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Morning All,


I have just been catching up on the posts from yesterday.  I really hope that we don't loose the two Pete's - I enjoy reading both of their contributions.  I guess there was eventually going to be a disagreement here in ERs but unless I am mistaken, I think that is the first time that it has happened?


Interesting to see your office Dominik.  They are certainly a lot more modern and plush than the trams that we have in this part of the world.  I also like to see ticket machines in the tram itself.  That is something that the RMV seems reluctant to do (for some reason).  We also don't have ticket machines in the S-bahn.


The weather is fairly reasonable today.  It is supposed to be a bit cooler than it has been, which will get no complaints from me!  At the moment it is very humid.


Have a good day everyone...

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It strikes me that, in the very near future, there will not be the possibility of discussing Latin phrases.

Is it now taught anywhere except specialised institutions?


However, none of us will forget that Caesar adsum jam forte.

Edited by DDolfelin
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  • RMweb Gold

Morning all.

The radio alarm has been set to work mode rather than holiday as Aditi is back at work today, or more accurately working at work instead of working at home while on holiday.

I don't have any significant plans for the day, I will probably go to the supermarket, not sure which one though yet.

Aditi went to a very traditional grammar school and studied Latin. Her knowledge has proved to be useful when looking at old ruins. I went to a school that replaced Latin and Greek with technology subjects. I can wire a plug and know how to use various machine tools.


Edited by Tony_S
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Things can go sideways very quickly on Internet forums.


I decided a long time ago that the upper terminus on my three level layout (if it is ever built) will be called Dudgeon High.


Oh dear! Martin Wynne caught the next train to the high level.

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  • RMweb Premium

Morning.  Apologies for missing it was a brewery in the Ramsden's photo, I was in a rush!  I also see my Olton Hall post was in invisible electrons.... :jester:


One day at work this week, as it will be maaaad after the three day weekend, then off the rest of the week for more motorcycling, weather permitting.

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It strikes me that, in the very near future, there will not be the possibility of discussing Latin phrases.

Is it now taught anywhere except specialised institutions?


However, none of us will forget that Caesar adsum jam forte.

My Inner London Comp taught Classics at A Level, GCSE Latin and Latin as an enhancement for Gifted and Talented pupils lower down the school.

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  • RMweb Gold

I don't post on ERs as much these days it just goes too fast, but I am disturbed that there appears to have been a fall out or two. This is not the behaviour one expects. Please do not lose the gentle way in which we have responded to each other it is worth much more than any feathers that someone has ruffled. Best wishes to all.


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  • RMweb Premium

It's flipping raining here! (At least it's warm rain!)


Some daft souls are standing to put their towels on the sun beds. Hotel staff not contemplating putting these out in the rainrain.


Still have to get the bread rolls for lunch so will set off into the rain shortly.



PS its still 29C so nice and warm.

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  • RMweb Premium


I'd feel to much like a priest pronouncing that particular Latin phrase - and yes we had to do Latin at school in Scotland!

Kind regards,


Indeed we did, Jock.  And I suspect that as many of the Latin masters at Kilmarnock Academy were so old that they were probably there when you attended a few years before me - one was Mr Laing, who was so old that he probably knew Julius Caesar personally.

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My Inner London Comp taught Classics at A Level, GCSE Latin and Latin as an enhancement for Gifted and Talented pupils lower down the school.


My Scottish SCE school said "AndyID, you are obviously utterly useless at French, but your brothers were good at Latin. Let's stick you in there and see how that goes."


It didn't go very well, although I think I might have an SCE O level Latin. Despite that, I still think it's a good thing to teach Latin because there is so much of it in embedded in European languages. Even though I was carp at it, I did learn quite a lot.


At the risk of launching (yet another) gigantic England/Scotland bun fight, I think the Scottish system (back then) worked out quite well for me. I had no idea what I wanted to do until my final year in school, but the system at that time allowed me to study a very broad range of subjects while I was trying to figure that out.


As it turned out, I happened to have certain mathematical aptitudes that only showed up in earnest by the time I was eighteen. If I had abandoned math earlier on my future would have been entirely different. I suppose I'm really saying is it's not a good idea to encourage children to specialize based on their apparent aptitudes in their early/mid teens. A lot of children have the ability to be "late bloomers". I know it's expensive, but I think the broader the education for the longest time is a good approach.

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  • RMweb Premium

Morning All


Again, managed to catch up, and welcome to new ER Gismorail.  Hope you enjoy your time here.


Just when I thought that things couldn't get any worse this morning, the 06.30 alarm went off, and the Radio 2 breakfast show came on presented not by the dreadful Chris Evans but by the even more awful Sara Cox.  I really object to Radio 2 being used as the dumping ground for spent Radio 1 presenters who think that they are still appealing to their previous childish audience.


07.30 bunfight for a Drs appointment done (the trick is to try to get through at 07.30.05 as by 07.31 you're stuffed) - success there.


Spent a while yesterday starting to make arrangements for the shopping while I'm in hospital, and when I'm at home and not able to get out to the shops.  As far as I can see, trawling the supermarket's website and ordering stuff takes just about as long as a trip to buy the stuff.  However, we shall see.....


Now waiting for the phone calls to deal with the car repairs.


I couldn't agree more about the ERs disagreement, and I too would miss the contributions from both the North Norfolk coast, and from our retired pop music specialist, so I'd love to see a virtual handshake, and both participants returning.  I do remember a few minor spats in the past, and also a fairly major one outside of ERs when one of our membership who works in the model railway business was on the receiving end of some nasty trolling.


Regards to All


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Some daft souls are standing to put their towels on the sun beds. Hotel staff not contemplating putting these out in the rainrain.



While everything around us seems to be changing at an ever faster rate, it's encouraging to know that the "battle of the sun-beds" continues as it has done for at least the last 50 years. 

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  • RMweb Premium

Morning all from Estuary-Land. Latin and other languages were not even taught at my secondary school. I would probably have failed miserably if they had as when I ventured to foreign climes after my schooldays I only managed to pick up a smattering of German. I even failed my 'O' level English, not that it seemed to matter at that time as in the mid 60's most school leavers had their pick of jobs. I was never asked to produce the four 'O' levels that I did gain at any time during my working career. Towards the end of my career I was amused/bemused to see a training company offering ONC's in refuse disposal, yes it was a qualification to be a dustman! :O

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  • RMweb Gold

Morning all


Just a quick visit, as this is my first sortie on the iMac. Given that Parcelforce only picked it up on Friday, and that yesterday was a Bonk Holiday in the UK, I was a mite surprised when the lady from Chronopost rang me just after 9 to enquire where Chez Moi might be! Her van arrived about 15 minutes later. The 27 inch screen is enormous, seeming much bigger than the cheapo 24 inch thingie on my PC. Memory is "only" 8 GB - but even non-geeks can upgrade this to 32GB in a brace of shakes via an access hatch on the back. Impressed so far.


More anon.

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  • RMweb Premium

Morning all, and it's a sunny one here.


Looking for a bit of advice. The ring main at my mother's house trips out the fuse about once a week and has been doing so for about a month now. 

I'm wondering what the best way is of figuring out the cause. I'm wondering if itt could be a leakage current from one or more of the low voltage devices run off switching PSUs, perhaps a white goods that is faulty, a freezer pump starting up with a high initial current on the motor? Unfortunately mum isn't in sufficient state to allow me to ask if she had switched anything on that caused the fuse to trip. For example she phoned last night to say "the lights were out and she was in the dark". This clearly wasn't the case as the lights worked ok this morning but the ring main was tripped. I'm assuming that we'll need to call in an electrician to solve this but any thoughts would be of interest. Thanks!


Now for the internet's more bizarre offerings. Apparently a company has come up with a way of perpetuating your social media presence after you pass away. By analysing your past likes and dislikes it facilitates your social media accounts t keep on "liking", "following" etc. Now, call me a kill joy but, erm, what's the point? Most of my facebook friends are of a similar age to me, which sort of suggests they'll pop off around the same time as me, leaving half a dozen automated app-cookie-thingies all talking together for eternity. Perhaps it takes a certain type of narcissistic personality to go for that kind of thing?


Anyway, have a nice day everyone. Andy

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  • RMweb Premium

Mornin' all from the Gateway to The World. It's brightening up here so hopefully will stay dry.


I studied Latin to O level but didn't continue. Having also done French O level I found years later that enough of both remained in my data banks to help me read Spanish when I was researching uniforms etc. for the Spanish Civil War at a time when very little reference material was available in English.


The full version of DD's Latin is a rhyme:


Caesar adsum jam forte,

Pompey aderat.

Caesar sic in omnibus,

Pompey sic inat.


Martyn goes back to school on Thursday and is very gloomy. At least he doesn't have to do Latin.


It's a shame we won't be getting the news from the North Norfolk coast.


I suppose I ought to get on and do something. I'm spoilt for choice.


Have a good day.



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  • RMweb Gold

Morning all, and it's a sunny one here.


Looking for a bit of advice. The ring main at my mother's house trips out the fuse about once a week and has been doing so for about a month now. 

I'm wondering what the best way is of figuring out the cause. I'm wondering if itt could be a leakage current from one or more of the low voltage devices run off switching PSUs, perhaps a white goods that is faulty, a freezer pump starting up with a high initial current on the motor? Unfortunately mum isn't in sufficient state to allow me to ask if she had switched anything on that caused the fuse to trip. For example she phoned last night to say "the lights were out and she was in the dark". This clearly wasn't the case as the lights worked ok this morning but the ring main was tripped. I'm assuming that we'll need to call in an electrician to solve this but any thoughts would be of interest. Thanks!



Anyway, have a nice day everyone. Andy

As you and your Mum can't identify a specific device ("every time I turn on the washing machine") etc I suspect you will need an electrician to check that the ring main trip or wiring is ok. As it is a regular occurrence it could be anything.
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