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Guest Max Stafford

Reminds me I'll need an eye test - I'm getting a bit long-sighted. I can read the small printing on a model a foot away perfectly. Move it in six inches and it starts getting very blurred!

Shed 1 is well cleared out - three bags full no less. Guys at the tip will be busy tomorrow!

Now for the evening doggywalk!

Sorry I didn't catch you today Mick, I did call in at Mike's to see if you were about!



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  • RMweb Gold

I don't really need distance glasses but the left and right eye are slightly different and I've got a pair of glasses that I wear for driving that equalise the eyes. For reading I need glasses but I've got what are called "occupational" lenses, like varifocal but reading at the bottom and about arms length focus at the top. I call them my "eating" glasses. When I first had reading glasses and looked in a mirror I noticed a growth on the surface of the eye. My GP sent me off to the hospital where the consultant reassured me that I wouldn't live long enough for it to be a problem! It hasn't been so far.



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Evening all!


Excuse the very late posting today, just been a busy day. Hope everyone enjoyed their Saturday. I took the littl'un out with a friend of mine today, but Jamie was under the weather. Didn't really want to play or eat, just wanted to sleep. Ended up projectile vomiting her dinner...


On the plus side, I did get my climbing gear bought. Going again on Monday and am getting fed up with hiring kit so go my own.


The cricket was interesting, but England ran out of luck today. Yesterday night's podcast was great fun, Aggers trying to get Geoffrey to say certain phrases for the listeners to play "Boycott Bingo"... "I could ov 'it that wi' a stick o' roooobarb", "uncovered pitches", "my mum could ov caught that in 'er pinny", "I could ov bowled 'im out wi' an orange"... and so on...

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  • RMweb Gold

Evening all!


Excuse the very late posting today, just been a busy day. Hope everyone enjoyed their Saturday. I took the littl'un out with a friend of mine today, but Jamie was under the weather. Didn't really want to play or eat, just wanted to sleep. Ended up projectile vomiting her dinner...






I hope Jamie is OK now. Matthew's Grandfather and Uncle (both doctors) once had a conversation about whether Matthew's vomiting as a baby qualified as projectile. Apparently according to his uncle "projectile" had to be powerful enough to involve a rebound. While I was clearing up they went into a conversation about something worse than projectile vomiting!



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  • RMweb Premium

Evening all, returned from Carlisle happily it was a success Becky has a place at university! We set off at 5.30 and crossed the cat and fiddle in low cloud got on the M6 and the weather got better and better. Sorting out somewhere to stay was big problem but I think we have sorted it though I could be wrong. The natives were friendly and coped with my drive through the city centre. The volvo coped well but possibly burnt about £70 of fuel even at legal speeds for 404 miles. Sorry I missed you Dave but it was after 12.15 before we found out that she had been succesful and then began the search for a room. Sometime over the next three years I am sure we can meet up.

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Glad to hear you had a successful day, Mick and congrats to Becky. I recall that day with Katy when we all went to Cardiff and the processes involved. Before you know it, she'll have graduated as the time just flies by.


Oh the joys of projectile vomiting...Thankfully I don't do it so much now..


Either that or my aim has got better. wink.gif


Spent the day out in the garage sorting the place out. Mrs S came out and helped and made the job far easier. Before I knew it she had plastic storage bins all labelled up and plumbing/electrical/pond stuff all orgaised and filed away. It's never been to tidy. Even got ladders and bikes up on brackets on the wall. Still got to attack the machinery room and make up storage drawers to go under the benches, but I don't recognise the place now.

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  • RMweb Premium

Morning all...


Good to hear all went well, Mick :) . Very calm outside and in less than two hours we'll be setting sail for Leipzig once again. Will report back some time in the afternoon or evening.



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Morning All,


Today looks like another reasonable day. Yesterday's barbecue turned out not to be too bad - lots of people there, and I didn't end up feeling like a spare part. I've got a couple of things planned for today - one of which is changing a tap washer for a friend. I don't expect it will take too long from what she's said - but I will plan plenty of time just in case!


Sorry to hear that Jamie isn't feeling too well Sixoh - However, that she wants to sleep is good. That's what my little guy does when he is under the weather. He'll sleep for the best part of a couple of days and then wake up right as rain. He's never been one for projectile vomiting though - it is actually quite rare that he vomits at all. However, the last time, it was all over me - which isn't an experience I am too keen to repeat!


Have a good (vomit free) day everyone...

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A friend recently asked me to put a washer on a bath tap.




Until I got there and found huge Victorian brass taps that were welded with verdigris at the joints and used washers in a size unknown to DIY stores.

I had to make one in the end.

Four hours to change a washer!

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  • RMweb Gold

Evening all, returned from Carlisle happily it was a success Becky has a place at university! We set off at 5.30 and crossed the cat and fiddle in low cloud got on the M6 and the weather got better and better. Sorting out somewhere to stay was big problem but I think we have sorted it though I could be wrong. The natives were friendly and coped with my drive through the city centre. The volvo coped well but possibly burnt about £70 of fuel even at legal speeds for 404 miles. Sorry I missed you Dave but it was after 12.15 before we found out that she had been succesful and then began the search for a room. Sometime over the next three years I am sure we can meet up.


Great news for Becky and I hope the accommodation works out as you hope as well.




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Morning all. Congrats to Becky. Only an hour on the train along Hadrian's Wall to civilisation! ;) (Sorry Dave, only kidding!)


Lazy morning so far, been reading my detective novel. Should really have been getting on with jobs but needed a little R&R.

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  • RMweb Premium

Morning all


Been awake since just after 5 (dog decided to say good morning before dawn today) but didn't get up until about half nine, as there was nowhere else to go until I had some assistance with the stairs. I couldn't even get on to do a real ER post, as the laptop was downstairs and I was up. Had a major triumph today, as for the first time in five weeks, I didn't have to rely on having a strip wash sitting down, as with a bit of help, I was able to get into the bath and have a shower - the strip wash was thorough (took about 30 minutes) but very unpleasant so the shower was sheer bliss, I can say.


Mick Great news about Becky and her place at uni - that's one less worry now - I think you said that you had concerns as she has hearing problems - as I said to others on here, please stress that the transition from the discipline of school to the much more free approach at uni is probably one of the biggest changes that she will ever encounter - and that's from one who failed to make the transition. Hope the M6 was kind to you - I tend to avoid it whenever I can, even though I only live about three miles from J34.

Sixoh Hope Jamie's throwing up ends soon - it can be most disconcerting when a complete dinner is recyled at speed and over half the room.


Weather here could go any which way as six oktas, bit still white and not leaking.


Got a bit of good news that my brother has (at long last) had surgery on his broken ankle (op was postponed every day for two weeks) and is now recovering at home - we can now compare notes about our hospital experienced!

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  • RMweb Premium

Teaching Becky how to use washing machine will be good plan.


If she's a typical student, all she'll need is a holdall to bring the laundry at weekends and to take back the clean clothes afterwards!

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  • RMweb Premium

She will not be coming home at weekends as it is at least 170 miles and we have not found out how much the bus or train fare home will be but as it will all be coming out of her student loan I don't think we will see her that often.

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Drove over to Yatton to photograph 6024 King Edward I racing through Yatton Station. One of the shots is tucked away in one of the Galleries on this site. I think that there was a rail carrier passing through which delighted the guys with video cameras at the other side of the crossing, not.


Did anyone manage to see The Duchess on the move yesterday?

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  • RMweb Premium

She will not be coming home at weekends as it is at least 170 miles and we have not found out how much the bus or train fare home will be but as it will all be coming out of her student loan I don't think we will see her that often.

Carlisle is not a bad place to spend weekends - or indeed any other days. I've always found it to be a pleasant city with a fair selection of pubs, food outlets, etc.

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  • RMweb Gold

Morning all feeling a bit more alive now cleaning and tidying looks like todays list. Teaching Becky how to use washing machine will be good plan.




Teaching Matthew about coin operated launderettes is something he will need to know when he leaves home as apparently there are coin operated machines in the hall at Leicester. I'm not sure if there are any round here though to demonstrate the process, though I seem to recall that the most important thing is to check that nobody has left a red sock in from the previous wash.



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Evening All,


Changing the tap washer proved to be a job left well alone. The main gate valve was frozen solid and so I was unable to turn the water off. As it is Sunday, and everywhere is closed I didn't want to risk breaking the valve and having (metered) water flowing continuously. It is a rented flat, and so my friend will be ringing the Hausmeister (caretaker) tomorrow to get the job sorted out by him! Still, all was not lost - we had a very nice lunch instead!

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  • RMweb Gold
and have a shower


That's the one thing I was concerned about - I just can't do without them and have a couple a day. Fortunately with the aid of plastic stool and a device called a Limbo (a commercial version of the plastic bag over the plaster cast) I was able to have them from day one which contributed greatly to my wellbeing on coming out of hospital.

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Guest Max Stafford

Fortunately with the aid of plastic stool...


I had visions of the NHS trust buyer placing a big order at his local joke shop there mate...! ;)



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