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On the SF threads, not here! Said member also is a small-time manufacturer, I believe.


 I'm sorry! Please don't take anything I say seriously :)


(It's obviously Pete.)

Edited by AndyID
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Mornin' all,


Yet another good to be alive blue sky sunny misty cool start in The Moorlands....can't have too many....


















An electronically expensive year so far (digital still camera and laptop being the other two) with the camcorder the latest gadget to be beyond economic repair....it has had some real use in the 8 years though. Replacement ordered.


Church duties beckon


Feathered ones provided for


Enjoy what you do



Edited by Torr Giffard LSWR 1951-71
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I'm sorry! Please don't take anything I say seriously :)


(It's obviously Pete.)

I now realise you are also a contributor to the SF etc threads - sorry, hadn't noticed that. And in fact there is a surprisingly high % of US-based members who seem to be contributing. But you are certainly not in my gunsights on this!
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I now realise you are also a contributor to the SF etc threads - sorry, hadn't noticed that. And in fact there is a surprisingly high % of US-based members who seem to be contributing. But you are certainly not in my gunsights on this!


Same Time Zone, different latitude ;)


This is my "spécialité" for driving everyone completely bonkers.

Edited by AndyID
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Morning all, the view from the window is shorter than usual due to the mist. Not a lot planned for today a supply trip to Derby and tidying the decking outside. A lot more needs to be done inside so access to the exercise machines is improved. I have lost 1kg but I have a long way to go strength may be there but stamina is nowhere at present.


I will watch the GP at some point but it is no longer the important thing it once was. Have a good day all. Gordon don't take Andy R personally he has previous form in scalefour. 

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... I have lost 1kg but I have a long way to go strength may be there but stamina is nowhere at present.



With my medication changes, going by previous experience I would have started to lose weight. So I weighed myself last night and was one kilo heavier than before the summer! I am not too bothered though to be honest. Aditi said she thought I had lost weight as my face looked thinner. I think that may have been due to removal of broken molars though!
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Completely agree.


Rule #1 - Never use an email system provided by an ISP (Internet Service Provider). It's just a tool they use to make it extremely difficult for you to switch to a different ISP.


Rule #2 - Never use Microsoft Outlook to manage your email. It's just a gigantic PITA, and you run the risk of losing the whole lot.


I started using Yahoo mail about 14 years ago. I can easily access my email from any computer on the planet and I can't remember how many times I've switched ISPs in the meantime (I also have a Gmail account for backup.)


I've got BT Infinity and avoid their interface. I use Thunderbird from Mozilla with the calender add-on and thoroughly recommend it.




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Morning All


Sunny here this morning and I have partaken of a ten minute (ie 200 yard) hobble this morning.  This visit will need to be quite brief, as I need to use the laptop to order next week's shopping, and that, apparently, takes priority while 30747 pops into town.  She popped yesterday, but her back pain caused her to cut short her pop, and to come home early, so she's now decided to try again, and my missive starts eggs, milk, mince.....if I had any say in the matter it would start IPA, lager, Hobgoblin, but I've still got a stock of that in the kitchen, which I can't yet have due to interaction with my tramadol.


I was, and still am, saddened by Gordon's post last evening, and am pretty concerned about the amount of trolling going on in other areas, which is aimed at some of our most respected RMWebbers, and for the life of me, I can't see why?  Each to his own, say I.  If I want to build a layout using Tri-Ang Standard track, then I will, and nobody can tell me differently - it's MY railway, and if I want to publish it, I should be free to do so.  It does worry me that we are in danger of losing friends and valued contributors which is a loss to us all.  My bit on this OVER.


Andy - hope the recitation goes well.  Do you retain your Ayrshire accent (or can you switch it on if needed).  I never lost mine, and could probably do "To A Mouse" from memory if pushed to do so.  In fact, I used to be able to do "Tam O'Shanter" from memory, but bits of that have gone.

Sherry - your update was pretty woeful, and I do hope that you recover your good looks before the big do next month.  Seriously, I was sorry to hear about your accident.

Dave - how is Is coping after Chemo 4 - stll not too bad, hopefully?


Best go and get the shopping ordered - probably back later.


Regards To All


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Fame, at last!


I have been informed that I am required to do a resuscitation of Burns' "To A Mouse" in full Highland regalia before the senior ladies in Lorna's church. (What you have to do for a quiet life!)


This will be acutely embarrassing for me, but probably not too difficult. IIRC correctly, the only prize I ever received at a school prize-giving was a Burns prize for poetry. My parents were Ayrshire natives and I grew up hearing many of the same words that Burns used, so it was a something of a cake-walk :)

I've never tried to resuscitate a mouse.. Humans yes, mice no.



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I was, and still am, saddened by Gordon's post last evening, and am pretty concerned about the amount of trolling going on in other areas, which is aimed at some of our most respected RMWebbers, and for the life of me, I can't see why?  Each to his own, say I.  If I want to build a layout using Tri-Ang Standard track, then I will, and nobody can tell me differently - it's MY railway, and if I want to publish it, I should be free to do so.  It does worry me that we are in danger of losing friends and valued contributors which is a loss to us all.  My bit on this OVER.



Absolutely right Stewart!


I too am always saddened when one individual takes the joy out of the hobby of another member.






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Fame, at last!


I have been informed that I am required to do a resuscitation of Burns' "To A Mouse" in full Highland regalia before the senior ladies in Lorna's church. (What you have to do for a quiet life!)


This will be acutely embarrassing for me, but probably not too difficult. IIRC correctly, the only prize I ever received at a school prize-giving was a Burns prize for poetry. My parents were Ayrshire natives and I grew up hearing many of the same words that Burns used, so it was a something of a cake-walk :)


I'm sure you'll do full justice to the immortal memory, unlike a Glaswegian member of our Uni cross-country team who used to insist, after a few pints, on "entertaining" us with a rendering of "Tam o' Shanter". We could have forgiven him for forgetting the odd word; the problem was that he plugged each gap with an expletive, leaving some of his audience surprised that Burns's works contained so many sweerie words...

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Morning all,

Suitably washed & brushed up as we are taking laddo out for a birthday lunch at the  Crazy Bear at Stadhampton (his choice but why not as it's pretty good there).  Weather currently set fair so shouldn't be a bad trip out.


And only a kilo Tony - a week on the 'Patricia' was good for a couple of those in my case, alas 3 of Tony's cooked meals a day plus a few glasses of an evening worked their wicked way.  Cholesterol up a tad too so I'm now following the pharmacist's advice and drinking a drop of red wine every now & then.


Have a good day one & all

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Morning all from Estuary-Land. Sorry to hear of Sherry's contretemps with the bedside cabinet and I hope that most of the signs of it would have cleared up in time for the welding. It saddens me to hear that your druggie neighbour has a young son, I knew a young lad of 7 who was living with his grandmother and her partner, he resulted from his mothers 'payment' for drugs. This also resulted in him having autism, fortunately it was in a relatively mild form and not readily apparent. As in many such cases it showed itself in other ways, despite being only 7 years old the lad could assemble a quite complicated Airfix kit perfectly without using excessive glue or leaving any fingermarks. Mind you his grandmother didn't seem to worry about letting him use a very sharp scalpel for trimming the parts.  :O  When I saw that I quickly took the scalpel off of him and trimmed the parts for him.

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Morning/Afternoon all,

I must begin by apologising for my terse post last night - I had got well through a fairly lengthy one when I must have dozed off and in my sleep, cleared the lot!! I simply couldn't face doing it again at that moment, so here is attempt 'B' -

DD, sorry to hear of your BT woes, and those of others. I must be lucky as the only issue I've had was a short outage of service in the years since I went with the 'Infinity' fibre optic broadband. I must confess that it may be to do with a problem I had during the abortive switch from Yahoo - I had a 'phishing' attack and the security team, in the guise of a young lady in Mumbai with superb English, actually signed in to my PC and sorted out the problem as I watched. It has worked well since, tempting fate, and she also showed me how to do it myself! (Must find the scrap of paper with the notes on it!)

Gordon, as others have said, you are one of the modellers I most look up to, and although I haven't yet cut any wood, my plans are almost complete and cribbing tips from your ET thread made this so much easier. I also found Martin Wynne to be a most personable and helpful model engineer, and with his help and your blow by blow explanation of Templot, anyone planning a layout would find both of your work inspirational. To lose Martin from here due to the actions of members of a lunatic fringe is such a shame, and I exhort you not to let them force you to follow suit. I, like Mike(SM), find 00SF to be a logical step, even though my circumstances dictate that I won't be using it. I suspect that the majority of these 'know it all types' have low self esteem and draw excitement from denigrating the work of others whilst hiding beneath the cloak of anonymity afforded by the Internet! I recall Andy Peters having so much input forced on him on his 'Bitton' thread that he simply got so confused by conflicting 'advice' that he needed to take a holiday and ended up ripping up the lot! He has approached his latest effort, 'Pencarne Junction', differently - making up his own mind on what he wanted to achieve, and doing it his way, courteously ignoring conflicting comments. Ironically, a lot of the detractors haven't been in print, whereas Andy has had many layouts and articles published in all the major railway modelling magazines! As Ian(OD) said, you are a cornerstone of ERs - I remember researching the effort you put in to the little South African lad's layout, assisting our late ambassador in Cape Town, Don Bradley. Please don't throw it all away!!

Sherry, very sorry to hear of your unfortunate accident, but you had a pretty good excuse for imbibing after the task you had to perform earlier that day. Ian's post would suggest he has taken the situation in his stride and with his usual good humour! Sorry too to hear about the drama you found on your return home - once genteel Clacton too is being affected by drug culture. How sad it is to read about the twelve year old who might end up in care.

AndyID, I would have thought that Burns' poem 'To A Louse' would be more appropriate, particularly the lines "would some power the giftie gie us, to see oursels as ithers see us" (partly translated!) as it was inspired by standing behind a lady in church wearing her Sunday best! Fine piece of philosophy and I'd recommend anyone who doesn't know it, to Google it.

Jamie, to see the poppy display must have been a moving experience, and that John McCrae poem 'In Flanders Fields' is very poignant. I recite it frequently to the children and grandchildren, along with Wilfred Owen's 'Anthem For Doomed Youth', every November! Lest we forget............

Dave(TG), a couple of lovely sets of atmospheric images of autumnal mornings, I love the last one with the water.

Ian(OD), as you will see, I heartily concur with your comments about Gordon and Martin, but I'm certain that any such troll attack on ERs would be fiercely resisted by a majority.

With best wishes to all our recuperating members, and congratulations/commiserations as appropriate to those to whom sports results are very important,

Kind regards,


Edited by Jock67B
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Sherry is probably relieved that she no longer teaches. Staff going in to school with cuts and bruises often had to put up with amusing comments from students. One Monday my IT group noticed my badly grazed knuckles. I made the mistake of telling them the truth that I had walked into a door. This immediately raised their suspicions!

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Morning All


Sunny here this morning and I have partaken of a ten minute (ie 200 yard) hobble this morning.  This visit will need to be quite brief, as I need to use the laptop to order next week's shopping, and that, apparently, takes priority while 30747 pops into town.  She popped yesterday, but her back pain caused her to cut short her pop, and to come home early, so she's now decided to try again, and my missive starts eggs, milk, mince.....if I had any say in the matter it would start IPA, lager, Hobgoblin, but I've still got a stock of that in the kitchen, which I can't yet have due to interaction with my tramadol.


I was, and still am, saddened by Gordon's post last evening, and am pretty concerned about the amount of trolling going on in other areas, which is aimed at some of our most respected RMWebbers, and for the life of me, I can't see why?  Each to his own, say I.  If I want to build a layout using Tri-Ang Standard track, then I will, and nobody can tell me differently - it's MY railway, and if I want to publish it, I should be free to do so.  It does worry me that we are in danger of losing friends and valued contributors which is a loss to us all.  My bit on this OVER.


Andy - hope the recitation goes well.  Do you retain your Ayrshire accent (or can you switch it on if needed).  I never lost mine, and could probably do "To A Mouse" from memory if pushed to do so.  In fact, I used to be able to do "Tam O'Shanter" from memory, but bits of that have gone.

Sherry - your update was pretty woeful, and I do hope that you recover your good looks before the big do next month.  Seriously, I was sorry to hear about your accident.

Dave - how is Is coping after Chemo 4 - stll not too bad, hopefully?


Best go and get the shopping ordered - probably back later.


Regards To All



She is still at the feeling cold, poorly and in tracksuit/ski hat stage Stewart but I'm hoping that this is the last day. A sure herald of progress will be "hmmm, I could manage fish & chips" and a steady evening jaunt to the fabulous fish & chip shop at Longnor follows before parking at one the excellent local viewpoints to savour them. She is thankfully pain free, rarely sick and remains in good heart....thank you.



Edited by Torr Giffard LSWR 1951-71
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I'm ashamed to admit that when I read Sherry's first post about falling out of bed having imbibed a little too much I almost clicked the funny button. So apologies for that and really hope that the arnica is helping out, especially for the soon-come big day.


Ian, I think it unlikely that the druggy mother will be sent down, especially if she has a child. The costs of keeping someone inside are £35,000pa, and add on the costs of foster parenting and so on. Long-term she obviously needs help from drug-rehab - the problem is always returning to addiction. Good jobs help, too, once she's clean, so has less time on her hands and more use for her brain. Sorry for going on a bit.


Beautiful day here, the sun feels warm without a chill breeze. Gabe took me out for a short stroll on Arthur's Seat which was magical. Now anticipating the Scotland/USA rugby. Sorry for the England rugby fans here but great win for Wales. Didn't think they'd do it (and nor did the England players) but have Wales lost too many good players to injury now?


Just about to settle down to a pear and stilton salad for lunch.


Hope your Sunday goes well




edited for spellchecker getting it wrong


Edited again: how seriously do they take knife crime in England? In Scotland it is often treated as jailable just for possession, so perhaps they won't be so lenient. Jail may help her kicking the drugs habit but she needs a job after jail to make her rehabilitation settle in. 

Edited by Purley Oaks
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She is still at the feeling cold, poorly and in tracksuit/ski hat stage Stewart but I'm hoping that this is the last day. A sure herald of progress will be "hmmm, I could manage fish & chips" and a steady evening jaunt to the fabulous fish & chip shop at Longnor follows before parking at one the excellent local viewpoints to savour them. She is thankfully pain free, rarely sick and remains in good heart....thank you.



Great news indeed Dave, what a brave lady - I was a bit fed up as I have to shortly cope with the graveyard duty, cleaning and arranging flowers on the gravestone of Joanna's parents whilst she takes Archie for a short walk. I now go about my duty with a lighter heart thanks to your post,

Kind regards,


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Great news indeed Dave, what a brave lady - I was a bit fed up as I have to shortly cope with the graveyard duty, cleaning and arranging flowers on the gravestone of Joanna's parents whilst she takes Archie for a short walk. I now go about my duty with a lighter heart thanks to your post,

Kind regards,



All the very best Jock....you clearly have heavier versions of what passes for our normality....fingers crossed that you have to endure the least possible pain on the way.



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