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We (or to be honest, my wife) told Matthew we weren't having any pets. Sea Monkeys led to hamsters, rats and finally the dog.


Morning all.  I've googled sea monkeys and am still none the wiser! Anyway, good news from Jock and a better start to the day. Off to see the podiatrists in a while, my lovely Diabetes nurse is on holiday this week so I expect the doctor may pop in to say hello.



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His plan B otherwise is to transfer to Cultural Anthropology which is like Human Geography without any sums.

I have every sympathy. I do think I might have done geography at university had it not been for the maths. I far preferred physical geography )exciting things like continental drift and glaciers) rather than human geography - I was simply unable to care why people bothered to shop in which OBD/CBD but I doubted I would cope with the maths. I read history (which I also love). Ironically like a lot of other history graduates I ended up as an accountant and had to do the maths anyway. I struggled; but taught myself to recognise and apply mechanically the correct formual/process to get me through the exams. Understanding (barely) came much much later. A little like the understading of double entry bookkeeping!

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Great news from Jock, and let's hope for others too.


Project X D-Day.  Allegedly. If the gap between the garden shed and the garage is filled by the end of the day then it really was.



Edited by New Haven Neil
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It's blithering freezing back in Leeds!


Landed at 10:55 last night it was cold and breezy.


Today shall be a day of catching up with washing etc as well as a trip for food procurement as the two Herbert's have eaten us out of house and home while we were away.


Great news jock!


Freezing baz

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I got an invitation yesterday to attend an off road experience from Land Rover. I have booked a day in November so Aditi can go as well. I don't have to use my own car but they don't have Freelander so it will have to be a Discovery Sport.


Be careful Tony.  That could be the slippery slope to performance cars…..:-)

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I remember going to an American Football match as a child - it lasted forever, I didn't know what was happening, the cheerleading didn't interest me, and horror of horrors, the popcorn was salty! I've not bothered since!


Yeah, they ought to take all that armour and padding off, and play a proper game.

I remember several American girls playing in the Sheffield Uni women's rugby team in the seventies. They found the rules of RU easier to grapple with, and the lads enjoyed watching the girls grappling with each other.

Ah, happy daze... 

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Filled with what? Trains or motorbikes?




Neither, Ed.....the garage is full of both of those commodities!  Note the pathway to the garage is only wide enough for single track vehicles, the cars and the campervan live on the drive!

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Be careful Tony.  That could be the slippery slope to performance cars…..:-)

I doubt it. I think the Sport has a smaller engine capacity, and 10bhp less than my Freelander and that isn't exactly speedy! Very comfy though.


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Morning all.


Delighted to read some pieces of good news from Jock and Geoff.

Thinking of Mal and Sherry.

TG's computer is taking a long time to fix.


Congratulations Ian H, a golden time and a very thoughtful sentiment in your post.

Edited by BoD
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Tony_S, on 04 Sept 2015 - 07:54, said:snapback.png

I got an invitation yesterday to attend an off road experience from Land Rover. I have booked a day in November so Aditi can go as well. I don't have to use my own car but they don't have Freelander so it will have to be a Discovery Sport.

As a junior officer, I once gave my CO and the RSM an off road experience in a Series 3 Landrover in order to get to a 'difficult' location.


They both declined the offer of the return trip and walked.


Was it something I said?


Did I smell?



In other news the Obergrumpenfuhrer has just informed me that she will be remaining in Llandudno until Sunday.


Providing I pull my finger out today, this could mean a very model railway exhibition biased weekend.

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Good morning everybody.

Cool and dull here on the Surrey Riviera. No sign of the whelkmen, to them it's POETTs day yesterday.


It's our wedding anniversary today, and I'd like to thank Julie for the happiest five years of my life. Unfortunately we've been married since 1972...


Good wishes to Geoff and Jock - things are looking a bit brighter. The wheel turns.


Grandkids had a good day back at school yesterday, though Henry (Year 1) is distressed that, althought they have toys in the classroom, he isn't allowed to play with them whenever he wants. It's tough going from Reception... Daisy is happy and somewhat amazed that both her teacher and TA wear glasses. Odd.


I'm making coatracks and fixing my little end table I began on Wednesday, then a bit of Monty now the nameplates have arrived. That'll do me for the day. Julie was supposed to be in the shop today, but has swapped shifts and is now at home all day, so I suspect I'll be competing for shed workshop space. I'm already buried under piles of driftwood and long strips of plywood.


So as the typist meanders into the enchanted forest of meaningless drivel and the grassy uplands of Saturday are featured in the travel agent's brochure of the weekend, I wish you all a good 'un.

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Morning All


Not fully caught up, but got the gist of some of the upbeat posts that have transpired, and Jock and Geoff in particular giving us good news on health issues - much more important than broken cars or the more mundane things that I've experienced of late. 


I'll pick up later on the rest of the posts, as I need to visit the dentist this morning as I've broken a filling on a piece of toast - I guess it was going already and the crust was just the last straw.

Heard from the car mender this morning and nut (30747's pet name for the Peugeot as it as KP in the reg!) will be in intensive care for two weeks, needing a new front door skin, a new rear door, a rear quarter panel, and the wheel removed and refurbished, a complete check on the body jig and steering.  In reality not as bad as I'd expected.


Must go and suffer the Fiesta to drive into town to get to the dentist now.


Back later

Regards to All


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Morning all and it's overcast here. 

But nice to see Pete posting a steam engine photo; brightened my day to see him back and hope it provokes "her" to break cover sometime soon.


Likewise, got to echo others in their BZs for Jock. 


Eldest child toodled off to the bus stop. She had her first experience of real commuting yesterday - the bus home was 40 minutes late. Whilst not a fan of children spending time on their mobile phones a text from her did save me calling the police out!


A retired policeman friend had enabled his teenage son's phone to report back it's position to him; we used to sit in the pub watching the poor lad mooching round a town some 20 miles away with his girlfriend. "Aye, they're just going into the park now, ooh, sat down on a bench together..."   :friends:  :tender:  :maninlove: 



Anyway, have a nice day everyone. Andy

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Mick (newbryford) said -


If I had my way, I'd ban parking for at least 400m from every school gate - let them get some exercise before tootling off to McD's......






Were that to be enforced around Helen's old primary school, some cars would never leave their driveways, and the kids would be late every morning waiting for mum to change out of her dressing gown and slippers and take her curlers out ...


Well, judging by some of the strange sights we see, they don't bother to change out of their pyjamas, or certainly not the lower halves - at least the ladies don't wear Belizean hats (a head full of multi-coloured plastic curlers) all day


Edit: failed to attach Mick's name to quote.

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Morning all,


Nice to have a bit of happiness & joy so good news from Jock & Geoff and congrats to Ian and Dick and their OHs - and it's even sunny here (at present).  Not much else of doing of - the first batch of wise words (I hope) has been despatched to my friend in the north so will be winging its way across the Pennines by now - we'll no doubt find out how wise the words are considered to be when they get to a member of ERs (no names, no pack drill and you haven't got a clue who you are - how's that for an interesting situation?).


And yes, Mick's 400m exclusion zone would definitely hit at least one mum round here - and the even worse thing is that it is down hill almost all the way from her house to the school in question.  Anyway local residential roads filled up parked cars yesterday suggesting that even if the schools aren't back they are having what some of the children at a past place of employment for Mrs Stationmaster referred to as 'insect days'.


Enjoy your day everybody.

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Morning all,


.. we'll no doubt find out how wise the words are considered to be when they get to a member of ERs (no names, no pack drill and you haven't got a clue who you are - how's that for an interesting situation?).


I sometimes feel I haven't a clue for all sorts of situations.

Our copy(so Aditi can say turn to page whatever..)of Matthew's stats book has just arrived. People often describe geography as a degree in "colouring in" but having looked at the book I'm glad I studied chemical physics. Matthew said he had installed two software packages on his Macbook yesterday. One was SPSS (for stats) and I didn't recognise the other. Matthew said it actually was a colouring in program for producing pretty maps.

Edited by Tony_S
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Morning all from the village. Not a lot to report but I've nearly spilt my coffee laughing at some of this mornings posts. All packed and ready for Telford and Guildex.


Richard, Will we have to convert part of the park next door to Guildex into a muddy hollow or does the whole of Telford Town Centre count. I'll be on the Bring and Buy (Not for sale though) if you are passing.


Happy Anniversary to Smiffy and IanH



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Morning all,

Early for me as Joanna wanted to go with 'Nursie' daughter to have a scan this morning - they are now working an early shift (7am) to clear a backlog, although I suspect she was seen early because she's 'in the job'. This is part of an ongoing neurological treatment which will also mean me taking her to the Oaks Private Hospital in Colchester on Monday. More shopping threatened afterwards as mum is joining us for the trip and I'm getting quite good at reading the signs!

Hearty congratulations are in order to Dick and Julie Smiff and Ian and Elizabeth Hargrave on their respective anniversaries - may both couples enjoy many more such events.

Geoff, great news about Kath, and I hope it means you can both enjoy the rest of your holiday. Doubtless you will be having further tests when you return home to try to deduce a probable cause of her scare?

Neil(NHN), you might guess that the MGP is recorded in the Sky+ box so that I can enjoy it at my leisure! Project 'X' gets more intriguing by the day, so hopefully our curiosity will be satisfied soon?

Mick(NB), hope the Blackburn show is a rip-roaring success. I'm afraid that I'm another who didn't much care for Blackpool after several visits. (a very long story I may relate one day, but bizarrely, I ended up as Managing Director of the Renault dealership there as a subsidiary of the Renault dealership I ran as MD here in Clacton!). My status required that I attend the grand opening and several regular meetings thereafter, and it is a simply awful place to reach from here. Each visit found the whole town appeared to be in a litter strewn and filthy state, even compared to our own seaside 'resort'!

Pete75C and Keith (tetsudofan), many thanks for the Mayflower images chaps - wrong region for me but at least it's steam driven! Good to see you posting again Pete!!

Andy(ram), good news about the cat but, not being very knowledgeable about felines, is 20 years a good innings? I am as you know, an LMS (ex G&SWR region) fan but I had to agree about the B1s - we had a couple of them land at Hurlford and Ayr towards the end of the steam era and although there was a bad attitude to them at first, their reliability and drive-ability soon changed the situation and they became quite popular with the crews and engineering department as time passed.

AndyId, thanks for the link to the 'curve drawing contraption' - although well schooled in Maths to a high level, I'm afraid to admit that I took the old fashioned simple method of drawing curves of varying radii on cardboard sheet using a nail, string, and pencil and cut them out. They hang in the garage ready to use, but of course don't take transition curves into account, so I think I'll examine the method you pointed out when it comes to laying down a full scale track diagram.

Hoping for good news on Mal from Edinburgh, as soon as the link to Rick in Oz connects. Fingers crossed also that Sherry's agony isn't too drawn out.

Rick, does the industrial action appear to be having any effect so far, and if it does, will you benefit?

Hope you are all looking forward to a good weekend, and more of Ian(RH)'s epic American travelogue. A quick bulletin from Flávio would also be nice!

Kind regards,


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