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Good morning one and all


Home late last night after quite a productive day in the shed and a predictably good presentation by Colin Gifford.  However, it would have been a lot more enjoyable if audience members had seen fit to shut up and listen.  There were three women in front of me.  The one on the left was forever repeating to the one in the middle what the speaker had just said.  Perhaps the one in the middle was a bit mutton, I wondered, until the whoop of delight when her raffle ticket was drawn.  I will never understand human behaviour.  Go on, admit it: you thought I was going to say "I will never understand women".  However true that may or may not be, I can't say that here, can I? 


The car - a VW, it must be admitted, though petrol driven - is once again astride my neighbour's gateway because as usual there was nowhere else to park at 11 pm.  Soon, I hope, there will be a sound of an engine starting and moving away which will make available a legitimate space for my wheels.  The chances of it being anywhere the house are slim, which is a bind, for the boot contains the toolkit and other necessities which belong in the house.


One again, delivering the local paper on time is a task which has so far defeated the designated brat, so I must contain my impatience to know what caused the gridlock on Tuesday.


The remainder of RMweb calls as I have whatever was posted after 9.30 am yesterday to winnow.  Let there be good wishes for all who deserve them.



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  • RMweb Gold

Good morning all,

Should be a fine and sunny start to the day but may cloud over this afternoon.

Tea has been taken to management who (as she is not at work today) is probably even now plotting something that will involve physical effort by yours truly.

Have a good one,


Edited by grandadbob
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  • RMweb Gold

Morning all.

Sunny here, no cloud.

We will be off to Southend so Aditi can provide some blood samples this morning. None of them require fasting so it will be after breakfast.

Otherwise I think a quiet day.


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  • RMweb Gold

No hang over for me as didnt have as many as Andrew C. He had been supping beers since mid day unlike us :boast:


A rather pleasant morning so far, well apart from having to go into work.


Tonight I need to take the Czech layout down and dig out Fort Myers for this weekends Freemo meet in Staffordshire.


Looking forward to the weekend.

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  • RMweb Gold

Morning all


Well, a week in which several reports of improving health made good reading is now capped by serial appearances from Debs. I had inferred that the poor thing had been suffering from something more severe than a surfeit of train pics on ERs, and so it is great to have her back. Her avatar does indeed, as I said a couple weeks ago, show a most presentable lady!


Happy Birthday for yesterday to Ian Roundhouse, as well as another member whose birthday was shown on Facebook.


Great to hear Stewart testing his mobility. May every day show improvement.


I hope Aditi's tests reveal something trivial and treatable.


Sherry's ordeal at her sister's funeral seems to have been well-handled. The organist, a former classmate, said her eulogy was 'brilliant' so that is pleasing. I am led to believe that there was some dedicated sniffing of the barmaid's apron later on, entirely in keeping with the deceased's love of the stuff!


I need to see my GP today, just to renew a prescription.


May everyone's week end on a high note.

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Mornin' all,


Happy birthday to Ian for yesterday


I'm not expecting to find cultivated maple leaf colour such as this garden variety whilst out on the constitutionals.....


....but it would be good to think that the golds and oranges of the countryside trees could become somewhat more impressive than they are just now, before the wind and rain lash them to the ground.


Is seems better with chemo 4 than 3, she cooked/ate a bacon & egg lunch yesterday, though tired but still pain free.


Now music by KT Tunstall....Feel it all


Feathered ones provided for


Enjoy what you do



Edited by Torr Giffard LSWR 1951-71
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This morning, the radio were reporting a large, black, oily cloud of smoke over the VW factory in Wolfsburg.  At first it was thought to be VW announcing that they hadn't found a new CEO.  However, it was subsequently found to be Herr Winterkorn going home for the last time in his new Passat.


Horn, the head of VW in the US was fired too. He pretty much guaranteed he was toast when he went public and admitted VW screwed-up. The legal department must have gone into melt-down :)

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  • RMweb Premium

Morning all and it's a sunny one.

Belated Happy Birthday to Ian; good to hear that beer was supped. 


No special plans today as it is an inset day here. So, that may mean a spot of football practice and cycling. In between that more job hunting, no doubt. 

Any spare time this weekend will be for point motor wiring; for whatever reason I quite like that.


Have a nice day everyone. Andy 

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  • RMweb Premium

' Morning all from red dragon land.

If that great big lump of a cloud moves, it'll be sunny.



Trying out 'Polly' this morning, but the washing machine's just finished so I'd better go and empty it.

Catch you later. 

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  • RMweb Gold

' Morning all from red dragon land.

If that great big lump of a cloud moves, it'll be sunny.



Trying out 'Polly' this morning, but the washing machine's just finished so I'd better go and empty it.

Catch you later.


Have you fixed the dishwasher yet?
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Morning all. had a brief trip to the GP surgery yesterday to get stitches removed after my neck lump surgery last week. having had a dressing on it for a week, it seems odd now without a dressing! It seems to be healing OK, anyway.


I tried the face age website last night an decided that the human ageing process must be accelerating as I tried one photo which showed 63, then the next said 66 and another said 73! I wouldn't mind, but I am actually 60! I must just have a lived-in face.

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  • RMweb Premium

Morning all from Estuary-Land. Hobbling down to town today, nothing serious just new shoes and nipping into WH Smiths for a couple of magazines that are not normally stocked by the supermarkets, I might even pop into somewhere for lunch to save myself all that cooking and washing up. Sorting through a few bits and pieces yesterday I found a 'forgotten' diecast Volkswagen Golf, now where did I put that smoke unit?  :scratchhead:  When I was at work I used to have annual check ups, on a voluntary basis offered by my employer. One feature was an estimate of 'body age' which in my case was always 12 to 15 years younger than my actual age. I'm not sure whether it applies now, I feel every minute of my 67 years but fortunately my disabilities are either in the appendages or otherwise well under control.

Edited by PhilJ W
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  • RMweb Premium

Morning All


Bright(ish) this morning, and I woke having slept a good 10 hours, so I'm making up for lost time.  Bad news here is that 30747 has picked up a nasty coldy-fluey-type bug which some little darling has brought to Nursery and passed on to all the staff.  The usual trick of sending the kid in filled up with Calpol, then b*ggering off quickly leaving kiddykins to deteriorate in Nursery as the day progresses.  The worrying thing is that the parents get annoyed if contacted to come and collect an ailing kid.  The way we both look today, going to a guess your age website would result in instant referral to a medical site instead!


Great to see even more input from Debs.  Hope she likes my current avatar (?).  No doubt train warnings are about to become the order of the day again.

Hope to hear from Jock as the day progresses,

Good to know that Sherry gave her sister a dignified send off despite her past history - it takes a special sort of person to do so.

Hope Aditi's tests come up with something simple and easy to treat.

Pleased that Ian and Andrew managed to celebrate together in the time honoured way - Alka Selzer is still the time honoured next day remedy.

Simon - pleased that your recovery from the lump is progressing.


I took the last dressing off this morning, as the nurse left it that I could do that myself.  I appear to have a very large scar - probably a foot long.   Luckily it is hidden by the trousers.  And I just polished off a delicious bacon bagel.  It seems a bit of a strange mix, that one, bacon inside a bread concoction which is originally Jewish, but it tastes just fine with a strong cup of coffee.


Thus refreshed, I'm off to check the rest of RMWeb.


Regards to All


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Morning all, there are beautiful blue skies over Borough Market Junction, a nice end to what has been a long week.


Stewart, I too am a fan of bacon bagel (smoked bacon, brown sauce please) and have long appreciated the delicious irony.


Today is "finish your on line appraisal day" as ordered by the CFO to our boss, so more trumpet blowing is ensuing.


I read an interesting piece in the telegraph by James Dyson about European testing and Dyson's approach. Clearly he has an agenda of his own, but he makes the interesting point that if you set engineers the task of getting around rules rather than producing better engines etc, VW is what you are likely to end up with - he gives examples from the hoover world (and yes I know that term would annoy him....!). It's the same in the tax legislation world; introduce loose or phenomenally complicated legislation and people will spend months working out how to do what they have always done but getting around the new law - introduce a clearly stated principle of what is desired as part of the legislation and it tends to work a lot more clearly

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Morning all - and a nice, bright morning it is.


Good to see Debs around, glad that Sherry' day went as well as possible yesterday, and that Stewart and Simon seem on the mend. I hope Jock is also in less pain. And I get the impression that Aditi's problems are stress related, and need dealing with at the source.


Errands and varnish (and paint) dominate the day, with a trip to Jane's Trains, working in my shed workshop and a bit of shopping. And posting off a GBL swapsie if I get the address. And trying to make a phpBB discussion forum work...


Carpe diem!

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  • RMweb Premium

Morning all! Looking sunny and I hope I'll be more awake in a while. I'm not sure yet which shift pattern is better suited for me. I do know that there are lines where meeting the timetable is pretty much impossible, at least without breaking a bunch of rules!


Three days off beckon, however!


Have a good one, folks...

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  • RMweb Premium

Morning all! Looking sunny and I hope I'll be more awake in a while. I'm not sure yet which shift pattern is better suited for me. I do know that there are lines where meeting the timetable is pretty much impossible, at least without breaking a bunch of rules!


Three days off beckon, however!


Have a good one, folks...

Enjoy your days off Dom, and I'm so pleased that your new work is panning out so well for you.  When do go "go solo"?

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Morning all. After my first decent nights sleep for ages I feel totally refreshed.


A bright but slightly cloudy day looking over Lyme Bay towards Sidmouth.


A bit of shopping to do a bit later including a visit to Buffers and then catch up with a few family friends.


I'm pleased to hear the Sherry's day went as well as possible. Stewart and Simon appear to be recovering well.


LE - I hope the Exeter visit is what you hope for


Time for another coffee.


Have a good day everyone

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  • RMweb Gold

loose or phenomenally complicated legislation and people will spend months working out how to do what they have always done but getting around the new law - introduce a clearly stated principle of what is desired as part of the legislation and it tends to work a lot more clearly

Talking about making things phenomenally complicated, Mrs Bod, who works for one of the big retailers, needs to know the new rules for charging for plastic carriers. If you want to lose the will to live have a look at them on the gov site. Or to get a flavour just read the section on when not to charge.




Why didn't they just say plastic carrier bag, 5p. End of.

Ruddy bureaucrats. Mumble mutter mutter.....

Edited by BoD
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  • RMweb Premium

Enjoy your days off Dom, and I'm so pleased that your new work is panning out so well for you.  When do go "go solo"?


Mid-October, I figure. I'll be talking to my team leader next week for advice on ways of arranging shift patterns to individual wishes (for which there is some leeway). My intention would be finding a way of ensuring I get to drive all lines and all types on a regular basis so as to stay in practice. I'm hearing there also are drivers who prefer to stick to only certain lines as far as possible, but for me, I think this would be too monotonous.

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