let me stall Windows 10.

The Compustick took all night to download Windows 10 and is now installing it.


Moving on to th model ones, the front elevation now has all the main Windows completed with just the smaller top floor ones to do. With other elevations partly completed.


Just over a week left to complete everything


Tonight is beer and pizza in our local so not much will get done at home tonight.

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