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  • RMweb Gold

Tony, if you've had as much rain in Essex as we have in SE London, then Aditi will need a snorkel.B

It stopped raining just as I returned from the garage. We took Robbie down to the park. The "Brook" (posh ditch) was full so Robbie didn't have to run as far as usual to ignore me and throw himself in. Aditi stayed on the footpath which is on top of the flood defence.
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  • RMweb Premium

One other thing which I think will be an "open secret" and common to public transport operations all over the world is that I have found many of the calculated travel times on our lines to be extremely tight, and difficult to meet exactly. However, I have long decided that I will not let the timetable pressure me into reckless driving or other disregard of safety rules as I figure it is in the paramount interest of our passengers to arrive safely and soundly. Aside from that, with traffic being a highly dynamic process, there are factors which may ruin your timetable but which you cannot control, such as riding through a series of adverse signal and traffic light cycles.

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Robbie still hasn't been taken out. Aditi wanted to walk too and was going to come down in an hour (3 hours ago!) after doing some marking.


That conjured up an image of a spaniel with hind legs tightly crossed!

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  • RMweb Gold



Passenger locomotives travelling through Swindon were painted crimson lake; goods locomotives were crimson, then holly green (nicked from Eastleigh?), then black.



I feel there may be a man of the cloth having to do quite a bit of a penance over that statement.


If you thought the Spanish Inquisition was bad, wait until the baying mob of Swindon's Inquisitor Guard descend onto your doorstep.


A session in their polished copper Iron Maiden is not for the faint hearted (or the squeamish).

Edited by Happy Hippo
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 BH Monday has been quiet for me after a weekend of general socialising, enabling visits today to a couple of elderly friends in declining health. Happily the one with the most severe problems has been put on a hefty morphine dose regime, and is now mentally in better shape as a result of being relieved of practically all pain. He's 'hanging on' for the birth of a first child, to two young friends whom he introduced and who subsequently married. Be good if that comes off well, baby due circa five weeks from now.


In other news my favourite toddler of the moment - all of 18 months - succeeded in breaking his arm, and is now the proud possessor of a shoulder to hand plaster cast of extremely massive proportions relative to his own frame. I thought present day splinting was all lightweight, but apparently not. He's delighted with it, a 'built in' very potent weapon with which he can assault his older sibs, and any adult he wants to have a go at. Fine bruise on my kneecap. This one's going to go far, having given me a good belt he treated me to the biggest gummiest grin imaginable, radiating innocence.


... there are factors which may ruin your timetable but which you cannot control, such as riding through a series of adverse signal and traffic light cycles.

Just wait until you get the 'Barely Ambulant Club' out for a trip. At one time there was a London Underground driver in our church congregation, and he once told the tale of an 'event' involving a group of a couple of dozen elderly folk going to a funeral. Two of them sustained injuries attempting to board and getting struck by the doors, one of them multiple times having fallen in the doorway. Ended up with the line service suspended before it was all sorted out.

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  • RMweb Premium

Afternoon All.


Late on parade again today, as two car boots to attend, one starting at 8 and the other at noon (very civilised and the organisers got a result, as they got many more sellers and buyers than normal), and also a bit more work to be done here to make up for the time lost yesterday in sorting out our accident, take all the stuff out of the car for tomorrow's collection, and the end result is, as usual. a lot to trawl through again though I did manage a little lurk this morning between sales.  Posts duly read and rated, and as usual generic greetings commiserations, congratulations (delete as inapplicable).


Many many thanks from 30747 and me for the many good wishes and supportive ratings - it does help.  Also for the advice on stopping the ambulance chasers.  We've got a couple of options without going through their processes.  We had a claim a couple of years ago, and the people running that show made a lot more than we did out of it.  And of course, as we found out, all the promises of massive sums of compensation all come to naught in the end, as apparently there is a sort of "book price" for each type of injury anyway, and that is the sum that normally gets agreed - only the doctors, psychotherapists, physiotherapists, and of course the solicitors themselves seen to get the fat payouts.  For instance a cognitive telephone consultation charged at some hundreds of pounds for a thirty minute, pointless phone call, and physio charged at over £40 per session (we can get it privately round here for about £25 from the same practitioner) and so the list went on.  However, 30747 has been shklen up a bit, and I am going to arrange for her to try to get a Dr appointment tomorrow - cue 06.45 rise to be back here for the 07.30 telephone rush.


Now, now Gordon, about GWR versus the rest let's not have a little fracas - I was taken to task a while back for calling the GWR brass safety valve cover a milk churn, and I also went to an exhibition once where a layout owner would only allow GWR locos to operate, and was most taken aback when one of his operators ran a set of GWR stock hauled by a green Princess, and remonstrated, to have the answer that "In my world Stanier never left Swindon", which I felt was a cracking answer indeed. 


Dominik, I'm still greatly enjoying all your posts, photos, etc of your new career, and am pleased to see that Gordon's concerns (which I did privately share) are not too much of a worry.  I'd hate to think that you'd have to stop in the name of the great deity of "security".


It hasn't rained here at all today, and I think we did get the best of the weather, and it's walkies time now, so

Regards to All


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  • RMweb Gold

Evenin' all,

Changed my mind and decided to sort our car insurance later as I've got about 3 weeks to do it. Instead I carried on with the layout boards rather than put things off as I usually do. Wonder of wonders and they are built!




Now sitting down with a pint (or more) of Pride and considering the next move - ie actually trying to build a railway!



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We've sold a few of those red GWR locos at work recently.....Hornby's Railroad version of Olton Hall of course.....in Harry Potterland livery...so Bill isn't that far out.  Nice runners actually, cheap way in for a repaint, perhaps into the early blue with small yellow panel that Tony mentioned.  Oh, is it polychromatic blue or electric blue though?


Edit for speelink, in that I called Tony, Tiny - quite amusing if you are aware of how tall he is.....and Aditi isn't!

Edited by New Haven Neil
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Oh, no bike photos this evening, we had a 'day off', and rode ours instead!  It has been a very nice and sunny bank holiday, for a change.


Jock, if you wish to PM me your address at some point, I'll burn all the photos on to a DVD of you wish?  Then you can see them at proper resolution, and see my drool on the MV's.......

Edited by New Haven Neil
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Evening all. A big thanks to Ian for the supportive response. I definitely stuck to my guns this morning. Things were unpleasant for quite a while but a truce of some kind has fallen on the house. At present I have accepted the invite to my parents' house on Wednesday and expect all three of us to be there. Whether that changes before Wednesday remains to be seen. Once that evening is done and dusted then I will have a quiet chat of some kind with mum. Hopefully that will sort things out, but I am not optimistic. Considering how Sarah has cast aside her Dad and Grandmother in recent years she can be a determined and very stubborn young lady. That said, her Dad deserved it..he is an ar#ehole.

With the weather preventing any day out I got stuck into some house tidying. The smallest bedroom needed some serious attention and is now looking much better. I have even managed a small amount of work on the layout that resides in there so there should be a short layout post coming soon. Talking of layouts it is great to see the developments to Bob's baseboards. Well done sir, keep up the good work and keep us posted.

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  • RMweb Gold

Jock, if you wish to PM me your address at some point, I'll burn all the photos on to a DVD of you wish? Then you can see them at proper resolution, and see my drool on the MV's.......

After this morning's ......... erm ....... 'disappearing posts' we get a post like this.

That's more like what ERs is all about.

Edited by BoD
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Can't see the problem. GWR loco's all looked the same anyway........:-)

Oh dear! Oh dear! Oh dearie, dearie me...


You're in for a most "interesting" (and short) future, dear fellow. Once you've riled the "Swindon Boys" it's only a matter of time before the GW Heavy Mob turn up on the doorstep, asking why you thought it apposite to upset that nice Mr Churchward or the saintly Mr Brunel. Lack of a satisfactory answer will not bode well for your health and happiness (IIRC the last bloke to run afoul of the GW Heavies is currently helping to keep a bridge up in Staines)


Well it was nice knowing you, Gordon.




p.s. "Better red than dead" is NOT something you'll hear from a GWR aficionado.

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  • RMweb Gold

Bob's baseboards look good and he must be pleased to have cleaned all the blood off them.

I must do something to make my layout framing look less bodged. Though as it isn't transportable or going to appear in a magazine a less bodged appearance is only of importance in protecting myself from sharp corners or knocking a support over. I can play trains though which is nice. Seen today passing through the station there was a Blue Pullman and a Crosti 9F. The 9F had 50 assorted mineral wagons behind it.

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  • RMweb Premium

If Scotland doesn't want Faslane to have nuclear submarines why don't we spend the money in Portsmouth or Milford haven? And why spend money on type 26 in Scotland?


Looks like an independent Yorkshire is getting closer!!!!


Stay calm, keep toys in cot and enjoy Tuesday.



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