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G’night, Jock, Laurence, Baz  and everyone else settling down. Peaceful night all round!


I received my first “Christmas Catalogue” to day - is it a record? No it’s a book,  Ka - ching! Even more amusing that we hit 93f today......


Best, Pete.

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Evening all. Whilst I am pleased to hear no major injuries occurred from 45156's recent accident, I also have sympathy for the problems with getting an appropriate courtesy car. I definitely share the pain over the spilt beer too. I remember a similar experience when a shopping bag disintegrated and deposited bottles of Old Peculiar, Hobgoblin and Speckled Hen all over the floor as I was walking out of my local Asda. After a similarly testing day I really could have cried, had I not been so tired. Fortunately, despite having paid for the goods, I had not left the shop and they replaced every bottle so I was a bit more lucky.

Thanks to Jock for the understanding comments and great to see the good spirit shown by NHN regarding the offer of a photo disk. So great to see the kind spirit alive and well. I, like many others, hope to read posts from our resident in North Norfolk once again. It is good, to see Trisonic back once again. I believe I happened across part of their "discussion" on another forum. As someone who has stupidly got himself involved in online spats in the past I hope there can be a virtual hand shake somewhere along the line.

Today marks the first official day in my new role, although school does not start back until next week. I did venture in this morning to begin the job of setting up the classroom. Things progressed too well, until about 11am when all manner of people started arriving unannounced. With only myself and the new young NQT on site it was down to me to sort. And what a baptism...the barely speaking English delivery driver aririved with all the new furniture for our new classroom. He was actually due this afternoon when the head was supposed to be in to meet him. It was the driver's first day and, in broken English, he managed to explain that he did not know how to work the lifting platform on his lorry. Did we have a forklift truck? Yes every school should have one. Sadly a search behind the bike sheds failed to locate said vehicle...funny that!

The driver then asked if I could help him lift the two heavy wooden furniture pallets down from his lorry and seemed surprised when I declined. I actually value my back!! In the end there was an hour long delay whilst he called his boss to gain instructions as to how to operate the platform. Even then he was unable to use his trolley to take the delivery all the way down the corridor, and nearly took out two walls enroute. If that was not enough he had lost the delivery note for me to sign and tried to give me a note for a pharmacy company! I despair. As if you can't guess the next part,,,some of the delivery was wrong too.


More developments on the family front. Sarah is ill. Her rininitus has flared up again with sore throat and swollen glands so it looks like nature is making certain decisions for us. She is not alone. Our 19 year old cat also has her sneezing, runny eyes and gunky nose back. She does seem to suffer with this in the summer, and has done ever since Sarah moved over here. We put it down to a kind of hay fever, but the pollen does not seem high at present.


I hope your Tuesday goes well.

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I did a bit of moderating a few years ago, and before you start I would like to point out that the site had nothing to do with model railways.


You'd have to pay me a lot of money to get me to do it again. Actions we took to reign in the rowdy members were frequently second-guessed by the owner when they appealed to him. Emails would show up in the middle of the night saying things like "who was responsible for banning Baron Feckface von Clownstick?". What really peed me off is he only had to look at the log to find out (it was usually me, of course).


One particularly unpleasant customer figured out a way to threaten the funding for the site because it was not allowing him to exercise his "freedom of speech" rights. Naturally, the owner immediately caved in to the coercion, so I legged it.

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  • RMweb Gold

G'night all.  Just got to inserting the final pic in the latest issue of 'Back to the briny' and I somehow deleted all of it except the first two lines.  Mr S*d then duly executed his law in truly timely fashion and 'auto saved' the post, as it was with only two lines.


Anyway it is now restored so problem resolved.

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Morning all,

Apologies once again for such a late post, I won't bore you with why now!

Ian(Abel), you're correct, we are a bit far away to manage a diagnosis on that particular car without knowing any details. What I will say however, is that such intermittent faults that aren't showing when you arrive at the garage are notoriously difficult to solve. The screen on the workshop computer in our Citroën garage would often display 'no fault found'. Even though this was a superb up to date system, where we could even have personnel from Citroën in both the UK and France look in and work on your car, it couldn't detect something that wasn't going wrong as it was connected! The solution, of course, was for the engineer to go back to their early training in basic motor engineering but there are surprisingly few who can do this these days - such is progress!! Good luck with yours.

Stewart, although you've had a pretty ropey day, I have to say that your memory for teachers names is astounding. I have to admit to being unable to remember any from the Kilmarnock Academy until you mention them! Your father's name, from Hurlford school, had gone as well, but at least his favourite music teaching method using 'Peter and the Wolf' lingers on. Weird thing is that I can remember Mrs Scott from Hurlford very clearly - she always looked 'old' then with grey hair in a bun and black apparel, but she it was who helped foster my interest in reading and all the world around me. This was luckily aided and abetted by dad at home! Sorry to hear about the beers - certainly enough to make this Scotsman cry!

AndyID, on the subject of the Scottish education system, I have to agree with your sentiments on the breadth of subjects - I was a couple of years ahead of my new Essex school chums when dad brought us South. Never been certain whether it was the ability of the teachers, or the fear of the 'tawse' that made me learn though! I felt your comments on the local water problem were most logical, but unfortunately, if the authorities there are anything like ours, they won't 'do' logic.

I can fully understand why quite a few people don't agree with the teaching of Latin but I have found my (limited) knowledge to be most useful in many ways. It has helped with the understanding of several other languages, crossword solving, understanding the classics and deciphering inscriptions on ancient monuments (I'm sure John CB and Sandy have done this) to name but a few.

I have to say that I found the posts from Bill(bbishop), Neil(NHN) and Ian(OD) truly harrowing as the depth of their sorrow shone out from the page - all with different reasons but all caused by a common factor, the depth with which you loved these human beings you have lost. I know that Ian has some tremendous support and understanding from Sherry after losing Deb, and that Neil appears to have thrown himself into supporting Jayne over the loss of Gary. I don't know if Bill has anyone close, even to talk to, at the black moments that inevitably occur. My own way of coping with loss is to concentrate on the 'good times' but I regularly get choked by a piece of piano music that my late mother played as an example. As Joanna says, "the only way to avoid this particular kind of grief is to have no relationships whatsoever" and that would be a truly bleak existence. My heart reaches out to you all and I will now raise a glass of the 'Balvenie' to all those present and remembered, and once again mention the friendship and support here on ERs.

John(CB), it's good to see you back in the fold - I was about to trigger an APB! On that note, I'm sad to notice that Tex presumably hasn't managed to resolve his computer issues as he said in his e-mail that he should be back posting by the end of August. I will try to e-mail him again later in the week.

Extremely sad to hear about the loss of Martin Wynne to RMweb, I have always found him very helpful, especially when trying to work with Templot. Sad that such things occur so often when 'face to face' contact is avoided - I am told that 'Farcebook' is full of such incidents? Shan't be going on that........there, I've started now!!

Into the hump again folks, hard to believe, have a good rest of the week,

Kind regards,


G'night Pete! G'night Owls!

PS Andy(ram), sorry to read of your continued tribulations, things at least can only get better for you! J.

Edited by Jock67B
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However, none of us will forget that Caesar adsum jam forte.


Someone needs their Latin adjusted  ;) as I learned it thus:  "Caesar ad sum iam forte - Brutus et erat."


Latin was compulsory for the first three years and was an option to O- and A-level along with Classics.  Woodwork alternated with Metalwork, one 40-minute class in each shop per fortnight.  As a result of which little learning was achieved and even less in terms of product was accomplished.  The school was entirely about getting the maximum number of Open Exhibitions to Cambridge or Oxford.  If you didn't get one you were "ordinary" and if you failed to achieve a place at either of those Holy Seats of Learning at all you were a failure.  I went up to London and was discreetly advised not to apply for membership of the Old Boys Association.  Says a lot, really.


Not all Latin masters were of the same ilk.  Our first-year one couldn't have been much nicer if he tried.  He also ran the school farm and was often to be found in his classroom in muddy gum-boots muttering about the price of corn.  


I still remember having to stand and recite Grace in Latin before "enjoying" school dinners.  Woe betide you were caught by the prefects just miming it - you had to be heard!


Martin's loss - there have been spats here and in other places and he is usually the one to depart.  His contributions are significant and his manner not always to other's tastes.  "Best" Pete's continued presence - most welcome and good to see you back Sir.  




Bonk Holiday

Does that mean one is obliged to take a break from such activities??? ;)  On one recent visit to Brighton I was witness to a suspiciously young and most unselfconscious couple unclad and clearly "at it" on the hotel steps in broad daylight because the beach seemed to be full.




Morning to all.  The sun is shining but the heater is still broken.  Nil desperandum, Iohannes, veni ad laborem.

Edited by Gwiwer
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We had a rather pleasant ought from PDX to DC Reagan airport in a relatively new Alaskan Airlines 737-800 which had a special Hawaiian livery. We wwere only row 8 so service was good and with plenty of legroom plus power sockets it's quiite smart. You can either rent a tablet to watch movies or use your own but I decided that I would spend a few hours playing Civilization just about the only game I play


A short ride on the Metro into downtown to our hotel. It's baking hot here compared to Portland.


The Metro has a quite complicated fare structure with both peak time and off peak fares. I just loaded $5 onto each ticket for speed as VDT was being lost.


Talk about expensive and packed places for a Tuesday night. Have found a more sensible prices brewery and a bit quieter.


Tomorrow is Amtrak Acela to Providence RI

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Look forward to photos - when you get a chance, Ian.

I hope you enjoy the Acela. We did but we did Newark to Boston but you’re going to get the more scenic parts around Chesapeake Bay plus the Connecticut shore. You want to sit on the right hand side facing the front, of course for the shore.

You’ll also go over Hell Gate Bridge (built by giants, I always think) once you burst out of Manhattan.


Best, Pete.

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We have done this route before but on an ordinary Amtrak service.


We once tried to do an Acela between Baltimore and DC but they had problems with stress cracks when new so they were all cancelled and we had to do a normal service, which is still good but when you were expecting the high speed service it was a disappointment, so tomorrow will be good although no doubt they will be showing their age since being introduced.


Looking forward to cooler weather and hopefully not so many laces trying to rip us off. even this Hyatt hotel I believe has conned us on the room we had booked, probably because we had got a very good rate but the write up we will do will not be such a good deal for them.


Missing the West Coast already.

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What amazes me about downtown DC is that there is literally a Starbucks on every block corner. Big mistake placing the capitol in such a marshy steamy area (in my view).

Mind you we’ve been above average temps all August and now September. It gets humid here when the sun goes down...


Cascadia is unfortunately not all sweetness and light, nasty earthquakes are always a possibility out there. I got stuck in LA (which is not near there but has linked fault lines) for too long because of this.


Have a safe trip.


Best, Pete.

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Good morning one and all


Stumps stirred a bit early this morning as I have a hospital appointment.  As it has been postponed I am assuming that there is no great urgency since the symptom that led to my referral has disappeared.  Famous last words?   No thanks!


This parish is too full of spats and I am not talking about bits of leather that go over shoes.  Far too great is the number of the disaffected and I note another high-profile departure yesterday.  I do not pretend to understand just why they do it but there are other things to concern us of much greater import.  May life go on in the way that we would all wish.



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Up early today, dominic's first day in high school and he's getting the bus there, only thing is it picks up at 07:30 and were only 2 miles from the school, the bus takes a very circular route to the school!


Rest day today so i can wave him off and see him return which is good

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Morning All,


It is quite a nice morning here - a lot cooler than it has been over the past couple of days which meant a better nights sleep.  I have also ordered firewood for the Winter - which sounds rather stange at the beginning of September, but I got the "summer price"!


I am glad that things have settled down here in ERs - even if a war has broken out elsewhere on the Forum.  Sadly, I rarely get the time to venture out of ERs, let alone do any modelling but it is always hard to hear that a long standing and respected member has left.  I don't know the circumstances of Martin's departure, and going to try and find it is a bit like staring at the wreckage of an accident on the motorway but either way it seems a bit of a shame.


Moderation is an incredibly difficult task, and it is a very fine line between maintaining peace, and being heavy handed.  I have had posts closed in the past, and it can be irritating, but I try and take it on the chin and be pragmatic.  Unfortunately, I know from experience that people can be incredibly unpleasant* - particularly if they think they are hiding behind a veil of anonymity.


I hope peace will be restored shortly.


Have a good day everyone...


* Having read this again - I need to add that I am not suggesting that anyone has been incredibly unpleasant in this case.  It is just an observation based on my experience of moderating comments elsewhere.

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Morning all!

Sun has returned here after the rain yesterday!


Pete I had my first email about charity Christmas cards in May and get one every week asking me to order now. That will help the manufacturers so I might just order them when I get home.


Hope everyone has a great day!


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  • RMweb Gold

G’night, Jock, Laurence, Baz  and everyone else settling down. Peaceful night all round!


I received my first “Christmas Catalogue” to day - is it a record? No it’s a book,  Ka - ching! Even more amusing that we hit 93f today......


Best, Pete.

I think people talking about Christmas getting earlier every year, is getting earlier every year.

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. It was eventually determined that we received over 5 inches of rain in two hours flat. Amazing really considering that my MiL 17 miles away got nothing, nada, not a drop.


I've seen that happen here. A few summers ago, I was supposed to be playing in a soccer tournament at fields 8 miles in a straight line from home. Just before I left to drive there, the heavens opened. Rain was spilling out of the gutters in waterfalls, there were land slips into the creeks around us, culverts plugged and we were all out in the middle of this trying to divert the river running down the street and keep it out of a house on the low side of the street. While this was happening, my wife took a phone call from one of the guys on the soccer team, asking if I was coming to the game. Apparently the fields were in bright sunshine.


(Edit - spelling)

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I think people talking about Christmas getting earlier every year, is getting earlier every year.

Yep, BoD and you came third.............


Baz, are you still in Essex? :triniti:


Expected to be 92f here again today.


Best, Pete.

Edited by trisonic
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