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  • RMweb Premium

Morning all. Quite dull again but I seem to have slept well. Brekkie and a cuppa now, followed by some food purchases and a late shift on Line 3.


Hope you're feeling better today, Jock. I can't even begin to imagine the discomfort you must be going through! :O


Have a good one, troops…

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Like those who do give Thought For The Day, I must snap out of it and concentrate on the task in hand.  Hang on a tick: Scott Walker has dropped out of the race for US President.  This cannot be the same Scott Walker who was one of the Walker Brothers in the 1960s, though the thought that he might be is inescapable.  The reporter is throwing out so many names in rapid succession that I feel an urge to sing Uncle Tom Cobleigh and All.  




“Scott Walker” - the singer, is not his real name, which is: Noel Scott Engel.


I have a whole fund of musical drivel to impart - so it’s best to stay away from that subject too, Chris....


Best, Pete.

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Good morning!


I hope everyone, but especially Jock, has slept well.


You may remember that my aunt died in June and my sister two weeks ago; yesterday my ex husband's aunt died. My children have lost one aunt and two great aunts within three months!


Oh well, they've gained a stepmother and, by the end of October, they'll have a stepfather, too!

Stuff really does happen, Sherry.

I lost my only brother and my best friend within the same quarter year - they even died of the same cause in the same location. Colon Cancer spreading to kidneys.


I’ve become phlegmatic about it. EXCEPT to urge everyone over 50 to have regular colonoscopies - it really does save lives. Waiting for blood to appear in “stools” is often too late.



Best, Pete.

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  • RMweb Premium

I live in a mad house! At God knows what o'clock this morning eldest Herbert (with much banging and crashing) got up to get ready to go to Hull to start his part time job. ( He is publications editor for a politics quarterly).

Then her indoors got up to get ready for schools. (But she did bring me a mug of tea!)

Now youngest Herbert is up and making enough din to waken the dead.


I may wait for them to go and have a crafty 40 winks.


If you need help to get to sleep can I suggest attending a cricket meeting in Yorkshire.. As my old maths teacher would have said "all blethering"


Enough ranting....it's greyish here. I have to finish some weathering but I may get to see a bit of cricket at the home of the champions.


Stay calm everyone and I hope those in pain don't suffer too much today.


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I totally agree with you Pete, as yesterday I learned one of our golfing group passed away on Saturday.  Fit as a fiddle and only 56, he was diagnosed with bowel cancel just a few months ago and went into hospital in May, but the diagnosis was too late to save him.  A sad day for many at the club.


On the up side, Archie will be discharged today and we will pick him up at lunchtime.  Not sure how we will deal with his aftercare, but the surgeons must be happy to allow him home.  I understand he will be on 'crate rest' for most of the time, but the joy of having him home again for Jackie will be wonderful.


The heavy rain woke us up at 4am this morning, but thankfully it has stopped now.  Here's hoping for brighter days ahead.


I'm having to work hard in not replying to some of the nonsense that is going on in one or two 00 threads.  It's bordering on trolling and totally distracting for anyone wanting serious information.  Great shame.  God knows how others have the patience to deal with it….

Edited by gordon s
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  • RMweb Premium

Morning all from a clearing and brightening village.  I also got awakened early as SWMBO got up to head off for an early Physio appointment, but not as early as poor Jock. Various odds and ends arranged for today including doing a stock take of books for a society I belong to, and then a visit to Thwaite Mills, a preserved water driven Putty Mill on the southern outskirts of Leeds, this afternoon.   The interesting thing is that I remember going round them as a working mill when I was a young bobby in 1974.   They happened to be on my 'patch'. 


Regards to everyone and may the various recoveries continue.



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  • RMweb Premium

Morning all, nothing too exciting going on just an outburst of quiet as all three kids are away at uni there is just the small menagerie of animals to feed. Counting up 6 frogs 5 geckos 6 snakes 4 steppe lizards 2 neon lizards 1 spider 1 stick insect 2 rabbits 1 guinea pig and 4 cats.... Must go I have frogs to water before work.

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Mornin' all,


Dodge the precipitation games for the constitutional earlier....head down calorie burn throughout.


The school sign project has reached the stencil making stage, ready for outlining all sign content to assess balance/spacings etc.


Galvanised steel strips collected from a local manufacturer yesterday to strap the water butt to the gazebo in an attempt to prevent trespassing youngsters in the school grounds from moving the butt and damaging the downspouts etc.


Best wishes to all in physical discomfort of any kind


Feathered ones remembered 


Enjoy what you do



Edited by Torr Giffard LSWR 1951-71
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morning all,hope your feeling better jock,up at 3 with second born,feed and sleep,for both of us !! up at 545 another feed,then out of the door and to work,first job done,looks like a busy day,jacks started full time school,and seems to be enjoying it too,comes home tied !! daisys almost sitting up now,desperate to get to jacks things !! I know only too well how sherry feels I think we all do must be as we get that bit older.....keep safe all .

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  • RMweb Premium



I have a whole fund of musical drivel to impart - so it’s best to stay away from that subject too, Chris....

Your musical reminiscences would easily fill a book, Pete, given what you did for a living, and I would buy it, as I like first hand accounts of any interesting work - vets, railwaymen, code breakers, and many more

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  • RMweb Gold

Morning, after raining during the night its stopped and the sun is shining, its one of those mornings when everything smells fresh.


Off to the tennis club this morning to clean the flags and patio area. No power washing, just shippen cleaner diluted 40-60 and put down with a watering can, leave ten mins then wash off with hose pipe.

Not suitable for all flags but its a lot quicker, smells like the swimming baths though.

Not to be splashed on clothes etc

then a visit to the model shop for bits and bobs is planned.


Enjoy your day folks



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  • RMweb Gold

Was hoping to have a day in the shed today but ive got to pop down to canton with one of my drivers so i can be assessed instructing him on class 60s and hopefully finally pass my instructors course


Made a powerpoint presentation about the basics of class 60's, got to makenit last 15-20 mins which i think i have managed, i can expand on the slides as i go along if i feel its going a bit quick


Its important i pass the course as the week after next im needed to instruct for real on a particular class of loco, not one ive done before, im being trained on them next week and with any luck working one the following weekend so they should be fresh in my head if nothing else, cant say what type of loco it is though!


Just heading off to the station to get the train to cardiff

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....I don't have my instructors notes any more Jim otherwise I would pass them on...I was based at the Crewe training school as a full time traction instructor. I also worked with the Derby test centre engineers as a driver when the 60s were new and the driver manual/driving technique instructions were being worked out. The Peak Forest to Bletchley stone working was used for 5 consecutive week days....27x102T JGAs from a standing start on a 1 in 100 uphill grade....no banker. One test simply involved opening the power handle to max, letting the brakes off and allowing the loco to work it all out for itself. At Peak Forest summit one of the white coated technicians emerged from the engine room and announced that a 60 couldn't get any closer to electronic stall than that without it happening....thus the 33056 instruction written dictated a low power setting up to 15mph, before opening the power handle wide.



Edited by Torr Giffard LSWR 1951-71
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Evening all from red dragon land.

Overcast with showers this morning giving the ideal excuse for a day off to recover from a long weekend playing boats and trains.


Some pics of Avonside 0-4-0T 'Ogwen' which, hopefully, we'll see fully restored one day soon looking like Avonside 0-4-0T Marchlyn.

attachicon.gifIMG_7854 Marchlyn.JPG


Ogwen at the back of the shed. 

attachicon.gifIMG_7824 In the shed.JPG


In the yard.

attachicon.gifIMG_7908 Outside the engine shed.JPG


Ready for the photoshoot.



Ogwen has been kept undercover since withdrawal so she's as she was back in 1965.

attachicon.gifIMG_7910 Last train 15_1_1965.JPG

'I.W. Jones' is the late Iorwerth Watkin Jones MBE, former driver on the Penrhyn Railway and later in charge of the railway museum at Penrhyn Castle.






Looks in great condition - just needs some steel wool and cod liver oil.

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Morning all, it's absolutely hammering down here, and not much of a view over Borough market junction as a result.


I must say Jock is a mine of information! And I hope that he is able to get to manage the pain soon. Hopefully his grandson is continuing to improve.


Not a lot to report so have a good day all

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  • RMweb Premium

Morning All


Sun is shining here after a night of very heavy rain, which did not help with the sleep pattern.  In fact, had I logged on when I woke this morning, I could have had a chat with Jock. 


Sherry, your family does seem to be having more that its fair share of bad news.  Let's hope that a certain forthcoming event is instrumental in changing things for the better.


Jock, as ever, I hope that the pain that you are experiencing is short term, and that in the meantime, it is controlled by the morphine and other meds. 


Neil - disused underground stations are eerie places, and they do abound in London.  In my student days, I explored some of the (then) disused stations in Glasgow, including Dalmarnock, Glasgow Cross and Central Low Level.  The tunnel under Argyll Street was not closed off at either end, and it was possible with thigh length waterproof boots to walk the length of the tunnel and through all the stations which were in remarkably good condition.   Only the entrance at both ends was flooded for a distance of about fifty yards.


JIm - hope the instructing goes well and that you pass your assessment.


Not a great deal more to report at present, but I'll lurk and get back later.


Regards to All


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  • RMweb Gold

The rain certainly came down hard during the night. Luckily it stopped when we left home for the station and only just started again as I arrived into the office near London Bridge.


Had a treemendous time last itme......making trees :no:


Managed to open a cut on my thumb that I got from filing styrene on Sunday, so if any of the tree trunks look a little red htne you know where that came from :scared:

Edited by roundhouse
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  • RMweb Premium

The rain certainly came down hard during the night. Luckily it stopped when we left home for the station and only just started again as I arrived into the office near London Bridge.


Had a treemendous time last itme......making trees :no:


Managed to open a cut on my thumb that I got from filing styrene on Sunday, so if any of the tree trunks look a little red htne you know where that came from :scared:

No problem Ian, just get a few figures and cut the off hand/limb off and stick it next to the tree saying that someone had an accident with a chain saw. 



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. . . . clean the flags and patio area. No power washing, just shippen cleaner diluted 40-60 and put down with a watering can, leave ten mins then wash off with hose pipe.

Sorry Alan but a Google search didn't help me in finding that - can you advise further on Shippen Cleaner as my patio is a mess although with a lot of moss in the gaps in the block paving, it's probably a power washer I need and then refill with sand again ??






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  • RMweb Premium

Morning all from Estuary-Land. I hope Jock was able to get to sleep again, I'm sometimes woken by the arthritis and is quite literally a PITA. Luckily it doesn't happen that often and a couple of paracetamol's is all that is required most times. In fact I overslept this morning by about 25 minutes which I put down to the new mattress. The old one was long overdue for replacement, as many as half the springs were broken and the one that broke through the cover did so because the surrounding springs were also broken, if you can 'bend' a sprung mattress any more than its thickness its a sign of broken springs, that is what the delivery man told me. He also told me that bending a sprung mattress is a no-no as it damages the internal springs, this he told me when I suggested 'bending' the new mattress around the awkward corner, the delivery men found no problem doing so and probably have had far tighter spots to manoeuvre mattress's in. A bit dull at the moment, at least its not raining but the forecast for today is rain and yet more rain. Have a good day all, be back later.

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