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  • RMweb Gold

Off hand,the highest street numbers I know of in Britain are on Great Western Road, which stretches out a long way west of Glasgow - 2000+.

So, for Ian, the numbers might be OK, but not the street name!


Edit: Apparently, there is a address 2679 Stratford Road, Hockley Heath, Solihull, West Midlands, but I've got my OCD under control again, now.

There must have been some development as when I was living near Stratford Road the number was about 1600!
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To continue the US numbers game.  When I went on my cycling tour in Colorado and Wyoming my front wheel got slightly bucked in transit to Denver so I had to find a bike store that could true it up.  I eventually found one in the yellow pages and it's street address was in the 5,000's   I duly set off out off and as I was gently pedalling along the road that ran due west, in the rarified air I started clocking the numbers on the road signs and quickly realised that every 1000 numbers was a mile and each 'block' was a tenth -f a mile with the numbers obviously pre allocated.  Thus I had a nice 10 mile round trip as the first part of my acclimatisation.   So that satisfied the OCD part of me.



Yep, "in general" city blocks are 1/10th mile. That's why, especially when I lived in Manhattan, you knew exactly how far you'd walked/ridden :)

Somewhat less consistent outside the cities though. Sometimes they are sometimes they aren't :O

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Off hand,the highest street numbers I know of in Britain are on Great Western Road, which stretches out a long way west of Glasgow - 2000+.

So, for Ian, the numbers might be OK, but not the street name!


Edit: Apparently, there is an address 2679 Stratford Road, Hockley Heath, Solihull, West Midlands, but I've got my OCD under control again, now.


There must have been some development as when I was living near Stratford Road the number was about 1600!


Nurse! He's getting me at it!

Edited by bluebottle
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Ed - the deck has been a long desired item. Used to be concrete steps there, but we planned that when the path was done we'd then add the deck.


The "thrower" would have to be quite the impressive bod, given it's about 65ft. from the street to the door! :jester: They usually walk across the lawn and dispatch the paper from a variable distance as best I can tell. We'll see how they do now since with the deck and associated railings there's a smaller "target"...


That's nothing Ian. In the UK they manage to get it through a slot about a foot wide and only thee inches high......:-)

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Afternoon all,


Just passing through....


Had PT today and most unpleasant it was as well. I informed the physiotherapist that part of my knee was quite uncomfortable, he examined it and said (in as many words) "the problem is that the tendon is not flexible", (me) "I thought that tendon ISN'T flexible", (him) "oh, yes [stretch, pull, strain, crack, bend!] it IS!" , (me) "Ouch". I have been limping and whimpering (a great name for a blues band, I'd say) all afternoon. Not too much of a felicitous lagomorph today.


I have to raid the deep freezer as on the cards for the next two days I have an old-fashioned sultana cake to bake, a pork pie to make and pheasant with Calvados and apples to prepare... and then, on Sunday, Mrs iD is hosting her 3 nieces and their partners/husbands. I am having a fink about the menu. Indian/Malaysian is under consideration.


Job interview tomorrow (by phone). The job could be interesting and the salary is adequate, but it is in Neuchâtel and with a 2.5hr commute each way it is really at the limit of what would be considered feasible for a commute. My yardstick is Dagenham Underground Station to the Royal Free Hospital in Hampstead (in 1984 a 2.5 - 3hr commute door to door). Let's see what happens.


Well must dash, I hope to catch up and comments sometime later





Edited by iL Dottore
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  • RMweb Premium

Birthday greetings to Mrs Baz and to Mrs GDB

Morning all


Seconded both!


Evening all. 'Twas nice to drive in the early autumn sunshine we were having today, though due to engineering work requiring all Line 11 services to terminate and reverse at Wahren the timetables on that line are a challenge to meet. There also are domino effects between Lines 10 and 11 which share much of their route (with Line 10 turning off to Lößnig just past Connewitz Kreuz), so when, while travelling up to Wahren, a Line 10 service – already much delayed and apparently having departed Lößnig about eight minutes late – snuck in front of me just ahead of Connewitz Kreuz and also departed ahead of me on the next round from Wahren, my own timetable became moot. With more than 10 minutes of delay before even having reached Central Station, I asked Control for a short turn routing and was authorised to reverse at Wiedebachplatz.


But, I think the important thing is not to allow yourself to get stressed out by such events – which I do not – and enticed to dangerous driving – which I don't, either. There's not much you can do in such cases anyway, except – as I did – contact Control to work out a solution, which is what they're there for, after all.




And this was 1231 "Bielefeld" as my ride for the first part of my shift, signed as an "E" service for depot egress towards Central Station where I entered the northbound route to Wahren.


I'll call it a night soon, as my shift tomorrow will start at 3.36 am…

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  • RMweb Gold

Ed - the deck has been a long desired item. Used to be concrete steps there, but we planned that when the path was done we'd then add the deck.


The "thrower" would have to be quite the impressive bod, given it's about 65ft. from the street to the door! :jester: They usually walk across the lawn and dispatch the paper from a variable distance as best I can tell. We'll see how they do now since with the deck and associated railings there's a smaller "target"...

Why don't they put the paper in your mail box?


No need for them to leave the street, or at least the sidewalk, and your paper stays dry.


Please note I am using Aamericalese terminology instead of postbox, road and pavement.


This is practice for our trip to Ludlow (VT).


We fly to Boston tomorrow (via Keflavik).

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  • RMweb Gold

Why don't they put the paper in your mail box?


No need for them to leave the street, or at least the sidewalk, and your paper stays dry.


Please note I am using Aamericalese terminology instead of postbox, road and pavement.


This is practice for our trip to Ludlow (VT).


We fly to Boston tomorrow (via Keflavik).




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Ed - the deck has been a long desired item. Used to be concrete steps there, but we planned that when the path was done we'd then add the deck.


The "thrower" would have to be quite the impressive bod, given it's about 65ft. from the street to the door! :jester: They usually walk across the lawn and dispatch the paper from a variable distance as best I can tell. We'll see how they do now since with the deck and associated railings there's a smaller "target"...

Why not have a score board outside showing the previous days score out of 10

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Birthday greetings to Mrs Baz and to Mrs GDB.


I managed to finish early enough to visit mum. I walked onto the ward to find that they moved her, at 23:45 last night.


This is good news though as its another step towards being discharged.

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  • RMweb Gold

Back from the doctors. Aditi's blood tests didn't suggest anything untoward so the diagnosis of diverticulitis stands but the doctor didn't think she should go back to work until Monday and only then if the pain and general feeling of exhaustion had gone. Aditi always thinks doctors are going to accuse her of malingering or somesuch term. She then had to go to her next appointment which was with the diabetic nurse. That was OK but she had a change of medication from sitagliptin to something else. Can't remember the name as I took the prescription to the chemist and they don't stock it so I'll collect it tomorrow. At the end of Aditi's visit I got called in and the nurse said she might as well do my flu jab too!


Edited by Tony_S
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  • RMweb Premium

Evening.  Good wishes to all, and it is heartening to hear Is is, er, is making progress!


My head is mince this evening as I have spent all day price checking/adjusting at work - some downwards would you believe!  It's been a year since I sat at a computer all day,  funny how you get out of the swing of it despite spending too long in the evenings on the things to!


My 'daughter' started her new job this week, (hospital social worker) another escapee from young offenders - she is ecstatic as things have gone from bad to worse to intolerable in my old team now.  Nice to know she is happier, and apparently her new team are very pleased to get her, her reputation goes before her. Proud 'not dad'. :sungum:  :sungum:  :sungum:

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  • RMweb Gold

Yes, good to hear Is was up to a trip out.

However, I'm trying to work out the shadow on the photo of the chippy.

All I can think of is that Dave was standing through the car's sunroof with a selfie stick that has a built in sky dish.


edit: or it might have been the conning tower of a submarine

Edited by BoD
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  • RMweb Gold

Yes, good to hear Is was up to a trip out.

However, I'm trying to work out the shadow on the photo of the chippy.

All I can think of is that Dave was standing through the car's sunroof with a selfie stick that has a built in sky dish.


edit: or it might have been the conning tower of a submarine

I thought it was a school crossing lollipop person!
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Why don't they put the paper in your mail box?


No need for them to leave the street, or at least the sidewalk, and your paper stays dry.


Please note I am using Aamericalese terminology instead of postbox, road and pavement.


This is practice for our trip to Ludlow (VT).


We fly to Boston tomorrow (via Keflavik).

Richard...ah yes, why don't they?


It turns out that the "mail box", whilst PAID FOR AND INSTALLED by myself, and bearing no official markings WHATSOEVER, since it can be any box/can or other receptacle you care to provide/create, is the sole property in terms us usage, of the US Mail apparently. It is a crime (not sure exactly what level, but given the "federal" nature of the US Postal Service, possibly even a felony?!?!?!) to use it for ANYTHING other than items delivered by or being picked-up by the US Postal service!

Totally stupid I know, but "...them's the facts Jack..."!

So ANYTHING delivered by other providers is placed on the deck, steps, in the grass, bushes or any other available location they feel inclined to throw/drop/place it at :jester:  :butcher:  :triniti: Go figure!


That's also why the items delivered are subject to any and all manner of weather and other unnecessary abuse. If the weather is "inclement" they at least place the paper in a plastic bag, MOST OF THE TIME!

Edited by Ian Abel
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  • RMweb Premium

Evening All


Belated birthday wishes to those celebrating, and good news from Dave - a fish and chip outing seems to be a very good sign.  Jock, hope your Oncologist comes up with some favourable news and information on your pain management.


I've managed to keep up by lurking a few times, but I haven't posted much - sorry, must do better.


Not been the brightest of days here, and I think I have actually gone back a little in the pain stakes and also have spent quite a while dozing in the chair.  I think that the tramadol is making me more tired now, and I'd love to start to wean myself off it. 


Having another early night here, and hope to catch up again tomorrow, though I may remain a-lurking for a short while yet.


Nighty night


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  • RMweb Gold

I knew about the US Mail rule as I asked why all the mailboxes near where my friends lived in CT had a large diameter tube under the mailbox. They said it was for newspapers as the boxes were for mail only.

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I knew about the US Mail rule as I asked why all the mailboxes near where my friends lived in CT had a large diameter tube under the mailbox. They said it was for newspapers as the boxes were for mail only.

Correct, that's typically in more suburban/rural areas though where often the mail box/paper bin are at the street on the end of a long driveway.


Generally city suburbs, like mine, don't bother with/use those large "paper bins/tubes" as they tend to be rather more unsightly in neighborhood areas where there aren't long driveways to the street.  I'm actually not at all sure if there isn't an ordinance AGAINST such items in town here. There are strange ordinances limiting many things in our yard (front garden in Brit terms) that might be construed as "offensive to the eye and detrimental to the beauty of the neighborhood" <sigh> Not as much a "free country" as many would like to pronounce it is!

As an example - our BINS aren't allowed to be at the front of the house except and ONLY on BIN day <shudder> the rest of the time they are not supposed to be visible from the street but are expected to be hidden from sight so as to not offend anyone. :jester:

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