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Morning All,


Sorry to hear your news Jock - Talk about it never rains, but it pours!


Nice to see Tex back again.


The weather is a bit on the damp side this morning after a reasonable weekend.  Saturday had a few pretty torrential showers, but yesterday was dry - if a little windy.


I spend a fair proportion of the weekend with members of the local amateur radio club.  This weekend was the field day - which meant setting up a portable shortwave station on a piece of land belonging to Opel, and taking part in the contest.  I was mainly helping with setting up, and dismantling the station - but did get in an hour of operating yesterday morning.


This morning, it is back in the office, and a pile of paperwork awaits!


Have a good day everyone...

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Morning all


A brief absence means I am now 12 pages adrift, so hacienda that, as they say in Spain. I have picked up that Jock's life is in torment on yet another front, and hope present treatments bring the young man round.


Sherry and I had spent a couple of days in the Mayenne, effectively clearing out her cabin to make it ready for sale. Quite hard work at times, and two carloads of stuff came back here. We had managed to palm off/donate quite a few bits on/to other residents, too. Odd how the chap with the expensive 6-litre hybrid Lexus could be so delighted to get a cheap garden table and a couple of chairs! Then there was the Guernsey lady who fell in love with a purple kettle..... During our exercise I opened a drawer and found Sherry's ex's balls. Fortunately only his golf balls, as he was getting married again on Saturday!


Yesterday we took some of the stuff to Alison, who is perpetually in need of bedding, crockery etc. I also donated a couple of cheap self-assembly wardrobes, which will enable her 12-y o to feel he has his own space at last.


Today is Sherry's last full day here, having been here since mid-July. We next meet a few days before our wedding in late October.


Hope your week behaves itself.

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Morning from a Sunny Surrey. Back to the normal routine but luckily today our train is on time so far.


Did get a fair amount of sleep but with an hour up arose me 1pm. Still feeling tired as should really be in bed!!



House is still a mess after unpacking and various items still to be put away but more work can be spent on that task tonight after cutting the grass which has really gone green having been brown for many weeks before we went away.


My other halls father appears to have had another minis stroke and fall whilst in hospital so it's looking more likely he will be going in a care home after he's had a small operation on his back. Luckily we are down there this Saturday.

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Morning all.

Had breakfast and her indoors ready (but not particularly willing) to set off for her training days at the John Charles sports centre. I hope it goes well!


Have as good a day as you can everyone. I may be earning a crust today if some sound chips arrive.



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Morning all from a sunny village. Beth is still in bed. She was up at 4am to have her breakfast and then came back to bed. She has a procedure scheduled on her back this morning to try and reduce the chronic pain so I've no real idea how the day will pan out. I've got plenty of reading matter lined up. Al being well we will be back home by lunchtime. then some tidying up and an evening at the club beckon.


Rick, it must be difficult being so far away when your parents are as old as they are.


All the best to everyone else.



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morning all,catching up again,thoughts with you and yours jock,as everyone else with ailments......time o the year does not help,everyone still sleeping as I left this morning,jack starts infants tomorrow,where did the time go? had to work satarday so missed getting completion entry into guildex,even though the satarday had been booked off for 4 months.....but did manage to get in the afternoon cracking show,took jack and daisy to the park sunday where he wore me out on the bouncy castle,sandpit,climbing frame etc....blimy do I ache today !!  have agood day all.

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Morning All


Lovely chilly morning here with the Lune hidden in haze - much colder and it would have been a frost. 


Sorry to hear of Jock and Rick's news about ailing family members - it does seem to be that many on here have family health problems at the moment.  Best wishes to all who are worrying. 


Jock, the norovirus can be pretty vicious in those who are vulnerable and with your medication's effects on your immune system, you certainly fall into that category, and whilst the whole issue becomes frustrating for you, your own health is equally important.


RIck, elderly relatives living at a distance also present pretty unique problems.  It was bad for me when my mum developed dementia and I was only some 250 miles away, not half way round the planet.  However, reading your post, it seems that there are family members closer at hand, and I was in a similar boat of having to rely on messages relayed rather than being able to visit and see first hand.


Duncan - complications are never good news when what was hoped to be a simple procedure turns into something much more worrying.  However, she's in the best place, and I do hope that you are posting some better news soon.


Geoff - no update from you on Kath's mystery illness, but in your case I'm assuming that no news is good news, as I haven't seen your camper van returning, so I'm guessing that your holiday is continuing.


Meantime, I've got a very odd week myself, having to buy a lot of shopping in advance to allow for having to get it delivered or for 30744 to collect smaller (much smaller) loads.  Also waiting for insurance company to contact us about getting some physiotherapy for 30747.


Regards to All


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We know that Jock will soldier on because that's what he does and is an example to us all.

But there 'aint no justice'.

It seems that some have more than their fair share of the tribulations that life can throw at us.

Maybe it's because folk like Jock are better able to withstand the onslaught.

Even though the family member is hopefully getting good treatment, 'infection on the ward' is thrown in for good measure.

What can we do? 

Nothing except offer words of support and, for one, I shall be thinking of you, Jock, as will SWMBO.

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Morning all from Estuary-Land. Not much to report from here today, spent part of the weekend moving stuff out to the garage. Plenty of space for more rubbish stuff that might be useful one day in the garage, it even looks tidier than the house at the moment. Commiserations and congratulations where necessary.

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So sorry to hear of your latest troubles Jock. Hopefully things will work out OK.


We are back from our travels in the UK. Three days at a reunion in Herefordshire (friends from our time in Saudi), one day in Cambridge visiting Steph's brother and family, three days in Norfolk, then back home with an overnight stop in Chirk. Never been to Norfolk before, pleasantly surprised that it isn't all flat! We explored the countryside by bike from our base at West Runton; beaches, pretty villages and the odd steam train.


Here are a few pics to hopefully brighten your day.


attachicon.gifWest Runton 01.jpg

West Runton


attachicon.gifCromer 01.jpg



attachicon.gifMundesley 01.jpg



attachicon.gifTrunch 01.jpg



attachicon.gifSherringham 01.jpg



attachicon.gifWeybourne 02.jpg


Some lovely photos there that brought back many happy memories. I used to go to a camp at West Runton in the mid to late 60's and went back in 69 as a helper. Spent much happy time walking up and down that coast and exploring the various railway relics that were still very evident in that area such as the M&GN. Also remember standing on the cliff at West Runton and looking down onto various planes including a Vulcan. Thanks for posting the pics.



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Got up in the middle of the night. (That's about 7.30 am!)


Washed all the downstairs windows, including the conservatory.  Thank you Karcher for the window cleaner....it makes drying them so much easier that with a chamois (I can spell!) leather.


I am now off to collect my mother from Ross on Wye.  Yes, I know she lives near Margam, but she has been inflicted on my sister for the past few days.  I have been promised lunch whilst I am there, although at my sister's, that could be anything from truffles and foie gras, through to a thin gruel and cardboard.


Kind thoughts to all those in the ER community who need them.


As Arnie says:  'I'll be back!'


PS when Ian mentioned that he found the ex's balls, I knew exactly what he meant ,as I know the others made a very nice set of dangly earings!

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Morning all, and the sun is out again. 


Yesterday's gardening resulted in swmbo walking around saying that there was a distinct smell of "cat" everywhere. It turned out that the smell "everywhere" was due to her having trodden in a cat's calling card. Nice. 

So, having been tasked with cutting back the roses I decided I'd meet chemical warfare with older fashioned techniques - the cuttings with razor sharp thorns were distributed around the cat's toilet zone. As I type I've seen the offender head toward that part of the garden and instead of settling down for #2s it took a major leap across the flower bed and onto the fence. Result.


As others have said, all good wishes to Jock and his clan. You're an example to us all young man. 


SWMBO took a look at the trackwork I'd installed on the layout and commented that it all looked very neat; that'd be a first for me. 


Thinking of Margam (HH's mum), I went there some 15 years ago, one cold, muddy November afternoon some 14 years ago. At that time I was involved as a consultant on World Rally stuff. I seem to remember our chap won and became world champion, which was nice.


Anyway back to the project plan for me. Have a nice day everyone. Andy  

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Thinking of Margam (HH's mum), I went there some 15 years ago, one cold, muddy November afternoon some 14 years ago. At that time I was involved as a consultant on World Rally stuff. I seem to remember our chap won and became world champion, which was nice.


Richard Burns? Yes, a popular chap, but his career was cut short not many seasons later by a brain tumour, which ultimately claimed him while still young. Life is tough in all sorts of ways, as many ERs will attest.........
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Morning all.


Durham County Council wrote to me suggesting that I register for council tax e-billing and receive other communications via e-mail, citing the usual reasons; faster, saves paper, saves postage etc. 

Fair enough, indeed sounds like a good plan and I'm happy to save the paper, postage etc.

I have just been online and registered.

The final step says that they will post a letter to confirm that I will be receiving electronic communication.  D'oh.


To all those dealing with various trials and tribulations, medical or otherwise, I hope your situation improves or at least I wish you the strength to deal with them.

To the rest, why are you reading this drivel? Go do some modelling.

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Just a quick, passing, note.


Firstly, my best wishes to Jock regarding number one grandson. If nothing else he is finally getting appropriate treatment (your description doesn't reflect well on the diagnostic skills of the local medics).


My life has been complicated as of late. Staples were removed a week ago and replaced by steri-strips (which were removed when I changed my dressing - for the last time - last night). To say the procedure was unpleasantly painful is a considerable understatement.


Mrs iD dragooned me into going to the holiday hovel on the weekend to [a] dismantle the old dining room table for disposal/recycling and install her new TV (it's a Sony, which means even a luddite techno-phobic grannie can set one up. Go figure). She then insisted I replace the old Swisscom router, WLAN and "TV Box" with the new "state of the art" Swisscom router, WLAN and "TV Box". Due to where the digital output wall socket is placed, this involved dismantling a bookcase, laying miles of cable etc., etc. We now have HD TV (including BBC1 - 4 and ITV 1 - 4 in HD) and 622 channels to choose from - most of which broadcast nothing of interest to anyone with one or more functioning brain cells. Still amazing picture and sound.


Saw the Edinburgh Tattoo, which seems to get direr each year (it's a military tattoo, not a dance-fest). Still, it was good to see the Basel Top Secret Drum Corp again.


Well off to work further on the Yard Office. Delivery date looms and I am nowhere near where I should be...





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Morning all, there are blue skies with scattered grey clouds over Borough Market Junction.


I hope Jock's grandson displays the same fighting spirit that Jock does and makes a swift recovery. it's good to see Tex back.


The Lurker boys finally went back to school today. Younger was struggling to control his upset.


We had visitors over for the day yesterday. Their boys are all older than the Lurkers and we haven't seen them for a few years. Cue long silences....then Mrs Lurker hit on the idea of giving over the lounge to scalextric which provided entertainment while I continued to check that the cabernet sauvignon was suitable for consumption.


Now back to work.....

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Sunny here, nice day but a bit cool.


Much sympathy for those in illness and travail. I hope the best possible resolution comes about for all.


Just received a package containing more coathooks, but will need to wait for a sudden pain in my hip to subside before I start work. It's been an uncomfortable couple of days, due to a griping 'gut' pain and now my hip. Getting old...


Also, spending a couple of hours getting stuff together for Calaid, and then picking Daisy up from school. So may be the coatrack will have to wait.


I was told my previous effort was 'too good'... ie made of light oak, sides parallel and properly sanded and waxed, edges crisply chamfered. Apparently people prefer things that look like they were made by baboons in an unlit workshop. I'll give it a go, but I'm an ape, not a monkey.

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Richard Burns? Yes, a popular chap, but his career was cut short not many seasons later by a brain tumour, which ultimately claimed him while still young. Life is tough in all sorts of ways, as many ERs will attest.........

Aye, 'twas Richard. As you say a lovely chap. I first met him a few months earlier when I was sent out to foreign parts to work with him. My designated PoC didn't show so I wandered down to the hotel restaurant and spoke to the maitre d'. "Any sign of yon racing team?" Having pointed them out to me I wandered over to a table with some 20 blokes sat round it. Not spotting the person I was seeking, one of their number stood up and introduced himself. "Hi, I'm Richard."  "Hi, Richard, I was looking for so-and-so." Then we got chatting...."So, Richard, what do you do on the team. Are you one of the mechanics?"..."No, I'm the driver. Are you the 'Man-from-the-Ministry?"..."Yeah, sort of."  My lack of sporting super-hero caused much consternation back in the office with WR fans! 

Sadly the prop shaft broke on the car and we lost a couple of days testing. As I was due to sit next to Richard in the car to get some experience over rough and precipitous roads that was a particularly unfortunate breakage. It would have been an incredible experience. 

Later that season I asked if I could have the kit back that I'd lent him. "Erm, well, ahhh, now, erm that'll be tricky."

"How so?"

"Well, he got a flat, jumped out of the car to change the wheel, stripped off as it was hot, and sort of left it on top of the car. Then he drove off....it's now in a field somewhere on the other side of Europe probably being eaten by a goat."

After working with Richard that year I went on to do stuff in Touring Cars and F1. 


Just a quick, passing, note.



Saw the Edinburgh Tattoo, which seems to get direr each year (it's a military tattoo, not a dance-fest). Still, it was good to see the Basel Top Secret Drum Corp again.







Indeed, but the Basel performers were, as ever, on top form. 

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Morning all.

I did write a message earlier but didn't press "Post".

So I can report that it is still sunny and that I have found the shopping list.


I’m the other way around - I’ve been known to press “post” without writing anything, hat mkaes nya kdni of scents).


Still warmish to hot over here. It’s Labor Day -but still Summer until 21st September (or thereabouts).


Poor old Jock and his family - a very good year for them will do them all good, they deserve one..


Best, Pete,

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I’m the other way around - I’ve been known to press “post” without writing anything, hat mkaes nya kdni of scents).


Still warmish to hot over here. It’s Labor Day -but still Summer until 21st September (or thereabouts).


Poor old Jock and his family - a very good year for them will do them all good, they deserve one..


Best, Pete,

The only plus being back over this side of the pond is that its cooler. :sungum:


I am sure there are others but they are not registering at the moment :O

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Taking a couple of weeks off from tomorrow.

Hopefully an Interweb free zone (ie no work!).

SWMBO is exhausted - and so am I.

Probably Fowey near Rick's old manor where friends have properties we can use.


Play nicely while I'm away - hope to return to better news.

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