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Have you never read any of the 'Merry Muses'? http://www.robertburns.org.uk/merrymuses.htm (Warning - may alter existing opinions!)


Yes, I have, and there's nothing wrong with a healthy dose of inventive bawdy humour, as opposed to someone simply saying "F###!" at regular intervals, as certain  "comics" on the telly do. Actually, our inebriated friend was quite amusing, as he fought a losing battle with the effect of the Wards Best Bitter.

I'm reminded of a pleasant stroll around Old Leith with Liz, back in the 70s, when she paused to look at the statue of Burns on Bernard Street:


"Is that what he looked like? He was a good-looking man!"


"Yes, and a great one for the ladies", I said. "The story goes that there are only two public statues on the streets of Leith, this one of Burns and the one of Queen Victoria at the foot of Leith Walk - Queen Victoria erected 1907, Rabbie Burns erected every night!"


"Mmmm", she said, turning back to have another long look...

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I must admit that I'm surprised that I haven't had any comment over my mention of an alternative Burns poem for AndyID- I am guilty however of forgetting the time zone difference!


Hi Jock,


Yes, I did see it. I was hoping some pithy response would come to me, but I drew a blank. There was something rattling around about Holy Willie but I thought it best to stay away from matters ecclesiastical. I'm in enough trouble already :)




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Actually I was a bit confused as I was told both 1 o'clock and 3 o'clock. As it turns out it starts at 1.10 and reaches its peak at about 3. I'm going out now with the bins to watch, goodnight all.


Actually, peak transit time is between 3.11am and 4.23am according to the NASA web-site! The show ends at 6.22am as the moon passes out of the effect of the penumbra (thinnest layer) of our atmosphere. The simplest way of explaining the colour, as taught by my physics master all those years ago, is that as the Sun's light passes through our atmosphere before striking the surface of the Moon, and as it does so, the green through to violet elements of the spectrum are filtered much more than the red, hopefully causing the 'blood moon' as it is known.

Kind regards,


Edited by Jock67B
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Trying to keep myself awake before this weeks run of nights. Nice to find a thread that has some activity at this time!

Match sticks, naff TV and a brew seem to be the order of the night, might have a peek out the window at the moon in a bit


Morning Jo,

I don't believe I've seen you visit ERs before (if you have and I've missed it, sorry!) so welcome to this thread of sanity in the ever changing world of RMweb,

Kind regards,


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Yes, I have, and there's nothing wrong with a healthy dose of inventive bawdy humour, as opposed to someone simply saying "F###!" at regular intervals, as certain  "comics" on the telly do. Actually, our inebriated friend was quite amusing, as he fought a losing battle with the effect of the Wards Best Bitter.

I'm reminded of a pleasant stroll around Old Leith with Liz, back in the 70s, when she paused to look at the statue of Burns on Bernard Street:


"Is that what he looked like? He was a good-looking man!"


"Yes, and a great one for the ladies", I said. "The story goes that there are only two public statues on the streets of Leith, this one of Burns and the one of Queen Victoria at the foot of Leith Walk - Queen Victoria erected 1907, Rabbie Burns erected every night!"


"Mmmm", she said, turning back to have another long look...


I have to make it clear that there is considerable doubt about how much of the 'Merry Muses' Rabbie actually wrote, as opposed to his collection of stories gathered as he travelled around the country! Loved your tale about Liz and the two statues, sounds like she is as long suffering as Joanna! Off for another look at the Moon now!

Kind regards,


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 ready for the loony 'clips




Loony clips?????


Well this is ERs ;)


Sadly insufficient time to read the past few pages so best wishes to all and thoughts with those in particular need.  Bright Spring day here, no Attendance today so it's dawn to dusk sorting out the orchard (prune the fig trees, prune the lemon tree, all manner of other jobs ..... ) then plant the tomatoes.  


Happy farming.  Or grump-free shopping if you can't grow your own.

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I forgot to look out the window earlier at the moon which is clear from our bedroom. Just looked now but its lost the red effect now.


Oh well, time to go and paint the dark brown on the microstrip that will be used for the window frames on the station building for Dobris. Less than two weeks before we head to Cumbria with the layout.

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Morning all. I just caught the last tinge of red. A chilly clear morning and if I believe the forecast it's meant to be a good week weather wise.


Welcome to the madhouse that is ER Jo.


Have a good day everyone

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Good morning one and all


I took no precautions to see the red supermoon and didn't.  For longer than I can remember I have "enjoyed" fitful sleep and could almost set my watch by waking from what passed for slumber at 3 am.  Not last night!  Perhaps the new jar of Horlicks has a surprise ingredient, for after retiring at 10.30 and surfacing briefly at midnight, that was it until 5.20.  Should I be spared, I will be 85 next time.


I heard another definition of "blue moon" when I was on holiday in August.  The man on the radio said that it is when there are two new moons in a month.  As the man on the radio was Simon Bates I'm not sure how much faith to place in his utterance. 


The stash of weedkiller had a bit of a dent made in it yesterday.  The not inconsiderable amount of unwelcome growth in paved areas had a good dose and while I was at it I attacked the plague of dock leaves that has taken over the territory allocated to the tulips and the daffodil [just the one, it would seem].   It remains to be seen how effective my weedkiller is compared with the rather pointless one used by Network Rail but there may be time today to top up the green bin for it to be emptied tomorrow.


Last evening I wandered over to the multiplex hoping to see "The Martian", only to find that the screening was dedicated to those with 'unlimited' cards, whatever they are.  Never mind, the exercise would have been beneficial, I'm sure.  It comes out properly later in the week and there may be a suitable slot between the blood test and the injection. 


I hope I have spotted all the typos.  Some of the above first looked like dialogue for Officer Crabtree in 'Allo Allo'.


Best wishes to all who deserve them



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Morning All,


Isn't the moon a fascinating thing?  What are the chances of the object being exactly the right size, and exactly the right distance from the Earth to allow a total eclipse to take place?


Mercedes was heading off on a business trip this morning, so we didn't set the alarm to watch it, although it would have been a good show.  We did catch the tail end at six - just in time to see a little piece "bitten out" of the corner.


The weekend was fairly quiet - nothing too strenuous!


Have a good day everyone...

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A foggy on through staffordshire this morning, cleared up by wolverhampton though and it looks like its going to be a nice one


Off to bescot to pick up 70805 and 60059 and head up to Carlisle with them, hopefully the 70 is fuelled or i'll have to do that before i go, in fact im hoping its where i need it to be at bescot or i'll have to shunt around to get it over to the 60 i left in place yesterday

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I have to make it clear that there is considerable doubt about how much of the 'Merry Muses' Rabbie actually wrote, as opposed to his collection of stories gathered as he travelled around the country! 



Hi Jock,


I would tend to agree. Not to say that Burns didn't love the lassies, but I suspect his attachments were more romantic in nature, or at least he thought they were.



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Morning all from a misty and cool village.  Feeling rather carp but totally self inflicted.  I went to bed as normal but about an hour later realised that Beth hadn't joined me and was still ensconced on the computer.  She told me that she was staying up to watch the blood moon.   that did it and I dug out the tripod and went downstairs to await the event.   I saw the start and then Beth went to bed saying she couldn't stay awake.  Needless to say I continued and finally saw the red moon and even managed some photos that I'll try and upload later.   I did get Beth up to see it and she sort of said she was glad.   Anyway only a few hours later and we are up.  She's set off to Asda and I've got to follow shortly to collect the shopping as she's meeting a friend for coffee there.  The friend's had a rather rough week and needs some support.

Anyway regards to all and I'll try and upload some photos later.



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Trying to keep myself awake before this weeks run of nights. Nice to find a thread that has some activity at this time!

Match sticks, naff TV and a brew seem to be the order of the night, might have a peek out the window at the moon in a bit



Welcome to the madhouse Jo

Missed the light show 9/8 cloud when I looked-dratt!!

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Morning all. Neil, the Groudle Glen does look a lovely railway.


I woke up around 2.30 so went out to look at the eclipse. I was expecting the Moon to look bigger, but to me a normal full Moon is more impressive.


Not a fan of Burns. When I was at Dumfries Academy I had a sadistic English(!) teacher who enjoyed making the wee Sassenach read Burns out loud.



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Good morning all,

More sunshine and blue sky and should be another fine day.

I awoke at 1.45am but the moon looked near enough the same as always. I had the camera at the ready but made the mistake of not getting up or setting my alarm so I missed it.

I gardened yesterday and my back is telling me that I shouldn't have done so today i will be taking it easy. I don't find that difficult.  :imsohappy:

Later today we have visitors in the form of my sister's ex husband and his wife. We were great friends 30 years ago but after they divorced and he moved away we lost touch. (apart from the annual Christmas card) He phoned out the blue last week and said they'd like to see us. We seem to be having a few reunions lately - I think some of us are doing it before it's too late!  :scratchhead:

Have a good one,


Edited by grandadbob
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