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Bit of a hectic day with both daughters and 12 year old whirlwind granddaughter here all afternoon . . Apparently, I took a "granddad nap" for about 20 minutes at about 4.13pm.


Good day had by all.


Goodnight Everyone. . . . . Sleep well.



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I wish you all a good night and with a small question - how many of the Welsh team were actually born in Wales and was it perhaps an English victory after all if you don't take notice of the colour of their shirts ;)


One of the indubitable facts imparted to me by my auld Fifer Da is that a footballer's nationality is determined by that of his father. If this rule is applicable in other fields, Scotland could lay claim to such national heroes as Guy Gibson and James Cook.

If, on the other hand, country of birth is to be the decider, then Nigel Gresley and Hugh Dowding must be recognised as sons of Caledonia!

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Time to update you lovely lot!


Thank you all for the supportive comments on the demise of my sister. The eulogy was well received and I appreciated Ian's help with the wording of the more delicate parts. The lack of regular contact with my sister means that the reality hasn't really hit me yet.


Unfortunately, the bedside locker in the hotel room did hit me when, having overdone the imbibing at the post wake visit to the pub, I fell out of bed, giving myself a nosebleed plus one and a half black eyes! The good news was that the hotel staff were very understanding and I was able to stay on for an extra night in Dorking before driving back to Torquay yesterday. The other good news is that Ian still wants to marry me! I'm hoping the Arnica gel and tablets will work their magic in time for our welding next month!


On arrival at home, I discovered that the block of seven flats where I live was swarming with police! Apparently, a druggy neighbour, who is a regular nuisance with her noise and aggression, had stabbed her chap, causing him to need surgery! She is now in custody and we are hoping her landlady will evict her at last. This is a good area with a decent set of residents apart from this one woman.


Hope your weekend events are less violent!

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  • RMweb Gold


a small question - how many of the Welsh team were actually born in Wales and was it perhaps an English victory after all if you don't take notice of the colour of their shirts ;)

Typical loser's excuse..... :)


We let you think you were going to win then pounced at the end. So if you don't beat Australia, you'll be going, er, well, home.


In the same vein, how many of the English cricket team are actually English ?


Currently in N E Wales, taking my father to see Black Country Blues in Halifax for the day.

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I also missed my boys winning 4-1 so will look forward to MOTD tonight.  


Thanks for your kind words Pete.  I haven't made this public, but I am so close to either giving up ET or leaving RMweb. 


I get like that too  - My modeling mojo ebbs and flows, at present it has ebbed. I find myself being more interested in photographing and reading about the real thing and my eyes demand I move to even larger gauges - I do believe decent track vital for suspending my disbelief in realism. I’ll never use Peco again, to me it spoils whole layouts, just my view...


Then I want to try something new musically and I find that for a time everything else takes a back seat. I dreamed again that I had joined The Rolling Stones - and was enjoying being the youngest member of a band! Anyway I’ve always wanted to play “Start me Up!” on stage.


I watched the Spurs game live over here - jeez their first goal was a bit marginal (I don’t mean the actual final strike but the run up to it). I stopped watching when I realized that the officials were below par  - at least they affected both sides equally.


Best, Pete.

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Good morning one and all


The jungle looks a bit better now after an hour of my time, effort and incipient backache.  After threatening yesterday that it would receive some attention I remembered that my trowel had broken.  It has now been replaced but is still pristine and shiny as the fork was wielded to uproot the vegetation where the border ought to be.  The paved areas still need attention and there seems to be no viable alternative to chemical warfare.  Fortunately I stocked up on weed killer a year or two back and will apply some of the weather forecast is suitable.


BTMail came up in conversation here yesterday.  I still find it very poor compared with Yahoo mail and the teething troubles have been enough to keep a Harley Street full of dentists fully occupied.  It will not allow me to send an e-mail to more than 25 recipients at once which is a PITA when one of my mailing lists has 66 names.  It means that instead of sending my Christmas message electronically l must now trot down to the copy bureau, fortunately almost at the end of the road.  Apart from the inherent fragility of BTMail which still rears its head, I had to open a Yahoo account so as to re-establish contact with Yahoo groups such as Robert Carroll's coaching stock forum.  I'm not opposed to progress as such but when the result is inferior I do begin to wonder.


A treat is in store later.  Undeterred by the odd shade of maroon that I hope is caused by the packaging I have bought a lump of sirloin steak for lunch.  This will make up for having an engagement cancelled.  I plan to eat it from a tray with the accompaniments that it deserves and enjoy yet another re-run of early episodes of Foyle's War. Dead cultural!


May your day of rest do what it says on the tin.



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Coffee & Japanese GP.



Thinks: "Surely he doesn't have a Japanese general practitioner?"


Oh! Grand Prix


BTW, I've always wondered why we Americans choose to mispronounce only one of the words. A little consistency, please!




EDIT: Missed out an entire word.

Edited by AndyID
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  • RMweb Premium

Morning all. Definite nip in the air outside these days, so I did need to de-hibernate the automatic radiator valves after all! Just brewed me some coffee and made a snack before the real breakfast later…



I get like that too  - My modeling mojo ebbs and flows, at present it has ebbed. 


Know the feeling. I think in my case it has as much to do with my yet needing to adjust to our work patterns on one hand as (like I said last night) with my now having frequent exposition to the subject of my hobby through my work! I'm sure both factors will adjust themselves in time but at present, there are still sufficiently numerous impressions to process.


Enjoy what you do!

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Fame, at last!


I have been informed that I am required to do a resuscitation of Burns' "To A Mouse" in full Highland regalia before the senior ladies in Lorna's church. (What you have to do for a quiet life!)


This will be acutely embarrassing for me, but probably not too difficult. IIRC correctly, the only prize I ever received at a school prize-giving was a Burns prize for poetry. My parents were Ayrshire natives and I grew up hearing many of the same words that Burns used, so it was a something of a cake-walk :)

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BTMail came up in conversation here yesterday.  I still find it very poor compared with Yahoo mail and the teething troubles have been enough to keep a Harley Street full of dentists fully occupied.  It will not allow me to send an e-mail to more than 25 recipients at once which is a PITA when one of my mailing lists has 66 names.  It means that instead of sending my Christmas message electronically l must now trot down to the copy bureau, fortunately almost at the end of the road.  Apart from the inherent fragility of BTMail which still rears its head, I had to open a Yahoo account so as to re-establish contact with Yahoo groups such as Robert Carroll's coaching stock forum.  I'm not opposed to progress as such but when the result is inferior I do begin to wonder.


Completely agree.


Rule #1 - Never use an email system provided by an ISP (Internet Service Provider). It's just a tool they use to make it extremely difficult for you to switch to a different ISP.


Rule #2 - Never use Microsoft Outlook to manage your email. It's just a gigantic PITA, and you run the risk of losing the whole lot.


I started using Yahoo mail about 14 years ago. I can easily access my email from any computer on the planet and I can't remember how many times I've switched ISPs in the meantime (I also have a Gmail account for backup.)

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  • RMweb Gold

In a taxi to banbury to collect a train to take back to bescot, should have been in bicester but for some reason it never got there


Nice morning here, a little bit of fog but looks like its going to be a nice one, hopefully back in bescot for 10:30, maybe fuel the locos then home

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  • RMweb Gold

Morning all


Late up for me due to being on the pub till mid night as Milkes cousin who lives a few miles away couldn't get a taxi till then. She said that this is unusual but I suppose that with the rugby on in the pubs it meant more people getting taxis.


Another good day awaits for the Freemo set up today. The plan is to start packing up at 2pm so that should give us an earlier arrival home than the usual when doing shows.


Just one sticky turnout on Fort Myers to sort out.


PS. This is the view out the window looking at Rugeley power station that towers over the hotel, somewhere in that thick fog


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Morning all...................


PS. This is the view out the window looking at Rugeley power station that towers over the hotel, somewhere in that thick fog

You must be staying at The Premier Inn on the famous Rugeley bypass? I used to live just up the road from there at Little Haywood.

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  • RMweb Premium

It's fatchy pog here too.

Now should I go to scare the living daylights out of Stu at Halifax (that's if he gets through the border patrols) or do some more of my own modelling? I will have a mug of tea and contemplate what to do.


Modelling Mojo's come and go but if you are earning a crust from it you need to get it done. It's rare that I get chance to weather my own stock...generally the demo at Warley gives me an opportunity to get some wagons done.


Pete look at the photos of the trackwork on Grantham. You don't notice it's Peco code 100 as its just part of an overall scene.


Have a great day.


I wonder how the squidlet is doing?


Edited by Barry O
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  • RMweb Premium

Morning all from a misty and cool village.   From reading some of yesterdays posts I'm glad that I don't model on 00 or any of the associated gauges/scales.

Gordon S try and ignore the trolls and concentrate on the hobby. 

Pete (Trisonic) I'm glad I'm not the only one who dreams of playing guitar on stage.  Unlike me though you can actually play a guitar.


Anyway I had a good day.  Various chores in the morning including some modelling then in the afternoon Beth and I went out to the Yorkshire Sculpture Park which is situated in the Upper Dearne Valley between Wakefield and Barnsley.   It's a great place to walk around even if like me you are not particularly an art fan.  However it is one of the three venues in the North of Enagland that's got part of the poppy display that was at the Tower of London earlier this year.  We parked up in the nearby village and walked down.   The setting is great and I managed to get a couple of photos before the battery died on my camera.



There was also a small display about how it had come about in the nearby boat house.  On the walls were three panels with poems on them.  I'd never read this one in full though I have known of it for a long time. 



This was all the more poignant as two of us are off to France in a fortnight to visit the graves of our uncles.  I believe that there is another display in Liverpool and one in Northumberland.


Anyway the day stretches ahead.  Church this morning then hopefully a trip to the show at Halifax to see Troutons and others then home for a meal with the outlaws who are arriving.  Two of the upsides of this are that I'm not allowed anywhere near the preparations, which means that I can get to Halifax and also Beth is gong to make one of her apple pies.


Regards to all.



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I fell out of bed, giving myself a nosebleed plus one and a half black eyes! T

 Olddudders and Panda has a nice ring to it!


I went into The Queen's (our local) last night and 'innocently' asked if anyone had seen the match and what the final score was.


I nearly ended up with a nosebleed plus two black eyes!


In retrospect I should have not been wearing my Wales shirt and the red dragon hat

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  • RMweb Gold

Good morning all,,

Blue sky and sunshine here and should stay that way for a while.

Great day yesterday for a while and the first 4 things on my "to do" list were successful finishing with an excellent afternoon tea.

Then we watched the Rugby. Yesterday I said that England would have to up their game considerably - they didn't. Wales did so well done them - particularly in view of their injury problems,

I agree with Duncan about too many replacements. In my view they should only be used if absolutely necessary.Too often they seem to ruin the flow of the game.

Never mind - as my dear wife said " It's only a game" 

Breakfast is being prepared so I will return later,

Have a good one,


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  • RMweb Gold

Morning all


Bright and sunny so the garden will get it today.


Glad Sherry has confessed to her recent contretemps. Trust me the selfie she sent me is not for the faint-hearted. I intend to wear a badge on the day disclaiming responsibility for her altered appearance. At least she's safely home, and seeing less of druggy Kirsty would be good. Kirsty's son Louis is about 12. Wonder what will happen to him if mum goes down, his (French) dad being deceased.


Gordon's rant stopped me in my tracks (sorry). I am firmly at the Peco end of the spectrum, but ET's track looks gorgeous, so you are doing exactly what it takes. I haven't spent much time trying to understand the arcana over which others are being so objectionable, but note a US-based member is heavily involved. He has come to notice before, and I'd appreciate his early departure. Martin Wynne seems to have single-handedly enabled, via Templot, many modellers in several gauges to make stonking track. Why he should ever be put on the back foot is beyond me. Please be aware, Gordon, that some of us regard you as one of the backbones of ERs, so please stay!


I had an indifferent night for no reason I could identify, so only saw the last third of the F1 from Japan. I will try to see the start later.


Hope your day of rest is just that.

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