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Morning all…:-)


The weekend starts here…Cathy Mcgowan/Keith Fordyce?


Made a complete arse of myself yesterday.  After many years use, I decided to replace my golf clubs and picked up a new set yesterday.  First problem is the distances hit are now much longer, so all my club decisions are out of the window and most shots yesterday went straight over the greens.  That's just a recalibration issue for me, so will just need a few more practice days to reset the database in my head.


The biggest problem was last night in our challenge match against the club captain/vice captain.  First hole and I'm in the bunker.  Usual swing, a great heap of sand into the air, but the ball is still sitting there.  A silent curse, so I did it again.  Same result.  What on earth is going on?  Then I looked down and was surprised to see a perfectly cut piece of protective film still attached to the clubface……:-)


Once the laughter from the other three had subsided, I was told that my entry into the Captains monthly blog was guaranteed, so now the whole club will know….. :lol:


Weeks of leg pulling lie ahead...


Got 20 of Jackie's family here tomorrow for MiL's birthday, so I'm working on an escape route that can be used to take a break now and again…..

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Meh... definitely early riser today (5:50am local) due to earthquake, as in "oh CARP EARTHQUAKE GRAB BABY!", only M5.3 but directly under Tokyo Bay, largest one felt here since 2011. No damage reported, though a poorly secured temporary part of my layout did partially collapse (no trains were running at the time).


I wish you peaceful slumber while I caffeinate my circulation.

Good to hear that the railsquids and squidling are safe and sound.


However, as you suffered significant damage to your railway infrastructure, won't you be eligible for a Government emergency rebuilding grant?


Just asking

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Morning all, and it's a damp one here.


Not sure what is going on but a brief foray into the garage last night resulted in most of the station throat being assembled, tested and the first train running off the main onto the branch and back into the fiddle yard. So, whoever has my normal gremlins, thanks for looking after them! I may tempt fate, by the remaining track and points and finish the job today. :locomotive:


The layout is based in the SW and has a coastal / estuarine feel to it. A corny name was needed, so as it is swmbo's wedding anniversary (and mine!) next week we thought "Tinmouth".   


I was planning on going to the Woking exhibition today but my youngest has come down with a head cold, was up with "man flu" during the early hours and at 05;30 was enquiring when breakfast would be served. 


Never good to hear about earthquakes in Japan. This one was centred a stone's throw from where my former partner lives; she's not in the country at the moment, thankfully. 


Nice to hear of Jamie's exploits and the beer-related meet up yesterday. 


Have a nice day everyone. Andy

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Morning all


Dreary start with showers to follow for a day or two. Autumn draws on!


Glad Jock's grandson has a pukka diagnosis at last. Now everyone knows what and how. Heart surgery sounds terrifying, but there seem to be many who are testament to its efficacity.


Polly might have gone the other route from Kew. Overground to Willesden Junction, down one short flight of stairs and directly into Euston. Much nicer!


The railway promises to be likely to perform at least partially this afternoon. A couple of sound-equipped locos, purchased about 8 years ago, seem likely to thrill the youngsters, and after some reluctance they are now working well. I have many more with sound, but these will fit the bill. Enabling a child to sound bell and whistle may not be the low-spot of his day.


As posted in the W10 thread, it is not for me. Too much messing about required to stop it being entirely in my face when I want to use the Internet. A disgusting mess, frankly. Why do I want a Newsfeed? Couldn't see how to disable it permanently, so as Internet is my main use of a computer, that's that.


Hope your weekend goes well and Debs enjoys ExpoEM!

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Morning all…:-)


The weekend starts here…Cathy Mcgowan/Keith Fordyce?


Actually I think it was an unknown staffer of “Ready Steady Go!” - funnily enough I only remember Cathy McGowan yet she took over from Fordyce

Alternatively the programme  only took off (n all regions) when she took over (with the introduction of Manfred Mann’s “5-4-3-2-1”)?


“Mod” favorite’s TV. As discussed before, im passim, Mods predated The Beatles in London


Next you’ll be telling us that you appeared in the audience (handpicked from London clubs)?


Best, Pete.

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No such luck Pete….:-(


Nearest I got to London clubs was The Marquee in Wardour Street.  Geno Washington, Long John Baldry, Alexis Korner etc.  Great times.


I watched the History of the Eagles Pt1 & 2 a few nights back.  Always liked their music, but the stories about the characters in the band were fascinating.  Well worth a watch if you see it reappear on Sky Arts.

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This is the intensity map on a scale of 1~7; "3" is not unusual, "4" is "buttock-clenching, things may fall off shelves carp carp hope this doesn't get stronger". "7" is "rescue yourself from a burning and/or collapsed building".


My first earthquake was in Tokyo - I was on the top floor of the Toshiba building  near the Diet. First thing I did was to look out the window but only saw dust rising over the city (because you vibrate at the same amplitude).

We only got worried when the locals did because it went on for over two minutes. Only a 5.7 yet very unsettling with hindsight.


Best, Pete.

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No such luck Pete….:-(


Nearest I got to London clubs was The Marquee in Wardour Street.  Geno Washington, Long John Baldry, Alexis Korner etc.  Great times.


I watched the History of the Eagles Pt1 & 2 a few nights back.  Always liked their music, but the stories about the characters in the band were fascinating.  Well worth a watch if you see it reappear on Sky Arts.

 Amazingly I saw Geno Washington (and Roger Chapman - but not together) performing on a “recent” (probably a few years old in the UK) “Midsomer Murders”......


Yes, unfortunately, I am aware of The Eagles backstory - I thought they went downhill when Joe Walsh joined. I was in the audience of their first show in the UK at Shepherd’s Bush - with the original lineup and Glenn Frey literally kept the audience laughing with his pithy comments (mostly about the sexual performance of London women - in favor of). 


Nowadays I really only listen to their first two albums... Do you know I used to be in an Eagles tribute band? Not for long but it was fun. I tell you, more people really like The Eagles than they let on.


Best, Pete.

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Morning all.  I regret I've had no time to even scan through the past 24 hours or so.  Generic considerations therefore accordingly and with my apologies for absence of anything more specific.


I've clocked a lot of air miles.  Fifteen times around the world now on my apparently regular commute between Melbourne and London.  Plus a decent number of domestic flights and a couple to Kiwi-land.


I'm therefore a very well rehearsed packer for such trips and know exactly what goes into which bag.  Basically my camera gear takes up the 7kgs cabin allowance and fits inside its own bag which is inside a backpack that also contains the mandatory liquids, aerosols and gels bag.  Passport, driving licence, bank cards and any cash go in my money belt around my neck and dropped inside my shirt for invisibility.  Everything else is in the checked bag and thanks are due to Emirates (my regular long-haul carrier) for their generous 30kg free allowance therein.  


Were there to be an emergency I would very likely try to grab the camera gear but who can really tell how one will respond unless such an event ever happens?  My ID and other critical stuff would already be hung around my neck.


Warm sun here for a weekend which requires my Attendance at the Palace for virtually all of it.  Not so much of an embuggerance when one considers that today marked the first occasion this (forthcoming) Spring upon which I witnessed a failure of boob tape to secure the contents at a critical moment ;)  Moral of the story = if you need such things for your attire then don't try to run for your train while wearing stilettos, holding a coffee in one hand and your ticket and a handbag in the other!


Enjoy your day. 

Edited by Gwiwer
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Morning all,


Have to go caerphilly on this page although as a result of a  cheesy remark like that I might well finish up in caldicot.  Probably off to Swindon as today's weather looks better than tomorrow's but the train service is carp so it might well have to be courtesy Monsieur Peugeot.


Have a good day one & all and check for the BoB flypasts here




Seems I did finish up in caldicot - can't be helped

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Morning all. No further news of Stewart to report, he was hoping to be out today but we shall see. Having a leisurely trawl through RMWeb was interrupted by an urgent knock on the door.  I thought it was Stewart's wife with an update but no, two ladies representing the Jehova's Witnesses were just about to find themselves out of luck again. It must be a thankless task but they stick to it gamely.

Stay safe all.

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two ladies representing the Jehova's Witnesses were just about to find themselves out of luck again.


I struck a deal with two such callers on one occasion.


I was willing to give them five minutes of my time if they then listened to me for five.


They agreed, sensing perhaps at least a "Watchtower" sale in the offing.  I duly listened to their carefully rehearsed speech.  I then reminded them it was my turn and opened my account with "I sell life insurance ......... "


I never had JWs at that door again.

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Morning all - after the very dry weather for the past week or so, it is persisting down this morning.  No gardening, so time spent writing an article on a Day in the Life of a Ratty Guard for our club newsletter, then attempted some repairs on a friend's Bachmann V3, so far without success.  I might get outside later as it is due to stop raining, and the sky does look brighter to the south west!

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Nowadays I really only listen to their first two albums... Do you know I used to be in an Eagles tribute band? Not for long but it was fun. I tell you, more people really like The Eagles than they let on.


Best, Pete.

The last live music performance I attended was in Hornchurch and it was to see an Eagles tribute band, called Talon. I thought they were rather good.


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 Amazingly I saw Geno Washington (and Roger Chapman - but not together) performing on a “recent” (probably a few years old in the UK) “Midsomer Murders”......


Yes, unfortunately, I am aware of The Eagles backstory - I thought they went downhill when Joe Walsh joined. I was in the audience of their first show in the UK at Shepherd’s Bush - with the original lineup and Glenn Frey literally kept the audience laughing with his pithy comments (mostly about the sexual performance of London women - in favor of). 


Nowadays I really only listen to their first two albums... Do you know I used to be in an Eagles tribute band? Not for long but it was fun. I tell you, more people really like The Eagles than they let on.


Best, Pete.


It's amazing (and slightly amusing) that many folk think of The Eagles as a West Coast band, when they actually started out in gritty old Detroit, land of the MC5 and The Stooges! 'Hotel California' still sounds wonderful on the radio, not their only hit I know but still an absolute corker.


Dark clouds bearing lots of wet stuff hereabouts, looks like the Mini Show at Stanford Hall tomorrow might be a washout, ah well it should keep the mileage down. Having a spot of gip with our 'phone line at present but can still access the internet, no emails though which is odd. A call to the BT helpline has established a fault somewhere but won't be fixed good and proper for a few days, in the meantime I can access RMWeb, Amazon and various forums but it's all very slow. The perfect excuse to get some DIY done but I can't be a*sed with all that, so I'll be backing up all my railway photos instead!


Mind how you go all ;o)

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Have a good day one & all and check for the BoB flypasts here



No flying today. I've been grounded on galley cleaning duty. 

Oh, sorry. Thought you said BoD.


Actually given the weather outside I don't mind too much being grounded. Although housework wasn't supposed to be on the list.


Rick.  I do hope you gave said lady your undivided care and attention which, as a railway employee, it was your bounden duty so to do.


Thoughts to all of those on the various stages of coping and recovering.

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It's amazing (and slightly amusing) that many folk think of The Eagles as a West Coast band, when they actually started out in gritty old Detroit, land of the MC5 and The Stooges! 'Hotel California' still sounds wonderful on the radio, not their only hit I know but still an absolute corker.


Only Frey came from Detroit. Out of the others, Henley’s a Texan, Leadon was from Minneapolis and Meisner was from Nebraska.


My understanding was they met when they formed Linda Ronstadt’s band - rather when they each were invited to form her band. When I saw them in London (either late 1971 or early 1972) they were very “tight” on stage which I couldn’t understand as they hadn’t done many gigs (at the time). Then it was explained to me by the Ronstadt connection (I had zero interest in her music). I was with EMI at the time which was their label (via Asylum) in Europe.


That’s all I know of their early history, except that Randy Meisner was in the Stone Canyon Band of Rick(y) Nelson. I knew this because they were released by Decca in the UK and at that time I was also with Decca....


Best, Pete.

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