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I had to replace a brass strip on a wagon I'm repairing.  Apply superglue to strapping; attach strapping to wagon; blow on strapping to get the glue to set; splashback.


I won't be saying much for the next day or two.  Sustenance by straw.



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well, got my list of jobs done today (brownie points gained!) 


You do realize brownie points have a half-life of 15.42 minutes?


The CEU* on the other hand has a half-life of 0.832 years.





*Career Ending Unit

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Morning all.


Sat here reading through BoB fly-pasts and low-flying exploits and thought I heard the level crossing bells start up.  That would be unusual as the nearest is over a kilometre away and are only ever heard here on a very quiet night with the wind in a particular direction.  


And the bells went on and on.  Ten minutes and they were still going.  I opened the back door to check if the sound really was coming from the distant railway.  No difference.  Another five minutes ..... I checked the rail operator's website in case there was a problem affecting the line (crossing booms stuck down, for instance) but no.


I had to walk through the house to the bedroom to pick up the mobile in order to check the "Notify" app which details real-time issues.  So as I approached the bedroom I slowly heard more and more of .........


......... the tone I had set for the alarm sounding at the time I had set it for!  All that was reaching me through the house was one bass note exactly matching in tone and frequency the gong used on level crossings here!!!  And I was out of bed long before the set time just because I needed to be.


Think I might book in at the local Senile Persons' Asylum  -  or SPA for short.  ;)





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Good morning one and all


Today the car is being taken for service.  A month or so ago I took a silent phone call.  Such things are irritatingly frequent but I dialled 1471 as always and for once there was a number.  I rang it and found myself talking to a branch of the VW main dealership.  They now know that whenever possible I report silent calls to Ofcom.  Had the caller seen fit to speak he would have reminded me that my car would soon be due for servicing and that I have a service contract.  Now there are several reasons why I know this - the monthly payment for said service contract, the little spanner that appears on the dashboard when the car is 500 miles or less away from the due date and a symbol reminding one of a part-eaten cheese and a figure which being interpreted means the number of days to go.  Dear dealership:  I think these are sufficient, don't you?  Clearly not.


Did I pass the audition for "Grumpy Old Men"?


A votre sante, mes braves



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Morning All,


It is a very damp morning here.  It appears to have been raining for most of the night.


Coupled to that, I have a headache.


Oh well - I don't doubt things will improve as the day goes on.


Time for a cup of tea!


Have a good day everyone...

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Both institutions claim her it would appear, though DMU mention UCL affiliation and UCL don't mention DMU so I suspect the UCL page needs updating.

Perhaps one of them is a robot.


Morning all

Have a good day.

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Many thanks for all your notes of concern and support. 


Had a call from the Fitzpatrick last night.  Jackie took the call and of course is very upset, but as far as I can gather, they ran the MRI and Archie has dislodged a disc (between T12 & T13?) that is pressing on the nerves running up his spinal column.  They will operate today to correct it, but we're unsure if that means removal of the disc and fusion of the two vertebrae or just trimming of the disc itself.  Having had similar surgery a few years back, I have a basic understanding of what's involved and am more hopeful all will be OK as I went from struggling to walk 50 yards to playing golf four times a week through the skill of an orthopaedic surgeon in a very short time.


The operation sounds OK but the key issue afterwards is to get him up and about with physio and for him to be able to urinate normally.


I'm just amazed how a day can change instantly and how a simple leap up the stairs can end up like this.  I can't imagine how people deal with these issues without pet insurance.  

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Morning all. Sunny here at the moment.


No news from jock so hope all went well yesterday.


A bit of undercoating and glossing of doors to do today while I await some sound chips.


Have a good day.



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Morning all, although it looks gloomy it is dry at present. Tea and toast is being consumed and after my birthday on Monday I am grappling with the idea of being a year away from retirement. Due to the carp builder financially I cannot afford to retire while the children are still students. Fortunately I can continue to work until I decide to retire as the threat of redundancy is receding at the moment.


. Have a good day all..  

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Morning all from a sunny village while watching the loevley Lisa doing the local weather forecast on Look North. Got various jobs done yesterday and even managed another stage of the great modelling room tidy up.  I now have a mountain of paper to bring downstairs and out in the recycling bin.  Another pile of books that I need to either find somewhere to put away or off to the charity shop.  I did however find various goodies including an etch that has some straps on it that I need for the last two gantries on Green Ayre.  They will save me a lot of filing and drilling.   Beth h  as set off for an early physio appointment so at the moment the house is quiet as the cats are sleeping off their breakfast.  I suspect that some domestic duties will be required later but in the meantime a bot of modelling will hopefully be done.


Tomorrow Beth is off to France to visit a schoolfriend, after I drop her at the airport at silly o clock I'm off on a grumpy old man's day out with my mate.  We're off to Edinburgh to ride the Borders Railway and also we're going to walk down to see the Quintinshill memorial that's on the road to Leith where the Royal Scots came from.   Should be a good day out.   Due to the early start I'll have to pack my sandwiches and bag tonight.


Hope to hear some good news from Jock today and Gordon, hope that the op goes OK.



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Greetings groovy protoplasms from that most humdrum of London regions.


Gordon, all the best for poor Archie. "Super Vet's" reputation is such that if anyone can do the job, he can. 


Was hoping to see some good news from Jock this morning. Lets hope that no news IS good news.


Not much to report from here. Dull, grey, damp, the usual. The knee is feeling a lot better but I'm still going to take it easy until I see the physio on Friday. Well that's my excuse for not commuting into the mother ship, and I'm sticking to it.


Have a good day everyone.

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Mornin' all,


Mainly overcast but dry and warm in The Moorlands for the 07.30 constitutional.....would need lights to go out much earlier.


Smashing outing in the sunshine to Anglesey yesterday....some useful information gathered, good fish & chips and a couple of pints in Conwy....great opportunity for a chinwag and general catch-up.


A trip to the centre later for Is to have a PIC line flush....I'll take her out for lunch first if she is up for it.


Now music by Boots Randolph....Yakety sax


Enjoy what you do


Feathered ones provided for



Edited by Torr Giffard LSWR 1951-71
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Got a good soaking this morning as I looked in the wrong direction for my short range weather check! The wind is, unusually, from the East this morning which also means we have the 'delightful' aromas from the fishmeal factory in Killybegs wafting our way.


No posts for a while after today as I am off to the UK again. SVR on Friday, Scaleforum on Saturday, then off to see family and friends in Devon and Cornwall. Hoping for fine weather!


Hope to hear some good news from Jock before I go. Hope all goes well with your four legged friend Gordon. And the rest of you just look after yourselves.

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