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Aditi arrived home at about 8.30 and while she was waiting for dinner rang her Mum. Much laughter! MiL had been unable to do her usual swimming at the pool as it was being drained and she informed Aditi she had gone outside for aerobatics. By a process of elimination we deduced she had joined an aquarobics group in the outside pool.


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Evening all from the seaside paradise of Albertawe.


Sherry,so sorry for your loss. Words feel so trite but I wish I could give you a hug and say it in person. It's never easy.


Jock. Hang in there. If the jr.jr has even 1% of your fighting spirit he'll be ok.


Hang on, did I really not slag off Swansea????

Call it Stockholm syndrome or call it insanity, but after 16 weeks here, I've actually started to not hate the place. Most likely because the last 4 weeks have been stress free, with the project's arsebadgers despatched to parts unknown. Actually since we escaped the isolated Mercure hotel for the town centre, I've managed to see some positive things about the place. This is my last night here and instead of feeling elated about the escape, it's a bit bitter sweet. I won't miss the client or the project but I will miss some of the wonderful people I've met and spent a lot of close time with.

G'night all. Back to the smoke tomorrow for an 18 month assignment.

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Matthew and I went to Swansea when he was looking at Universities. The main highlights of the pre interview bus tour seemed to be the beaches and Primark. On the bus back one student told us that she quite liked the geography department but there was nowhere on campus for her to keep her horse so she wouldn't be going there.

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"we stayed near Clitheroe for a most enjoyable fortnight."


is that possible?


Oi!. I lived there for 28 years so it isn't all bad. (I now live 6 miles away but get back there most other days)


The Ribble Valley - of which Clitheroe is the main centre of - often pops up on "most desirable places to live in the UK" and I'm proud to be a lifetime resident of the area.


As for Whitewell (and especially the Inn at Whitewell) - just over the hill in the Hodder Valley which is a tributary of the Ribble and the confluence of them is about two miles form where I now live, is high upon One's favourite places to go. Much of the land is part of the Royal estate and HM the Queen is the current Duke of Lancaster. We proudly celebrate that fact at any formal occasion that requires the Loyal Toast. "The Queen - Duke of Lancaster".




Edited by newbryford
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Evening all.  A late posting after Guildex.  As Jamie noted, we had a chat about 3Fs (and other things) at Telford on Sunday.  I left with a bag full of goodies (including a 3F kit), stopped off in Birmingham for two nights to go to a European Railways Association meeting, home today and off to a church meeting.  Home, whacked, then have a busy day tomorrow.


Haven't really caught up, but best wishes especially to Jock, Sherry and Mal.


Oh, and my friend who had the cancer op in July has been given the all clear - and been made redundant.



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Pleased to see Dave back and posting his very scenic 'photos.


Sherry, have a safe journey, and I feel for your loss.


Jock, and everyone else,  nothing but good wishes.


I've just heard from my younger daughter. . .She has been taken into St James hospital, Leeds with suspected appendicitis.


Goodnight everyone  . . . Sleep well. . . I don't suppose I will.



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Morning all,

Just had a quick glance at the last couple of pages and a few selected posts, but no time to trawl through all I've missed for which I apologise. I did notice an amazing number of supportive ratings and posts referring to my grandson's problem which I found incredibly touching indeed, and I truly wish I could answer each individually - please look on my 'thank you' ratings as meaning much more from my heart! I will try to make time over the next couple of days to play catch up, but meanwhile, a couple of items caught my attention.

I hope Sherry has a safe and uneventful journey in to temporary exile from her loved one. Sad though not unexpected news Sherry, and I know that Ian shares your sadness. In a way it must be a release from what appears to be a less than happy existence. I feel certain that you will 'do the right thing' as far as those you can help are concerned! Ian, our thoughts are with both of you because anything that upsets your loved one, obviously upsets you as well.

How marvellous to see 'Is' out to 'pre-chemo' lunch in another of Dave's excellent photos - that spirit from both of you will go a long way towards fighting off the nasty affliction!

Stewart, we will be thinking of you on Thursday - hope they have the bed and everything ready for you and look forward to hearing from you as and when you can get connected again. I've sent a PM with my e-mail address if Elaine would find that easier to use, I'll happy relay your news. Very best of luck my friend.

Neil(NHN), a little parcel was waiting for me when I got back home tonight after doing a taxi run to the hospital (I obviously stayed in the car under my daughter's orders because of the 'vomiting bug' thought to be on the ward.). I regret that as we stopped to eat out on the way home, then collected the dog from Son in law, we were late in and I didn't feel that inflicting my love of old bikes on Joanna was fair at that hour so I now can't wait for tomorrow when I can lock myself in the study and drool! For anyone who missed it, Neil has burned a number of his excellent photographs of the Manx GP/Classic TT bikes on to a disc for me as I am no longer able to travel to such events. I can't begin to describe how grateful I am, thank you once again - you really are a true digital friend!

Hopefully be able to look in tomorrow or the next day. Grandson is still undergoing tests but they have already discovered significant swelling around the aortic valve by a fairly unpleasant test which required a scanner put down his throat! The hope is that the intravenous antibiotics will reduce this quickly. He has plenty of visitors as a large group of them that went to school together have stayed firm friends. He did tell Joanna today, how touched he was by all the kind messages of support for both of us, that I had mentioned to him in a text this afternoon.

Hope all others who have been ailing continue to mend, and apologies if I've missed anything significant. Try to get over the hump in one piece,

Kind regards,


G'night all!

PS John(Two_sugars), just read your post and will now go to bed thinking of your daughter. Fingers crossed that they get her out of pain as quickly as possible. Please keep us posted. J.

Edited by Jock67B
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Morning All

...I seriously wonder what would happen if the surgery found a serious discrepancy in any numbers following a test but I'm sure that would result in a much quicker appointment - maybe even within a fortnight.....


And that's quick? Good Lord, what's the turnaround time for non-urgent? Decades? If my GP finds something both dodgy and of concern, his admin is on the phone immediately and the appointment is either "now" (same day), "tomorrow" or "within 2-3 days" (depending upon nature of my GP's concern).


....I continue to remain fairly seriously hacked off with our surgery - I appreciate they have had staff shortages but even 30 years ago when the town only had a couple of GPs you could get in to see them the following day although it might mean a wait for your turn.  The population hasn't grown by anything like the percentage rise in GP numbers at the two surgeries but now you have to wait weeks for an appointment. leaves me wondering where all these extra patients taking up their time have come from?


I would put it down to pure incompetence (complicated by political meddling from across the political spectrum by individuals who you wouldn't trust to run a nose, let alone a health service). When I worked (briefly) in the NHS 30 years ago I was agog at how poorly the service was administered and organised (the NHS was a huge shock after working at an incredibly efficient US hospital, run by Nuns [a nursing order] and open for business 24/7 - including radiology and laboratory services). Things do not seem to have improved. To be blunt, for various reasons, the UK has seen a huge increase in incompetence across all walks of life since the 1960s. ERs (and elsewhere in Wheeltappers) is full of stories about "services" provided by individuals and organisations who - quite frankly - couldn't find their own a**e with both hands and a large scale ordnance survey map; not to mention tales of bad workmanship, sloppy work, critical parts forgotten, etc., etc. I have my deep, dark, incredibly cynical and politically incorrect suspicions as to the why, but then we'd get into politics...


But let's just say 30 years ago, when I was working in a temporary job in the Civil Service I was "told off" by a union official for being too efficient, too eager and too hard working (and I suspect too educated...), but to be fair I had just returned to the UK from the US (after completing my studies there) with a very US attitude towards work, and in the US efficiency and a "can-do" attitude are highly prized... not so in the UK it would seem.


My condolences to Sherry, loosing a family member is always a sad experience no matter the closeness of the relationship.


Well time to have my breakfast and slosh on the last coat of paint on Jamies' Yard Office


I'll dash back in later



Edited by iL Dottore
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Good morning one and all


The car is loaded ready for a modelling day in Stevenage, followed conveniently by a meeting of the Hitchin chapter of the Royal Corps of Train Spotters.  This will be its first meeting in the new venue, still a church but a different church and not necessarily a broader one.  It strikes me that many railway societies meet in church premises.  Now is this because many clergymen have been railwayacs over the years or because so many pubs have dispensed with function rooms in favour of yet more restaurants?  Where else is there for us to go?  Goodness me, that makes us sound like a bunch of outcasts.  Perhaps no further comment is needed.


The comments of others on GP surgeries are interesting.  Mine varies enormously.  It used to have provision to turn up and wait, often for ages, but the new senior partner put an end to that for fear that people waiting would spread illness among other people waiting.  How about that for a statement of the blindingly obvious?  In fairness, when I needed a GP urgently back in June I got to see one and quickly.  Within two days I had been referred to two consultants.  The rest of the story will emerge in due course when I feel happier about telling it.


Bestest wishes to all who suffer





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Morning All,


It is a nice bright morning here - a little chilly, but nice and sunny.


Most of the wood is now in the shed for the Winter, but there is still a bit to do tonight.  After shifting nearly a ton of wood, I decided that I had had enough yesterday evening and decided to postpone the rest (and the clean up) until this evening.


What Flavio said is absolutely right.  There has been a lot in the press recently about the worst time to have a heart attack (or other serious ailment) is at the weekend.  They are now saying that the Doctor's should be working weekends.  While this may be true, it also means that the support staff need to work weekends too.  That means the whole hospital needs to be working exactly as it does during the week.  This (of course) costs money!  It's unavoidable - but then providing a good service usually costs money, and penny pinching will undoubtedly result in service deteriorating.


I could go on, and say a lot more - but probably shouldn't for the sake of my blood pressure!


Have a good day everyone...

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Morning all.


Grey and cold.  It appears we have a new public holiday; the Friday before the AFL (short for Awful in my opinion) Grand Final.  Because Victorian workers cannot, it seems, be trusted to remain sober and attend their places of employment so it's easier to declare a holiday.  Nice.  I'm booked off.  Which makes a lovely break mid-way through what was going to be ten consecutive days on.  


Best wishes to all for a happy Woden's Day.

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Morning all.

Murky and cool here but I survived the walk to the pavement to deposit my rubbish.

Had a nice chat via Skype with Matthew yesterday. He seems quite content with his courses now after his concern after the first stats lecture. He met his cousin Paul on Sunday. Paul is cycling to Tübingen this week and Utrecht was on his route.


Edited by Tony_S
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Was yesterday Donegal's indian summer? Sitting outside reading in tee shirt and shorts at 7.00pm, amazing. Will we have more of the same today, I hope so. Sunrise was rather misty and there is a rather chilly east wind, so we will have to wait and see. Anyway, after getting four weeks growth of grass cut yesterday, it's strimming and hedge clipping on the agenda for today.

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Morning all


Dull and grey here too.

I don't have any instructions for today so after my walk I may be modelling, I may not. I may do some painting (watercolour not emulsion or gloss). I may not. Life's hard.

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Morning all from a slightly grey village.

Jock, I hope that your grandson continues to improve but enjoy the DVD.

Two Sugars I hope that your daughter goes on OK.  Jimmies does have a good reputation and is the centre for 'medical' emergencies in Leeds (Trauma is dealt with at LGI) and we have always had good service there.

Stewart I hope that your Op goes well.

Anyway I'm shortly off to do various bits of shopping and then hopefully will get my car back this afternoon.   I was promised it yesterday but apparently Volvo have changed part of the spec for the bumper and they'd got the wrong type of brackets for some widget or other.   Then all being well off to the clubrooms for an evening modelling.  

Regards to everyone else.






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Hey up everyone!

It's a bit misty here but I have plenty of things to do it including collecting the tickets for Friday's one day cricket.


Flavio, the NHS is Europe's biggest employer yet acts like a set of mini kingdoms. No joint procurement of drugs (even a drug company has admitted recently the way NHS buys drugs is a scandal). The internal politics seem to meddle more than the external ones. The biggest problem is really the measurement of all sorts of things most of which mean the square root of -1. This isn't helped by a culture which demands instant solutions to minor problems (example someone ringing 999 for an ambulance as they have run out of paracetamol and have a headache.) ERs don't fall into this category.


I have to say that my surgery has been very good and now offers a drop in service Mondays to Saturdays. If you go during the school week in term time this is full of children who need attention and students who feel ill. During the summer it was very quiet and you got very quick appointments. Some home based self help wouldn't go amiss.


John if she is in Jimmy's divent fretfret. Both Jimmy's and the LGI work wonders at times.


Off for tea, breakfast and all sorts of opportunities to cause chaos!



Edited by Barry O
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Morning from an overcast Surrey and London.



I managed to build up enough motivation last night to go cut the grass and do a bit of garden tidying then it was back to weathering locos and frieght cars.


Tried fitting the Hornby  700 black motor back in its box but it just wouldnt go depsite carving bits of the clea rplastic holder away. I know that I am putting the loco in the correct way round!


At least its hump day today.

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Mornin' all,


Drizzly, cool and overcast in The Moorlands for the short anticlockwise this morning....straightforward head down calorie burn throughout.


I'll be taking Is's car in for 2 new tyres at 9am....MOT to follow.


Feathered ones provided for....a family of bullfinches, siskin, chaffinch, greenfinch, blue tits and sparrows are currently doing their best to eat us out of house and home


Will be at Expo North on Sunday morning if anyone else is going.


Enjoy what you do



Edited by Torr Giffard LSWR 1951-71
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