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Early Risers.


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Guest Max Stafford

Weather's been interesting here too. At least the rain stayed off whilst I was in the park with Abi. It's looking like a day for the shed, I'd say!

Disappointingly, no thunder and lightning, but that's a very warm and lively south westerly!



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  • RMweb Gold

I haven't done any of the things I intended to today. Matthew had a letter from Leicester and he needed to sign documents and send ID photographs off so we went to the local chemist shop. It is a lot less stressful getting someone else to take passport type photographs (result guaranteed) than doing it myself. We then braved the internet to confirm Matthew's accommodation. After a long time of "please try later" type screens or 404 errors we finally got through. He is very pleased as he has got the type of accommodation he wanted.


The car hasn't been cleaned or the dog walked yet but the weather is nice so I should be able to do both still.



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  • RMweb Premium

Morning all...


Topped out around 32° yesterday and today is supposed to be much the same. Wonder if this will, in fact, be the last really warm period of this summer...


Note to self: Prepare all the stuff I'll need to take to Leipzig tomorrow :) .


Later... ;)

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Morning All,


As Dominik already said, it was pretty warm yesterday and it looks like today is going to be much the same. I think it is Summer's last gasp though - I can't see this lasting much longer.


I have a fairly quiet day planned. Off to town later to pick up some bits up and then I am off to a party this evening. Can't say I am looking forward to it too much because from what I have heard I am going to be pretty much the only single one there - still, it is friends I haven't seen for ages and it could be quite entertaining.


Have a good day everyone!

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  • RMweb Gold



It is quite overcast here but probably won't rain for a while. It is very warm though. My wife has gone to Brentwood this morning, hairdresser then shopping. I'll probably remember all the things I said I would do about 5 minutes before she returns home.

I did wash the car yesterday. My wife was amused that I need a step stool so that I can reach the centre of the roof. However it was the wheels that took longest, the wheels on the Freelander are a much more complex moulding than the wheels on the Scenic. At least I created much mirth for the neighbours as they returned home from work. I'm not exactly known for having a clean, polished vehicle so "witty" comments seemed to be required.


Robbie seems to have settled back home without any problems.



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  • RMweb Premium

Morning All, Been missing in action for a while as I took a week off for a trip down to Bude in those strange Western parts. Only one pasty eaten and forgot to bring some clotted cream back. Organised, NOT!


Glad to see folks are getting the right sort of exam results and that those with broken bits are progressing.




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  • RMweb Premium

Morning All


Lovely day here at the mo - about two oktas, no rain, and bright sunshine, all of which is great if I could get any further that the back patio! Mrs 45156 has opted to take advantage of being able to go out without getting wet, and for once, the dog doesn't smell like an old carpet. It won't last, I'm sure.


Dave hope you had a good week in pasty land - what an omission NO clotted cream - still your cholesterol levels won't rise un-necessarily! LOL.

Mick have a nice time on your trip to Carlisle - hope all goes as expected - if you're on the M6 between Preston/Carlisle, you'll pass within a couple of miles of chez 45156.

Tony glad Matthew's getting things sorted out for his next great adventure - once all the paper/internet work is done, he can get on and enjoy what's left of the summer, and you can relax a bit!

Has DDolfelin arisen this morning or is he swimming?


I'll check in again later.




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  • RMweb Premium

DD has arisen - about 5am actually.


Glad to hear that your head's still above water DD - is the crook something to do with railway modelling - if so, are you going to tell us?

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No, not Model related - just generally in a 'don't mess with me' mood.


I just get p*ss*d off at these sharp practices.


A few months back, W H Smiths (who shall remain nameless) advertised 'Up to 70% OFF' in large letters in their window.

When challenged, the manageress could only find one box of confetti at 30% off to support the claim.


Cafés that advertise 'Fresh Ground Coffee' when it's not, Notices that say 'Open' when the place is Closed, Lottery claims of the Thunderball being easier to win when it is much harder because there are now more balls in the machine, Stupid questions on TV which cost £1 per minute to answer, 'Men at Work' signs when there are no men and no work, etc., ad infinitum.


I suppose it's just accumulative.

What happened to fair trading and customer service?

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  • RMweb Premium

What happened to fair trading and customer service?

It's still out there DD - it's just a LOT harder to find - generally I find the smaller operator will give better service than the big ones, as they can't always compete on price - although I know of one electrical outlet for home entertainment who scores every time on both - and I think the list of bad operators probably outweighs the good in a ratio of about 4:1 or worse.


Just from personal experience, I can vouch for Richer Sounds for home entertainment, Jim Lawrence Ltd for really good quality period style home lighting, and Lakeland Ltd for household/kitchen gadgets. That's three companies that I've dealt with who are honest, open and fair (usual disclaimers).


On the bad side, try taking something faulty back to one of the big warehouse operators and see how you get on!


The worst service I ever had was from a major DIY warehouse (the one with our name on it) as I'd bought two hardwood glazed exterior doors and both rotted away within three years. I took them to task as an exterior door should last longer than that, and also because my builder took what was left of the doors apart, and showed me why they rotted (badly installed and protected glazing which allowed water to penetrate). Their final answer was that as the doors were over a year old, they were out of guarantee - they also tried to argue that the doors might not have been fitted and/or finished correctly (I never showed my builder that one) and in the end, as they had been relatively cheap, I decided it wasn't worth the effort if pursuing matters - which is what they were relying on.

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  • RMweb Gold

No, not Model related - just generally in a 'don't mess with me' mood.


I just get p*ss*d off at these sharp practices.


A few months back, W H Smiths (who shall remain nameless) advertised 'Up to 70% OFF' in large letters in their window.

When challenged, the manageress could only find one box of confetti at 30% off to support the claim.


Cafés that advertise 'Fresh Ground Coffee' when it's not, Notices that say 'Open' when the place is Closed, Lottery claims of the Thunderball being easier to win when it is much harder because there are now more balls in the machine, Stupid questions on TV which cost £1 per minute to answer, 'Men at Work' signs when there are no men and no work, etc., ad infinitum.




Early risers who don't post till 11.02... :D



Try trading standards....or is there any small print in the original offer?

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In the past I have allowed Trading Standards to sit in at County Court hearings (three) where I have sustained material loss and had to take matters further.

Amazing how it concentrates the Defendant's mind when I ask the Judge if the Trading Standards Officer 'can observe proceedings as they are contemplating Criminal Proceedings'.

I am an early riser. Sometimes I'm not an Early Poster.

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Guest Max Stafford

I had a nice lay in until 8 today. Most of the morning has been spent walking Abi. Now, flushed with success at my clearing out of shed 2 (Max's Kennel... ;) ), I'm going to tackle shed 1 and get rid of ten years of half-used paint cans along with various other crap!



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  • RMweb Gold

I had a nice lay in until 8 today. Most of the morning has been spent walking Abi. Now, flushed with success at my clearing out of shed 2 (Max's Kennel... ;) ), I'm going to tackle shed 1 and get rid of ten years of half-used paint cans along with various other crap!




Don't open any of the tins to see if they might be useful. Experience here has shown it isn't worth it (and then they leak while being transported to the recycling centre).

I can't get in one of the sheds as it is full of bubble wrap that I'm storing until my brother's partner takes it away next week (the bubble wrap not the shed!)






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  • RMweb Premium

No - it meenz that l00king threw them is vari, vari different!

It took me about three days to get used to them - your brain just goes click after a while, and you wonder what all the fuss was - meantime be careful while driving - that was my worst situation. The biggest change is letting your eyes move instead of your head.

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