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  • RMweb Premium

Afternoon all from Estuary-Land. Just made a pot of tea and as I took the milk from the fridge I realised that today's pint was still sitting on the doorstep! this was despite my going out and coming in today. Fortunately because of the weather today it didn't suffer any ill effects, if it had been warmer I would have had a pint of yoghurt.

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Evenin' all,


Happy birthday to Mick & Simon.


Poor day of weather in The Moorlands today....put paid to the constitutional earlier.


Some modelling enjoyed instead...see TG thread.


A small group of us are off to Anglesey tomorrow researching a future book....looking forward to fish & chips and a pint in Conwy.


Feathered ones provided for


Enjoy what you do



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  • RMweb Premium

A late Happy Birthday Mick - hope you have time to enjoy the beer this evening.


Didn't get out on the bike tonight - too much to do and not enough time to get ready so I've bailed.


Anyhow, it does mean more layout building time.....


Have a good evening folks, I'll probably pop in again later, although I have a very ER (for me) at 6.30am to pick up at 7am for a driving test at 8.20.




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  • RMweb Gold

Evening all,

Mick - I raise my glass and drink your health sir.

Returned from Swindon at midday but only just got around to catching up. Enjoyed the show and the company (Bob 81C and Mrs Bob) and a good night was had by all. Only bought a couple of wagons at the show but then earned lots of Brownie points by buying The Boss a new ring in the outlet village. We've been looking for months for the right one (our Sapphire anniversary was in June) and at long last she found something she liked and it fitted!

Hopefully the pressure will now be off when & if  parcels start arriving in the next few weeks!

Another pint of Abbot is called for I think.

Bob :drinks:

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  • RMweb Premium

Quick swing by.


win 10 issues! E mail won't send, a common issue when you google it!  Currently running scans to (allegedly) fix it.  This sort of thing is why I hate computers, the e mail worked for two days and then doesn't - but nothing was changed. :butcher:  :butcher:  :butcher:  :butcher:  :butcher:  :butcher:

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  • RMweb Gold

I didn't activate email  when I loaded Windows 10 as I loaded it on to a old Acer notebook which doesn't get used much, I'm surprised that it loaded to be honest given all the issues people seem to be having.

Its given me the chance to have a good look around, play with it etc. Its early days and I'm sure it will sort eventually.


I tend to get my email via my mobile though I do have Outlook on the main pc.


After my issues with viruses and trojans this morning I can understand the frustration Neil!

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  • RMweb Premium

Happy Birthday, Mick. Hope you enjoyed those beers. 


Strange day here as both children had to take the day off poorly. One has been seen by the GP and is now on a course of treatment. 


Thoughts are with Jock and his family. 


Looks like my new job is in jeopardy. Bit of a shame that as I was hoping it would be an exciting thing to do and see me through to retirement. 


Night all. 

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Evening All,


Firstly, Happy Birthday to Mick.


AndyB I hope that your work situation stabilises! having recently gone through the loss of a job (caused by poor management decisions which basically wiped out the customer base, leading to the almost complete folding of the company), I know how unpleasant it can be.


After my very, very late arrival home from London (or very early - depending upon when you consider the day to start), I spent the day in a semi vegetative state. However, I did watch some guitar tutorials on YouTube which has rekindled my desire to play again. My game plan is to learn one song for each of my guitars. First off would be Muddy Waters' Mannish Boy to be played on my Epiphone Sheraton with the Seymour Duncan Jazz pickups. With my modelling amp and the Line 6 M13 Modelling pedal board I'm pretty much set up to get playing immediately (although I am tempted to buy the Boss RC1 Looper pedal so that I can play against myself/with myself). I chose the Muddy Waters song as it's very straightforward, but the original introduction by Muddy Waters has some typical blues licks which will make me practice my vibrato and bending (as prescribed by Dr Trisonic). Once. I've mastered that I'll dig out the Pete Townshend Edition SG and try my hand at the Who's version of Summertime Blues (unless Doc Trisonic would recommend something else). Of course, now that AC/DC's Whole Lotta Rosie has become a persistent ear worm! I might also try my hand at that (your thoughts, Pete?)


Anyway a relatively early bed for me tonight. I'm keeping my fingers crossed for a happy outcome for Jock (IIRC his Grandson's surgery is tomorrow)


G'night all



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Sounds alright to me, Flavio.

For vibrato I’d add (not the whole songs) “Steppin’ Out” off the John Mayall “Beano” album, “Lawdy Mama” by Albert King  - this is the one that Cream transformed (or ripped off) into “Strange Brew” at the behest of the Erteguns of Atlantic Records and the solo off “Sunshine of Your Love” - original version from Disraeli Gears - it actually starts with a “cop” from the song “Blue Moon” - Geddit?


Take your time and just keep at it now and again. Don’t turn it into a chore....


Best, Pete.


PS Meant to add use the Gibson SG Special for vibrato practice. I have one too and it just helps....

Edited by trisonic
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Evening all. A heavy workload at the start of the school year has rather kept me off RMWeb recently. I popped on tonight to find 458 unread ER posts. I skim read through, but have probably missed so much. Best wishes to all, especially those with minor or more serious ailments. I have paid close attention to all of Jock's posts and send thoughts and regards to Jock and his family. I really hope the operation is a success and that Matthew improves soon. I also hope that the radiotherapy goes well too.


To everyone else take care too.

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  • RMweb Gold

I don't know if it is connected but apparently Newcastle football team had to leave their coach and walk the last mile to West Ham's ground.

Personally I think it's Jeremy Corbyn's fault.

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Blimey. What happened?

A lorry shed its load on the A13 and apparently the road needs to be re-surfaced. There was a tailback of about a miles at 15:30 so I wouldn't like to guess what it was like later

AndyB - I really hope that the work situation resolves itself soon.


Jock - Thinking of you and your family. Here's hoping that Matthew has a quick recovery.


It's just taken me over 30 minutes to make my sandwiches for tomorrow. I was a little bit distracted watching 6 degrees of separation on BBC2 hosted by professor Brian Cox. Well worth watching.


Night all

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  • RMweb Premium

Thanks for the good wishes the four beers London Pride, Timothy Taylors Landlord, Black sheep ale and Fursty Ferrett all beers I have heard off but never drunk so I will enjoy them slowly. Like wine strong beer is liquid cake for a diabetic so moderation will be needed.

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  • RMweb Premium

Evening all.

Aditi set off homewards about 4 hours ago. East London is somewhat gridlocked. Just arriving now!

Robbie is very excited!

I know from bitter experience what it can be like on the A13. Problem is there is no alternative routes, the only other road is the A127 and in the event can be even worse. This is why I advised Jock to avoid the bottom end of the A130 during the evening rush.

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Evening all.  My camera disappeared about a fortnight ago.  Looked everywhere in the house and Mike even had a look in his garage (last place I'd seen it, and if you think I'm untidy .....)  So this evening I was in my garage soldering Bavarian Prellbock and laying track on a new Höchstädt board.  Couldn't find the track pins.  Instigated a search and looked in the ice cream tub containing my scenery acrylics, well I do put things in daft places.  No track pins, but nestling amongst the tubes of paint was my camera.  What the **** was it doing there?


I even found the track pins, actually where I keep them, but do you think I'm logical enough to look in the correct place first?


I've also made up my LED lighting rigs.  Not that many lumens and unsuitable as layout lifgting, but will be effective in fiddle yards.  Now that I've found my camera, I could take some photos. 


Best wishes to all of you.



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  • RMweb Premium

Yes it was due to emergency road re-surfacing after a lorry shed its load. Aditi said the radio report said it was a scrap lorry this morning. I'm not sure why the road needed re-surfacing.




Usually because the tarmac has been burnt..

The scrap could have fallen off the lorry and damaged the road surface as it did so, probably gouged a chunk out of the road. There was a rather spectacular picture of a lorry fire on Facebook this morning, the lorry was laden with straw that was ignited by a spark from the exhaust.

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