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Early Risers.


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  • RMweb Gold

Good morning all,

Blue sky and the sun has made an appearance. Lots of cloud with sunny periods forecast today.

Happy Birthday Mrs Baz.

The Boss is on holiday and today is her birthday as well but not a particularly special one although I feel the older we get they're all special!

Tea has been taken to her and breakfast in bed offered but has  been declined. Children and grandchildren will be visiting later and staying for a meal so one of those noisy hectic evenings is in the offing. 

Not sure what else we're going to do today. I suspect that railway related activities may have to take a back seat.

Have a good one,


Edited by grandadbob
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  • RMweb Premium

Stewart, I can certainly see the attraction of the pie shop but did Google edit you out? Do they perchance make original recipe mutton pies because all we can get in this part of the world are disgusting tasteless replicas?

Jock - we weren't quite outside the pie shop at the time, we were up the road a bit in the little courtyard at the back of the shopping precinct a little but up Otley Street from the pie shop.  In the image, I'm wearing the white cap and blue jacket, and 30747 is bending down so if you click on the link and don't pan away, we're right in front of you.  We weren't edited out, as I had my back to the camera, and 30747 is sufficiently obscured to be unrecognisable.  As to the pies, they don't do a Scotch pie at all, but they do excellent pasties, pork pies, and incredibly tasty and meaty sausage rolls.

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Morning everybody.


A bit dullish here in Carshalton-sur-Mer, so the whelkmen are snoring under their duvets and their coracles will remain dry.


Nothing to report, really, except to wish happy birthdays to Mrs Baz and Mrs Bob, and good health to all.


Off to Boots for the remainder of a prescription, Smith's to post a parcel and then Tooting to pick up some Wills kits from Jane's Trains. And a trip to Lidl for nuts. What a social whirl, how do I keep a level head with such excitement?


Have a fine day. You deserve it.

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  • RMweb Premium

Morning all from a misty village.  Not a lot to report, SWMBO set off early for Physio.  I've thus got peace and quiet apart from Minnie (The moggie) head butting my left hand and pawing me when I'm typing.   All being well it's off to do some research into early railway in Bradford at the Archives in Wakefield.   Then hopefully some modelling.


Regards to everyone.



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  • RMweb Gold

Morning all.

Sunny here.

Not a lot happening. Aditi is still off work. The blood tests came back and the GP wants to see her so has arranged an appointment after the diabetic appointment she already had for this evening.

I never made it to Pitsea yesterday so will go today as I don't want Robbie to go hungry. He has had his breakfast, though I haven't yet. The bread I made is still too warm.


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Morning all, there are blue skies with a bit of haze over Borough Market Junction.


The agony which is the annual appraisal process is nearly over. Summing up is all that is required, and in some ways that is the hardest part of all.


My Dad (late 70s) has apparently now signed up to facebook (which is more than me). He was telling Elder Lurker on Sunday that he had a couple of invites from George Clooney but ignored them as he assumed they were fake. After my Dad had left the room, EL turned to his Mum and said "Was that just an elderly person's conversation about technology?"


I was reminded of this because I was also reminded that he used to be pictured walking down Old Kent Road in Paddock Wood on google street view, but it's been updated since


Have a good day all

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  • RMweb Premium

Morning all and it's a sunny one. 

Haven't checked in for a few days so collective best wishes to all.


Not much to tell, so I'll wish you all a pleasant day and get back to my gantt charts, cost profiles, risk registers, job applications and emptying the dishwasher.  


Have a good one. Andy

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  • RMweb Premium

Morning all from Estuary-Land. Looks as if the weather is going to stay fine well into next weekend so no excuses now for not doing anything in the garden. An item in yesterdays paper said that the £35 million pounds Euro-millions jackpot had been won by a UK resident but had not yet been claimed, so I checked my ticket. Bonus numbers matched! first number matched! then it was downhill from then on in :cry: so its a tenner if I'm lucky but at least its better than sod all. Commiserations and congratulations where necessary, be back later.

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  • RMweb Gold

Morning all


Just back from my cataract/ocular hypertension check up and everything is, thankfully, going to plan. The pressure which rocketed in the eye that had the cataract operation has come back down to the top end of normal so I have been taken off the extra medication.


Now I'm sitting indoors wearing sunglasses until the effects of the various drops wear off. Shall I have a late breakfast or early lunch. Such decisions are sent to try us.

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Jock - we weren't quite outside the pie shop at the time, we were up the road a bit in the little courtyard at the back of the shopping precinct a little but up Otley Street from the pie shop.  In the image, I'm wearing the white cap and blue jacket, and 30747 is bending down so if you click on the link and don't pan away, we're right in front of you.  We weren't edited out, as I had my back to the camera, and 30747 is sufficiently obscured to be unrecognisable.  As to the pies, they don't do a Scotch pie at all, but they do excellent pasties, pork pies, and incredibly tasty and meaty sausage rolls.



Were that one of those "add a caption" pictures, and had we not your explanation of the circumstances, I'd have suggested; " Oh, what have you trodden in now?"

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  • RMweb Gold

Morning all,


Birthing day greetings to Mrs Baz and Mrs GDB.


All this Streetview stuff prompted me to have a new look at us on there as we had a lovely view of Henry asleeep under the front hedge but we've been updated and now have gates, a tarmaced drive (well the bit you can see is) and even teh car numberplate has been obscured - on their previous view the (previous) car numberplate was readable.  So they do come round and do updates it would appear, obviously they have time to spare.


A bit of book tidying was completed yesterday, the G word has been mentioned for today.


Have a  good day one & all.

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Lovely sunny day here in sunny Teignmouth.

Have been busy applying paint in small amounts to my recent Andrew Stadden purchases. For handling I have glued each figure to the end of a lolly stick. I then write on the lolly stick what colours I have used just in case a figure needs touching up (opening there for someone) if the brush decides to spontaneously move.

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My face must have done a good impersonation of the "blood moon" this morning. My PC laptop stubbornly insisted that a wireless internet connection was unavailable, but it's all right now. Did you ever hear Eddie Izzard's monologue where he is unable to get his printer to work and phones his local dealer to gabble out a furious complaint, then pauses-


...There's an "ON" switch!"

Oh dear...

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  • RMweb Gold

Morning all


Bright and sunny etc. Garden crying out for further tidying, and may get some. The gusty wind is ensuring more apples on the lawn - as fast as I pick 'em up, down come more!


Happy Birthday to the ER spouses. Good to see Stewart and Elaine immortalised, even if only until the next pass.


I dropped in on Alison yesterday to deliver two buckets of windfall apples, and was dragooned into a rather brisk hour's walk with Caline, the collie-cross. Then it was off to Lidl, where, unusually as Sherry might tell you, I failed to find any "toys" but bought various groceries. Their coffee is really good, and means the cost of running a Nespresso machine is about half what it was a dozen years ago when Deb first bought me one. And that's not even accounting for inflation.


Later I continued with trying to make sense of the landing. So I have moved the iMac and desk to the middle, against the bannister. I found a substantial two-shelf bookcase in Deb's room - still full of books, natch - wheeled it onto the landing and have put the new Canon A3+ printer on top. The provided CD-Rom was Windows-only, but Canon's website was good for downloading the necessary Mac software, and wireless communication has been established. For some reason this includes a whole load of images that I might want to print, so they seem to think. Who needs that when the Internet is full of images of things that interest us, while almost everyone has a smartphone that takes reasonable pictures? Ok, so maybe at A3+ things don't look so good.


Hope your week going as nature intended.

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Morning all from a sunny Scottish HQ. I sit by the window on the ground floor now, looking south. My view takes in some of the Old Town, including Jeffrey Street and the dome of the Edinburgh University Old College. Unfortunately being south facing here, I end up having to pull down the blind at lunchtime so I can't see that view!


The talk of soundtrack music earlier reminded me of the one I particularly like to listen to as I zone out for writing briefing and similar things - Hans Zimmer's soundtrack to Gladiator. Particularly good music to write briefing to!

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  • RMweb Premium

Morning all.


All's well here but the week started busy and is going to get busier.  Took a lot of weight out of the larger fig tree yesterday and lopped / topped the larger lemon tree.  Trimmed the smaller fig and generally tidied the orchard area.  Planted two beds of tomatoes.


Back to the Palace tomorrow where the industrial action has been suspended (for now at least) thanks to progress being made negotiating our future conditions of employment.  


We're promised 25C by the weekend with mostly sunny weather for several days to come.  


I'll endeavour to catch up on my commutes subject to reception for the iPhone.  Until then keep smiling.

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Its silly O clock is there any body else still awake or awake early?

Afternoon Steve,

I was still awake then, but didn't feel like typing posts as I was totally knack*red from the previous night's Moon gazing adventure. Sadly, my alimentary system picked an inconvenient time to 'play up' (resolved now!) What kept you awake?

By the way, I clicked on your avatar by accident just now and, seeing you had a website, thought I'd have a look - my iPad threw up a RED ALERT warning, saying that yours is a possible 'phishing' site, with reference to a username or password inconsistency which pointed to this. I thought perhaps you'd like to check it out - perhaps another kind member with an iPad could test this for you, in case it's just a glitch in mine? Good luck, and please let us know how you get on!

Kind regards,


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