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thanks to his hard work and some excellent teaching at the sixth form college he has done well, his predicted grades on entry to college were E, E, E, so far the grades are A and A.


Absolutely excellent news, Tony - very many congratulations to Matthew.

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  • RMweb Gold

Great to hear that, Tony! :) And my congratulations for Matthew - looks like he proved pretty much everybody wrong.


Fortunately some of the college lecturers worked hard to identify his learning problem and were very supportive of him. Also he started at his college before the new Principal took over and raised the entry qualification. Matthew wouldn't even have been able to start A levels under the new regime.

Anyway it would appear that we will be trundling up and down the motorway to Leicester to collect laundry.






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Morning all and well done to Matthew! With grades like that he could defer for a year and apply to Oxbridge! (Something I half wish I'd done!)


Slightly later heading into work today than yesterday. Not much though!


Was rather frustrated yesterday. Had planned to leave about 3.30 to go home and listen to the cricket. My 2pm meeting was delayed till 3pm. I'd been keeping up-to-date with the scores on the BBC Sport website and England had been collapsing, went into my meeting when Broad and Prior came together at the crease, and left work with my DAB radio on shortly before Broad got out, so I missed the majority of the England runs. Maybe I should go into meetings more often, they did better without me keeping an eye on the score...

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  • RMweb Gold

Fantastic news for Matthew, Tony. Give him our congratulations.




"Absolutely - broadcast output valves are huge. Here's an example out of an RCA Ampliphase Broadcast Transmitter"


Looks like a fire extinguisher to me.

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Morning all,


Just back from an aborted delivery run - no one bothered to tell me there was nothing to deliver!! :(


Congratulations, Matthew, those results are excellent!


Jam: look forward to hearing your later when I bring the soldering iron round! Fingers crossed!

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Morning all,


Just back from an aborted delivery run - no one bothered to tell me there was nothing to deliver!! :(


Congratulations, Matthew, those results are excellent!


Jam: look forward to hearing your later when I bring the soldering iron round! Fingers crossed!

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  • RMweb Gold

Matthew is very happy to be going to Leicester as it is one of the better places for Human Geography and as it was his first choice he will be guaranteed a place in one of the student halls of residence.

His cousin is waiting to hear if he has been accepted at Cambridge to study Mathematics. Apparently A grades won't get you into Cambridge now. Paul needs A* grades and a high mark in something called STEP.

After taking Matthew to college (in a few minutes) my next task for the day is collecting Robbie from kennels. He always seems happy there but does seem to like being home (mad checking out of everything and marking of territory in the garden!)



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Guest Max Stafford

Proof that good teachers are worth their weight in gold I'd say. They had enough perception to see what kind of learning worked best for Matthew and the rest is down to his own sheer hard work and commitment. Well done that man say I - even better that he can go to his first choice Uni!

Abi says 'welcome back' and hopes Robbie enjoyed himself! :)



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  • RMweb Gold

Matthew just phoned to say he also got an A in General Studies, a C in Economics AS (he started that this year) and a D in Philosophy. He must have done well in this years Philosophy paper to get a D as he got a U in the AS. The philosophy tutor allowed him to continue to attend the second year classes as he had faith that Matthew would do well on the A2 (second year subjects). Matthew's early(ish) checking of the UCAS site paid off as it is running very slowly now.



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  • RMweb Gold

Occasional popper in just popping in to add congratulations to Matthew. I lived in Leicester from '84 to '04, so one thing I can asuure you is that he won't go short of a good curry!






Matthew rather likes a good curry. In the first year he will be in hall and probably in a "catered" hall but I'm sure he will avail himself of the local cuisine. My wife is Indian but doesn't like hot spicy food though Matthew has eaten enough at family meals to appreciate good Punjabi cooking. I think Leicester has quite a multi-cultural food environment. Matthew's uncle and aunt live near Kettering and often shop in Leicester and have said they are looking forward to taking him out for a few meals.





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  • RMweb Gold

Tony, please give Matthew my congratulations too!

Sounds like he's done very well and I wish him all the best for the future - if he can turn those predicted grades into A's then there'll be no stopping him now!


I don't think any of my results will be A's for my AS's but we live in hope! At least if the worst comes to the worse I know I've worked as hard as I can!

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  • RMweb Gold

Matthew just told me about one of his friends who it appears had got the grades for the degree course he had applied for but had been contacted during the summer to say the course had been cancelled and now has to go through clearing. Clearing isn't necessarily bad, I went to university via the clearing scheme and with 20 / 20 hindsight I can now see how bad my original choices were.



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  • RMweb Gold

Tony, please give Matthew my congratulations too!

Sounds like he's done very well and I wish him all the best for the future - if he can turn those predicted grades into A's then there'll be no stopping him now!


I don't think any of my results will be A's for my AS's but we live in hope! At least if the worst comes to the worse I know I've worked as hard as I can!


If you have had to work hard for your grades you can often end up with a greater depth of understanding and be better at explaining what you know. I hope the AS grades are OK though, are you getting them today?




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  • RMweb Premium

Morning All


Firstly,Tony, well done to Matthew who appears to have exceeded expectations in his exams - always good news when that happens, and it's great when somebody does over-achieve as it goes to show that the potential is there, if the teachers can be bothered to work with the pupil to release it - something which happens all to seldom. Let's hope that uni goes equally well for him - but please stress to him that the learning environment there is totally different from school, and progress and good results are MUCH more dependent on the student, so self reliance becomes a very important quality. I never quite made the adaptation myself, and as a result never got past first year at uni.


Also to those on here waiting for results that have not yet come in, hope they are all you hoped for. Jam, let us know how you fare, and meantime, get on with some tracklaying as that layout won't build itself!


I remember waiting for my results on "the day" and in my time, it was simply a case of waiting for the post - and of course on results day, the post was always late. None of that getting online for results, or of popping to the school (in my case that wouldn't have been feasible as it was a seven mile bus ride, and anyway I had a summer job).


Today, I'm waiting for the post for another reason, as it's Steam World day, and that mag's arrival is always eagerly awaited chez 45156. Last month, it arrived on the same day that I was admitted to hospital, and went with my unopened with me "to give me something to read in A&E", not for a minute thinking that it would be my overnight reading material while I lay in a hospital bed - hopefully this month's will have a better feel to it as last month's was a bit spoiled.


Post's just arrived, and it's here, so I'll sign off for a couple of hours for a read. Talk to you all later.




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  • RMweb Gold

Thanks everyone.

All I can say is a very mixed bag but netherless I am very happy with the results. What I cannot believe is that I got an A in Geography!

So here's the breakdown:


Geography: A

Product design: B

Economics: D

General studies: E

Physics: U


Not too bad I don't think.

Thanks for your wishes!

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