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By the time I taught chemistry (only when they couldn't find anyone else) anything going bang was definitely not allowed.

When I did A level chemistry there were loads of warnings about what would happen if you were not careful and allowed certain reactions to occur above certain temperatures.

The warnings, oh yes, but also a carrot in the form of a summer school on explosives and other violent reactions at QM College UL as an element of our A level chemistry course. This was truly excellent as it was a multi school event, and some of the other schools had females taking A level chemistry (unlike our boring all blokes group) including one dazzler with whom I had real chemistry. She was interested in me, which came as a true revelation. That was a good summer.

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We didn't cause any bangs in our science lessons at school but I do remember one incident where the teacher managed to spill mercury on his desk. It settled in globules so all he did was push the globules back into a test tube with his fingers.  :O  We all seemed to survive the experience anyway. Goodnight all.

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My daughter had her appendix removed this afternoon, and sent me a text at tea-time. . I rang her about 9.00pm and she was feeling sore/groggy/tired. . .I said to sleep and I would ring again in the morning..


Thanks for all the "hearts" and support.


Goodnight Everyone and sleep well.



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  • RMweb Premium

I remember having a chemistry set.

Or at least I did have one until I stained the dining room table purple.


That's in the same vein with our driving instructor who said he managed to fabricate significant amounts of gaseous chlorine with his chemistry set and a few unofficial additions…


Morning all!

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Morning all,

Managed to read a few pages in reverse, and must say how delightful it is to see Debs avatar appear a few times! John(Two_sugars), glad to hear that your 'wee one' is recovering well, and good news in the main about Mal from Gabe via Rick (very much indebted to you both for your efforts!) and Flávio appears to be over the worst - all we need now is news on Stewart, which I know Geoff will transmit as soon as he hears. Glad to hear that You are mending Duncan and the lovely shots from Dave(TG) would suggest that 'Is' continues to show her amazing spirit - all very heartening to me as I prepare to get some sleep as I've got the planning meeting and scan for my radiotherapy in Colchester early tomorrow.

My grandson has endured lots more tests and it is hoped that by tomorrow, we'll get to hear whether he will require an operation or not. Poignant task this morning, taking photographs of little Freddie in his new uniform before going off to his first day at infant school - I did the same for his very poorly father some twenty two years ago, as well as his brother and sister in turn, the little chap's uncle and aunt! Not sure what the afternoon will bring, but I hope to get back on here and do some more catching up tomorrow night. I'm trying not to overdo it but I must say how fiercely proud I am of the way that every member of our extended family (in-laws included!) have pulled together over this drama - if everyone's wishes come to pass, he'll recover soon!

Hope Poet's day happens for our workers, and that Flávio and Jamie manage to meet up without any dramas.

Kind regards,


G'night all!

PS Neil, thanks for the news about Windows10, I think I will take the offered free upgrade as soon as I get time! J.

Edited by Jock67B
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That's in the same vein with our driving instructor who said he managed to fabricate significant amounts of gaseous chlorine with his chemistry set and a few unofficial additions…


Morning all!

I managed to do that with household cleaners - anyone that knows already what they are, otherwise I’m staying schtum in case any younger viewers are watching (i.e. about 40 years..)


G’night Jock, Sleep tight (but not too “tight" otherwise you’ll have a hangover)...


Best, Pete.

Edited by trisonic
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.....the Pickering set is a replica of the 3 original wooden coaches which ran on the line Ed but they are too precious to use on daily work and appear mainly on special occasions or gala days.


Here is a little camcorder footage from yesterday....




Edited by Torr Giffard LSWR 1951-71
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Morning All

Actually I have serious question that maybe someone can answer?


I need a good English recipe book that concentrates on meat pies (and pasties, etc). It would be helpful if it was available from Amazon (UK is fine).


Many thanks, Pete.

The "Hairy Bikers Perfect Pies" is a good collection of traditional, semi-traditional and somewhat odd pies, pasties and tarts recipes - both savoury and sweet. I bought mine via Amazon UK


Off to station to catch train to Zurich and thence to Zurich airport.


Stay Frosty and have a great POETS day



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  • RMweb Premium

Morning all.


Sun has been out since sparrow-fart and it's finally started to bring the temperature up with it.  Attendance began at oh-five-hundred hours in 4C and concluded at quarter past eleven-hundred-hours in 17C.  We're promised 20C later if we're good.


I was good.  I was abused quite vocally by one passenger arriving slightly late - 10 minutes - due to his train being delayed by us attending to a sick passenger on the one in front.  His tirade included many references to an activity rhyming with suck and to an abbreviated version of the fair town of Scunthorpe.  As I beamed a disarming smile and wished him a good day his parting shot was "F*** YOU" to which I replied loudly "And you'll have to wait a while for that too, Sir."  Cue a few sniggers and a couple of positive comments from the other (less disgruntled / more understanding / polite) clientele.


I was politely offered severance from school chemistry before taking any exams.  My lab practicals were among the best in class but this undiagnosed Asperger's brain couldn't begin to understand the maths that went with it.  Our Head of Chemistry (researching in his spare time into the effects of UV light on amino-acids) was also given severance and left abruptly following a practical to determine the boiling point of chloroform.


In fairness he did warn us not to test the vapour and to wear the provided masks but do you think a class of teenage boys was going to take any notice knowing what said substance was typically used for???


Three out of about twenty remained conscious.  Myself included.  Exit one Head of Chemistry .........

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Good morning one and all


Good news: the delivery brat put the local paper into the letter box, and on the right day.  Pushing it through so that it would land on the doormat was perhaps too much to ask.


Bad news: technological malfunction.  Something over three years ago analogue TV transmissions were replaced by digital.  Since then the converter box has sat more or less happily under the TV converting the signals and recording most of what it was asked to record.  Now it has decided to play back only the pictures that it recorded, withholding the sound.  Waggling the scart lead as suggested by the man in the shop proved fruitless so off went the box and lead to the dealership.  Thank heavens for the internet which enables me to watch favourite programmes either at the time of transmission or at the time of my choice within 30 days.  Thank heavens too for "unlimited" broadband access.  What's the betting that it turns out not to be unlimited in my hour of need?


How I wish I had tales of the chemistry lab to relate.  The only one coming to mind is that of a classmate suddenly vomiting, mostly in the sink but partly over his rough book.


Tomorrow I plan to visit ExpoEM North.  This will entail a stupidly early start so pray forgive me if I take a day off from posting here.  I think I have located Partington but time will tell.


Best wishes to all 



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Morning All,


We have another bright sunny morning in this part of the world.  It is also supposed to get quite warm later on.


Chemistry was one of the subjects that I studied until A-Level, but unfortunately, I wasn't very good at it!  We had one student who got the "recipe" wrong during an A-level experiment and managed to create an highly explosive and unstable compound.  (Can't remember what it was).  That resulted in the bomb squad being called out, and they had to carry out an controlled explosion behind the football field.


The other incident from Chemistry which springs to mind was our teacher (who was relatively young) loosing control of the class.  He lost his temper and started shouting while brandishing a steel ruler like a sword.  He then issued the immortal words:


"If you lot don't quieten down, then this is what'll happen"


"Swish" went the ruler - and just at that moment, a wasp flew past ...


The wasp landed on his desk in two parts - cleanly cut in two by the ruler ...


Stunned silence ...


Have a good day everyone!

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Morning all.

I was once standing at the back of the classroom upbraiding a young ruffian who had had the temerity to come into my class wearing a hat. I took it into my possession and carelessly threw it over my shoulder whilst continuing to give him the death stare. I was intending for it to land on my desk, but the collective gasp from the class told me I'd potted it perfectly in the bin. On such accidents are reputations made.


Today involves collecting a parcel, tidying up and collecting Daisy from school. And translating and adding to my database of recipes those from a French magazine I bought a year or two ago and haven't yet got around to looking at. I did try the rôti de veau Orloff (using pork tenderloin because of the British aversion to veal, preferring instead that it's used for cat food) and it was nice. I'm looking for a good Sunday dinner.


It's good to hear that there are some good signs on the horizon for some of the medical woes ER's and their families have been suffering. I hope that consolidates and continues.


One task for today is to set up a small phpBB discussion forum. I am so lost on that you wouldn't believe it - to say I am out of my comfort zone more than covers it.


So have a good day all, and should you be tempted at any stage to go into the noodle bar in Sutton High Street, please take my advice - don't.

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Not at home so can't find moment on the weather in North West Leeds.


I liked Chemistry apart from our teacher "Dinger" Bell who used a piece of rubber gas hose to punish those unable to grasp the subject.


My biggest experiment is still in use in Fulham. It's the Joint European Torus. Designed to investigate Nuclear Fusion in a controlled environment it was great working with Nuclear Physicists and Engineers from all over the world. My little bits were designed and built in Italy. If things went wrong lots of hand waving, head banging, shouting etc went on but the rewards were great! And it all actually worked.


Now getting ready for a trip to Grantham with Grantham. Have a nice day!




Ps great to here daughter has had op John

Pps jock hope it all goes well today just think of Duchesses!

Ppps Dave(TG) hope Is continues to get out and about during the chemo. The MiL had to stay in hospital when she had hers and went stir crazy

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Actually I have serious question that maybe someone can answer?


I need a good English recipe book that concentrates on meat pies (and pasties, etc). It would be helpful if it was available from Amazon (UK is fine).


Many thanks, Pete.


"Pie" by Angela Boggiano. isbn 978-0-753717-49-3




Best. Andy

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Morning all, and it's a sunny one here. 


Spent yesterday having dental surgery without anaesthetic. Well, at times getting project information out of my colleagues felt like that.


Spent ages yesterday pacing the aisles at a local diy shed trying to find the same size piece of wood I'd bought last week. Only when I gave up and left did I realise that I'd bought the original from a high street hardware shop that now stocks good quality timber (at good prices). We are very lucky that in our local market town a shop is bucking the trend and thriving in the face of "the big boys". Looking at the quality of the timber at the "shed" it may be that they are diversifying into greengrocery; the shape of some of the timber was distinctly banana like!


 Later I shall be doing some more work on my layout.  which will be nice. 

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Morning all….Still several pages to catch up.  Where does it all come from?….:-)


Best wishes to all that are below par right now.


Surfing through YouTube this morning on golf stuff and it must have picked up my love of trains and planes...


Here's some big boys toys….


Enjoy it all, but 8.10 onwards looks fun..



Edited by gordon s
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  • RMweb Gold

Good morning all,

More sunshine & blue sky so a lovely day in prospect (weatherwise)

Not so lovely is the fact that apparently the house is "in a state" particularly my woodworking shop the conservatory after my layout board building so much domestic stuff is to be undertaken today. I thought I'd tidied it up quite nicely but apparently not .

Have a good one,




Edit for duplication of post

Edited by grandadbob
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  • RMweb Gold

Morning all.

Looks like a nice morning.

So far I have achieved very little apart from taking tablets.

Pete, we have the pie book that Flavio recommended. We too approve of it. I checked and it is available from US Amazon in hardback and Kindle formats.

I need to do some shopping today, probably not at Tesco as they seem to have stopped selling some of the items I wanted earlier in the week.


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  • RMweb Gold

Morning all….Still several pages to catch up.  Where does it all come from?….:-)


Best wishes to all that are below par right now.


Surfing through YouTube this morning on golf stuff and it must have picked up my love of trains and planes...


Here's some big boys toys….


Enjoy it all, but 8.10 onwards looks fun..


Superb video especially of the Vulcan. I have seen Youtube clips before of such large flying models but didn't appreciate just how many of those large models are in this country,


Hoping ot see the real Vulcan tomorrow when its due to fly over Goodwood.


A fair few pints last night to make up for no Uk beers for three weeks til then (cant say no real ale as we did have quite a few in the USA).


Probably had one too many as nearly overslept and would rather still be in bed. No head ache though, just tired.

Edited by roundhouse
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