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Incidentally, I've just acquired a Trend router table to make stuff for Julie's venture, and I need some advice on how to mount it. My thoughts at the moment are on an otherwise unwanted Workmate - does anyone else have one who can advise me?


I have something similar mounted on a rather heavy workbench, but a Workmate should be OK. You might want to bolt it to the Workmate and add some ballast under the Workmate (sandbags?). Some operations require you to exert a fair amount of force on the work-piece and you don't want things moving around on you when that is necessary.


The sandbag idea comes from a friend who mounted his tablesaw on a substantial MDF box with sandbag ballast. It makes things a lot safer!

Edited by AndyID
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Afternoon all,

Awake again well before seven this morning, and more medication ingested - I let poor Joanna sleep on, as I had managed to awaken her during the night, by reading some literature in the study while standing to alleviate the pain. I phoned one of my chemo specialist nurses this morning, and after she sought advice, she called me back with a revised short term increase in the meds. With the proviso that I judge for myself whether or not I should drive or operate machinery! I had been warned that there could be one or two weeks of this as the good nerves surrounding those the radiation killed repair themselves - unlike some, I can at least look forward to being relatively pain free after that, at least for a time! The early rude awakening has at least allowed me to do some limited catching up and I am once again choked by the kindness that emanates from ERs and Lunester Asylum inmates. Thank you all so much.

Mick(NB), we live around fourteen miles from the Essex University Campus, and if you want to, PM me for my e-mail and mobile phone numbers which you can relay to your lass in case of emergencies - I won't be thus hampered for too long, and at worst can offer local advice!

DD, hope you enjoyed the shortened visit to one of my favourite counties - thanks for the Bodmin and Wenford pics. Your reference to the Harrier took me back to a spell in the pits at Brands Hatch years ago when I helped with a Formula Ford 2000 car in a support race to the F1 Grand Prix - the pilot decided to perform a bow over 'Bottom Bend' as it was then, facing the monied patrons of the Martini hospitality area behind the pit complex, whereupon the downdraft blew all the branded umbrellas into the air as well as deranging clothing and laying a layer of dust over all. Needless to say, those of us who couldn't afford such heights felt very sorry for them although it was impossible to stifle the laughter!!

Tony_S, I don't suppose that I have to remind everyone that the Millau Viaduct was the product of our very own Sir Norm.

BoD, Dick and Mick, I used to travel to Uni with all my possessions in an old 'steamer trunk' that my mum bought for the purpose (it was in a lot better condition than those stacked on Bodmin station in DD's lovely pics) - the trunk used to go by Red Star Parcels (remember those?), whilst I went by train! That reminds me, I've still got it in the garage - must get it on eBay.

Jamie, once again you have shown what a true friend you are, helping Tony get over his latest 'bad spell'. At least, unlike him, I have the knowledge that my pain should lessen in a few days time! It must be a great comfort to him to have the modelling to take his mind off his condition.

Geoff, our Uni called the first introduction period 'Fresher's Week' and I have to confess that it was used by predatory males to take young ladies 'under their wing', some of whom were staying away from home for the first time! Your post about the medication saddens me - I've long considered the drug supplying companies methods to be suspicious, with the possibility of inducements being offered, it is indeed a murky part of the industry. Perhaps Flávio, with his expertise, could doubtless throw some light on the subject, but I have noticed in the past the pharmaceutical representatives appear to be offered fairly generous salaries in the employment advertisements. Hope you get yours sorted soon. I have noticed over the last few months that my regularly (monthly) supplied medications often change companies from one month to the next although delivered by the same chemist.

Dave(TG), as BoD said, that is an exceptional set of atmospheric images, and I rather liked the poetic captions to match. Hope 'Is' and you are coping at the moment.

I may not be posting again tonight, but I simply don't know - hope the new week starts well for you all,

Kind regards,


Edited by Jock67B
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.....chemo 4/6 on Wed if all is well with the blood test on Tue Jock, thank you. We've just had friends from church spend a couple of hours chatting and sharing tea & cake with us.....a lovely slice of normality.





Edited by Torr Giffard LSWR 1951-71
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Been back and forth to Eashing, so lots of catching up to do.  The patient was oh so much brighter today and the catheter has been removed from his leg.  Still can't support his own weight, but he wolfed down some cooked chicken and was far more aware of his surroundings.  No talk about coming home yet, so I guess we are still a week away.


Great lesson in sportmanship on TV this afternoon.  Been watching the Solheim Cup (the ladies version of the Ryder Cup) between family gatherings and hospital visits and the US picked up a ball, believing the putt had been conceded.  Suzanne Petterson said no and Europe won that match, much to the amazement of all.  They then proceeded to throw away a 10-6 lead and lost 14.5/13.5 as the US were totally fired up over the injustice.


Daft bint….:-)




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I have something similar mounted on a rather heavy workbench, but a Workmate should be OK. You might want to bolt it to the Workmate and add some ballast under the Workmate (sandbags?). Some operations require you to exert a fair amount of force on the work-piece and you don't want things moving around on you when that is necessary.


The sandbag idea comes from a friend who mounted his tablesaw on a substantial MDF box with sandbag ballast. It makes things a lot safer!

I have a very heavy toolbox for that very purpose!


I've tried the table out and on the Workmate with the folding legs folded it measures 97cm to the router table top (recommended is 90cm) which seems pretty comfortable. If I stand it on my bench it's about 135cm, which is far to o high for safety. What I have done in the past is make a wooden base with a batten screwed underneath which is clamped into the Workmate vice. Tomorrow's job! I've decided that my first job will be 5 or 6 wooden bases for GBL locos - that should cover a lot of angles. Then using the pin on shaped pieces.


What worries me is:

a) the number of pieces left over and for which there is no sign in the instructions, and

b) having to use spares from my router drawer when machine screws were the wrong size, despite using a Trend router.


But otherwise a well designed and solid piece of kit, and not too expensive at about £200. (Cheaper at Amazon).

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We went looking at new couches yesterday. After about a minute in one showroom, my nose started to run like a tap, and continued to do so till I had to leave the showroom, upon which it stopped. I do not normally have allergies. I can't decide whether this is a good thing (an excuse not to go looking in any more showrooms in case it happens again) or a bad thing (little say in what is eventually bought, plus the possibility that a new couch could also affect me this way).

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  • RMweb Gold

We started looking for replacement sofas when the old ones were about 25 years old and looking a bit worn. I think it took another 7 years to find something we both liked. The present ones are wood and leather and don't seem to trigger any asthma problems for those so affected in this family!

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  • RMweb Gold

We had a nice afternoon out wandering round the Hyde Hall gardens. The "I am only buying bulbs, not plants" didn't last long. We did visit the tea rooms. Aditi asked if I would like a cake. I didn't and even declined to share one. I did remind Aditi there was a cream scone at home so we shared that on our return. Fortunately we had lunch before we went as unlike the summer plant shows there wasn't a pasty van or gourmet burger tent! The gift shop is in full Christmas mode but at least it isn't full of tat. I had a look at the toys for babies as we are expecting a new niece or nephew in early November. Our niece Maya is convinced that the new baby will be called George. Peppa Pig has a baby brother called George so Maya wants her own George. She may be disappointed as even if the baby is a boy I suspect it won't be a George.


Edited by Tony_S
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Lovely day here. Fall is not quite upon us, but it won't be long. The horse chestnuts are doing well. Unfortunately there are no William The Conkerers around here, so they'll probably go to waste. (Have conkers been banned in the UK yet?)




"Oi! Watch where you are pointing that thing."



Apparently, the buck does stop here. Shame really - he is far too tame. He'll be lucky if he survives to the end of hunting season.


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  • RMweb Premium

Left a nice sunny home and took DD2 to Preston. It was not quite as wet as last time but the sun was AWOL. Now for the first time in 25 years there  are no children present at all. Will it all end in divorce by Friday watch this space  

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  • RMweb Gold

Splendid time had today at Wembley and an interesting game with a fantastic atmosphere. No spoilers from me in case anyone hasn't seen it yet. Apparently we were part of a world record crowd for the tournament of over 89000. We were surrounded by Kiwis, Argentinians, French and the odd (very odd) Englishman. Not a bad word was uttered and beer is allowed in the ground as well. (unlike the round ball game I am reliably informed)

We went via Waterloo and then the Jubilee Line. It's been a long time since I travelled on the Tube when it was that crowded. Remind me not to do so again! Luckily Steve (who is a seasoned commuter) had decided that coming back would be far worse so he booked a cab from Addison Lee. Worth every penny in my opinion.

I think another pint is called for.


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  • RMweb Gold

I have just got back from Weston Park and made the almost fatal mistake of reading the entire 'Pseudonym' thread.


Fortunately I was resuscitated by BR2975's 'Guess where?' thread.  I even recognised most of the locations!


The house is all afrenzy at present, as an old friend of mine is staying over tomorrow night which will invariable involve an evening at the pub and malt whisky as nightcaps....................which reminds me that I have to sort out something for breakfast on Tuesday morning.


I don't think he has single malt for breakfast, but he does come from Aberdeen, so I may be wrong!

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  • RMweb Premium

Last Christmas I was given a second-hand Transacord Sounds Of Steam record which had been rescued from a car boot sale. Who needs expensive presents when you have friends like that?


Not one to rush things, today I finally got round to finding the old record player and some leads to connect it up.


Fantastic! I couldn't believe it. I played it 3 times over with the volume full up. smile.gif


Then I discovered the truth. I'd been playing it at 45rpm instead of 33.


Can you do that with a CD?



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I have just got back from Weston Park and made the almost fatal mistake of reading the entire 'Pseudonym' thread.


Fortunately I was resuscitated by BR2975's 'Guess where?' thread.  I even recognised most of the locations!


The house is all afrenzy at present, as an old friend of mine is staying over tomorrow night which will invariable involve an evening at the pub and malt whisky as nightcaps....................which reminds me that I have to sort out something for breakfast on Tuesday morning.


I don't think he has single malt for breakfast, but he does come from Aberdeen, so I may be wrong!

More likely a McEwans.

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Jock, quite right, intro week/freshers week are the same thing and as for predatory boys you get that in all walks of life. I will say this though; university is a great place to make new friends that in some cases last a lifetime and experiences there widen a person's outlook on life beyond the classroom teachings. However, for anyone being away from home for the first time, particularly someone who is shy or a poor mixer, uni can be a very lonely place. Even with thousands of people around campus. I am sure that all unis are the same in having student welfare teams who do their best to pick up on and support those who need it. Help is always available. I hope all those on here who have sent children off to uni for the first time will be reassured by this.


Stay safe all. 

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  • RMweb Premium

Morning all.


Bright sunny day with a gusty north wind brining warm air but expected to change later to a cold southerly.




Oh how I wish we could enjoy quiet Sundays supported by force of law.  We're not by any means in a noisy neighbourhood but Sundays seems to be the one day of the week when everyone mows lawns, deploys their leaf-blowers, revs their cars, does laps of the block on the motorbikes and plays music loudly outdoors.  


I'm all in favour of some social interaction but that's the one thing we don't seem to get - everyone pretty much keeps themselves to themselves and you're sometimes treated like an intruder if you happen so stroll past and say G'day.




Fresher's Week
Memories!  It was 1975.  And then again in 1976 as I deferred after three weeks owing to illness.  A great social introduction to university life but challenging for the shy, the socially-awkward and (at that time) those of right-of-centre political views and those who preferred the nocturnal company of their own sex.  Yes there was an element of "taking under the wing" but it only seemed to work on those who were willing to be taken; some were quite forthright in their unwillingness.  I was in my final year and responsible for some of the organisation before I became aware of the Student Union's annual "First to *** a Fresher" contest at which the prize was bragging rights at the bar. Somehow that didn't stand scrutiny alongside their vocal campaign advocating equality of rights.  But we were mostly of a similar age, away from home for the first time and in some cases on a mission of social discovery for the first time also ;)


Enjoy life - it's the only one we know we've got.  

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