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Just found this - a TROLLEY bus on the bridge.....advertising Harry Ramsden's, too!



Not sure it's 'Harry Ramsdens'  more probably a brewery of that name but a nice photo.


Anyway onto more serious matters, engines should be red.  I've even got a photo of  a pub sign showing a V2 in lined maroon and it looks rather nice.  I also ran a black Turbomotive on Hungerford I place of a King and when asked by the shocked spectators 'What's that?"  I replied, "It's what Stanier would have built if he'd stayed at Swindon".


I did manage to get a pass out tonight and have just got back from the club after a good evenings modelling.


Regards to all



Edited by jamie92208
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Bill, (Bbishop) mentioned the list of 3F's that were still running in the 60's.  I was surprised by how many there were and quite enjoyed extracting the data from Summerson Volume 4.  What Bill now needs to find is which of them were shedded at or near to Saltney in 1960.  I don't have the shed allocations for that period.  The file is attached below and I'm sure that Bill would be very grateful if anyone can add a few shed codes to the next column in the spreadsheet.



1960'S 3f'S.xls

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Had a fine trip around Gisburn Forest earlier this evening. Two weeks ago, I had to be wary as once I started the ride, I discovered that my rear tyre was damaged - but rideable. It was replaced last night and as a result, I was able to "go for it" a bit more.............


The NB household is starting to look like a jumble sale, as we're gradually collecting stuff together for junior NB's forthcoming venture to university in less than three weeks. Although we have purchased the "welcome pack" of necessary items direct from the uni, that will be delivered direct to her accommodation, there seems to an ever growing pile of more necessary stuff to be transported down - the latest is a sandwich toaster. Apparently having one within a shared kitchen is a sure fire way to win new friends..........


Not quite so ER tomorrow as my first work session has postponed for a few days and I'll have a leisurely late morning as Mrs & junior NB are off to a trade show in Manchester.


The tomorrow evening - weather permitting [1]- and it's off to Blackpool with junior to "Ride The Lights". The prom is closed to motor vehicles frm early evening and it's bikes only as the lights are given an early switch on. Our usual plan is to start from Starr Gate, ride to Red Bank Rd at Bispham. Call in the chippy and then wait for the lights to turn on, then leisurely ride back to Starr Gate - braving about 12000 other cyclists!


Quite looking forward to this as it's likely to be myself and junior's last but one event together before she sets sail south for two years.




[1] If it's hissing down, it's off to the railway club...........

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Oh dear! Oh dear! Oh dearie, dearie me...


You're in for a most "interesting" (and short) future, dear fellow. Once you've riled the "Swindon Boys" it's only a matter of time before the GW Heavy Mob turn up on the doorstep, asking why you thought it apposite to upset that nice Mr Churchward or the saintly Mr Brunel. Lack of a satisfactory answer will not bode well for your health and happiness (IIRC the last bloke to run afoul of the GW Heavies is currently helping to keep a bridge up in Staines)


Well it was nice knowing you, Gordon.




p.s. "Better red than dead" is NOT something you'll hear from a GWR aficionado.

Simples Flavio - we'll just make sure he attends the RMweb Members' Day at Didcot next year ;)


Mick before they used chocolate and cream the great wander round had crimson lake painted coaches....lovely!



And at one time they had pannier tanks painted in chocolate & cream livery.


And on that cheerful note I'll say g'night all.

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A quiet day has left me strangely tired. . . NOT  complaining. .


I can't remember locos any colour but filth. . . wheezy, leaky, clanky, and totally filthy pulling 40 odd wagons of coal.


Goodnight everyone . . .Sweet dreams.



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"Lapsus calami"


As you all know, this was the standard excuse offered to irate and pompous little Latin Masters at school.


Hmm, mine never said that - just told me I was utterly useless and Latin and should be ashamed of myself (I wasn't)


I needed the equivalent for woodwork!


Lapsus chiselum?


Hi Tony and DD,

I think 'lapsus digiti' describes my iPad typing performance more accurately!

Kind regards,



... a sudden doubt struck Cedric.

"I know no language," he said, "but my own, and a few words of their mincing Norman. How shall I bear myself like a reverend brother?"

"The spell lies in two words," replied Wamba—"'Pax vobiscum' will answer all queries. If you go or come, eat or drink, bless or ban, 'Pax vobiscum' carries you through it all. It is as useful to a friar as a broomstick to a witch, or a wand to a conjurer. Speak it but thus, in a deep grave tone,—'Pax vobiscum!'—it is irresistible—Watch and ward, knight and squire, foot and horse, it acts as a charm upon them all. I think, if they bring me out to be hanged to-morrow, as is much to be doubted they may, I will try its weight upon the finisher of the sentence."

"If such prove the case," said the master, "my religious orders are soon taken—'Pax vobiscum'. I trust I shall remember the pass-word."


I wonder, though, if Sir Walter ever tried that on any irate and pompous little Latin Masters at school.

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Helen and Richard are getting the nursery ready for January's big event. With two graphic designers working on it, I'm expecting something special. Helen cleared out a lot of books and DVDs; here's a couple I've offered a home to. The DVD case contains the XL Qi F series recorded off the telly, with Helen's own artwork on the cover.



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Morning all,

Sorry I'm so late with this, but I have been out most of the day, and only just caught up!

Like Gordon has mentioned, and no doubt others feel, it is with great sadness that we should hear of an issue between two ERs. I've enjoyed the digital dialogue with both and when I left it yesterday, Pete(trisonic) had apologised and I thought that was the end of the matter!! I sincerely hope we don't end up losing them both.

Mike(SM), I'm so very glad that you started the 'Back on the Briny' thread - I love ships (as well as all other methods of transport!) as a fan of all branches of engineering, it works both as an insight into the vital work of Trinity House as well as being a travelogue! Thank you so much, I have to recommend it to any ER who hasn't yet found it!

Rick, that was very good advice based on your insurance experiences. Our youngest daughter saved quite a lot by changing insurers on her small 'get to work' car recently (a little Citroën Saxo that we gave her on promotion!) but has sadly just discovered that she is no longer covered to drive other vehicles, despite having a 'comprehensive' policy! You might guess that they want a significant amount to upgrade it, making the premium more than her previous one. If she cancels, they've also covered that with a similar sized fee. Caveat Emptor!

Mal, I wish you a safe journey to London, and success with the usual minefield that such paperwork can be. Hope the fireworks went well as it sounds as if you enjoyed the musical finale at the Festival.

Flávio, that is good news on the health front - I assume that you have been conducting self-examination of the wound and pronounced yourself happy! How long before you will be able to safely risk walking the dogs?

Andy(ram), it is a real pity that you are suffering such obvious distress over the 'family' situation. Hopefully getting the 'factions' together will produce some sensible outcome as life really is complicated enough without such friction.

34C, fingers crossed that your friend holds on until his wish is granted. It is amazing how determination to achieve a target such as his, can amaze the medics.

Neil(NHN), that really is a very king gesture, and I'll certainly PM my address. Something to really look forward to and I can't thank you enough.

Well, must try to get some sleep in - tomorrow doesn't look too busy apart from a little shopping, but the rest of the week looks hectic with Joanna still off driving duties. Our nursing sister daughter has a physio consultation at the Oaks Private Hospital in Colchester on Wednesday and will be unfit to drive after it, then it's my regular oncology consultation on Thursday at Colchester General. These are followed by a regular 'glaucoma' eye test for Joanna at the local Hospital on Friday, and the she has to have a follow-up check on the skin cancer scare from last year on Saturday, at the dermatology department in the old Victorian Essex County Hospital in Colchester! Dull and boring retirement? I should open a book on the odds of being dragged in to a shop or two 'just while we're here'.

Hope the rest of the week isn't too painful for everyone,

Kind regards,


G'night Pete! G'night night owls!

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"Lapsus calami"


As you all know, this was the standard excuse offered to irate and pompous little Latin Masters at school.


There was no lapsusing with our pompous little Latin master.  A fearsome beast who could out-shout all but the biology master and who was a deft shot with a blackboard duster.  Failure to submit prep would result in you being clobbered with a pile of a dozen text books lowered smartly onto your head.  A case, perhaps of Magister furiosa.


His most memorable shot in my direction was "Boy - if you had twice as much brain you'd be a half-wit".   His career ended when he was unable to obtain some requested leave and published his grievances in the local snooze paper under the heading of "M****e versus The Gestapo".  (Name redacted)  His employer ceased to be his employer.  Too late for me as I endured three years compulsory Latin through grammar school of which I remember nothing at all except once scoring more than 0/10 in a test.


Morning all.  Tomorrow has dawned cold and sunny.  Outdoor tasks await.  No Palace of Attendance until Woden's Evening.

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I would like to know how watching a you tube video about the Turkey Creek Railroad metamorphosed into houses and farms for sale in bluegrass Kentucky then into metal detecting in Maryland and further south...... G'night Y'all

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Much nicer here now. The wind blew most of the smoke away (sorry Ian). It's strange how it cools down on cue at this time of year. Continental climate I suppose. It was similar in Arizona. The Summer monsoon always seemed to kick-off on the Fourth of July.


Compared to what many ERs are having to put up with, here is a minor problem - more of a question really that some might find mildly entertaining.


I mentioned recently that I had been handed the oriflamme for our little community water association. The community consist of around 40 lots, some of which remain undeveloped. Our current state license allows us to supply water to seven homes  :O   Consequently we have to apply for a new license (some may recall what happened to the previous application.)


Today I met with a young man at the state Dept. of Water Resouces who was really helpful, and together we worked through many of the details of our application. Interesting bit follows (if you haven't already dozed off).


The license can only apply to properties that are actually connected to the water system, or will be by a particular date. "Connected" means there has to be at least a spur with a shut-off on the property, even if the lot is "undeveloped" (no house built).  If, in the future, somebody wants to connect their property to the water system, our water association (it is an incorporated non-profit company BTW) would have to file an application for a new license, which is an major PITA, and will probably be an even greater PITA in the future as water rights become an even greater problem in the western US states.


As it turns out, there are quite a few undeveloped lots that would probably want to connect to the system when they are eventually developed that are not currently "connected" to the system.


My inclination is to advise the owners of those unconnected lots that if they do not get connected now, there is no guarantee that they will ever get connected, and even if they are able to connect at a later date, it's likely to be a very protracted and expensive proposition.


It's just not practical to apply for a new license every time somebody decides they'd like to get connected. The owners of these lots are basically property land speculators. I think it's time for them to "put up, or shut up".


Am I being unfair?


Konsiderate of Kootenai.




Edited (property to land)

Edited by AndyID
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There was no lapsusing with our pompous little Latin master.  A fearsome beast who could out-shout all but the biology master and who was a deft shot with a blackboard duster.  Failure to submit prep would result in you being clobbered with a pile of a dozen text books lowered smartly onto your head.  A case, perhaps of Magister furiosa.


His most memorable shot in my direction was "Boy - if you had twice as much brain you'd be a half-wit".   His career ended when he was unable to obtain some requested leave and published his grievances in the local snooze paper under the heading of "M****e versus The Gestapo".  (Name redacted)  His employer ceased to be his employer.  Too late for me as I endured three years compulsory Latin through grammar school of which I remember nothing at all except once scoring more than 0/10 in a test.


Morning all.  Tomorrow has dawned cold and sunny.  Outdoor tasks await.  No Palace of Attendance until Woden's Evening.

Were all Latin master;s  the same 'back in the day'  ours had a similar phrases like ' You half baked quarter wit son of sin '  I mean we were classed lesser than a half wit  :scared:

I'm sure you've heard of the schoolboy's response to the dreaded Latin classes, 

'Latin is a language as dead as dead could be it killed the Ancient Romans and now it's killing me !!!!! '

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Morning all. It's amazing how quickly the mornings remain dark on the downward slide to winter.


Back to work this morning after one day off instead of three. It could be worse I suppose.


Have a good day everyone.


I forgot to add that it's persisting down as well

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Good morning one and all


I must learn to read the Radio Times properly.  This will not be written 100 times nor in Latin since wrongly anticipating two episodes of 'Yes Prime Minister' yesterday is punishment in itself.  The promised festival feedback has been written and despatched and a little bit of unexpected modelling done, to wit fixing together two bits of an etched fret which were partially separated.  That flaw could be why the item was available to purchase second hand.   O me miserum


Today I must fetch the local Sunday paper which the delivery brat failed to leave on Sunday.  I tried to do it yesterday but there was no sign of life at the newspaper office, intelligent or otherwise.  Nor would there be on a bank holiday but you never know.  I must also do the supermarket stagger, noting as I do that the bus timetable has been changed for the worse.  That was not very sensible of the bus company whose name reminds me of highwaymen.


It is the first of the month but no pinch or punch for me.  I'm told that such behaviour is unseemly.



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