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It would be easier if the exif data had the GPS coordinates!

I deliberately removed these from the image files! Two more clues: Both were taken at termini while I was waiting and one involves a single-tracked stretch of line.

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Afternoon All


Good Lord, what a lot of posts to wade through to get caught up since last evening - ERs seems to be getting bigger by the day.  I've rated all the posts, and skipped most of the artist related puns, and in all honesty, it has to be generic greetings all round to those who are ailing, or whose families are.  Interesting to see just how much hard work is involved in going to University these days, and how much parental time it takes up, but it's like everything else, times change, and things move on from the simple life and pleasures which we enjoyed in our youth - Tex hit the nail on the head when he mentioned the lack of (and apparent lack of need for) internet and mobile phones.  Great to have you back here mate.  I'm not alone in saying that your contributions were greatly missed.  Now, we're only really one ER down, so let's hope that we at least find out (somehow) what became of Trev.  I see Ian and Sherry are also absent at the mo, but that's totally understandable.  Geoff appears to be lurking - hope Kath is on the mend, and that your holiday is continuing according to plan.  I'll knock to get caught up if I see you back before Thursday.


Today's car boot was our last for this season, and it was one of the best we've been to all summer, as the sun shone, and the sellers were out in abundance, and the prices negotiably low, resulting in a fair bit of car booty coming home. 


Had to take a Sunday trip to town, as the CD player in the bedroom packed in last night - I fell asleep to an audio book, and woke up about 2 am to hear that it was still at the same bit.  Tried cleaning the disc, then putting another into the machine with the same result, and a third one the same.  Also the tape deck was getting sluggish (yes I've still got audio books on casettes) so a visit to that well known discount store - big mistake was opting to use the twirlie pass, as the traffic on some of the main roads was utterly abysmal, and what should have been an hour's trip panned out as well over two.  Still.....


I'll probably be logging off for the night now, as I need to start my anti MRSA regime after my evening shower - wipe down with foam - shampoo with foam, and gel up the nose three times a day - wow, but better than getting a nasty, I guess.


Regards to All


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Sheesh, busy.


Bet wishes to those in need, good to hear Mal is OK ish, I hope his pain will be relieved soon. Tramadol.....



Project X proceeds to plan, other than the non delivery of doors!  They are coming tomorrow, allegedly.





I'm sure Ian A will approve of the colour scheme!

Edited by New Haven Neil
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Evening all,

Apologies but I was all set to post late this morning when we had some terrible news - No1 grandson (little Freddie's dad) has been admitted to Colchester General Hospital with what appears to be a serious infection centred on the aortic valve of his heart. He is now on an antibiotic drip in the heart ward, under constant supervision. He is only 26, and normally fit as a fiddle, but his illness has been going on for over two weeks, first being treated as an ear infection, then throat and finally suspected glandular fever! He got so bad that his dad took him in to A&E late last night. We have naturally been involved in helping with the great grandchildren whilst his heavily pregnant partner and mum (our nursing sister youngest girl) went to the hospital.

He is in the best place, and could be in for up to four weeks as it could be life threatening! Naturally, as his grandmother, Joanna is in pieces and after the kids, we are both shattered so it's unlikely I'll post tonight! I'm fed up because they have the sickness bug on the ward he is in and I have been banned in view of my impaired immune system.

I'll try to look in tomorrow and meanwhile, best wishes to all, especially if I've missed any dramas,

Kind regards,


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  • RMweb Gold

Jock. You must be exhausted. I know you must want to visit but by not getting an infection you will be well enough to help with Freddie. At least your Grandson has a diagnosis and treatment has commenced.


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Afternoon all! Let's do a little quiz, shall we? :yes:


Name the locations:










And "in the cab" does not count, I should add :jester: .



Ok, the 2nd location is: ZwischenzweiWohnblocks Straße.   :banghead:


The first is Unter die Weidenbaum.    :tender:

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  • RMweb Premium

Evening all from Estuary-Land. Very sorry to hear about your grandson Jock but he's in the best place possible. I've finally managed to get into RMweb on my Hudl, it was the predictive text changing one letter on my sign in name from lower case to a capital. Weather forecast for the week ahead is looking quite good so it looks as if I've got no excuses for ignoring the weed patch.

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Jock - Terrible news about No1 grandson. As you say, he's in the best possible place with a diagnosis and treatment. My thoughts are with yourself, Joanna and the rest of the family.

Please don't feel obliged to post unless you really feel up to it.

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  • RMweb Gold



Sorry to hear the news.Fingers crossed for all including yourself.



I managed to stay awake all day apart form an hour thsi morning so hopefully ill get a good nights sleep tonight.


Did a little bit of garden tidying this morning then spent much of the day working on some of the N scale rolling stock I obtained whilst away.

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Evening all. My goodness Jock what dreadful news. Thoughts and prayers to you and your family. I hope your grandson gets better soon. Also sad to hear about the vandalism attacks at the Groudle Glen Railway. As a working member of the Great Central of seen and heard many a tale of the damage caused by these mindless idiots. On a brighter note I certainly enjoyed Metr0land's photograph post, it brightened my evening a little.

 Sadly there is bad news to report here too, although nowhere near the severity of Jock's. The cat has taken a turn for the worst. She has stopped eating, although clearly wants to. Everytime she tries to eat she begins sneezing and producing yet more gunk. Sadly there was definitely blood in there tonight too. We are supposed to give the antibiotics ten days to show an improvement, but after tonight I fear we may be back at the vets a little bit sooner!


 Tonight brings to an end the summer holiday...just where did that go? Six weeks gone in a flash. Whilst the end of the holiday has not been too great with all of the illnesses flying around, the rest of it has been great. A thoroughly enjoyable time down South, some nice local day trips and plenty of steam action. My final mileage total is just over 423 miles of steam haulage. That is almost the equivalent of travelling by steam from Derby to Mallaig. Now there is a steam hauled rail tour I would like to do, especially if it had a Jubilee or too in there somewhere!

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Evening all from the village again after a great weekend at Telford. I haven't had time to wade through the many pages that have appeared since Friday morning. However two things stand out from the two pages that I've had chance to read.

1. Jock, very sorry to hear about your Grandson and our thoughts and prayers are with you. Just to cheer you up I've come home from Guldex with another 2P kit to assemble.

2. Great news that Tex is back with us.


Anyway I was pleased to meet Bill (bBishop) who came and had a chat near the Bring and Buy this afternoon. It was good to put a face to a screen name/avatar.


On the way back the Corsa actually performed well with three large adults in it. We came back over Home Moss in Fine style with fabulous viewed both up Longendale and then as we came over the top the sun was ighting up the whole view to the east and we could see well beyond Drax. I've rarely seen it so clear.


Anyway it's time for bed as we have to be up reasonably early tomorrow to get Beth to hospital for a procedure.


Regards to all.



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As her indoors is back at schools well training days from early o'clock tomorrow I bid you all goodnight.


Jock, hope the hospital sorts out the sickness bug as well. As the heart problems.



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Thoughts once again with you and yours, Jock.


Today I visited Darlo show again, this time with my mate. Not such  a whirlwind as yesterday with granddaughter. . . .Actually had time to speak to a couple of RM Webbers!!


Seems to have gone well over all.


Highlight for me was a layout featuring a Q7. . . .Ont the footplate of a real Q7!


Weather today was beautiful, . ..  dry, bright, sunny, and not too warm or breezy.


Goodnight everyone . . . Sleep well.



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Morning all.


Good grief Jock (and Joanna) - how much can a koala bear?  It never seems to rain but it pours.  Very best wishes to the entire family amid your various trials and tribulations.  Decent pair of listening ears here including via PM if you wish.


Andyram - thoughts with you also; it's never an easy time when pets become so unwell that decisions have to be made.  It happened to us when our gorgeous little black-with-white-socks girl succumbed to a throat cancer aged barely 7.  The bi-polar bear is 12 going on 13 now and showing signs of his age but continues to be as active and bi-polar as ever.  This despite having a leaky heart valve diagnosed in his first year as likely to seriously shorten his days.  Where there's life there's hope.


Had a long chat with the folks back home over the weekend.  Always good to catch up but this time left me worried as both sounded and complained of feeling very unwell.  Both nearly 90 they tend to muddle through winter and come good in summer.  Mum's had all sorts of sickness this past year and takes half a pharmacy every day.  It seems something in that lot upset her and she's been taken off one pill with positive results.  However she is now managing age-related asthma and age-related diabetes.  Dad's a trooper and tires himself out caring for her.  But he's reached the stage where he can't always do the shopping trip and is more reliant on my sister a mile away to help out.


Sister was contacted after I had a troubled night.  She assures me they are doing extremely well for their age and might have been having a bad day.  I have, as she says, nothing to worry about yet.


It's cold and windy in a place renowned for its warm sun.  Please someone turn the heater back on ;)

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Good morning one and all, especially to those who are unwell and have loved ones who are unwell.  The numbers that this covers appear to be growing at a frightening rate.


The street festival at the end of the road yielded three jars of chutney, a fine band comprising five brass players and a drummer on an inflatable stage and a very welcome surprise encounter with an old friend whose brother was one of the brass players.  We had a brief glass in the pub that I seldom enter and parted with a promise to keep in touch.  That process, gentle reader, takes two.  I also saw the morris dancers hanging around waiting to dance but not actually dancing.  They are renowned for their patience though.


There being nothing worth watching on TV in the afternoon [spot the attempt at controversy there?] I selected a favourite DVD which took three tries at loading.  Later I gathered the first ripe tomato from a bush given to me by a kind friend and very nice it was too.


Amid all that frenetic activity I dropped in on RMweb, as you do.  The announcement of a new product by Blue Box Models has been welcomed, as well it might, but with a surprising inaccuracy in the press release which I have done my best to correct.  I hope that the model itself has been researched more accurately.



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